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What to do if you can not hear the interlocutor on Skype. Fixing "no connection" error in Skype

Hello dear Skype users. We are glad to new and constant visitors of our informative computer portal. Often on the forums and in in social networks there is one common question. Many users ask why Skype does not work? And what if Skype stopped working? The main thing is not to panic. Probably many of you know that the extremely popular Skype program has long overtaken the no less famous service in terms of the number of users in the world. ICQ.

Yes, and how not to overtake, if in addition to online chat, Skype can be used as a phone and even a videophone. Unfortunately, after the sale of Skype company Microsoft, the program has become partially paid (calls to landlines and mobile phones). But the glitches and malfunctions especially did not decrease.

However, any program may refuse to work, the main thing is to find out the cause and fix the software problem. Of course, Skype is no exception - everything is solved here too. If your version of Skype does not work, then you should not despair. You are on the right track This instruction is intended for inexperienced users and we will try to explain everything in an accessible and plain language. In our article, we will consider the most common and well-known cases of program failures and identify the most common bugs in Skype.

Why is Skype not working?

Since all software problems are different from each other, it is worth dividing the reasons why Skype does not work into several types. And you yourself will understand what exactly happened to the program. We would like to note that we will not consider problems when the camera or microphone does not work in Skype. Since these two problems require program settings and for them we'd better write separate articles. Here we will talk about software failures. So, to begin with, we divide the problem into several subtypes:

  • Skype won't open at all.
  • Skype starts but a blank window appears.
  • Skype works, but then crashes with an error or

The first two cases are related and most likely in your browser Internet Explorer a failure has occurred. The third case stands apart, since there can be several reasons for program failures. First, consider the solution to the problem when Skype does not start.

If Skype stopped working after the update

Sometimes cleaning the application's service folder helps. This is done in the following way.
  1. Exit Skype.
  2. Open the "Run" command (press the Win + R buttons or find command line via the start menu).
  3. Next, copy and paste the following text into the command line: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Skype\Apps\ or %APPDATA%\Skype(depending on the version).
  4. Press Enter. A folder will open in which you need to find the folder with your Skype login (with the Skype username), from which you need to delete everything. Better yet, move the folder to another location.
  5. Launch Skype again.

If you can't sign in to Skype

This problem appeared after the start of the development of the program by the corporation. Microsoft. Beginning with Skype versions 5.5, the developers introduced the binding of the program to the Internet Explorer (IE) browser and the software Windows language scripting engine. The thing is that during authorization, Skype requires the execution of the ActiveX framework and access to JavaScript scripts that are in Internet Explorer. Unfortunately the settings this browser may be subject to changes, both by the users themselves, and, for example, by viruses. There is an authorization problem and Skype does not work when changing some browser settings. In addition, contacts may not be added to Skype. What to do in this situation?

If Skype does not work on XP, or Vista seven, then for starters, users Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, we advise you to download a special fix from Microsoft, which is located on this page - . Unfortunately, this add-on is not suitable for Windows 8, but we have other solutions, which we will talk about now. If this patch does not help, you can try updating your Internet Explorer browser or simply uninstall IE by downloading the latest version by downloading it from here. If you don’t want to delete or update, just try resetting your browser settings. To reset Internet settings Explorer, we do it like this:

  1. Close all Internet Explorer and windows Windows Explorer that are currently open.
  2. Reopen Internet Explorer.
  3. Click the Tools button (the button looks like a gear, located in the upper left corner of the browser), and then select Internet options.
  4. Click the Advanced tab and then click the Reset button.
  5. Check the "Delete personal settings" box (after restarting the computer, browsing history, vendor searches, home pages, tracking protection, and ActiveX Filtering data will be deleted).
  6. In the Reset Internet Explorer Preferences dialog box, click the Reset button.
  7. When Internet Explorer has finished applying the new settings, click the Close button, and then click the OK button.
  8. Close IE. The changes will take effect the next time you open Internet Explorer.

If after this manipulation Skype still does not work and refuses to start. Or does not save contacts, then you can do the following trick, which unfortunately can be called a crutch, a temporary solution. However, it works and has helped many people get Skype working.

  • Exit Skype (for this you just need to find the Skype icon in the tray, right-click on it and select the "Exit" menu item). Next, open the device manager (key combination CTRL + ALT + DEL) and make sure that the skype.exe process is not in the list of running processes. If it's still there, close it.
  • Open the "Program Files" folder. On Windows, this folder is usually located on the "C" drive. If you have a 64-bit version of the system, then the folder will be called "Program Files (x86)". For those who are interested, .
  • In the “Program Files” folder we find the “Skype” folder, go into it and open another “Phone” folder.
  • Right click on the executable file skype.exe and select the menu item "Send", and then select the item "Desktop (create shortcut)" from the drop-down menu.

  • After that, you need to find the created Skype shortcut on the desktop, right-click on it again. Select and go to "Properties".
  • In the window that opens, you need to find the "Shortcut" tab.
  • The "Object" field will contain the path to the executable Skype file. At the very end of this path, you need to add the parameter after the space "/legacylogin".
  • Ultimately, you should get the following: "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin- (including quotes). Or the following if you have a 64-bit system: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin
  • Next, just save the shortcut with the "OK" button and launch Skype.

Many people are probably wondering what the /legacylogin parameter does. It's simple, it starts Skype without the use of components Internet browser explorer. At the same time, Skype works with the old authorization window. Now consider the option when skype does not work at all, that is, the program authorization window does not even appear.

If Skype refuses to work

Quite often, Skype crashes on its own with the message “Skype has stopped working”. It seems to work stably, but periodically closes. I have to open Skype again, which of course is annoying. What can be advised in such situations? Well, firstly, try reinstalling the program by downloading the latest version of the distribution kit from the developers' site. It won't take much time, but it might help to solve the problem. The main thing is not to download the distribution kit from third-party sites, the version there may not be fresh, and the virus can be inadvertently caught.

But there is also the opposite situation, when Skype does not work after the update. This may be due to the unstable version released by the developers. In this case, you need to find an older, but better previous version skype, remove the newly installed and install a stable program. Skype may be affected by a virus. We advise. On our page you will find several effective antivirus programs.

If the program worked, and then Skype stopped working (Skype does not open at all), then restoring the system to a specific restore point may help. To use regular Windows recovery you need to open the "Start" menu, open the "Accessories" folder, select the "System Tools" subdirectory and run "System Restore". After starting, you will be offered a restore point to which you can return the system (remember that all changes made to the system after this point, including installed programs, will disappear).

Unfortunately, neither reinstalling Skype for more new version, neither a virus scan nor a system restore may help if, after starting the program or during its operation, blue screen Windows. This usually indicates the incompatibility of computer or laptop components (microphone, camera) with software Skype. In this case, try reinstalling the camera and microphone drivers.

Another common problem is that Skype video does not work. Often the same drivers are to blame. They are needed. The same if the sound does not work in Skype. It may also be related to the audio card drivers. Reinstall the driver on the audio card and then reinstall Skype itself. May be needed.

If Skype does not work on Android (on android tablet or phone), then you need to uninstall the app, restart your phone or tablet, and install the new version from Google Play. This completes our guide. We hope she helped. If the problem persists and Skype is still not working. Ask a question in the comments, with a description of your specific problem, we will try to solve it together.

If you get an authentication error after you've entered your Skype username and password, then you've entered the wrong credentials. If you still couldn’t log into Skype, then there are usually 2 reasons: either you forgot your password, or you were hacked. Luckily, in both cases, you can recover your account. There are also cases when the user has forgotten the login. This article will show you how to restore skype password and login. These cases are discussed below. detailed description solutions to each problem.

How to reset your Skype account password

If, when you try to log in to Skype on a laptop using your login and password or PC, an error appears stating that the credentials are incorrect, then to recover your password in Skype, click the "Reset Now" button.

In the next window, you need to choose one of the three options offered. Select "I don't remember my password" and click "Next".

After that, enter the email address (specified when registering Skype), verification code and click "Next".

Now open your mailbox. You should receive an email with a confirmation code.

Open this letter, copy the code, enter it into the "Password Recovery" window and click "Next".

In the next window you will be able to enter new skype password. Come up with a reliable combination of symbols and numbers. Repeat it in the box below and "Next" again.

You will then be able to log into your account with the password already created.

Now you know what to do if you forgot your Skype password. Next, you will learn how to remember a forgotten username.

How to recover Skype login?

If you've forgotten your Skype username, you can use your current email address or phone number that your username is associated with to sign in instead. This often happens if you use autologin. If you want to view all the logins that are linked to your email, you can use the second method.

Open a browser and go to . Please enter a valid email address or number mobile phone.

Click Continue. You will see all accounts available for the entered email or phone number.

Choose the one you need, and then feel free to log in. If you also don't remember your Skype password, you can reset your password. To do this, highlight the entry and click the reset button. Go through the steps described at the beginning of the article. If everything is done correctly, in a couple of minutes you will be able to log into Skype, as usual, by entering your username and password.

How to enter Skype without mail?

If you don't remember your email address, and mobile number phone is not tied to an account, then in this case it will be much more difficult to restore access. The main problem is that communication with the support service is possible only on English language and only if you are logged in as a registered user.

Before writing to the support team, try different options for all the mails you have ever used. If this fails, contact technical support.

The first thing to do is create a new account.

After that, go to your profile page in the browser.

Scroll down to the bottom and select English.

The information will be in English. V top menu click on the "Help" link.

You will be redirected to the support section. To get in touch with technical support, you need to select the Payments section. After that, you will be prompted to start a chat. Please describe your problem in detail. If you answer most of the questions correctly, then you will most likely be able to recover your Skype password.

This method does not give a 100% guarantee, as employees may ignore your request. Now you know how to restore Skype if you're having trouble signing in.

Now I will show you how to quickly register on Skype on a computer or phone. First, we will create a new account, and then we will learn how to use the Skype program.

How to register with Skype

Skype is an Internet communication program from Microsoft. Through it, you can call and correspond for free, as well as communicate via video. But in order for all this to be possible, you first need to register a new user.

Right now, I will show by example how to register on Skype for free on a computer and laptop. I will do this through the official website in Russian.

On a phone or tablet, registering for Skype is exactly the same, starting with the third step. First you need to install the application, open it and click "Create an account".

one . We open the official website

2. In the upper right corner, click on "Login" and select "Register" from the list.

3 . We print the number of our mobile phone with the operator code. Example: 9001112233

If you want to sign up for Skype without a phone number, click on the "Use an existing email address" link. An input field will appear e-mail box where you want to type your address.

Here the system offers to get a new mail address. But in this case, you still have to verify your account by mobile. Therefore, if you want to register without a phone, but you don’t have personal mail, then first create it on another site. And then specify this address when registering.

4 . We create a password of eight or more characters: it must consist of numbers and English letters. Password example: 45826967s

If the password does not pass, make a more complex version that includes both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, 45826967RNs

Be sure to write down the password. Without it, you will not be able to enter Skype later!

6. Now you need to enter the numeric code that will come to your mobile or email address, and click "Next".

The phone receives a message from unknown number with registration code:

And if instead of a number you indicated email, you will receive an email from technical support.

The letter will contain a registration code.

Don't try to use the code I have shown in the pictures. Yours will be different.

7. We print characters from the picture. The size of the letters doesn't matter.

eight . Will open skype online. Click "Get Started", and then the system will start.

If a window pops up asking you to show notifications, click "Allow".

That's it - registration is complete! Now you are on Skype and you can start chatting.

How to use Skype: a guide for beginners

Skype is of three types:

  • Browser (Skype online)
  • As a standalone program for a computer
  • Like a phone or tablet app

This is the same program, only in different versions. And you can use at least all of them at once.

For example, put a computer version on a laptop, an application on a smartphone. And on someone else's computer, use browser-based Skype.

Browser (Skype online) is the version without downloading. It just works from the browser: from Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox or any other program for the Internet.

Computer program- this is Skype, which you must first download and install on your PC. This is convenient if you intend to use Skype regularly. The program will hang in the computer's memory and as soon as someone wants to get in touch with you, it will immediately open.

App for phone or tablet- this is the same program, but only for mobile. It will also hang in the device’s memory, and as soon as someone calls or writes to you, it will immediately be activated.

How to log into your skype

To enter your Skype, you must first launch the program. After that, the account will either open automatically, or a login window will open where you will need to enter your data. You specified them during registration: phone number or e-mail, password.

How to open a program on a computer. To launch the computer version, open the Skype icon on the Desktop (screen).

If the icon is not there, look for it in Start - All Programs.

Usually the program starts itself when you turn on the computer, and all the time it is on the taskbar and in the tray.

How to open the app. To launch the application, click on the Skype icon on the screen of your smartphone or tablet.

How to open skype online. To log in to Skype in browser, go to

How to find a person

You can find a person in the system by email address, phone number or login. You can also search by the first and last names that the user registered with Skype. This is done through the search bar.

In a computer program:

In the application:

Skype in browser:

How to add a contact

Contacts are something like telephone directory. You add a person there, and he is fixed in your account. Thus, you can enter a friend, relative, colleague on Skype.

To add a new contact, you first need to find the person on Skype. To do this, type in the search his name or login in the system, email address or phone number.

Then select the user and click on "Add to contact list". A window with a request will appear. It is advisable to type in it who you are instead of the standard text.

Immediately after sending, the person will be added to your contact list. But next to its icon will be a small icon with a question mark. This means that the user has not yet approved the request. When he receives it and accepts it, the question mark will change to something else.

How to communicate

Skype communication is possible in three ways:

  1. call
  2. video call
  3. Correspondence

A call is something like talking on the phone. You hear the interlocutor, and he hears you. This will require a microphone, headphones or speakers, as well as a fairly fast internet connection. Modern laptops, tablets and smartphones usually have both a microphone and speakers.

To make a call, click on the contact in the contact list and click on the button with the handset icon.

A video call is a voice communication + video broadcast. You not only hear the interlocutor, but see him. And he, in turn, sees you. But for this you must have a special camera. It is called a webcam and is built into every modern laptop, tablet or smartphone. For personal computer it can be purchased separately.

To make a video call, click on the recipient and click on the camera button.

For video communication, the Internet must be fast and preferably unlimited.

Correspondence is an exchange of text messages (chat). You write what you want to say and get a response. In a chat, you can send not only a message, but also a file: a photo, a video, a document.

For correspondence, use the bottom window. Only first click on the user in the contact list.

Before you start chatting, pay attention to the icon next to the user icon. If it is green with a checkmark inside, then the person is now on Skype and will be able to answer. And if the icon is yellow, red or empty (white), then the subscriber is busy or not online.

How to find out your login

Login (nickname) is your Skype address, personal number in the system. It consists of English letters without spaces, may include numbers and signs. Address examples: ivan.petrov , live:petrov_19 , petrucho333

Where to see login. To find out the login in the program on your computer, click on your name in the upper left corner. In the item "Accounts" your address will be written.

To find a login in mobile application, you need to click on your icon at the top of Skype.

In the "Profile" item, the name in Skype will be written.

Also, you can easily find out your number in Skype through the browser version. To do this, go to under your data and click on the name in the upper left corner. A page will open where the login will be written.


Are Skype calls free?

Yes, calls, video calls, chat conversations, and file transfers are all free. Only the internet is used.

Is it possible to make Skype calls to regular phones?

Yes, via Skype you can call regular numbers - landlines and mobiles. But it's already paid. To find out about tariffs, as well as to deposit money into your account, follow the link.

Is it possible to re-create Skype if already registered?

Yes, you can re-register with Skype and create another account. But for this, when registering, you will need to use other data: a different phone number or email.

Is it possible to register without a phone number and without email?

Previously, according to the old registration form, it was possible to create an account by specifying a fictitious e-mail. But now email confirmation is required. Therefore, now, in 2018, you need to indicate your personal data: a real phone number or an email address.

How to log out of skype?

To exit the program on your computer, click the Skype button in the upper left corner and select Exit account". If there is no button, click on the three horizontal lines at the top left ().

On the mobile app, click on your icon, then scroll down to the very bottom and select Sign Out.

In browser Skype, click on your name and select "Exit" at the bottom.

What to do if you forgot your password?

The password can be changed. To do this, go to, enter your phone number, email or Skype login and click "Next". Then click on the link "Forgot your password?" and follow the instructions.

How to contact support?

In order to contact technical support, open the "Help" section and select "Contact us" at the bottom of the page.

I didn't find the answer to my question

Many Internet users use the Skype program in their work. But very often you can find situations when Skype does not start or a white box pops up. Many attribute this to a "bug" in Skype. How to get out of this situation, our article will tell.

Let's say right away that Skype is completely connected with the work of the Internet Explorer browser. That is, it must be installed on your computer. In this case, Internet Explorer settings must be set properly. If your Skype program does not start, then refer to the methods for solving the problem, which will be described below.

First way

If this action does not help, then go to the second method.

Second way

This action will allow you to sign in to Skype. But this is a temporary solution - only for authorization.

Third way

  1. Completely exit the program (how to do this, read above).
  2. Open " My computer», drive C, « Program Files”, folder Skype and go to folder " phone».
  3. Click on Skype and then right click: Send To - Desktop (Create Shortcut). A second shortcut will be created on the desktop.
  4. Click on the shortcut you created and then right-click on " Properties". In the window that appears, in the line " C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe”, write the following command separated by a space /legacylogin. Then click on the button below Apply».
  5. Now you can go to Skype by launching the program through the shortcut you just created. Skype will run in the old window (Skype version) and no Internet Explorer settings are required.

If the above methods did not help, then download the Skype program from the official website of the program and install it again.

Skype is an application that, like all other programs, can sometimes be affected by various crashes and external problems.

Thus, in this article, it becomes necessary to consider why the skype home page is not available and what to do if this problem occurs.

The occurrence of difficulties when the system tries to establish communication with the equipment

Most often, the Skype home page is not available due to the lack of an Internet connection. Thus, in most cases, in order to solve the problem that has arisen, it is enough to check the connection to the modem or other means of communication used.

To do this, you can try to load any web page of the browser you are using. In the event of an unsuccessful download, we can conclude that the problem lies precisely in the lack of communication with the equipment.

In order to most effectively eliminate the problem, it is worth initially highlighting possible reasons no connection:

  • failure of the modem, router or network card;
  • failure in Windows settings;
  • computer attack by third-party malicious virus programs;
  • failure of the provider's equipment.

Thus, if there is a failure of network equipment, it is better to seek help from a qualified master. If you got lost windows settings, it is worth re-installing using the provider's operator prompts. If signing in to Skype is not possible due to a virus attack, you need to diagnose the system using a powerful antivirus.

In addition, the network may be out of reach due to reasons related to interruptions in the provider's equipment. In this case, it is advisable to contact the operator and report the unavailability of the Internet connection. After that, it remains only to wait for the system to resume its functioning again.

If the main page of Skype does not open, the reason may be hidden in the replacement of the main user status. You can find this icon in the upper left corner near the user's avatar. If the status is “Offline”, you need to change it to the status “Online”. In most cases, the login problem is immediately resolved by itself.

Targeted destruction of the shared program file

If the main does not work Skype pages, this may be due to a malfunction program file shared.xml. Exactly given file contains all the dialogues between users. Thus, in order to do everything to restore the functioning of the program, we will have to this moment delete this document.

In order to do this correctly, you must act in the following sequence:Open the Run window and press the Win + R keys. Then, in the window, click on the line AppData%\Skype and confirm your choice with the OK command.

After opening the system explorer, you must select the Skype file, Skype shared.xml and delete it with the right mouse button.

Thus, what is the main reason for the limited functioning home page program, may be hiding in the need to delete the shared.xml file. Therefore, after carrying out simple manipulations, everything can return to normal.

Malicious virus attack

If the system writes: “There is no access to the main Skype page”, we can assume a version of a computer attack by extraneous viruses. For the most part, viruses block both individual programs and general Internet access. Therefore, both Skype and other applications may not be available.

In order to restore normal operation of the computer and resume access to Skype, you need to run an antivirus and scan the system. It is important to note that for complete elimination problems, it is better to run the antivirus from another computer or flash drive.

Updating or reinstalling Skype

How to quickly and accurately remove the restriction of access to the application may lie in the need to update the version of the program. Therefore, if your computer does not have the latest Skype version, this may limit the work individual elements programs. Updating Skype system is quite easy.

However, sometimes a simple reinstallation of the application helps to restore access to the main page of the system.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the unavailability of the main Skype page may depend on completely different factors. Therefore, the solution of each separately arisen problem is also different.

The most basic thing is not to rush to remove software elements yourself. You can initially try to change the status or check Internet access. If these attempts are not successful, you can proceed to further, more radical actions.

Very often there are cases when a simple restart of the Skype program helps to restore access and continue using the application.