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Replace all records of the resolution of the child object inherited from this object. What it is? Procedure for deactivation TrustedInstaller

Among Windows users there is an opinion that the administrator on the computer can perform any operations with files and folders, but this is not quite so. Windows exists objects and processes with higher level privileges. To those, in particular, include the built-in hidden administrator, System, Local Service and some other owners. Their main task is key management windows features And just about one of such objects known as TrustedInstaller, today we are speech.

What is needed trustedinstaller

TrustedInstaller, what is it and why it does not allow to delete and edit files? This is an important installation of software modules, which is also part of the system. windows security. In the first case, it manifests itself as a process. trustedInstaller.exe. In the Task Manager, in the second - as the owner of the system folders and files. In Windows 7/10, the service performs two main tasks:

  • Protects important system objects from unauthorized changes, for example, by a user or viruses;
  • Sets uploaded components windows updates.

How to remove trustedinstaller lock from files and folders

Often when trying to delete or change system files or directories, windows users 7/10 Get notifications "Request the permission from TrustedInstaller to change this file."

This means that the object owner is a process that has higher rights than the administrator. It is impossible to remove it from under the operating system, but you can change the access rights, thus removing the lock.

Make it possible with special utilities, for example, TAKEOWNERSHIPEX or manually in the properties of the object. Consider the second option. We will remove the lock from the executable registry editor executable regedit.exe. Click on the file right-click, select "Properties".

Switch to the window that opens to the Safety tab and press the "Advanced" button at the bottom.

This will open a new security settings window. If you look into the upper part of it, you will see that the current owner of the file is the most trustedinstaller. We take away the rights of access and give them to the user. Click on the "Change" link.

Enter in the names field of the selected objects your username and click "Check Names".

In the event that the name was entered correctly, the computer name will be added to it, and the string itself will become underlined.

After that, in the Advanced Settings window, click "Apply" -\u003e OK.

Returning to the properties window, click this time the "Edit" button.

Highlight the user's mouse or administrator to which you want to transfer the right to control the file, mark the birds all possible items in the "Allow" column and save the result by confirming the change request.

Now the rights to the file belong to you, and you can do everything with him you wish. Lock folders TrustedInstaller It is removed in a similar way with the only difference that to change the rights of access to nested files and directories in the additional security options window you need to install a check mark "Replace the owner of subspeters and objects".

And now attention. Transferring access rights to the user reduces system protection level, so after working with the file or folder, it is advisable to restore. Rights are restored in the same way as transmitted, only in the name field of the selected objects instead of the username, you must enter a string NT Service / TrustedInstaller.

What if trustedinstaller.exe loads the processor

With how to disable trustedinstaller when working with blocked files and directors, we figured out, now consider another nuance. From time to time, the service begins to show excessive activity, downloading the processor so much that the system begins to slow down. This is a normal phenomenon if the increased load is observed relatively long. It is caused by the fact that, being responsible for installing software modules, the service periodically scans the computer for updates, thereby creating an additional load on the processor.

If TrustedInstaller loads the processor while performing task priority for user, it can be temporarily disabled. To do this, open the Task Manager, switch to the "Services" tab, find in the TrustedInstaller list, click on it right-click and select the "Stop" option in the menu. Then click on the "Open Services" link, run the Services Management Snap.

Find the Windows Update Center, double-click your properties and click the "Stop" button in the window that opens.

You will also need to stop the Home Intelligent Transmission Service (BITS) service. These actions will allow you to free up the engaged trustedinstaller memory and reduce the load on the CPU and the disk. Note, however, that when a computer is restarted, the Windows Update Service will be started again and possibly if the TrustedInstaller will again show activity at the wrong time, you will have to stop it again.

Sometimes there are situations in which the Windows 7 operating system is trying to use the so-called trustedinstaller. Today we will consider what this component represents in operating systemsah Windows.

Strange translation

Word trusted translated from american or of English language So "trust". Sometimes there is such a term as TrustedInstaller. What it is, not all users know. The fact is that during the installation of the distribution file itself third-party program May request the right to install. For this reason, certain problems arise. The word trust means "trust", and the word Installer is "installer", but in spite of this the installer program in many cases is subject to the influence of malicious codes and viruses. By the way, the application itself is capable of producing requests, considering them at the same time active viral codes.

History of use

For the first time, the TrustedInstaller protection service was used in windows system 7. She was responsible for editing system settings and system files. In fact, users often encounter the message "Request a TrustedInstaller permission" message only when you try to edit the system configuration without access at the administrator level. What is it really? The sad thing is that Windows 7 provides for the existence of two administrators. The fact that the PC owner or the local user has administrator privileges, does not mean anything else if you have an account of Microsoft Corporation. It turns out that by default, the "Super Administrator" record is activated in the system. You probably noticed that some processes need to be launched on behalf of the administrator using the right mouse click. For which it is necessary, it should be clear: Thus, the developers tried to protect the system by providing the user with the ability to edit access rights.

TrustedInstaller: how to delete or disable?

To disable this service, you must use a standard system configurator. Access to it is carried out using the "Control Panel". There is not a section of programs, but the component menu. If you take into account what executable TRUSTEDInstaller file is in system folderwhich belongs to the operating system, then any attempts to delete it will be reduced to zero. This system simply will not allow. Let's try to figure out what needs to be done to remove the TrustedInstaller component. In this case, the Windows 7 operating system is a rather "pragmatic" operating system, despite all its capabilities. Many users simply repel the use of super administrator rights. Indeed, after all, even the launch of the installer of any program for some reason causes a doubt system, although the program can actually have a digital signature and a SSL certificate. The TrustedInstaller module of the Windows 7 operating system in this respect explicitly loses. The most basic problem is that the system itself requires a confirmation of an account, although, according to corporate employees, it is not at all.

Anncker application

If someone noticed, then in the windows7 operating system context menu There is a special Unlocker service that allows you to unlock. system processes. However, it is present only in limited modifications of the system itself. In addition, according to the specialists of Microsoft, this utility Is not official release. Therefore, it is better to think about the question of its presence in the Windows 7 operating system. In principle, if you figure out what is trustedinstaller, it would be possible to put a point in this process if it were not for one "but". Of course, you can try to set a third-party component-unlocker. However, this can cost you the security of the entire system as a whole. If the user is tired of receiving the "Request messages" from TrustedInstaller to change the system configuration or a specific file, then when unlocking the main features and functions, you can encounter a plurality of things that can only harm the system. This, in particular, concerns incorrect settings of the paging file, free space reservation to save copies of the system and hard disk etc. Disconnection is carried out by direct deactivation windows services Resource Protection. For example, for the TERMSRV.DLL system library, you must use the right click of the mouse over the file, and then use the security menu and properties. You need to do the most important thing: instead of the "trust" in the new window, select administrators and apply the changes made. Next, in the Administrators group, it is necessary to simply put the ticks opposite all existing permits, and then click on the "OK" button.


Instead of the after-schooling stands on the other hand, look at the TrustInstaller module. What it is, must be already clear. Enable it in the Windows 7 operating system is better to disable. Activation will not lead to anything good. In this case, we did not consider issues related to deactivation of the super administrator account. This is a separate topic that has its own solution in terms of using the system registry keys. However, the understanding of the service itself must still be present. If you make recommendations for installing the seventh version of the Windows7 operating system, it is necessary to clarify: do not use unofficial distributions and repacks. They may contain not only viruses, but also the modified components of the system itself, which can lead to a violation of the working capacity of the laptop or stationary computer. Then no optimizer program will help. It was in the Windows 7 operating system that originally arose such a problem. By installing Windows 10 and disabled the relevant service, you can get rid of it. The autorun is also suitable using the msconfig command in the Start menu, if it is listed. For the rest, it remains only to note that the installation of the left version of the Windows operating system may lead to the fact that the "iron" components of the system will fail, so it is better not to risk.

There is another look at TrustedInstaller. You must already be clear what it is, however, if the request confirmation is still present, it is necessary to deactivate the "Super Administrator" account in the editor group Policy or system RegistryMoreover, so that the permanent launch parameter of programs and applications on behalf of the administrator was specified. Be prepared for the fact that when this entry is disconnected, the system will require a password after rebooting and re-logging into the system. If you do not remember it, it is better not to risk and leave everything as it was. Otherwise, even the login is under its account or when entering the current this moment Password will be impossible. Such cases, unfortunately, took place. Microsoft's specialists prefer not to comment on such situations even in the case of official appeals. Today, many users have pirated versions of the Windows 7 operating system.

The creators of the Windows Operations deliberately created TrustedInstaller, which is a type of executable files. They are necessary for execution step-by-step recommendations By installing, deleting or performing other functions.

When running type.exe files, the default system executes the prescribed instructions set by the application developer to launch the program

TrustedInstaller - What is it?

Each utility, even a minor self-requiring installation, uses an executable file. Due to this, this type of data is the most useful and in demand in Windows. Without Exnector, it would be impossible to start the program.

The TrustedInstaller application is in the task manager in the form of an executable file.

Before opening any file downloaded, check it with antivirus, even if the site indicates that the data is checked and harmless.

Sometimes the user notices the errors that appear when starting the machine, applications, or when trying to use the characteristic features of the program. Consider the most common critical failures of the system account that affect the performance and performance of the computer:

  1. File not found. Check the path correctly.
  2. An error in trustedinstaller.exe appeared. The application will be closed.
  3. Program error.
  4. Refusal of the application. We apologize.
  5. Incorrect path to the file.

Trustedinstaller.exe is not an application Win32, etc

Such failures are noted when running programs associated with the system account. This can be the installation of the Operations, download or termination of the system. To eliminate problems, it is important to track the moment of the appearance of critical messages.

Application malfunctions arise due to damage or lack of files, errors in registry entries, etc. The above failures appear as a result:

  1. damage to the registry keys associated with trustedinstaller.exe files;
  2. destruction of data related to the application;
  3. damage to viruses or other malicious software files;
  4. any program conflict with Windows 8 Pro reference files;
  5. broken.

Frequently, the user faces the problem that TrustedInstaller does not give, withdrawing a message "You need permission to perform this operation." The role and rights of the administrator who often solve such tasks are not taken into account. With a further deletion attempted, a message appears again about the absence of access. You must request a trustedinstaller permission to delete a folder or change it. In addition, TrustedInstaller loads the processor that negatively reflects on the speed of the system. Today we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of failures and their elimination methods.

The fact is that almost all system directories of the operating system refer to the system account that has the right to perform any actions with directories and files. This means to eliminate the message about the need to get a trustedinstaller resolution, set the current user as the owner and put the appropriate rights to change the folder. Talk about it next. But most importantly, remove TrustedInstaller EXE is impossible, and nothing to do.

You want it or not, there are situations where the Windows 7 operating system (and above) tries to use the so-called trustedinstaller. What is this component in Windows systems, now and see.

Standard translation

Trusted translated from English or American means "trust". But it is found and many users know in the form, because the fact is that in the installation process, the third-party distribution file itself may request the rights to install. From here - problems.

It seems to be translated as "trust", and Installer is as a "installer", nevertheless, the installer program is subject to viruses and malicious codes. And, by the way, the application itself is capable of producing requests at its level, considering their active viral codes.

History of application

The TrustedInstaller protection service was first applied in the Windows 7 system. It was responsible for editing system files and system settings.

In fact, any user faces a message "Request a TrustedInstaller permission" only in one case - when you try to edit the system configuration without an access rights at the administrator level.

What is it really?

The saddest thing is that the "seven" provides for the existence of two admins. The fact that the local user or the PC owner has administrator privileges, does not mean anything (even if there is a Microsoft account).

As it turns out, the default system is activated by the record of the so-called "Superministor". We noticed that some processes have to be launched on behalf of the admin using the right clicking menu?

Why it was necessary, probably, it is clear: the developers thus tried to protect the system, however, leaving the user the ability to edit the access rights.

TrustedInstaller: How to delete or disable this component?

To disable this service, you can use the standard system configurator, access to which is carried out in the control panel. But there is not a section of programs, but the component menu.

If you calculate that the trustedinstaller.exe executable file is located in the system folder owned by the operating system, any attempts to remove it will be reduced to zero. The system simply will not allow this to do.

Let's see what needs to be done to remove the TrustedInstaller component. Windows 7 in this regard is a rather "pragmatic" system, despite its capabilities.

The use of the rights of Superadmin many users simply pushed. Indeed, because the launch of even the installer of any program at the system for some reason causes doubts, although in fact the program can have a SSL certificate and a digital signature.

In this regard, the TrustedInstaller Windows 7 module clearly loses. The most important problem is that the system itself requires a confirmation of the account, although, as approved by the corporation employees, this is not necessary (this is the generally accepted rule for the tenth version).

Anncker application

In addition, if someone noticed, in Windows 7, there is a special Unlocker service in the context menu that allows you to unlock system processes. But it is present only in limited modifications of the system itself.

In addition, according to the Microsoft specialists themselves, this official utility is not in the main release. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the question of her presence in "Seven". In principle, shattered in the topic "TrustedInstaller: What is it?", You can put a point if it were not for one but.

Naturally, you can install a third-party component-unlocker. The issue price is the security of the system as a whole. If the user is tired of receiving messages like "Request a permission from TrustedInstaller" to change the system configuration or a specific file, when unlocking basic functions and capabilities, you can encounter a plurality of things that can harm the system. In particular, it concerns incorrect installation of the paging file, free space reservation to save copies of the system and hard disk, etc.

Direct shutdown is made by Deactivating Windows Resource Protection. For example, for the TERMSRV.DLL system library, you need to apply the right click on the file, and then use the properties and security menu. Next, the most important thing is: in a new window, instead of the "trust" TrustInstaller, select administrators and apply changes. Next, in the administrators group simply put the ticks opposite all existing permissions, then press the "OK" button.


Instead of the afterword it is worth viewing on the other hand to the TrustInstaller module. What it is, it seems, it is already clear. The use of it in the "seven" is better to turn off (for nothing good activation will not lead).

In this case, the issues of deactivation of the Supermine account were not considered. This is a separate topic that has a solution in terms of using the system registry keys. But the understanding of the work itself should exist.

If you give tips on installing the seventh version of Windows, you should specify: Never use repacks or unofficial distributions! They may contain not only viruses, but also the modified components of the system itself, which can lead to the complete inoperability of the laptop or stationary computer terminal.

Then no program-optimizer will help. By the way, it was in Windows 7 that such a problem originally arose. By installing the "dozen" and disabling the relevant service, you can get rid of it. Even editing the autorun command MSCONFIG in the Start menu (Win + R) is suitable if this is present in the list.

Otherwise, it remains to say that the installation of the "left" version of Windows can only lead to the fact that even "iron" components will fly, so it is better not to risk.

And one more look at TrustedInstaller. What it is already understandable, but if you still have a request for confirmation of the executable operation, you need to deactivate the Supermin's account in or in the system registry, and so that the permanent launch of the programs and applications on behalf of the administrator is specified. But be prepared and to the fact that when the system is disconnected, the system may request a password after rebooting and re-entering. If you do not remember it, it is better not to risk and leave everything as it is.

Otherwise, it is not possible to log in to the system under its account or when entering a valid password. Unfortunately, such cases have already happened. Microsoft specialists such situations prefer not to comment even in the case of official appeals. Yes, and the seventh version of Windows, many of our users are pirated.

If you have a need to edit some files from windows directory, then you will definitely need to know what it is a trustedinstaller.

  • 1. Deactivation procedure TrustedInstaller

The traditional element of Microsoft operating systems is a multi-level access system for various accounts.

First of all, it implements the so-called "fool protection" principle, which is to limit the possibilities of inexperienced users whose actions may disrupt the normal performance of the system.

It can also become good element computer anti-virus protection, since the overwhelming majority of malware requires administrative rights to make changes to system files.

In addition to ranking accounting capabilities (administrator, user, guest) Starting with a seven in all windows versions There is a TrustedInstaller function.

It can be considered as a separate account Superuser whose authority exceeds even administrator rights.

However, these features apply only to the most important system files.

Therefore, TrustedInstaller, for example, does not delete the folder even from under the administrative countertop.

But overcome this barrier is quite possible for which it is enough to change some access settings.

Procedure for deactivation TrustedInstaller

In most cases, this means is protected windows folderWhen trying to delete files from which you will face the window:

In this case, repeatedly pressing the repeat key will not give any results and this window will appear again and again.

This protection method is not simply installed and the deletion or change of files associated with TrustedInstaller can lead to serious disorders of the system.

However, sometimes you may need to edit data files to figure out, for example, that the processor is so loaded, for which you can use the following algorithm:

  • Select the desired file and click on it with the right mouse button, and in the context menu that opens, select Properties.

  • In the window that opens, you must switch to the Security tab, and then click the Advanced key.

  • The menu that has a wide range of editing files to edit files for various users.

We will not now understand this case in the nuances, but simply let's go to the necessary tab where you click the Edit button.

  • Now request this file for user group administrators. For which they choose in the area called the owner to: Choose the item, what a surprise, administrators and click the OK button.

  • If all of the above operations were carried out correctly, then you should see such a system message (do not forget to click OK):

  • But on this procedure, the deactivation of TrustedInstaller is not over. Now we need to go to the security properties again, and then under the window of the group or users click the Change key.

  • In this menu, select the Administrators group (it should be highlighted in a blue background), and in the resolution area for the Administrators group in the column, we activate all the checkboxes, namely, Full access, Change, read and execute, read and write.

Now all users who have administrative rights will also be able to delete and edit the trustedinstaller protection files.

Tip!After requesting permission from this feature, it is extremely recommended to return all settings to the original form, so unprotected system files can be easily damaged by viruses.

To restore the system protective process TrustedInstaller.exe, you must perform almost the same actions that were described above, only in the reverse order:

  • The folder with files opens, and the security-administrators' property are performed - to change and leave access only to reading and reading and execution.

  • Then the actions from paragraphs 1-3 of the previous algorithm are completely repeated. And in the window Extra options Security Go to the Other Users and Groups section.

  • In the Select "user" or "group" menu, you should not change anything, but you only need to enter the names of the selected objects to enter the NT Service \\ TrustedInstaller command.

In this way, we will re-create a user for the trustedinstaller.exe process for the editable file.

  • It remains only to click the Check name button, as a result of which the command entered to turn into a more familiar "TrustedInstaller".

At the end of our article, it is worth noting that if the process called the TrustedInstaller loads the processor or does not remove the folder, which is clearly not related to the system, then, most likely, this is a virus masking under it.

You should also consider such a nuance that TrustedInstaller identifies system files by their names, which means that text file, Say, with the name Taskmgr will also be protected by this function.

Thematic video:

How to change Windows 7 system files - TrustedInstaller

What is this trustedinstaller: how to request permission in Windows