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How to put a password for opening a folder. How to put a password to the folder in a Windows computer without programs and with them

Many people use computers for work and personal communication. To fulfill its work, solutions of financial tasks set different utilities, text editors, applications. Most of these programs require authorization. To maintain the results of work, financial information, a large number of logins and passwords, you need to restrict access to folders and files to other possible users of the computer. To do this, you need to know how to put a password to the folder or encode the archive tools by Windows or special programs.

What is the password for the folder

The task of restricting access can be divided into two subtasks. The first one closes access to your personal information on your computer or by local network For all, besides you. Second task - restricting access of other possible users of your computer to your account. A separate task is to archive data or the application of software to reduce files. If we talk in general about protection, the password for folders is necessary when restricting access to:

  • personal, accounting, tax or other confidential personal and business information;
  • login and secret codes from personal Accounts in online banking, postal utilities, social networks;
  • business secrets, technologies, inventions, developments in all spheres of human activity.

How to pass the folder on the computer

Calculate all confidential information can be in several ways. The most basic ones are:

  • ability to set a password to the tool folder operating system Windows - Create a key password for a directory, started by the BAT file with a PIN directory, create document protection microsoft | Office;
  • the use of specialized archiving utilities indicating the secret code for opening the archive;
  • protect the password folder using special utilitieswho make files and directories closed on secret code And invisible in file managers.

Windows tools

Operational windows systems Different issues have different ways to pass the folder on the desktop or disk. For computers on Windows 7, which use the NTFS file system, there is a way to protect data at the physical level. To do this, you need to create a file key with the PFX extension:

  • open the Properties tab required to close the directory;
  • in the top menu, go to the General tab-\u003e Attributes-\u003e Others;
  • in additional attributes, check the content encryption checkbox;
  • select "Encrypt content to protect data";
  • click "Archive Now", the encryption process will begin;
  • click "Next" will start automatically export certificates;
  • then you need to check the box on the extension of the file-key - PFX;
  • specify the code for the key file;
  • click "Overview", select the storage location on your computer or flash drive, the name of the key file, move the data to the key, clicking "Next";
  • after clicking "Finish", the folder will be encrypted;
  • to open it, you need to click on the key, enter the code.

Standard means Microsoft Office. 2010 is the ability to encrypt created documents. Using this tool, when you try to open any document created in Office, you will need to enter a specified password. For this:

  • select the "File" tab;
  • next - "Protect Document";
  • in the menu, specify - "encrypt password";
  • by entering the secret code twice, click OK-\u003e Save.

Archiving programs

At the dawn of the computer era, the archiving program was used mainly to compress folders in order to save space on the hard disk. Now these utilities are used for packaging information when it is sent by mail, download to hosting, storage, sales. Another important opportunity archivers have due to the presence of the installation function of the PIN code when archiving. In this case, any archived file can be opened only when entering the secret code. The most popular supported by many platforms and hosting are the WinRar, WinZip, 7-Zip archivers.

Using special programs

You can limit access to directories by applying special utilities created for this purpose. Graphic shells or sequence of operations in these programs are different, but all of them are made in order to block the folder on the computer, conveniently and quickly install codeword On the opening of the folders, hide them on the disk for any extraneous eye. Such utilities have paid and free. They make it possible to close access to directories with any content - texts, music, photos, video. The most popular on the market are:

  • PasswordProtect USB;
  • Lock-a-folder;
  • Folder Protector.

How to make a password folder using archiver

By creating an archive with the help of popular WinRAR or 7-zip archivers, it is possible not only to reduce the size involved in folders with any contents by 30-50%, but also to put the code for the opening of this archive. This practice is applied when selling information, lessons, etc. through the Internet. Downloading an archive from sites or torrents free, but for their discovery you need to purchase a secret code. By creating an archive, it is possible to allow adding new files and folders to it. Modern versions These products have a number of additional features.

Winrar archiver

One of the very first and most common is the WinRAR archiver. It has several settings before packaging - in speed, the degree of compression, work in the background, the task of the archive name, the location of its conservation and many others. To create an archive you need:

  • having allocate the archived objects, right-click the mouse button, select context menu "Add to archive";
  • create the name of the archive;
  • the drop-down list of the right provides the ability to select the method of updating the source files and in the archive;
  • if necessary, put a tick "Delete files after archiving";
  • if you need to block the archive, put a tick in the archiving parameters to "Block the Archive";
  • press the "Install Password" key, enter it twice;
  • it is recommended after entering the code words to select "Display password at the input" and "encrypt file names", then "OK";
  • to start the process, click "OK" at the bottom of the main menu.

Program for archiving files 7-zip

WinZip and 7-Zip utilities the latest version They are paid, for their full-fledged work requires registration on developer sites, payment and receipt of the activation key. If it is presented for anyone who uses archived work on creating an archive is the same simple as with WinRar. To create an archive you need:

  • having selecting the desired objects by pressing the right mouse button in the Select "7-Zip-Add to ZIP file" menu;
  • set the archive format, put a tick in the "Show password" option and "encrypt file names";
  • in the line "Enter the password" set the code word;
  • start archiving by pressing the "OK" button.

Protect and hide folder using a bat-file under password

One of the options for closing the directory code is the creation of an executable file or BAT file, which is created in any simple text editor, for example - notebook. This file is created in the folder you want to pass. The text of this utility is on many resources on the Internet. He looks like this:

title Folder Private.


iF Not Exist Private Goto MDLocker

echo Are You Sure You Want To Lock The Folder (Y / N)

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d Y GOTO LOCK

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d Y GOTO LOCK

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d N Goto End

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d N Goto End

echo Invalid Choice.



echo Folder Locked.


if not% Pass% \u003d\u003d Your_pall Goto Fail



echo Folder Unlocked Successfully

echo Invalid Password.

echo Private Created SuccessFully

Your actions to create a closed secret code of the directory will be the following:

  • one of the items of the template of this small utility is the string of your_pall, instead of which you need to enter your PIN code;
  • save this file, rename it in Locker.Bat;
  • click on it, the Private folder is created;
  • it must be transferred to all the information you need;
  • then run the BAT file Locker.bat again, answer "Y » To the question "Are You Sure You Want to Lock The Folder", and directory with your information will become invisible;
  • to access it, you need to start the BAT file Locker.bat, enter your code.

Creating an account with access rights

Windows OS when installing creates account Administrator who is endowed with all configuration rights, settings. For other computer users or laptop, you need to create credentials with limited rights. This creates its profile with the type of desktop, running programs, documents, drawings, etc. If there are several people on the computer, it is possible to create such a user profile under each of them. Each account you can endow your access rights to functions, applications, local network.

Creating a shared account

Created when installing an account with administrator rights will be the main on the computer. At the same time will be created system files And folders for saving documents, photos, videos, music. By default, all the file saved files will be placed in them. All users of the system that will go under this main account will have shared access to all information. If you close the main account secret key and create your accounts for other users, no one can access this information.

Setting code

A reliable way to protect is the closing password account. For this you need:

  • press the Start- Buttons-\u003e Control Panel-\u003e User Accounts;
  • in the list of accounts, select the desired;
  • specify "Creating a Password", enter it twice, create a text prompt and save;
  • next, in the main menu, select "Change the order of user login in the system";
  • remove the tick to "use a welcome page", while when you turn on the classic login and pin code will be offered.

Closing the password folder

Limit access to the directory to other computer users or local network. simple treatments with its properties. To do this, you need to do the following steps:

  • having a mouse to the selected object, right-click select the properties-\u003e Security-\u003e Edit;
  • you must add to the list of local and network users for which you close access;
  • clicking "Add" We register in the Username window, click "OK";
  • allocate this user from the list, put the checkboxes in the "Prohibit" column;
  • click apply-\u003e OK.

How to encrypt the password folder using special programs

Many third-party programs have been created by programmers software productsthat provide the ability to hide or just limit access to files, utilities and applications different users or the uninfused guests of your computer. These utilities are distinguished graphic sheath, design and cost. There are free utilities and paid applications. The choice depends on your preferences. Paid utilities have regular updates that increase the degree of classiness stored with their help.

PasswordProtect USB.

The use of the PasswordProtect USB utility will provide the ability to quickly and easily hiding your confidential files and folders by selecting the item in the menu of their properties. For this, after downloading and installing on a computer of this program, which is compatible with Windows 10, you must do the following:

  • purge the mouse to the selected object and right-click open the menu;
  • press the Lock Wock Password Protect USB button;
  • in the window that opens, enter the code word twice, confirm your actions;
  • after that, the icon will be visible a sign indicating its protection;
  • when attempting to open the utility will offer to enter the code.

Folder Lock.

The Folder Lock utility is able to protect the directory with any information on the PC with Windows 7, 8, 10. To use its capabilities you need:

  • download, install and run the program;
  • enter the PIN code in the text field, click OK;
  • clicking "Add", choose the desired folderor drag it into the utility window;
  • after that, it becomes blocked, you can open it only by code.


it free utilityIt is easy to work, suitable for non-executive programmer's user friendships (newcomers). This utility hides the presence of a folder on the computer. By downloading, installing and running the utility:

  • the "Lock A Folder" option select the desired object;
  • option "Unlock Selected Folder" open a directory with passwords;
  • change the main PIN code - "CHANGE MASTER PASSWORD".
  • to open the hidden, launch Lock-A-Folder;
  • click "Unlock Selected Folder", enter the code.

Folder Lock Lite.

A paid version of the utility that can protect files, wheels is Folder Lock Lite. It has free trial period 30 days. Its cost is 39.95 USD. This utility works on the principle of installing a master password, which is entered twice when it is first started. After adding files or folders, the utility hides their finding on the disk. You can detect their presence to restart the utility and input of the master password.

Folder Protector

Different from many other utilities, the Folder Protector program uses encryption folders to protect folders. It has a paid and free feature for users with different requirements. After downloading, installing and running the steps required to protect:

  • specify the directory to close the access;
  • twice write the secret code, click "Protect";
  • it will be encrypted, created executable file;
  • to decrypt it, you must run this file from the utility.


I recently needed to pass the folder on the computer and for this I had to go through a bunch of programs. As a result, I chose several worthy attention and decided to tell you about them. Also, there are "classic" encryption methods that will be discussed at the end of the article. I think many will be interested in this topic, and to whom too lazy to read - the article has a couple of video.

Install passwords using programs

This method will like most of you. It makes it easy to hide folders from user eyes. But this topic has a disadvantage - in order to remove the protection, you need to run the program every time. I found three, decent attention, programs.


After installation, a folder appears with labels on the desktop.

  • The folder to which you want to restrict access must be transferred to the program window or click on the "plus list" and select it manually
  • Then click on the folder and click "Lock"
  • Invent the password, we enter it twice and voila - the folder completely disappears from the conductor!

You can not enter the tip to the password, but do not forget it! To go to the closed folder yourself, you need:

  1. run the program
  2. click on the item in the list
  3. press "Open Castle"
  4. enter a password.

Interestingly, the "attacker" will not be able to find your data on the computer and, even knowing the password, will not understand where to enter it 🙂 even, booting from another operating system - it will not find anything!

To get to the settings, click on the "Wrench", there are several convenient options.

Install the password to start and change the program settings. Install the checkboxes "Close access to all folders after exit from the program" and "forcibly closing access to folders." The latter will be needed if the files in your directory will be occupied by another program and "ALF" will not be able to set the password.

To make this option to become available, click "Configure" and specify the location of the file "unlocker.exe" (usually in "C: \\ Program Files \\ Unlocker"). This is a program for in conventional method. You will need to install it.

Remember, before reinstalling Windows you need to open access to all folders!

Paid Stuff - Password Protect USB

Do not pay attention to the "USB" console, the program works with different drives. The program has a 30-day test period and limit on the size of the protected data - 50MB.

Click on the Right-click folder and select "Lock with Password Protect USB"

The presence of this item in the context menu is favorably distinguished by Password Protect USB from free "ALF." If the password installation window does not automatically appear, then click the Lock Folders button and manually find the folder on the disk. Then set the password and, if you wish, the tip to it (Password Hint).

The work "Password Protect USB" is something similar to the archiver, because The folder hides in a file with the extension ".___ ppp", which, with the use of small effort, can be deleted. This I consider the only but very significant, minus program. On the other hand, these files can be transferred to a USB flash drive, and without fears to reinstall Windows. Then install "Password Protect USB" again and select "Search for Locked Folders ..." at the bottom.

By clicking on the ".___ PPP" file, "Password Protect USB" starts and a password request for removing protection appears. You can manually mark the items and click the "Unlock Folders" button:

After work, do not forget to put passwords again!

In a nutshell, I will introduce another wonderful free program - Hide Folders. Works like "ALF", i.e. The folder is completely hidden. Also carry a directory into the window, or click "Plus" and choose it on the computer yourself.

Then press the "Hide" button, thereby incorporating the operating mode, and mark the folder checkbox, while the status will be written in the column "Hidden" (hidden). To remove the defense, remove the checkboxes with need elements In the list, or click "Unhide" to turn off the program for all folders.

An important difference is one shared password for all folders, which is asked when the program is started.

We watch the video for working with the described software

How to set a password to files in the archive

If you need to hide a small amount of information, for example, several documents, then I recommend not to bother the installation of programming masterpieces, but to limit ourselves to any of the known archivers. I mean, it is easiest to archive the file with your favorite archiver with a password. In this case, with from the archive, you will need to enter a password. Personally, I use. To put files or folder into a saved archive, you need to highlight them, right-click and select "Add to Archive":

Next, click "Set Password ..." and enter your only single and unique password twice (in older versions you need to go to the "Advanced" tab). The option "Encrypt file names" will not allow your household (or from whom you encrypt there) see what inside the archive, not to mention to get files from there 🙂

Delete source files You can manually manually check on the General tab - "Delete files after packaging". For difficult Paretle (from 8 characters with large / small letters, numbers and special signs) to hack such an archive is practically impossible at home. But this method has shortcomings: it is inconvenient to work with large amounts of data, to store and run programs from the archive problematic and the ability to simply lose the data if you delete the archive;)

There is another one a little more convenient way Using archiving. By default, Windows has zip-folders. This is when the zip archive is displayed in the "Explorer" not as a file, but as a folder. With such a catalog you can work almost like usual. Please note that in file managers, such as Total Commander. Or FAR, the archive will still be displayed as a regular file.

The trouble is that when installation WinRar Windows Explorer displays ZIP archives as regular files. In return, he can use a 7-zip program, it does not disable Zip folders.

Built-in Windows tools to restrict access

In Windows 10/8/7, you can restrict access to files and folders even with built-in tools. If your discs are formatted in nTFS system, then on separate files You can set access rights. But it will make sense, only if each computer user has its account in the system and it is not with the "administrator".

Those. We are in the properties of the folder specify those users who can use it. If a person does not have rights, then he will not receive access, or will be identified. So, for this, click on the conductor on the folder or file right-click and select "Properties" - "Change"

Here you need to click "Add" and make user logins that you forbid access. Then click "Check Names" to make sure that there are no errors:

If you need to close for everyone, then write the name of the user "All", the system will understand. Then you need to put all the checkboxes in the "Prohibit" column and click "OK"

Now these users will not be able to access information when they enter the system under their account. But they will be able to open access if they go with administrator rights, for example.

You can also delete all users from the access list and add only you need. But most likely, an error will be issued when trying to remove at least some element, because by default they are inherited from the parent catalog. Therefore, you will need to go through the buttons "Optional -\u003e Change permissions ..." and remove the checkbox "Add permissions inherited from parental objects"

The system will ask "Add" or "Delete". If you choose the first one, then you yourself can delete items from the list, and if the second is inherited rights will be deleted. Now you can return to the installation of permissions and add only those people who will have access. Tick, naturally, now need to be put in the "Allow" column.

EFS encryption

Windows 7/8/10 still has encrypted file system EFS, which allows you to encrypt data at the physical level. Only those who have a key file will be able to get access to them. It is added once to the repository and you work with your data as usual, and others - no, and no password will help them.

To encrypt the folder, you need to click on it right-click, select "Properties -\u003e Others" And put a tick "encrypt content to protect data"

To return access to encrypted data under a different user or after reinstalling the system, you need to click twice on the key (extension file.pfx), enter the password and finish importing the key to the storage:

Do not lose keys and passwords in any of the described methods! Restore something with email (as usual) will not work!

When using a computer, some users are wondering how to put a password to the folder, on the computer. And it, no matter, everyone has their own secrets.

At the request of a friend decided to figure out how it is possible to do. Yes this moment ways to set a password to the folder set! And I was convinced of this as soon as I started looking for a convenient and easy way. In this article I want to tell about some of the ways. I hope you come in handy.

The most interesting thing is that most use winrar archiver To put a password to the folder, in the article we this method Consider.

How to put a password to any folder using programs

In the process of searching for a suitable option to set a password to the folder, I had a lot of programs for me, but I would like to tell about several, which really deserve attention and use.

Free Anvide SEAL Folder in the past Anvide Lock Folder

This program deserves special attention, because She knows how to not only set the password to the folder, but maybe it. In order to enjoy its capabilities you need to download it and install.

After you downloaded it and installed, a shortcut appears on the desktop, start it. A small program will be launched, which with a bang copes with its functions.

The program interface is convenient and friendly, but let's figure it out like everything works. To set the password to the folder you want to transfer the folder to the program or click on the plus and select from the list. In the program window, we turn to the folder and click on the icon with the lock, enter the invented password 2 times, then "Close Access", SIM Salabim and the folder disappeared.

In the process of installing the password, the program will prompt you to enter a hint, you can not enter it, but do not forget the password that set.

In order to access the folder, you need to run the Anvide Seal Folder program, select the desired folder, click on the icon "Open Castle", Enter the password, the folder will appear and access.

Interestingly in the program that after installing the password, your data will not be able to find even an advanced user, even when booting from another operating system. The only remark that the program is not intended to protect confidential information, only for private use.

Attention! Before reinstalling Windows Do not forget to open access to all folders, in order to avoid data loss!

On the start and change in the program, you need to set the password, to do this, click on the button " code Castle» In the left side of the program, and enter the password on the entrance.

There are several useful options in the program, for this go to the settings, click on "Wrench"

To do this, in the program settings go to "Basic Settings"and install checkboxes - "Click access to all folders after exiting the program". "Forced to close access to folders", this feature It will be needed in cases where when closing access to the folder, the file will be occupied by another application, the program will be forcibly closed.

For the availability of this feature you you need to click on the "Set" button And specify installed program "Unlocker" (By default, the program is installed in the C: \\ Program Files \\ Unlocker directory, and select an unlocker.exe program file).

How to set a password to the folder using the Lock-A-Folder program

One more interesting program In order to set the password to the folder and hide, meet Lock-A-Folder. Keep in mind this software is not intended to limit access to confidential information.

This program does not use encryption when setting a password to the folder, and also hides the folder from an extraneous eye, it makes it interesting. The program can include Russian. The interface is understandable and convenient.

Download russian.ini Copy this file to the folder with the program. C: \\ PROGRAM FILES \\ LOCK-A-FOLDER \\ Lang

Once download and install, run. When you first start the program will give a message about the need to create a master code or in other words, the password for entering the program. Press OK. And enter the password, repeat the password entry, we enter the program. In the program to the right at the bottom of the drop-down menu Choose Language - Russian (Russian), for easier use of the program.

To set the password to the folder using Lock-A-Folder you you need to click on the button "Block the folder"further select the folder to install the password and hide click OKAfter selecting the folder appears in the list and disappears from the selected place.

You can also do with other folders. Hidden folders are not displayed when turned on in windows Functions.

In order to unlock and the folder appears, you need to run the program, you need select folder from list and press the "Unlock folder" button

Deleting a program during locked folders will not be possible until you enter a password for access to the program. Removing the program all hidden folders Automatically become visible and restrictions from it are removed. The program allows you to put a password to the folder and hide in Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1.

How to set a password to the folder without programs using the script

On the Internet, I met a lot of scripts for this purpose, but not one did not provide security. On the principle of this script, programs are working in order to set the password to the folder. At the heart of the same password to hide the folder from the computer, but in many scripts when entering the password, the folder is hidden, and when you turn on the function in Windows, the folder is visible. In the same script, everything is working.

Let's figure out how without programs to install a password to the folder.

Step 1. Copy the text of the future script:

Allocate all the text, press the right mouse button on the selection and select copy

cLS @ECHO OFF TITLE FOUCHO IF EXIST "HTG LOCKER" GOTO UNLOCK IF NOT EXIST Private Goto MDLocker: Confirm Echo Are You Sure You Want to Lock The Folder (Y / N) set / p "cho \u003d\u003e" IF% cho% \u003d\u003d y Goto Lock IF% Cho% \u003d\u003d y Goto Lock IF% Cho% \u003d\u003d N Goto End If% Cho% \u003d\u003d N Goto End Echo Invalid Choice. Goto Confirm: Lock Ren Private "HTG Locker" ATTRIB + H + S "HTG Locker" Echo Folder Locked Goto End: Unlock Echo Enter Password to Unlock Folder Set / P "Pass \u003d\u003e" IF Not% Pass% \u003d\u003d 12345 Goto Fail ATTRIB -H -S "HTG Locker" Ren "HTG Locker" Private Echo Folder Unlocked SuccessFully Goto End: Fail Echo Invalid Password Goto End: MDLocker MD Private Echo Private Created SuccessFully Goto End: End

@ Echo Off

title Folder Private.

iF EXIST "HTG Locker" Goto Unlock

iF Not Exist Private Goto MDLocker

: Confirm

echo Are You Sure You Want To Lock The Folder (Y / N)

sET / P "CHO \u200b\u200b\u003d\u003e"

iF% Cho% \u003d \u003d y Goto Lock

iF% Cho% \u003d \u003d y Goto Lock

iF% cho% \u003d n Goto End

iF% cho% \u003d n Goto End

echo Invalid Choice.

goto Confirm.

: Lock

ren Private "HTG Locker"


echo Folder Locked.

goto End.

: Unlock


sET / P "PASS \u003d\u003e"

iF NOT% PASS% \u003d \u003d 12345 Goto Fail

aTTRIB - H - S "HTG Locker"

ren "HTG Locker" Private

echo Folder Unlocked Successfully

goto End.

: Fail

echo Invalid Password.

goto End.

: Mdlocker

mD Private

echo Private Created SuccessFully

goto End.

: End.

Stitch to set a password to the folder - if not% pass% \u003d\u003d 12345 Goto Fail (12345 - Password by default, here you enter your password)

Step 2. Open notepad, Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Standard\u003e Notepador just write in the search string of a notebook and click on itAs shown in the picture.

In the window that opens insert (Ctrl + V) Copied earlier text, and we save. Click file\u003e Save as, choose file Type - All Files, and the file name is any, at the end adding .bat., choose a place for the file, I keep on the desktop and click Save.

The file will appear on the desktop, or in the location you specified.

Example: it should be possible - lock.bat

Launch Lock.Bat.if you did everything right, the folder appears - Privat. In this folder you copy anything that you wanted to install the password and hide. Run the script file again, you will open the window in which the script will ask, "You are sure that you want to block the folder", you need to enter to confirm the actions, in English Y (YES - yes), press ENTER.. Click update on the desktop, the folder disappears.

Since our script file is on the desktop, the folder will appear on the desktop, and disappears from the desktop.

For to the folder appear, launch our script lock.Bat file, we enter a password which you entered in the line and press Enter.The folder appears. That's all. A simple way to install a password to the folder without programs.

The script file must be stored separately from the place where you installed the password to the folder and hid it. The only uncomfortable in this script is that you need to copy the script file back, and only then it is started and entering the password. But I think it's little things.

Set the password to the folder using the archive and the WinRar program

The program for working with archives has most PC users, as it is recommended software for convenient work on the computer.

With WinRar, you can easily install a password to the folder, only it will have to archive. And each time using the folder under the password, it will have to unpack the archive itself, it is a bit uncomfortable, but if the folder is not a large size, then these are little things.

But this method is a place to be, and it is effective and popular, as well as this method can be considered how to install a password without third-party programs.

Let's look at the process on the example.

Press the right mouse button on the folder you are going to install a password, choose from the context menu "Add to archive…" In the window that opens, click "Set password"

We enter the password twice, or once when installing a tick "Display password when entering". After entering the password, click "OK"in the next window one more time"will begin to create a password archive. If you put a tick "Encrypt file names", when trying to see the content of the archive, you will not see anything. Sometimes this feature is useful, take into service.

To access the folder and file file, you need to unpack the archive, on the archive, right-click, select "Extract to the current folder" or " Extract ... .. ", enter the password, Next OK.

Most importantly, do not forget passwords to archives, forgetting the password, it is extremely difficult to obtain data from such an archive.

Simple instructions for installing passwords on Windows folders. If you have the need to protect certain personal data, you can, of course, put a password during the operating system boot or create a new account with corrected rights. But often in defense needs only a small part of your information. Therefore, many users are looking for answers to questions about how to pass the folder on the computer.


The most obvious way will just hide it, but this is not the most good option. As soon as the settings will include the display function of all hidden filesThe folder will immediately see. So it's not necessary to do that if you are valid for the safety of files.

Surprisingly, but in Windows there is no possibility to install passwords on folders. We have to use third-party software. It should be borne in mind that this approach will not protect the folders, for example, from removing or transfer, so be careful.

The most common options for installing the password are the programs of archivers, specially designed utilities and BAT scripts. To learn more about how to pass the folder in Windows, consider in communities each of these methods.

Initially, the archivers were created in order to pack one or more files to the archive could be packaged, while having the ability to compress the outcome of the information taken. But, in addition, these programs can be used to set the password to the required folder with the data. The most suitable options will be WinZip, WinRar, Hamster Free Zip Archiver and 7-Zip.
We will analyze the installation of the password in Windows on the example of the WinRar program:
1. Install winRar program on your computer.
2. Using the right mouse button, open the context menu of the package you need and select the "Add to Archive" item.
3. Next, you will see the name "Name" and "archive parameters" window. Pasting various tabs, you can change the type of compression and many other parameters, but you should not spend time at this time, because we only need to install the password.
4. Find the "Install Password" button in the "Advanced" tab
5. In the Password Window, you can enter it. It is first recommended to click the "Show Password" checkbox so that you are sure that everything is correct. If you want the files to change after this name, you can install a tick in the "Encryption File Names" item. Next, click OK.
6. After these actions, the window will change the name on "Password Archiving". Click OK, and you will receive an archive for opening your password.
In turn, if you enter wrong passwordYou will not get access to files.

This kind of utilities are resorted to the use of encryption elements. Even if you delete these programs, the files will remain under the lock. In addition, you have the ability to set the password to the entrance directly to the program yourself, even more secure the data. Using Anvide Lock Folder or Flash Crypt applications, you can easily figure out how to pass the folder.

Consider the password setting on the example Flash Crypt:

1. Install flash program Crypt to your computer.
2. On the required folder, call the context menu, and select "ProtectWithFlashCrypt".
3. In the window that appears, you need to enter your password twice, which should be at least 4 characters. Do not change the remaining fields, then click "Protect".
4. After the encryption process, the Flash Crypt icon appears on the folder. When entering the correct password, the folder is decrypted and you will get access to the data.

Installing a password using a BAT script

This method is the most unsafe, as simply uses a simple hide folder in Windows. A user who understands how to enable watching hidden data, easy access to information. So that this option It is suitable only to those who are confident in the inexperience of who can search for hidden folders.

To start the encryption process, create a file in notepad and copy the script there:
: lable
SET / P DISK_FLASH \u003d "Vvesti Buky Flash Drive:"
CD / D% disk_flash%:
IF% Errorlevel% \u003d\u003d 1 Goto Lable
CD / D% disk_flash%:
Del * .lnk / Q / F
ATTRIB -S -H -R Autorun. *
Del Autorun. * / F
ATTRIB -H -R -S -A / D / S
RD Recycler / Q / S
Explorer.exe% disk_flash%:

After that, you need to change the type of file, for this, change the extension with the TXT to Bat, after which it will be ready for use. The essence of the work of the script is as follows:

  • During the first press, a folder will be created with the name "papka", where you will need to copy all the necessary data.
  • After the second clicking, the SECRETNO folder will be retrounted, which will immediately be hidden.
  • With the following click you will be prompted to enter a password. With incorrect input, the script closes, and you need to enter it again.
  • After entering the correct password, the folder will become visible and will be called as in the first paragraph.

Also keep in mind that instead of Moi-Parol, you can use any password according to your desire.
Thus, you have become known the main ways to install passwords. Now it remains only to choose the appropriate. The safest options will be archiving programs or special applications.

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When you are trying to protect personal data, you will certainly put a password for downloading the system or create an account with the appropriate access rights. Sometimes you just need to protect some part of the information. Therefore, users start looking for materials about Tom.

You can, of course, simply hide the folder, but from the side of the security you will not help you. It is worth only and will see it, when moving to the directory where it is located. So this method is unsafe.

Unfortunately, in Windows 7, it is not possible to put a password to the folder, but there are other ways using third-party software. Again, it will not protect your folders, for example, from removal, so there is no 100% guarantee.

Now consider such a password installation methods:

  1. Programs archivers;
  2. Special utilities;
  3. Using the hectrian BAT script.

How to put a password to the folder using the archiver

The main purpose of archivers packaging one or more items into one file with the ability to compress. We will use these tools to install a password on folders in Windows 7. These programs include:

  1. WinRar
  2. Winzip.
  3. 7-Zip.
  4. Hamster Free Zip Archiver
  5. A lot others.

Consider this feature on the example of WinRar and Hamster Free Zip Archiver, as others act on the same principle.

In order to pass the folder with the WinRar utility, do the algorithm of the following actions:

1. Install WinRAR.

2. Right click on the folder and in the context menu, select "Add to Archive".

3. You will open the "Name and archive parameters" window. On the General tab, you must specify the name of the archive, select its format and "normal" compression method. In general, you can change anything here, I do not advise you to change the compression method, since our goal is just to pass the folder, and not lose the precious time.

5. In the "Password" window, check the box "Display password when entering" the box so that you see that we enter and only once. If you do not want to see the content of the archive, check the box to "encrypt the file names" checkbox. Set the password and click OK.

6. After the actions made, the window will have the name "Password Archiving", in which you must click OK. A archive will be created, when you click on which you need to enter a password.

In the event that the wrong password is driven, you will see an error message and do not access files.

In order to pack the folder in Windows 7 with the Hamster Free Zip Archiver program, do such an action algorithm:

1. Install Hamster Free Zip Archiver.

2. Right-click on the folder and select "Add to Archive".

3. You will see the utility interface where our folder will be displayed. Click on "Password" Put the "Show Password" item and enter the intended combination.

4. Click the "Archive" button and select "Save on your computer". After that, specify the place of saving the passrollated archive.

If you enter the wrong phrase, the program will warn you about it, so repeat the attempt.

Special programs for installing a password

Such utilities use the encryption of the elements, with the help of them we will try to pass the folder in Windows 7. Yes, in case of deleting these programs, the files remain inaccessible. Paving passwords to enter the applications themselves, you will raise the level of security of folders. Consider using the example: Flash Crypt and Anvide Lock Folder.

With Flash Crypt, use steps:

1. Install Flash Crypt.

2. Select the desired folder and right-click, click on the "ProtectWithFlashCrypt" menu.

3. You will see a window where you need to enter a password for at least 4 characters. Leave the rest without changes and click "Protect".

4. Wait for the folder encryption process, after which the Flash Crypt icon appears on it. Click the left button and see how the password request window will pop up. In the case of proper input, the folder will be decrypted and will be available in the original form.

Anvide Lock Folder is portable and does not require installation. There is an opportunity pass the program. Do the following manipulations:

1. Start Alf.exe.

3. Click on the plus and specify the folder you want to pass through and press the F5 key. Set the password and select the Close Access button. If necessary, you can still ask a hint.

4. After that the folder will drive out of the field of view and will be available only from the program.

5. In the program, click the F9 key, enter the specified password and click "Open Access". After which the folder will again become available in windows Explorer 7.

How to pass the folder using a BAT script

This method, unlike the previous ones, is the most unsafe, as it uses the usual hide of the folders in Windows 7. The user who knows how the display of hidden elements is turned on, without any problems, it seems to make this folder before using the script that this option is not turned on.

To begin with, create a document with extension. TXT and copy the code below into it:

@Echo off.
title Folder Papka.
iF Not Exist Papka Goto Rasblok
echo Folder Locked.
goto End.
: Dostup.
sET / P "PASS \u003d\u003e"
iF Not% Pass% \u003d\u003d Moi-Parol Goto Parol
goto End.
: Parol.
echo Nevernyj Parol
goto End.
: Rasblok.
mD Papka.
echo Papka USPeshno Sozdana
goto End.
: End.

Then save it and. This is done with TXT on Bat. This is ready for use. The essence of this script is this:

  1. When you first click on it, a folder is created with the name "papka", in which you copy the secret content.
  2. With the second click, the SECRETNO folder is created, which is assigned the attribute hidden and it disappears.
  3. With the following clicks, you are asked to enter a password. In case of incorrect input, the script closes, so run it again.
  4. After entering the correct data, the folder will be visible and have a name, as in the first step.

If you want to change the password, then instead of Moi-Parol type your Latin characters.

On this we disassembled how to pass the folder in windows 7. Using archivers I. special programsperhaps the safest options, but no one is immune from deleting a file or forgetting the password. Effective when you focus on inexperienced PC users. In addition, who prevenches to open a batch file in notepad and propose all the data.