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The email is empty. Disposable mail or temporary mailboxes

Today's email services collect a ton of information about users. What can we say, if the "good corporation" Google with its Gmail service was the first to start integrating its services, tying everything to targeted advertising. However, in contrast to the mail giants on the Internet, there are a small number of anonymous mail services that allow you to get rid of spam flows and protect your personal data from being misused. selected five such services.

It is worth noting that it makes sense to use such services only in conjunction with TOR, VPN, or at least a proxy - recently we have already learned how to hide our activity on the Internet. In general, you need to hide your real IP address in any way. Now let's look at the mail services themselves.


The service creates a mailbox for you, incoming correspondence from which will be deleted an hour after reading. It is possible to set up forwarding to your real mailbox. If you wish, you can quickly delete temporary mail or create a new one.

The Anonymous Email

To register on this site, you just need to indicate your real e-mail. In this case, you should uncheck the options for saving your data and participating in the mailing list. The service guarantees anonymity, but, unlike Guerrillamail, it does not allow creating temporary mailboxes.


Service for sending mail from anonymous mailbox. It is possible to leave your real e-mail for feedback and the recipient of the message will not see it. Very easy to use and reliable site.


A service similar to the previous one, from which more than 100,000 letters are sent every day. Each time the shipment comes from a new box. You can specify the address for feedback.


The mail service of the popular anonymizer. Designed for incoming mail only. This address can be configured to receive notifications from social networks, as well as other less useful correspondence.

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Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when you need to register on a site, write something or download a file and no longer go to it, while not subscribing to a spam mailing list. Especially to solve this problem, a "mail for 5 minutes" was invented, mainly working without registration. We'll consider mailboxes from different companies and decide how to create a temporary mail.

There are many different companies that provide anonymous email addresses, but they do not include such giants as because of the desire to increase the user base. Therefore, we will introduce you to boxes that you might not have known about before.

The fact that Mail Ru provides anonymous mailbox services is rather an exception to the rule. On this site, you can create both a separate temporary email, and write from an anonymous address, if you have registered earlier.

Temp-Mail is one of the most popular services for providing temporary email addresses, but its functionality may not be enough for some users. Here you can only read messages and copy them to the clipboard; you will not be able to send letters to other addresses. A distinctive feature of the resource is that you can create absolutely any mailbox address, and not randomly selected by the system

Crazy Mail

This one-time mail is notable for its intuitive interface. From all functions, new users can only receive messages and extend the life of the mailbox by ten minutes (initially it is also created for 10 minutes, and then deleted). But after you log in using the social network, you will have access to the following options:

  • Sending letters from this address;
  • Forwarding letters to a real address;
  • Extension of the address's working time by 30 minutes;
  • Using several addresses at once (up to 11).

In general, excluding the possibility of forwarding messages to any other address and an unloaded interface, this resource does not differ from other sites with temporary mail. Therefore, we found another service that has a strange, but at the same time, very convenient function.


This resource cannot boast the same simple control like its competitors, but it has one "killer feature" that none of the popular temp boxes has. All that can be done on the site, you can do from your smartphone, communicating with the bot in messengers Telegram and Viber. You can also receive letters with attached files, view and download attachments.

Temporary email is required for today a huge number Internet users, but not all of the proposed options are convenient and simple, and many are often "stupid" so that it is not always possible to receive mail in time to a temporary address. Of the available abundance of options for online services of temporary e-mail addresses, we are interested in those that are, at least, Russian-speaking - for the convenience of work, and, as a maximum, reliable, simple and intuitive to use.

Below I have made a short description of three Russian-language such mail services. These are the easiest and most reliable options to use. Sites are extremely convenient for their intuitive comprehensibility, which pleases - you don't have to rack your brains. In a couple of seconds you can create and receive mail for a while without registration. The correspondence received on the online services of temporary mail described below, arrives immediately after it is sent.

Get temporary mail at ... This service is convenient because you just need to reload the page in your browser to create a temporary email address. The second indisputable plus is that. That you are given an email account not for 10 minutes, as on many similar online services, but for the entire time you have a page open in your browser.

Letters are received instantly, there is no need to register on the service, you can receive letters with attachments (pictures, files). The number of disposable temporary mailboxes is not limited - just reload the page.

Get temporary mail at ... This service of temporary mailing addresses is, in principle, no worse than the first, with the only difference that the initial temporary address is given for 10 minutes. But this is not a problem at all, since you can easily extend an unlimited number of times the duration of the mailbox, it is enough to timely click on the picture-bookmark in the upper left + 10 min. And if you do this several times, then you can add yourself a rather long lifetime of your one-time mailbox, for example, one hour or more.

The second serious plus of this online service is that here you have the opportunity not only to receive correspondence, but also to send, which is also often in demand. Work on this service also takes place without registration.

Get temporary mail at . This option the temporary email address service has something similar to the first option. For example, you cannot send correspondence here, and once created for you, mail will be permanently yours until you forcefully delete it yourself, as in the first service.

The peculiarities of this online service include the fact that in addition to the automatically generated temporary mailing address, you can think of something for yourself. Registration using the services of this service does not need to be done either.

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Sometimes we all need a five minute mailbox. Register on a forum, or some site, just to download some the desired program, or for a "one-time" correspondence with a person who does not want to give his main eMail.

In such cases, temporary services will come in handy. Email... They can be used without fear that your main email address will be "spotted" in spammers' databases or used for commercial mailings. One-time mail can also be used in other cases, for example, to send anonymous letters.

All services discussed below work over the HTTPS protocol and most have a Russian interface. If one of them doesn't work, use the next one.

Attention! Do not use temporary mail to receive important emails with personal data and information that can be used to access the resources you value. Basically, mailboxes created in such services are public and anyone can view them. is an advanced temporary email service that provides the user with many useful features. You can use a random email address or enter your own by choosing one of several dozen domains. For some domains it is possible to use a password.

Mail on each of the created mailboxes is stored for 30 days. Users have the opportunity to receive letters in text and HTML formats with attachments (up to 10 MB), write and reply to letters, print and save letters, manage their spam list, use a direct link to access their mailbox, as well as view letters in RSS or ATOM feed.

Among the advanced "tricks" should be mentioned the ability to use your own domain for mailboxes. That being said, you can choose whether you want to make this domain public or private.


This temporary mail service creates for you, when you visit its website, a mailbox, letters from which are deleted an hour after receipt. The mailbox itself has no expiration date, but if you wish, you can quickly delete it or create a new one. By default, the email name is generated in automatic mode, but it is possible to change it by the user. It is also possible to choose one of the available 11 domains, if one is blocked on the site on which you plan to use mail.

The service perfectly understands HTML and accepts emails with attachments. GuerillaMail also allows you to send emails and attach files up to 150 MB in size. Besides the web version this service has Android apps (with slightly stripped down features) and a Chrome browser extension.


When you first visit the site, an E-Mail will be created for you. If for some reason it does not suit you, you can change it using the name you have invented and one of the 10 offered domains.

You can use TempMail for an unlimited period of time. It will be valid until you delete it. The only thing is that the received letters are destroyed after 60 minutes. There is no possibility to send letters.

In addition to the online service, TempMail offers its users extensions for Chrome browsers, Opera and Firefox, as well as Android and iOS apps. The interface of this temporary mail service has been translated into many languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian).


As with many other temporary mail services, a DropMail mailbox is created as soon as you visit the service's web page. By pressing one button, you can create additional addresses with one of the six available domains, or "multiply" an existing address using a template. Each temporary address is unique and is issued only once.

The service provides the ability to configure the forwarding of letters from a temporary mailbox to a permanent one. You can also enable new email notifications using browser pop-ups. To save letters on your computer, you can download them all in an archive or download them separately.

Unlike others similar services DropMail mailbox is provided without any time limit. It will exist until the page is refreshed. If you need access to previously created mailboxes, use the section "Restoring access", but remember that this can only restore email addresses, but not the letters themselves.

DropMail's interface is available in Russian and Ukrainian, displays the Cyrillic alphabet correctly and works with attached files. But it is impossible to send letters from it.


Moakt is a temporary mail with simple and clear interface... It is possible to specify the address yourself or use a random one. Public mailboxes - anyone who enters the same address can view its contents.

All information about the mailbox is deleted one hour after receipt, but its lifetime can be extended. Among the advantages is the ability to send letters and receive attachments.


The Mailsac disposable email service allows you to create a temporary address with the name you specify. In this case, you can use a public (accessible to everyone) or private (registration required) mailbox.

Without registration, you are only allowed to receive and read letters. After registration, users get the opportunity to create an unlimited number of addresses, save letters, access via POP3 and SMTP.

Temp Mail Address

A mailing address consisting of a randomly generated name and surname is created in this service immediately upon entering it home page... By default, you can use it for 60 minutes, but you can set another time - up to two weeks. You can delete the address (in this case, a new one is created immediately) or come up with your own.

A nice little thing - Temp Mail Address immediately offers you a randomly generated password and avatar for use on the site on which you are going to register using this temporary mail.

10 Minute Mail

When you enter the site of this service, you will immediately be allocated a temporary randomly generated eMail address... There is no opportunity to set your own or change your e-mail address.

Any email sent to this address will appear on page 10 Minute Mail. You will be able to read and answer it. By default, the mailbox will self-destruct after 10 minutes. You can increase its lifetime with a special button, each press of which sets the counter again for 10 minutes.

10 Minute Mail allows HTML but does not accept emails with attachments. It is possible to reply to letters and forward them. The service has been translated into many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.


NADA is a service that provides its users with a "permanent temporary" e-mail box. It will be active as long as there is an active domain on which it is hosted. With NADA, you can create multiple aliases and domain combinations for your mail, and after using them, delete them if necessary. For this, the service provides 10 domains.

From time to time, developers dump too familiar domain names and replace them with others. At the same time, a month before such an event, they inform users about this so that they can transfer their mailbox to another domain without haste.

Despite the durability of the mailbox, individual messages are stored in it for only 7 days, which, however, is much longer than on some other similar services.

Unfortunately, using NADA you cannot send letters, as well as receive files attached to incoming letters. It can also be considered a disadvantage that everyone who enters its name can get access to this or that mailbox. After all, it is impossible to password-protect "your" email here. Among the pluses is the presence of an extension for the Chrome browser.


The CrazyMailing service provides a temporary mailbox for 10 minutes. Just go to his page and you will receive a randomly generated email address (you cannot choose an email name yourself). If the default time is short, you can extend its lifetime by pressing the "+10 min." Button the required number of times. In this case, the maximum period of the mailbox activity is limited to 30 days.

CrazyMailing allows you to receive emails with attachments and displays the Cyrillic alphabet correctly. The website interface has been translated into many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

To provide greater usability of the service, the developers offer extensions for the Chrome and Firefox browsers that make it easy to create and use CrazyMailing. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the Firefox extension is deprecated and cannot be installed on latest versions of this browser.

After authorization using social networks, the Crazymailing user receives additional features- sending mail with attachments up to 10 MB, redirecting incoming letters to the main mail, generating up to 10 additional addresses, a button to increase the working life of the box "+30 min." etc.

My Temp Mail

My Temp Mail is simple and convenient service temporary email. Go to the main page of this site, click the "Start Here" button and you will be redirected to view incoming letters of the newly created address. Click, if necessary, on the "New Inbox" button and you will create another address.

Among the useful features of this service, you can mention the ability to send letters, the ability to bind your own mailbox domain, automatically open links in received letters and notifications about receiving letters. Disadvantages - exclusively English-language version of the interface.


Go to the AirMail website and click on the "Get a temporary mailbox" button in order for the service to generate a unique email address for you and move you to the "Inbox" page. Here you can copy the newly created address, replace it with a different one and view the received letters. Like most similar sites, AirMail does not have the ability to send emails, does not support redirects, and does not allow you to receive attachments.

Access to the mailbox on this service is possible through a unique link, so you can leave the page (after saving it in bookmarks) and return to it later. Keep in mind, however, that AirMail deletes emails and logs every 24 hours.


Tempail provides everyone with e-mail address which will be destroyed in 1 hour. To get it, you just need to go to the main page of the site.

There are few options available in this service. You can use the QR code to access the page from mobile device and delete the box (this will immediately generate a new one). The service is somehow translated into Russian and Ukrainian.


As the name implies, the MailForSpam service is designed to receive spam. Messages are stored on it for a limited time and are deleted as needed in free space on the server (this can happen several times a day or once a month).

Logging into your mailbox on MailForSpam is easy. You only need to enter in the form on home page address and click the "Login" button. There is no possibility to send letters, as well as to receive attached files.


Flashbox is a simple Swedish service that provides basic capabilities for creating and using a temporary email address. Just enter the address you want or use a random one and go to the "inbox".

Letters from the mailbox (in which 200 letters are "placed") are deleted 30 days after the last message was received. There is no possibility to receive attachments or send letters. Since all created mailboxes are not password protected, be careful not to use this mail for important correspondence.


When you enter the main Mailinator page, you are immediately prompted to create a name for your temporary mail. Just enter it in the form and click the "GO!" Button, after which you will go to the web interface of the newly created mailbox. Subsequently, you can check mail arriving at this address by simply entering its name in the appropriate field. Of course, there is no need to talk about any privacy here. The lifetime of letters is several hours.

The free version of Mailinator only works to receive emails. Service understands HTML markup and Russian, but does not accept attachments (they are simply removed from letters). Paid version this service has great capabilities (saving letters, forwarding, chat, access to API, private domain ...).


You can create a temporary mail on the EmailOnDeck service in two clicks - the first you go through the captcha, the second you get an automatically generated email address. You cannot change the name of this address or add additional addresses to the mailbox in this service. There is also no possibility to send letters and receive files attached to letters, but there is an opportunity to restore access to the mailbox using a previously saved token. The interface has, among others, the Russian language.

The EmailOnDeck developers do not set any expiration date for a temporary address. It is only known that it "must be valid for more than an hour." If you close your browser or clear your cookies, you will lose access to it sooner.

In addition to free functionality, this service also has paid features - own names of mailboxes, saving addresses, exclusive domains, reliable removal magazines, private letters and more.


TempMail is another public temporary mail service. This means that if two or more people choose the same name for the mailing address, they will use the same mailbox. And they will be able to read all letters coming to him. According to the creators of the service, they do not save any information and delete the mail after two hours. The advantage of the service is the ability to receive attachments up to 30 MB.

In addition to the temporary mail service, TempMail also provides the ability to use toll free numbers phones to receive SMS.


The service with the "speaking" name HarakiriMail destroys letters received to the address you entered in 24 hours after receiving them. It will not work here to put a password on the mailbox. You cannot send letters, just like receiving attachments. Pros - the presence of an application for iOS and extensions for popular browsers.


Mailgutter, like the other sites on this list, allows you to get a free temporary email address. You can choose between an automatically generated address, or specify it yourself. The password for the mailbox is not set, so anyone who enters the address in the form on the main page of the service can see the letters in it.

Many Internet services and applications require you to register using mail. It is not necessary to compromise your address, and then rake in endless spam.

Previously, it was possible to create a new mail account each time on Yandex or Now the procedure has become a little longer, and many resources do not work with Russian domains.

You can use one of the services to quick creation temporary address - registered and forgotten.

1. Mailinator

The service allows you to create free web addresses generated upon receipt of messages. The principle of operation is disgracefully simple - enter any word in the main window and press “GO”.

The service generates two addresses that can be used to register on other resources. AND full list all letters that arrived at the address per day.

After a day, the mail and virtual address are deleted. By the way, registration is not required in Mailinator itself.

Unfortunately, it only offers one domain with its own name.

Anonymous Post service with a large selection of domains. The principle of operation is standard - come up with a name and click “Create”.

Inboxes are stored in a common mailbox or on a page like /

Letters are stored for up to 8 days, but there is a possibility self-removal... There is a full-fledged Russian version.

3. Hide My Ass!

Free anonymous mailbox that can be used to receive email. Requires registration without entering personal and real data: just come up with an address name and password.

You can enable notifications about the arrival of new letters that are sent to your real mailbox, or even set the time for "self-destruction" of this account.

4. Crazy Mail

Unlike competitors, it allows not only receiving, but also sending letters. The mailbox lives for 10 minutes, the maximum message size is 10 MB, and the largest number of recipients is 3.

To combat spam, it adds a header with your external IP address to the message. That is, the provider's address is not suitable for secret correspondence.

And for a one-time registration on an unimportant resource - what you need. Moreover, since Crazy Mail there is a great Chorome extension.

5. "Anonymizer"

Allows you to create anonymous addresses for any mail accounts at

All emails sent to an anonymous address will be delivered to the main mailbox (the main address is not visible to the sender). You can write letters from your main mailbox, but send them on behalf of an anonymous addressee.

If necessary, you can create several addresses to choose from, and get rid of it at any time.

In addition to standard set options ( automatic creation account upon receipt of the letter), offers its users automatic confirmation of links.

It will be especially useful function for those who often register with various web services.

NotSharingMy.Info will provide you with a permanent anonymous email address to receive emails without you having to provide your personal information.

The only thing you need to enter to register is your real email address. All received anonymous letters are automatically saved in your valid email.

Which service should you choose?

It is rather difficult to single out a certain leader from the described services. Each has its own advantages that you need to evaluate for yourself. Sometimes it is impossible to single out one universal one. For example, I use

  • "Anonymizer" for registration on resources that involve a possible exchange of correspondence,
  • Crazy Mail extension for Google chrome if you need a quick registration,
  • Mailinator for testing and surfing.
  • What services of anonymous email addresses do you use?