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Bir firmware. DD-WRT version update

The router firmware is one of the the most important points during its operation. The safety and stability of work largely depends on this. computer network... Therefore, in order for your router to make the most of the capabilities provided by the manufacturer, it is necessary to keep it up to date. Next, we will consider how this can be done in such a common router model as the D-Link DIR-615.

For a novice user, the process of updating the firmware can seem like something very complicated and difficult to understand. However, in reality, this is not at all the case. The D-Link DIR-615 router provides two update methods.

Method 1: Remote upgrade

Remote updating of the router's firmware is convenient because it requires a minimum of effort from the user. But in order for it to work, you need to have a configured and functioning internet connection. In the future, you need to do this:

The update itself takes some time, during which the browser may display an error message, or even give the impression that the process is frozen. Do not pay attention to this, but be patient and wait a little. It usually takes no more than 4 minutes. After the router restarts, the new settings will take effect.

In the future, you just need to periodically check the relevance of the firmware using the above method.

Method 2: Local update

In cases where the router does not have a configured Internet connection, there is no section in the web interface. automatic update The software or the user simply does not want to use the previous method - update D-Link firmware DIR-615 can be produced in manual mode... To do this, you should:

In the future, everything will happen in the same way as with a remote update. After completing the process, the router will reboot with the new firmware.

These are the ways to update the firmware in D-Link router DIR-615. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process. However, this does not relieve the user of the need to be careful when choosing a firmware file in the event of a local update. Choice software, intended for a different revision of the router, may cause it to malfunction.

The D-Link DIR-615 Wi-Fi router (router page) is very popular among buyers, which means that the instructions for updating the firmware on the D-Link DIR-615 will be popular and relevant. Good router, with an excellent combination of price / quality. To organize home Wi-Fi networks, this router is just perfect.

After purchasing a router (not only DIR-615), an outdated version of the software (firmware) may be installed on it. It's okay, but before setting up your router, it's best to update the firmware on it to a newer version. And if your router has been working for a long time, then it is possible that a newer version of the firmware has already appeared, and it is better to update it. Or, you have noticed some problems with the Internet through the router: frequent network cuts, problems in the operation of certain functions, etc.

As I wrote above, if you have just bought a router, then it is better to install a new software. If the router works and works well, and you are not very versed in these matters, then it is better not to touch anything. It works, let it work. But, in updating the software, there is nothing terrible and difficult.

Yes, if you don't follow the instructions, you can turn your router into a brick. Also, if you have already configured everything, then after the firmware you will need to re-specify all the parameters. If you are not sure if you can do this, then it is better to leave it as it is.

The new firmware may have many improvements and new features that will have a good effect on the operation of the router. And maybe new features will appear. Also, there may be a new design of the control panel.

Downloading the firmware for D-Link DIR-615

First of all, we need to find out the revision (hardware version) our router and download the firmware to your computer.

Find out the hardware version of D-Link DIR-615

Take your device and look at the sticker that is on the bottom. The model and hardware version should be listed there. It looks like this:

We are interested in what is written after "Ver .:". In my case, the hardware version of the device K1 (there may also be K2, B, C, U, etc.).

We remember which hardware version we have and go to the D-Link server at the link There we choose our version. In my case, it is "K".

If necessary, then select another subfolder.

Further, we see the folders, usually there is an Old folder (it contains old firmware versions), and the beta folder (it may contain firmware that is under development)... We don't need these folders, but we need the file itself, with the extension .bin and something like this name 20140711_1343_DIR_615K1_2.5.4_sdk-master.bin. This file is located near the folders. If you look closely at the name of the file, you can see for which router it is, for which revision, which version and date.

The file with the firmware we need is on our computer. You can start the actual software update process.

Updating the firmware for DIR-615

You need to know:

1. Make sure that the firmware you download is exactly the right one for your router model. Pay attention to the device revision (wrote about this above).

2. The software can only be updated over a network cable. When connected via Wi-Fi, you cannot.

3. Do not turn off the router while flashing. Be careful not to touch the power cable and network cable.

Here's another joke that the DIR-615 has about 4 different control panels. I will introduce that they are different in appearance. And write universal instruction very difficult compared to. There, the settings are the same on all devices. I will try to show by the example of the most popular control panels.

We connect the router to the computer via a network cable (LAN)

We take our router and connect it to a computer (or laptop) via a network cable. A small cable should be included with the router. If this computer has previously connected via Wi-Fi, then be sure to turn off wireless connection... Make sure the router is connected to your computer with a network cable only.

We open any browser and type the address in the address building ... We pass on it. You will be prompted for a username and password to access the settings. If you have already changed them, then indicate the ones that you installed. If not, then we enter the standard - admin and admin.

So we got into the control panel of our router. Now, we just need to upload the firmware. If your settings look dark (such as in the screenshot below), then click on the button Advanced settings then on the tab System click on the button to the right and select Software Update.

If the settings are light, then on home page select item Configure manually and then go to the tab System and Software Update.

Click on the button Overview... and select the firmware file on your computer. Click on the button Refresh.

Or like this:

The file is selected, launches the firmware update process. The update status will appear, do not touch anything. We are waiting for the router to reboot. If something freezes, then it's okay. Wait 4 minutes and refresh the page in the browser. You should see a new control panel and a request to change the password to access the settings. You can come up with your username and password (just write them down so you don't forget), or specify the same standard admin and admin.

After changing these data, you can already use them to enter the settings of the router and configure it.

Automatic firmware update via internet to D-Link

If your router is already configured with the Internet, then you can update the firmware much easier. You do not need to search and download the firmware file to your computer, the router will do everything by itself.

Attention. If you do not find the option to automatically update the software in the settings of your router, or your control panel will differ from the one in the screenshots below, then first update the software to latest version in the way I described above.

After entering settings D-Link router, you can immediately see a message that there is a new firmware version.

A warning message will appear and the firmware update process will begin. In the process, a window may appear asking you to enter the password twice to enter the router settings. Come up with and indicate it.

After updating the firmware, the control panel may change (how I hate it)... For example, after updating my D-link DIR-615 / A to version 2.5.20, everything looks like this:

In the new version, the firmware update on D-Link is done like this:

Why not make one version of the control panel and just improve it. It would also be much easier for ordinary users... And so a bunch of different instructions, and the control panels do not match anywhere.

That's it, the sewing of our DIR-615 has been successfully completed. It has the latest software version installed.

Today we will look at the process of flashing the D-link Dir-300 router, which is extremely popular in Russia. Despite the fact that the process of flashing this router does not present any particular difficulties, sometimes the novice user is confused by this task. I will explain to you how to flash D-link Dir-300 in the form of a simple and accessible instruction. We will also find out where download the firmware for Dir-300, without fear of downloading a virus instead of firmware. So let's get started.

Preparing for D-link Dir-300 firmware

If you have already connected the router and know how to enter the admin panel at, you can skip the preparation process. For everyone else, let's write a few words about connecting the Dir-300.

1. Connect the router with the supplied cable to network card the computer from which you will be updating the firmware. LAN1 port - to the network card of the computer. If you only have Wi-fi on your device, it doesn't matter, we will flash over Wi-fi.

2. Turn on the router. If you will be flashing via Wi-fi, then connect to the unsecured DIR-300 network. If you have already tried to configure the router and cannot connect to wireless network(forgot the password that was set on Wi-fi), then reset the settings to the factory settings. To do this, hold down the "reset" button for about 10 seconds (until the router blinks all the lights), then wait 30 seconds and feel free to connect to the unprotected Dir-300 network.

3. Open your favorite browser and type in address bar the address of the router's web interface is If the page does not open, make sure that the "Obtain IP and DNS automatically" parameters are set in the network connection settings (in the properties of the TCP / IP protocol)

4. Enter the initial username / password - admin / admin. If the password does not fit, check the keyboard layout or reset the router.

Download the D-link Dir-300 firmware from the official website.

Important! The D-Link Dir-300 router has several modifications. If you choose the wrong firmware for your device, most likely this will lead to its non-repairability at home. Please read carefully the information on how to choose the right firmware.

So, each D-Link Dir-300 router has a sticker at the bottom. It contains, among other things, the information we need. Find the inscription H / W Ver... This line will indicate the version of Dir-300. Mote comes in the following variations: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, A / C1. With this instruction we will be able to flash any version of Dir-300.

So, we have decided on the firmware version. But what about to download the firmware for D-Link Dir-300? It's very simple! We go to the official website of D-Link at the link Next, go to the folder pub, later Router and find our version of the router in the list. We go into the folder of the router, then in Firmware and download the firmware in .bin format.

So, we have the firmware, the router is connected - let's proceed to the firmware update.

DIR-300 router firmware.

Go to admin panel router at Login / password: admin / admin. The interface may differ depending on the modification of the router and the firmware version. Here are some examples of what the DIR-300 web interface might look like.

Picture 1

1. Click on "Advanced Settings".

2. In the "System" item, click the arrow to the right, then "Software Update"

3. Specify the firmware file downloaded earlier.

4. Click the Update button.

Picture 2

1. Click on "Configure Manually".

4. Specify the firmware file downloaded earlier.

4. Click the Update button.

5. Wait until the end of the firmware

Do you think the router is frozen? Read the "Note at the end of the article"

Picture 3

1. Click on the top menu " Maintenance"(" Maintenance ")

2. Select "Firmware" from the left menu.

3. In the Update Setting section, click Browse and select the firmware file.

4. Wait until the end of the firmware

Do you think the router is frozen? Read the "Note at the end of the article"

As you can see, the D-Link Dir-300 firmware process is very similar for all modifications of this router. I think I explained the principle of the firmware quite clearly.

Note to the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router.

If it seems to you that the router is frozen during the firmware process, because the firmware download bar is moving endlessly, or the browser reports that the page is unavailable, most likely it is not. It's just that during the firmware process, the connection between the router and the computer is interrupted and you need to wait a couple of minutes until it is restored or update the page yourself after a while. I hope my article on the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router helped you.

Today, due to technological progress, equipment is rapidly becoming obsolete, so new models of devices appear every day, promising to be more powerful and more convenient than their predecessors. But not always the new best, sometimes old devices are used after a software update. Such devices that can serve for a long time and regularly are routers.

The article will provide information on how to update the firmware on a Dir-615 router.

It's simple and fast decision, which accelerates the Dir modem and expands its functionality.

This procedure may sometimes be necessary immediately after purchasing the router, depending on the purposes for which it will be used.

When new hardware is purchased in the store, including Dir routers, they have standard firmware allowing the user to check the device's performance and characteristics. But in most cases, the first version of the firmware is installed. This leads to certain disadvantages:

  • Limited functionality.
  • Dir's inability to run at full speed.
  • Outdated data transfer protocols, as a result, - low speed of wireless and Lan-connection.

These are the main criteria that significantly limit the user. You will also need to change the firmware on the D-Link router of the Dir model if you need to add the function of viewing IPTV via a modem directly from the set-top box. The standard assembly does not have this feature.

To know for sure that the router has outdated firmware and needs to be reflashed, you need to take several steps.

How to find out the version

Check the firmware version for Deer »- 615 can be done in two ways.

Download firmware

Before updating the firmware of the D-Link router model Dir-615, you need to decide for what purposes it will be used this device... If you need it like a normal router for Wi-Fi distribution and the Internet over the network, then the latest firmware version for Dir from the official site will do.

If using this update you need to add functionality to the device or define it for a specific provider, you cannot find such a version on the official website. You will have to search on the Internet. Also, the required package is provided on the portal of the provider providing services to the user.

Let's take a look at what secure packages are installed on the Dir-615.

Latest firmware for Dir-615 router

This link contains the latest firmware for any revision of Dir-615 This software is official, its installation will not harm the modem in any way, if you carry out the entire procedure from beginning to end according to the instructions published in this article.

DD WRT-firmware for D-Link Dir-615 router

DD WRT version connects the user's IPTV set-top box directly to the router and uses an Internet connection. There is a proven portal where you can find a version for your own modem. To do this, follow the link: Then enter Dir-615 in the search line. Select the revision suitable for your personal home device from the list.

This resource is best suited for finding D-Link firmware Dir-615 model.

Firmware installation process

After the version of the Dir software became known, the user downloaded the firmware itself, it is recommended to go directly to the update procedure. It should be noted right away that the installation new firmware for Dir only happens over the network cable. Also, for the entire duration of the procedure, the device must be connected to the computer via a Lan-cable and to the power supply. If during the procedure the connection with the PC is disrupted or the electricity goes out, the procedure for restoring the firmware of the router will be required.

You also need to know that the settings of the TP-Link router after flashing can be reset and you will have to set them up again.

Manual update

  1. To manually update a device, it must be connected to a PC and network.
  2. Then you need to go to the Dir settings, find the "System" tab.
  3. This section contains the item "Software update".
  4. In the window that opens, find the "Select file" button.
  5. After that, the file browser on the computer will open, specify the path to the file with the bin extension, which is the required firmware.
  6. After all the steps have been completed, the "Update software" button will become operational.
  7. Click on it and give the device time to reboot and install the new firmware rev.

In the update instructions, the average flashing time takes up to five minutes, this procedure can be completed even faster. But it is strongly discouraged to try to speed up this process by rebooting or closing the working window. This will lead to unpredictable consequences up to the breakdown of the Dir-615.

After updating the package, the device will reboot, this will be noticeable by the indicators that have gone out and lit up again at once. The interface of the Dir router may also change.

The Dir 615 modem also has a built-in automatic update facility.

  1. To activate it, you need to go to the system settings, find the "Update software" tab.
  2. The user will be interested in the "Remote update" tab.
  3. First, you need to drag the slider responsible for automatic check the presence of a new firmware version in the active position.
  4. The line "Server address" should contain: This is the official source.
  5. After that, you should click on the buttons "Check for updates" and "Apply settings".

Now Dir router will regularly check the site for new firmware and, if necessary, install it.

If the firmware was damaged, or the update process was interrupted, access to the router at will end with an error, and the wired and wireless connection... But this is not a reason for panic, you need to roll back the firmware. To do this, use the following instruction:

  • Completely disconnect Dir from the network and from the computer (pull out the cables).
  • Go to the network connection settings, in the properties find the version of the TCP / iPv4 protocol, open the configurations of this protocol.
  • Enter static IP:
  • Mask:
  • Gateway:
  • DNS:
  • Connect PC and router via WAN port using Lan cable.
  • Press the Reset button.
  • Apply power to the modem.
  • Hold the Reset button for 10 seconds.
  • Go in the browser to the address:

A window with a Browser button will appear in front of the user. Now you need to download the old firmware versions, 100% working, select one of them to restore the system. After the flashing is completed, return the settings to their original state.


The procedure for updating the software on the router is useful and necessary.

The device is not endangered in case of failure, there is no need to look for programs for data recovery, everything is solved by internal means within a few minutes. But at the same time, the new version of the software expands the functionality of the router, eliminates the shortcomings of previous versions.

This article will focus only on the dir300 router, revision B1. Turn the router over and look at the bottom surface, where the sticker will indicate its hardware revision (look for the line H / W Ver: B1). This model differs from the older one as appearance, and the firmware version (starting from 2.00), carefully look at the photo above. The main difference between revisions A1 and B1 is the chip on which the router is based, in our case the router H / W Revision B1 and is based on the Ralink RT3050 chip. By the way hardware execution WiFi router dir-300NRU is exactly the same as dir-600, which is a complete analogue of 300NRU and is produced for the European zone.

Firmware for WiFi router D-Link DIR-300NRU Rev. B1

Installation of DD-WRT firmware on D-Link DIR-300 Revision B1 is performed via standard web interface router. Further point by point:

1. Download the firmware from this site or check more new version on having driven into the search DIR-300 B1. We need the file dlink-revb- factory-webflash.bin

2. We connect dir-300 'direct' network cable included in the kit (any of the 4 LAN ports of the router) with a computer.
Assign in the properties of the connection by local network on the computer, the IP address is and the subnet mask is

3. Launch the browser (it is best to use IE) and go to the web interface by typing in the address bar
We enter the username and password, for a new router the default username is admin, there is no password (empty) and the confirmation code from the figure. If you did, please enter your passwords.
Go to the Maintenance tab and then Firmware Update, click "browse" -> look for the downloaded file dlink-revb-factory-webflash.bin, click "Upload"

4. For several minutes while the DIR300 is being stitched, you cannot turn off the power and interrupt the process in every possible way. For reliability and preservation of a certain amount of nerves, I advise you to do this operation by connecting the router and computer via UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

5. After the firmware is complete, the router will reboot and become available at Let's enter it into the address bar of the browser and see the DD-WRT web interface. If the page does not load, try clearing the browser cache, closing and reopening. DD-WRT firmware login and password is root / admin.

DD-WRT version update

For a subsequent firmware update from DD-WRT, use the dir300-revb- ddwrt-webflash.bin. We download it here - or on having driven into the search DIR-300 B1.

1. Open the DD-WRT web interface in a browser, by default it is located at
2. Select the Administration tab -> click "Firmware Upgrade"
3. Next "browse" -> select the downloaded file "dir300-revb-ddwrt-webflash.bin" -> "Upgrade"

After a few minutes, the router will reboot and update web page... I recommend that you turn off the router after the firmware and turn it on again (some kind of power reset).

Return to official firmware D-Link

Returning the official firmware is also not difficult and the execution algorithm is exactly the same as in the paragraph - "Updating the DD-WRT version". Naturally, we need to have a pre-prepared firmware file, download -. Can also be downloaded from the official FTP server D-link by selecting the latest version.

Rollback to factory firmware from Emergency Room

Sometimes there are situations when it is impossible to return to the factory firmware using the method described above. In this case, we use the Emergency Room.

1. Perform a reset to factory reset, either through the DD-WRT web interface, or by pressing the reset button.
2. We remove all ethernet cables, leaving only the LAN1 connection of the router -> PC. We always use the "straight" wire (blue from the kit).
3. In properties to network adapter computer, we register the static address, the subnet mask
4. Remove the power supply plug from the router, press the reset button, and without releasing the button, insert the power back, wait for the router to load for about 15 seconds and only then release the button.
5. Now quickly open the browser, enter and in front of us is the Emergency room. Select the firmware file dir300b_v2.05_abnj.bin and click "Upload Now".

Well, now, briefly, why is this undertaking with flashing DIR 300NRU.

The firmware is based on Linux and is a miniature operating system, a lot of advanced settings appear, which are much more logical. Ability to cut the channel with priority by service (QoS). You can block sites by page address or simply by domain name.