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Use Android as a webcam. Using Android devices as a webcam

I once had the need for an observation chamber. Not for the office, but for radio / videos, nanny, but for the office will also come up, temporarily of course. The observation chamber just took no place to be at that time and had to improvise.

The first thing that came to mind is to use Viber or Skype. But, this is not a way out, because There interruptions, and I needed a guaranteed result. Lazy took his own and the wheel I did not inalt. I had to look for ready-made solutions in Google Play and ran into interesting program « IPWebcam ».

It was my salvation at that time, and now I will tell you how to make this program from anyone, even old android phone Observation chamber.

The program "Surveillance Camera"

I have already written the name program, but I repeat once again: we need to download "IP Webcam". You can do it in the play markete, here at this link -\u003dcom.pas.Webcam

After you installed it, run and the broadcast will begin. You will have an informational notification on the "How to Connect" screen. It will be instructions.

How to connect

You will glow the IP flow rate (example:, which can be connected from a computer or other phone. There are several ways to connect.

  1. Enter this IP in address line Browser on any device and see / observe.
  2. A little more complicated, but much more comfortable way. Install and paste the flow there.

That's all, such a simple way to use an android phone as a surveillance camera.

I completely forgot to say, the application in Russian, very simple and additional questions Call should not.

Video example and setup

As always, add an example in a video format on which you can see how this application works and how to use it:

The owners of smartphones are not necessarily acquired by the webcam. Modern gadgets replace us and the camera, and player, and the navigator, and much more. So if you have broken a video transmission device, or it is not at all, we will tell you how to use the phone as a webcam.

Why use your smartphone?

There are situations where you need to organize a business video conference or just chat with a friend in Skype. A video gadget is required to obtain an image. And if it is not at hand? Then take the phone. Smartphone is easy to use as a webcam.

How to make a web chamber from the phone

You will need to install special software both on your smartphone and computer. It consists of two parts, each of which is installed separately to the devices.

You can use a USB cord or WiFi Network. The phone platform must be android. Others, like Bada and Symbian, do not support this functionality. After installation, simple setting should be set.

We use the phone as a webcam via USB

First, in the phone with Android, you need to activate the developer mode and put a mark on the USB debug. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Find the configuration smartphone on the desktop and go to them.
  2. Select "About Device".
  3. Then turn to the assembly number and press it consistently until a message appears on the opening of the developer mode.
  4. Go out in the settings menu and look for an appropriate item.
  5. Open and put a tick at the USB Debug item.
  6. Further use USB Webcam for Android app. Download part for your smartphone and install it. Open and postpone the gadget to the side, after connecting it through the USB cord to the PC.
  7. Then download the part for the computer USB Webcam PC Host and also set. When installing, remember the path where the application is installed.

  8. Next, you need to open the folder and find the USBWebCam.Bat file in it.

  9. This is a batch file that will launch our application. Click on it twice and you will see command line. Press ENTER and it closes.

  10. The connection is established. Come in settings Skype..

  11. Open the "Video Settings". First you will see a blank screen. Select Device.

  12. If everything went well, you will see the image.

How to connect a webcam to phone using DroidCam

More reliable DROIDCAM application you can download Google Play.. You will need part for a smartphone and a customer for PC - DROIDCAM CLIENT. Download it.
Consistently set both parts on the gadgets. Here the cord is no longer needed to you, we will use WiFi to connect. So check the connection to the same network on both devices.
On the phone you will see such a picture.

Open the application on your computer and enter the specified data in the field. Activate video and sound, and click Start.
You should have an image on your computer.

Try to go to Skype. There, too, check in the settings. Everything should earn. Only pre-use needed Camera.

If you do not have a wi-fi network, you can use a USB cord. Connect it and select the second icon in the client application.
Click Start.

You will have a connection to USB and the web gadget will work.

How to use iPhone

You need to buy the PocketCam application or you can use the free Lite, but then you will only get a black and white image. Download it with the AppStore.
From the official site download the application for the computer.

Software works with Windows operating systems and Mac OS. Choose the desired version.

Windows owners 10 may not worry for the lack of their version in the list. Software is installed on it.
Run PocketCamserver on a computer and pocketcam on iPhone. On the phone you will see the IP address of the camera on the network.

And then you can use iPhone as a webcam. You will see the image in the program on the PC. Run Skype and select PocketCam Camera. Here will also appear an image. If you do not have a camera, then PocketCam will not even need to choose, it will appear as the only one.

So, we told you how to use the smartphone as a webcam. You can use other applications from Google Play Market.. But of all DroidWebcam tested, we seemed most convenient for us.

Everything modern smartphones Equipped with cameras and microphones, so many probably have at least once a desire to use these functions together with a PC for video links. This laptop with a microphone camera is regular tools, and for desktop they need to be purchased separately.

Use the phone as a webcam for PC staffing Android is impossible. Even in the "For Developer" mode, I managed to find only a way to connect in the audio source mode, and then nor MI MAX 2, nor MI MAX 3, "start" on the PC in this mode failed. But as it turned out, it is not a problem at all: use the phone as a webcam (as well as the microphone) easily allows third-party software.

How to turn your smartphone in a webcam with DroidCam

The DROIDCAM program is a simple and free tool for turning the smartphone in the webcam. She has an advanced version of DroidCamx, which costs about $ 4, but the basic functionality is quite decent and in free version. All that is required to connect the smartphone in the web cameras mode is that both the PC and the phone are in one local network (were connected to one router).

If everything is configured correctly - on the monitor you will see the window with an image captured by the camera.

Check that messengers (for example, Skype) also have access to this signal, you can in their settings that are responsible for the transmission of video and sound.

If you cannot install the connection - make sure that the "Device Manager" has a virtual camera and a microphone, and your smartphone and computer are located in one local network.

How to use the phone as a webcam in IP Webcam

IP Webcam is another application for using a smartphone as a webcam. He has more opportunities in terms of video surveillance organization, but also as a camera for messengers this program can be useful. As in the case of DROIDCAM, both devices must be connected to one local network.

The minus IP Webcam is work in emulation mode associated with certain difficulties. Thus, the program does not allow the use of a smartphone microphone as a gjktrazistrocher sound. But she knows how to transfer the picture in FullHD, while DROIDCAM can only be in HD, and even then, in the free version for this you need to watch advertising.

The full version of the software of these minuses is deprived, so if you plan to often use the phone as a webcam, it makes sense to acquire this software. Moreover, from the position of the functionality of a webcam (and not IP-camera observation), the first option is convenient and easy to operate.

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From this article you will learn about the new features of the phone, namely using it instead of a webcam.

You will be offered several options, with which you can connect a webcam through the phone.

How to use smartphone instead of webcam

See also: Top 12 best webcams with good quality pictures for online communication and streaming

The smartphone is a multifunctional device with which various tasks are solved.

However, the possibility of using a mobile gadget as a webcam is known not to many, as well as this function is useful.

In fact, there are such situations in life: it is necessary to answer the video call, and the webcam, as discharged, is faulty.

In this case, the camera will come to the rescue of your gadget. Following step-by-step instructions, you can use your gadget to transfer video to and other videosals.

If you need:

  • Produce video calls on skype, and the standard camera is missing or faulty;
  • To broadcast on the Internet, use several cameras;
  • Create a remote video surveillance.

Even if the screen is broken on your gadget, but it is still working, you will easily be able to replace the webcam, the main thing is that the working module left the front or main chamber remains.

For connection you need:

  • Special utilities for pairing a gadget with a PC or laptop;
  • Access point Wi-Fi.

Programs to transform the phone in a webcam via USB

See also: Top 15 best programs How to change voice timbre online | 2019.

Almost any gadget can come to replace the webcam provided. proper Installation on him a special program.

As a result, an excellent device can be used from the phone with the installed utility, which can be used to communicate with relatives or business partners through video links, you can also broadcast video.

The operation of applications intended to transform the phone into the webcam is based on the synchronization of the gadget with a personal computer by connecting via a USB cable or.

These utilities will allow replacing the camera embedded in the phone instead of a regular webcam installed on a laptop or computer.

The image quality will depend on installed program and mobile camera permissions.

Using DROIDCAM, ALTERCAM and USB Webcam programs, you can connect the phone as a webcam via USB.

Using one of these applications allows you to transport images from a gadget camera to or laptop via Bluetooth or USB cable and can be used using web services for instant messaging.

In addition to the camera to communicate via Skype, you can use the microphone mobile phone.


See also: How to create a video online: Top 10 best free and paid sites | 2019.

One of best programs For that work on the basis of Android. With its help, the gadget takes the metamorphosis in a matter of minutes and will become an excellent portable webcam.

Version for Android Windows version

Step-by-step instruction Installations:

1 In order for the phone to turn into the chamber, you need to install Android utilities.

While it will be installed, do the installation of the program on desktop computer. Unpack the archive. For this, on archive file Press the button "Extract ..." and select a place where you plan to extract the contents of the archive, then click Ok.

After the unpacking process is completed, go to the folder that was chosen to unpack and start the installation file and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

2 Now you need to connect the phone to the PC using ASB cable or Bluetooth.

3 After successfully connecting one of your gadget to another, run the program on both devices.

In the active window you need to enter a mobile gadget that allows you to distinguish the device from all others.

You can find this path in the DROIDCAM application running on the phone. In addition to the IP address, DROIDCAM shows the port number.


4 On the computer's desktop will notify the phone detection. You need to choose the quality of the video to get started.

5 To continue work and start streaming, you just need to press the button. "Start" . The application will send an image from the gadget chamber to the PC. If a mobile device With two cameras, go to the application settings on the phone and check whether the corresponding flag is worth the active chamber.


See also: Top 12 best IP cameras for video surveillance at home or office | Review of current models in 2019

Connect the phone to the computer as a webcam via a USB cable and using Altercam.

This program allows you to install a virtual web chamber.

You can broadcast any video: how with real cameraAnd just video rollers stored on the computer.

We will consider the option when the video source is a mobile device camera.

By IP Protocol, ALTERCAM program connects to mobile chamber And there is a real-time video from it to a virtual webcam.

The process of transformation of the phone in the webcam may seem complex, but the setting does not cause any difficulty.

Version for Android Windows version

Step-by-step instruction:

1 First, download the Altercam application and install it on the PC. After the installation is complete, the program start will automatically.

2 After that, you need to install the IP Webcam application on the smartphone. You can find it in Play Market.

3 The installed application must be launched on the phone. When starting, the settings list appears, as a rule, it is not necessary to change them, you just need to go down to the bottom and select the "Run" item.

4 Start the program is needed on the computer. In the window "Camera" Select "Add IP Camera".

5 Now you need to connect to the mobile device camera using Altercam. In a string "IP Camera Name" which will appear when opening the window "Add IP Camera" Enter any value, for example, my phone.

The image quality of the IP camera will depend on the resolution settings in the smartphone application. If you do not know exact value, leave this parameter unchanged.

6 At the bottom of the application open on the phone, the IP address of the camera is specified, transfer it to the "IP Camera Address" line to the window open on the computer.

After that, you need to add "/ Live" or "/ Video" at the end of the address. The first option for devices operating on operating system second - for android.

7 Move the IP address to the computer, you can press the button Ok . If all actions have been completed correctly, an image from the camera cameras will appear in the AlterCam program. If this did not happen, check the correctness of the implementation of all steps in gradually.

8 After the image appeared in Altercam, you need to select a virtual chamber in the settings of the voice program you will use. Consider on the example, Skype.

Log in to Skype under your login and password. Click on the tab "Instruments" and select section "Settings" . IN common settings You will see the "Video Setup" submenu, and select the program.

USB Webcam.

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The program allows you to use the phone as a webcam through a USB cable. First you need to install the application on your phone and PC.

You can download the PC program on the developer's website. In folder "Installation Path" You need to find a USBWebCam.Bat file and run it.

Version for Android

If the program is installed correctly, the image in all programs that use the camera will be broadcast from the phone camera. True, the personnel frequency will be low.

Reduce the resolution of the video stream can be in the settings of the application using the hardware key.

After starting the program on the smartphone, you need to enable the debugging software to activate the webcam through a personal computer.

You can find this option in the menu "Parameters" where you need to go to the submenu "System" , and then in the "Developer Settings".

After switching on USB debugging, connect the phone through the data cable to the PC. Run the program on your computer, to start work you need to press any key.

The USB Webcam application must be running on the phone. Now enter your account In Skype, go to the section "Instruments" , then subsection "Settings" .

In the settings, open the section "Video settings" , in the window that opens, select "GWEBCAMVIDEO" . If everything works correctly, a picture from the smartphone cameras will appear on the monitor screen.

In case you see the green screen, your device is not supported. uSB program Webcam.

Modern means wireless communication allow you to organize a video surveillance system in an apartment or house using mobile Phones, Smartphones or Tablets. On the displays of these devices, you can view all the information coming from the camcorder, as well as sound paintingBeing from the control zone almost at any distance. Video surveillance through a smartphone or other mobile device is carried out in real time.

Remote video surveillance

The remote control system allows you to observe everything that happens in the dwelling in the absence of owners. Many are installed hidden camcorders (read further -) to see the invited nanny treats the child or control the inviolability of the country site. The head of any level can evaluate the performance of personnel in its absence.

The video surveillance remote online system can implement the following functions:

  • Direct control in real time
  • View video archives
  • Listening to the control zones using microphones
  • Reception on a mobile device SMS messages

Image control with video cameras can be carried out from any point of the planet, where there is Wi-Fi Internet. Video surveillance system is usually completed with a recorder for recording video information that can be viewed from remote device. When organizing video surveillance over the Internet, it is best to use camcorders having solid State Drive (Flash map), which is recorded video information.

In order to save memory, the record is included "by event", that is, when the motion sensor is triggered. Modern IP camcorders, equipped with microphones, information from which is also controlled by any mobile device.

When the motion sensor is triggered, the device will not only turn on the video, but also sends the SMS message to the mobile home for the homemakes. As additional feature You can program the response signal at a given telephone number of the rapid response group.

A remote video surveillance through a mobile phone can be implemented through a personal computer or through a special router (router). For visual control, it is preferable to use digital USB camcorders, as they are adapted to work directly with a computer or laptop. Video surveillance, organized through a mobile phone works using protocols nets GSM. and client programs.

Special video cameras

In order to obtain complete monitoring of the situation in any room, you can use a special type of video cameras. These devices have a socket for installing a SIM card, so the camcorder has a normal telephone number. It is enough to call to this number from your mobile device and on the screen of a smartphone or mobile phone can be obtained, in real time, video broadcasting from the object where the surveillance camera is installed. Modern GSM cameras use third generation technology (3G) and have a wide functionality.

The camera for remote video surveillance, in addition to transmitting the image, has the following features:

  • Video recording on the "Micro SD" memory card
  • Soundcast from the microphone built-in camera
  • Providing bilateral voice communication
  • Sending SMS messages when the motion sensor is triggered
  • Sending messages on three programmed numbers

The only condition for the operation of a remote video surveillance is the location of the camera and the subscriber in the 3G network coverage area. Mobile phone model must support 3G video calls. A characteristic representative of the family of cameras for remote video surveillance can be considered the "Guardian" MINI "model. The camera is equipped with infrared illumination up to 6 meters, which allows you to control the object at night.

The device is powered by miniature network adapter or from battery. The camcorder allows connection to the transmission channel to 15 sensors of different types. It can be motion sensors, opening doors and windows, breaking glass or fire detectors. This design allows you to use the GSM camera not only for video surveillance for the apartment through the phone, but also as a full-fledged security system.

Organization of the observation system

Organization of remote observation using global NetworkIt differs from GSM video surveillance. A personal computer is used as a basic device. Observation through a phone or tablet using a computer provides the user with great opportunities. First of all, this video surveillance system allows you to set a large number of cameras, and the software allows the user to customize the modes of operation and remotely control the movement of the chamber horizontally and vertical.

The simplest remote video surveillance system can be implemented using one Web (USB) camera, which is included directly into a similar connector. personal computer or laptop.

The disadvantage of such a system is the need to obtain a static address of the device and the limit on the length of the connecting cable between the camera and the computer, which should not exceed 5 meters. Also not quite convenient is the constant round-the-clock work. personal device. When using a large number of camcorders to a computer, you must install the video capture board, on a specific number of camcorders. Video surveillance camera viewing through a smartphone, allows you to monitor the object in real time and carry out a video with the possibility of remotely learning the archive by date and time.

Modern remote video surveillance systems work with devices on iOS and Android platforms.

System components

The video surveillance system using the phone or tablet can be implemented in two versions:

  • Gasket cable lines
  • Wireless system

When selecting IP cameras for video surveillance, it is necessary to be guided by the parameters of these products, the main of which is the resolution, sensitivity and focal length. Range digital cameras It vary quite widely in terms of cost and quality, therefore the choice is mainly determined by financial capabilities. The signal transmission is carried out on the "Twisted Pair" cable.

The most frequently used is the UTP 4 CAT 5E cable, which allows you to feed the video cameras using the Power Over Ethernet (PoE) protocol through a free twisted pair.

This method allows you to do without an additional feed wire. Wireless systems Video surveillance allow you to do without installation work on the laying of cable lines, as the video signal is translated over the radio channel, but the power of the video cameras from the battery is noticeably limited to the continuous operation of the entire system.

To organize a video surveillance for an apartment through a smartphone or phone, except for video cameras, a recorder will be required to record video information to the built-in hDD And the router provides Internet access. To connect video surveillance cameras to view through a smartphone, it is most convenient to purchase a ready-made set of equipment. This will allow all installation work, connecting and configuring independently, not attracting foreign specialists. Ready complexes produces several well-proven, companies. They are intended to connect different amounts of video cameras and allow monitoring the object through mobile devices.

Set UControl Start 7S includes 4 color camcorders that can be placed in a room or on the street, a recorder that provides an entry on a hard disk with a capacity of 500 GB, a set of connecting wires and an installation and configuration instruction.

The system provides views of real-time images on the following devices:

  • iPhone.
  • Android and Winphone Smartphones
  • Tablets on android platform, Windows 7/8.

The cost of a set with a hard disk - 16,900 rubles. A similar device designed to connect 8 All-weather cameras will cost 50,900 rubles. The process of connecting and settings of the system is registered very affordable and will not be much labor.

Software for smartphones or tablet

There are many applications for mobile devices that allow you to remotely view pictures from the video cameras in real time. Such software products constantly updated and improved. Mobile client exacq Mobile 2.1. Designed for iPhone, iPad, smartphones and tablets on the Android platform. This application Designed to work with multifunctional software Exacq Vision.

With UControl, you need to download from Google Play free program Q-SEE Qt View. After the installation is complete, it is necessary, in the window that opens, register the network type, device address, login and password. After that, it is enough to press the "Login" button and select the mode - "real-time". In the main menu of the program, you can set the required settings.

In conclusion, you can note the following:

  • For remote video surveillance from one camera easier and cheaper to use USB deviceincluded directly into a computer or laptop
  • To organize video surveillance with multiple cameras, it is better to use the finished set

All installation and connection work does not represent much work and are performed independently.