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Creation of complex and text documents. Creation of complex and text documents Rules for creating a complex document using ms word

Setting up margins in the Word text editor is one of the basic skills that a person must master in order to achieve at least an average level of proficiency in mastering this program. Usually, problem with fields rises to its full height when you finish direct work with the text and go to the stage of editing or editing it. If you, for example, work in an office or are a student, then you most likely need to adhere to certain rules regarding the visual design of your typed documents or student papers.

Of course, after opening text editor Word, you may find that all field sizes are already set by default, however program setting the default is usually not satisfactory for most users working with the utility, so it will be useful to know how to set field sizes in Word.

Setting process

If you haven't started typing yet

To make the size of the fields you need or remove unnecessary ones, follow these steps:

  1. As soon as you do this, immediately your gaze will open all the Word options, with which you can set the desired settings for the printed sheet. If you are interested in a set of settings pre-written in the program, and you do not want to make fields using the manual method, then find the button called "Fields" and place the mouse cursor over the triangle sign, which means that a drop-down list is hidden under this button.
  2. In the list that opens, select the set of settings, the parameters of which are best suited for the implementation of your goals. Apply a preset by simply clicking on it with the left button of your mouse. Make sure that the fields that you need were set to the text you typed. Otherwise, use a different set of preset settings.

In many cases, the default presets in the Word editor will be fine for you. That's why do not rush to search and apply other methods use this first.

Of course, there are special cases when you need to style your text according to some unique requirements that are simply not spelled out in the preset sets of parameter settings. Word sheet, therefore, in such circumstances, it is necessary to resort to the manual method. To do this, go through the entire following sequence of steps:

  1. In the upper Word menu find the item called "Page Layout" and click on it.
  2. In this list, namely at the bottom of it, you can find an item called "Custom Fields". Click on it.
  3. In the manual settings window that opens, you will need to move the sliders near the items of interest to change, for example, the size of the left or lower border, etc. If the presence of borders on the sheet is not necessary for you at all, then you you can easily remove them... Once you're done editing, don't be lazy and turn your attention to the bottom of the manual settings window. There you can look at graphical representation of how the sheet will look after you have approved your margins.
  4. To finally set the parameters you are interested in, click with the left mouse button on "OK".

If you need to resize the fields of already typed text

In this case, you do not need to completely delete all the characters you typed, set new boundaries and then retype the text you need in the utility. Just use the tips given in the section above, and your document will have the new margin sizes set.

But what if you need to apply new borders to any particular fragment or paragraph of text? Follow these steps:

Non-standard settings

If you are writing an article that you plan to print in a magazine, or are going to publish a brochure, then you probably know that in this case you need a special setting for the margins, called mirror... In other words, the parameters of the fields in it are set so that on 1 sheet the left margin completely coincides in size with the field with right side next sheet. To set this field setting, you need to complete the following points below:

  1. V top menu Word look for an item called "Page Layout" and click on it.
  2. As soon as you do this, immediately your gaze will open all the Word options, with which you can set the desired settings for the printed sheet. Find the button called "Fields" and move the mouse cursor over the triangle sign, which means that a drop-down list is hidden under this button.
  3. Find the item called "Mirror" and click on it. Now you need options are set for the entire document.

Target- consider the basic methods of creating complex documents, including tables, figures, lists, formulas and other objects.

Tables are often used to organize and present data. A table is made up of rows and columns of cells that can contain text and pictures. Microsoft Word offers several ways to create a table. Choice the best way table creation depends on its complexity and user requirements.

2. On the toolbar Standard press the button Add table.

  1. Select the desired number of rows and columns by dragging and dropping.

To insert a table using the command Table - Insert - Table used to select the size and format of the table before inserting it into the document.

1. Select where to create the table.

2. In the menu table select team Insert and then the command table.

3. In a group Table size select the number of rows and columns.

4. In a group AutoFit Column Widths select options to customize the table size.

5. To use the built-in table formats, click AutoFormat.

Select the options you want.

You can create a more complex table, such as a table that contains cells of different heights, or a table with a different number of columns per row.

  1. Select where to create the table.
  2. On the menu table select team Draw table.

The toolbar will appear Tables and borders

  1. To define the outer borders of the table, draw a rectangle. Then draw lines of columns and rows inside this rectangle.

4. To delete one or more lines, press the button Eraser on the toolbar Tables and borders, and then click the line you want to remove

  1. After you finish creating your table, click a cell, and then type text or paste a picture.

Hold down to automatically wrap text. CTRL key while drawing the table.

Nested tables are used to create web pages. Think of your web page as a large table that contains other tables. Text and graphics are placed in different cells of the table to help you lay out the different parts of the page.

  1. On the menu table select team Draw table.

The toolbar will appear Tables and borders, and the pointer changes to a pencil.

  1. Place the pencil in the cell where you want to place the nested table.
  2. Draw a new table. To define the outer borders of the table, draw a rectangle. Then draw lines of columns and rows inside this rectangle.
  3. After you finish creating the nested table, click the cell, and then type text or paste a picture.

An existing table can be copied and pasted into another table.

When creating pictures or layouts using Microsoft applications It is useful for Office to know which type of graphic is being used - bitmap or vector. The type of drawing you are working on determines the formatting and editing capabilities.

Bitmaps (also called bitmaps) are formed by a set of dots, similar to the way filled squares form a drawing on a piece of graph paper. Bitmaps are created and edited in graphics editors such as Microsoft Paint. Bitmaps are all scans and photographs. When you change their size, the clarity is lost and individual dots that form the image become visible.

You can change how colors appear in a bitmap by adjusting brightness and contrast, converting colors to grayscale or grayscale, or by creating transparent areas. Photo editing software is required to change specific colors in the bitmap.

Bitmaps are often saved with the file extension BMP, PNG, JPG, or GIF.

Vector graphics are created from lines, curves, rectangles, and other objects. Editing, moving and changing the display order of individual lines is allowed. When you resize a vector graphic, the computer redraws the lines and shapes so that the original clarity and perspective are preserved. Vector drawings are autoshapes.

You can group and ungroup the lines and shapes that make up vector graphics, change the order in which they appear, and change the color of one or all parts of the drawing.

Vector graphics are saved in the format of the application used to create them. For example metafiles Microsoft Windows saved with the WMF extension.

To insert a picture from a file, you must:

  1. Click where you want to insert the picture.

To insert a picture into the canvas, select the canvas.

  1. On the menu Insert select team Drawing and then the command From file.
  2. Find the picture you want to insert.
  3. Double-click the picture you want to insert.

When you create a picture in Microsoft Word, a canvas appears around it. This canvas helps you arrange and resize objects in your drawing.

  1. Click the document in which you want to create a picture.
  2. On the menu Insert select team Drawing and then the command Create drawing.

The canvas is inserted into the document.

  1. Insert the shapes or pictures you want.

You can insert formulas into a Microsoft Word document, for this:

  1. Specify where to insert the formula.
  2. On the menu Insert select team An object and then open the tab Creation.
  3. In the list Object type choose Microsoft Equation 3.0.

If the formula editor is not available, you need to install it.

  1. Click the button OK.
  2. Create a formula by selecting symbols from the toolbar Formula and entering variables and numbers from the keyboard. Top line toolbars Formula contains over 150 mathematical symbols. The bottom line is used to select a variety of templates for constructing fractions, integrals, sums and other complex expressions.

For help, select the command Calling Help on the menu reference.

  1. To return to Microsoft Word, click the document.

Lists can be simple or complex, bulleted or numbered. Their insertion into the document is performed by the command Format - List .

Purpose of work: developing practical skills in working with images and creating hyperlinks in MS Word 2007.


  • Educational: generalization and consolidation of knowledge and practical skills in working with illustrations, creating captions for figures, creating footnotes, cross-references, and a table of contents.
  • Developing: development of attention, independence when working with a software product.

Equipment: computer class, software - MS Word 2007.


Text documents created with the help of a personal computer can be conditionally divided into two groups - simple and complex. Plain documents are formatted text. In addition to text, complex documents contain various objects (figures, formulas, tables, and others).

Exercise 1.

1.1. Open MS Word 2007 and create a new document.
1.2. Type the text by sample ( Annex 1 )
1.3. Set document parameters

  • margins above - 2 cm, below - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 2 cm;
  • indent in the first line - 1.5 cm;
  • font type - Arial, 14;
  • line spacing - one and a half;
  • alignment - in width;
  • in the footer field, type your last name and group.

Inserting and formatting illustrations

Text editor allows you to insert and format graphic images (illustrations) different types- drawings from files, clips (images from the MS Office collection), schematic images consisting of individual figures, diagrams and diagrams. MS Word contains all the necessary set of tools and tools for adding, correcting and formatting these images. To work with images, select the image, the Format tab will open on the screen (Fig. 1). Using the Format tab, you can change the following image settings:

  • brightness and contrast;
  • borders;
  • the position of the text wrapping;
  • apply different styles and effects;
  • rotate the image.

Rice. 1 Format tab for working with images

When inserting pictures (especially if the size of the pictures is large), the file size increases dramatically. To reduce the file size, it is advisable to compress pictures by setting the following parameters(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Picture compression options

Task 2.

2.1. Search on the Internet and insert into the text images of the sights of the city of Suzdal in accordance with the text.
2.2. Format the images yourself.
2.3. Compress pictures.

Creating captions for drawings

The figures in the document must be signed. Do not manually sign drawings. For this, MS Word has the function of automatically adding signatures. This gives a professional look and provides a number of options to your document, such as creating a list of these figures.

Task 3.

3.1. Place the cursor under the first picture.
3.2. In the Links menu, select the command group Names - Insert Name (Fig. 3)
3.3. In the Title window, select or create signature options. Click OK.
3.4. Enter the text for the title of the picture - Suzdal Kremlin.

Rice. 3 Command parameters Name

3.5. Create captions for the rest of the drawings in the same way.

Inserting cross-references to pictures

A cross-reference points to an element that is located elsewhere in the document. For example, you might mention the "Figure 1" object in a document and direct the user to that image from another location in the same document. By default, in MS Word, a cross-reference is inserted as a hyperlink, clicking which you can go directly to the element to which it points. You can create a cross-reference for any numbered item, title, bookmark, footnote, formula, figure, or table that exists in your document.
If, when you add or remove content, the item that the cross-reference points to is moved, you can update it.

Task 4.

Adding footnotes

Footnotes are used to add explanations, notes, and references to the text of the document. Footnotes can be located at the bottom of the page (footnotes) or on separate page at the end of the document (endnotes). Both a footnote and an endnote are made up of two parts - the footnote mark and the corresponding note text.
To remove a footnote or endnote, you must remove the footnote mark in the document window, not the note text.
When you delete a footnote mark that has been automatically numbered, the remaining footnotes are re-numbered.

Task 5.

5.1. Create a footnote to the phrase Pokrovsky monastery

  • Place the cursor where the footnote will be
  • Select the References tab - the Footnotes group of commands;
  • Specify the position of the footnote, format parameters and click Insert (Figure 6).

5.2. Print the footnote text - located on the right bank of the Kamenka River in the northern part of Suzdal

Rice. 6 Options for the Footnotes command

Creating a table of contents

The automatically updated table of contents (table of contents) avoids manually printing page numbers and correcting them in the table of contents after editing text in the document.
To create a table of contents, you first need to apply heading styles to those text fragments that will be reflected in the table of contents. The styles usually apply to Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.

Task 6.

6.1. Apply the Heading1 style to the text highlighted in red and the Heading2 style to the text highlighted in blue.
6.2. Place the cursor where the table of contents will be (usually at the beginning or end of the document).
6.3. From the Links menu, select the Table of Contents - Table of Contents command group.
6.4. Select the format of the Table of Contents (fig. 7)

Rice. 7 Command Options Table of Contents

Creating a list of illustrations

In the document, in addition to the table of contents, you can also create a list of illustrations, which will contain a list of illustrations (figures) with figure numbers and page numbers where they are located.

Task 7.

7.1. Place the cursor where the list of illustrations will be.
7.2. In the link menu, select the command group Names - List of Figures.
7.3 Specify the parameters of the list (fig. 8)

Rice. 8. Command window List of illustrations

Used literature and Internet sources:

  1. Workshop on information technology in professional activity: teaching aid for students. institutions of environments. prof. education / E.V. Mikheeva. - 10th ed., P. - M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 256 p.
  2. - Office Support
  3. - the city of Suzdal - information and educational site

We have covered the techniques for creating simple text documents by means of a word processor Microsoft Word. These documents were referred to the conventional category of simple documents only because they did not contain objects embedded in the text. Accordingly, we have not considered the issues of interaction between text and embedded objects.

Now we will consider techniques for creating complex text documents containing special design elements and built-in objects of a non-text nature (formulas, tables, diagrams, artistic titles, raster and vector illustrations, as well as multimedia objects).

Techniques for managing Microsoft Word objects

Features of Word objects

The word processor Word 2010 has advanced functionality for working with objects of a non-text nature. Built-in objects can include standard objects created by other programs (drawings, animation and sound clips, and more), as well as objects created using the word processor itself. In particular, the program allows you to create and embed geometric shapes, artistic titles, diagrams, formula expressions, prepared vector illustrations (cliparts), that is, it contains tools that remotely resemble those of specialized graphic editors... True, among these tools there is nothing for creating and processing bitmap illustrations - they can only be imported from other programs, but there are tools for managing their rendering, for example, for changing brightness, contrast and image scale.

Despite the versatile nature of the objects that Word 2010 can handle, they have general properties, for example, such as size, position on the page, the nature of interaction with the text. But before you start learning the techniques for working with Word 2010 objects, you need to make an important note about the appropriateness of their use. There are very conflicting opinions on this score.

1. All Microsoft Word 2010 objects can certainly be used if the document is being prepared for printing, that is, it is assumed that it will be handed over to the customer or distributed in the form of a paper copy made on a printer. Documenting documents with built-in objects allows you to make them presentable.

2. If the document is supposed to be transferred as a file for subsequent processing (this is how manuscripts are transferred to the editorial office), then all the program's own tools for creating and placing embedded objects are not only useless, but also harmful. This is because Microsoft Word 2010 objects are not standard and not supported professional programs... Microsoft has an industry leading position and may not be considered

with generally accepted standards and rules, and implement their own. Therefore, objects created in the programs of this company can be fully used only in other programs of the same company.

3. From the last remark follows one more direction for using objects created in Microsoft Word. They can be successfully exported via the Windows clipboard to others software products included in Microsoft package Office 2010, for example, such as the electronic management system Excel spreadsheets, base management system Access data and etc.

Entering formulas

The need for a means to enter mathematical expressions into a text document is typical for scientific and technical documentation. One of these tools is special application Mathcad. But the functions of Mathcad are much broader, and there are many reasons for having a simple means of entering formulas in the word processor itself.

V Microsoft program Word 2010 has a built-in formula editor. It allows you to create formula objects and insert them into a word processing document. If necessary, the inserted object can be edited directly in the document field.

Inserting formulas into a document

To insert a formula into a document, use the command button Insert -> Symbols Formula ... The button has a menu, calling which you can quickly insert templates of some formulas from the collection of formulas into the document. If you click in the main area of ​​the button, the tab will open Working with formulas → Constructor , and a formula field will appear in the document, the data into which is entered using the tools located on the ribbon (Fig. 6.5).

Ribbon tab Constructor contains several groups of command elements. The Tools group contains tools for customizing the appearance of formulas and entering formulas from the so-called collection of formulas, which can be replenished (Constructor -> Tools -> Formula -> Save selection to the collection of formulas). In the lower right corner of the group Service there is a button Formula parameters by clicking on which you can call the window of the same name, containing general settings for the formulas.

Group Symbols is designed to quickly enter various special characters used in formulas.

Group Structures allows you to add original templates to the edit field for building complex formulas. Entering and editing formulas is completed by left-clicking anywhere in the document field outside the formula input area. The entered formula is automatically inserted into the text as an object. Then it can be moved to any other place in the document via the clipboard (CTRL + X - cut; CTRL + V - paste). To edit a formula directly in a document, just execute on it double click... This automatically opens the tab Constructor.

When working with the formula editor, you should strive for the maximum completeness of the entered expressions. So, for example, an expression (formula) can contain components that can be entered without using the formula editor, but for the convenience of work and ease of further editing, you should enter the entire formula only in the formula editor, without using other means.

Rice. 6.5 Working with formulas

6.3.3. Working with tables

The data presented in tabular form are clear. Tables have always been an integral attribute of printed scientific and technical documentation, and in recent years they have also been effective remedy design of Internet web pages. Many web designers use tables (including hidden ones) to enforce control over the display of data on the client's screen and not trust the browser for this responsible process. For example, tables are the simplest way to simulate newspaper or magazine text on a web page that has two or more columns.

Table cells can contain not only text, but also graphic and other objects. This allows you to place multiple illustrations across the width of the web page.

It should be noted that these days the layout of web pages using tables is giving way to a more modern approach. This approach to the development of the design of web pages involves the use of special tags (the so-called DIV-tags), which allow you to create arbitrary blocks of information and flexibly manage their relative position and other properties.

When creating pages using tables, you can control how cells and frames are presented, both external and internal. While creating printed documents tables are designed so that they correspond to the style and content of the document. When creating web pages, there is a technique when frames are not displayed at all, and a gap is made between the cells. As a result, the objects in the cells form even regular structures on the screen, while no traces of tables are visible on the screen.

The Microsoft Word word processor has amazingly flexible and powerful spreadsheet tools for both printed and electronic documents.

To create tables in Microsoft Word, use the tools located at Insert -> Tables -> Table.

In order to quickly insert a table into the document, you can select the required number of table cells (up to 10 in width and 8 in height), which are located at the top of the button menu table .

If there is a need to insert a table of arbitrary size into the document, while adjusting its parameters, you need to use the menu command Insert table .

The table can be drawn "by hand" using the menu command Draw table .

In addition, the system contains a set of pre-prepared table styles (menu item Express tables ) that allow you to add tables formatted in different ways to your document.

There are special tabs for working with tables. Working with Tables → Design and Working with Tables → Layout.

Creating tables

Table cells available at the top of the button menu Insert -> Tables -> Table , are used to create the simplest small tables. The tables created by this method can be further developed by editing the table.

The team Insert -> Tables -> Table -> Insert tables are used to create more complex tables. She opens a dialog box Insert tables (Fig. 6.6.), which set the number of rows and columns, as well as the width of the columns.

Rice. 6.6. Insert Table window

The auto-selection mode is set by the corresponding switch:

constant- the total width of the table in Auto mode is equal to the width of the document set field, and the width of each column is constant and depends on the number of columns (this mode is useful when creating printed documents);

constant- when you enter a specific value in the field for specifying the column width, the editor will create a table, the columns of which will have exactly this width. The disadvantage of this mode is that the total table size can exceed the printable area of ​​the page, which requires additional settings;

by content- the width of each column is proportional to the amount of data it contains (this mode is convenient when creating electronic documents distributed in a word processor format);

by window width - special treatment for tables placed on web pages (the final formatting of the table does not take place at the time of its creation, but at the time of viewing).

It is convenient to create tables of complex structure using the "drawing" method.

Editing tables

When we talk about editing tables, we do not mean editing their contents, but only editing their structure. Content editing is done by the usual means discussed above. In fact, editing the structure of tables is reduced to the following operations:

Adding a given amount lines;

· Adding a specified number of columns;

· Removal of selected cells, rows and columns;

· Merge of the selected cells;

· Splitting the selected cells.

· Resizing of the selected cells.

Combining the above operations, it is possible to prepare tables with a complex structure on the basis of tables with a simple structure. The tools to perform these operations are among the tab tools Layout and Designer (fig. 6.7).

Rice. 6.7. Microsoft Word tools for editing tables

Using tab tools Constructor , you can, firstly, customize appearance tables by manipulating the borders and fills of cells with styling, or manual setting parameters. Second, by applying group tools Drawing borders , you can "finish drawing" or "erase" the elements of the table.

Tab Layout focused mainly on inserting and deleting blocks of cells (group Strings and columns), to customize the merging and splitting of cells ( Union ), to adjust the cell sizes ( Cell size). Also, using the tools on this tab, you can set the alignment and direction of text in table cells.

Many actions can be performed using the context menu of the selected area of ​​the table.

Formatting tables

When working with tables, you should distinguish between table formatting and content formatting. In the first case, the size of the structural elements of the table (cells, rows, columns, etc.) is controlled, and in the second, the placement of the contents of the cells is controlled.

Formatting tables can be done in command or interactive mode. In command mode, for this purpose, use the Table Properties dialog box ( Layout -> Table -> Properties ) (fig. 6.7).

Rice. 6.7. Window Table properties

It can be opened from context menu a table when you right-click within it. Dialog Box Tab Controls Table properties allow:

set the method for aligning the table relative to the document page ( Table Properties -> Table -> Alignment);

set the method for the interaction of the table with the surrounding text ( Table Properties -> Table -> Wrap );

define or redefine the appearance of the outer and inner borders of the table, as well as customize the appearance of cells (Table Properties -> Table -> Borders and Fill );

set the size of padding in cells and spacing between cells (Table Properties -> Table -> Parameters);

assign parameters to the current line or selected lines ( Table Properties -> Row );

assign parameters to the current column or selected columns (Table Properties -> Column);

assign parameters of the current cell or selected cells ( Table Properties -> Cell ).

set the parameters of the text that replaces the table placed on the web page when it is loaded by the browser or in other cases ( Table Properties -> Alt Text ).

In interactive mode, the table is formatted using markers that appear when the mouse pointer is placed over the table or its elements. Marker in the upper left corner of the table allows you to move the table across the working area of ​​the document. Marker in the lower right corner allows you to control the overall dimensions of the table. Markers The resizing that appears when you hover the mouse over the table borders allows you to interactively resize columns and rows using drag and drop.