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Tp link n600 factory reset Resetting TP-Link Router - How to Factory Reset? How to reset the settings and password on the router

Incorrect work router, loss of username or password, inability to enter the admin panel page: the reasons for resetting the parameters may be different. Resetting your router is pretty easy - there are two ways to do it.

Why might a factory reset be required?

The most common reason for a factory reset is the loss of login information to the admin panel. In this situation, it is impossible to reconfigure the device's parameters, peep the password for connecting to the router and fix any problems if they arise. To get into the admin panel without remembering the login information, you need to drop your password and login. Resetting the settings returns these values ​​to the default "admin".

Another reason is the inability to find the admin panel page. In the event of system failures, the default IP address assigned by the manufacturer may change. And also the user can change it independently. Return standard address to enter only after resetting to preset values.

Useful video for resetting the router to factory settings:

And the last option: buy a new or used device. Before installation latest version firmware and its parameters, it is recommended to drop the settings so that the router works more stably.

Method One: Using the Reset Button

This method of resetting information is the easiest and fastest. It only requires access to the device, as well as a long, thin object to press the button: a toothpick, a needle, a match, a pen rod, and so on.

Most often, the "Reset" button is located on the back of the device, next to the reset button and ports. In some cases, it may be located at the bottom of the device, next to the label where the login information is indicated. It looks like this:

To reset, press the button and hold it for 10-15 seconds. The device must be connected to the network during this step. When the parameters are reset, the router will give a light signal: it can be simultaneous or alternate blinking of the LEDs.

Sometimes the router will not be reset to factory settings using this method. Most often, the reason lies in a hardware defect: it's either a broken button or wires. If you have information to enter the admin panel, you can drop the settings in the control panel.

Method two: reset via control panel

Restore basic settings in the control panel is possible only if you remember it her username and password. Since losing this information is one of the most common reasons for resetting parameters, this method is rarely used.

The required item is located in the "Factory settings" section. Depending on the router model, it may be called "Device Management", "Administration", "Restore Factory Settings" and so on.

You can find this tab in one of the last menu items of the admin panel. There will be a "Restore" button, clicking on which returns the original settings of the Wi-Fi router. After you select this item, the device will reboot and you will need to log in with the pre-installed data.

As usual, it is impossible to knock down the parameters without confirming the command. You will see a dialog box in which you must confirm consent to reset information, or require a password from account administrator. This, like the reset button recessed into the case, protects against accidental data loss.

What's next?

After resetting the settings, you should make sure that all the parameters of the device are back to their original values. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the IP address indicated on the bottom of the device. Usually these are or values.
  2. Enter the default login and password: for most models, these are “admin” values. If they don't fit, you can look at the data on the underside of the router.
  3. Configure a router: specify a username, password, connection type. You can find out from your provider: Rostelecom uses PPPoE, Beeline uses L2TP, and so on.
  4. Save settings and reboot the router: if the information is saved, you can make more detailed settings.

Why are the settings on the router getting lost?

Arbitrary reset is an unpleasant problem that forces you to reconfigure the router and enter the same data every time. It manifests itself in two variations: the first option does not allow saving data in the administration panel, and the second one resets the saved parameters after the device is rebooted.

Most often, the occurrence of such problems indicates a hardware failure, which can only be fixed at a service center. In some cases, the reason may be old firmware or in system defects.

To fix the situation, you can try the following:

  1. If the data is not saved, try accessing the administration panel from a different browser. You can also try a different device.
  2. If the parameters fail after turning off the router, try restarting it through the administration panel. The required item can be found in the "System Tools" or another section with the appropriate functionality.
  3. Roll back the settings to the factory settings: with the button or manually.
  4. Install new firmware router. This is done like this: you need to go to the manufacturer's website, find the most new version for your device, download it and then update it through the administration panel.

After completing these steps, you need to reboot the Wi-Fi router and system, and then check the settings. If the parameters you set are in place, then the cause of the breakdown was a system failure.

Nothing helped? There are two ways out: you can take the router to a service center or buy a new one.

Additional video on the topic of resetting the network adapter parameters:

Now you know how to reset the settings on your router. This is an easy task, which can be dealt with without special knowledge and skills. You just need to press a button on the device or in the administration system - and then everything will be done for you.

As you probably already know, WiFi router is a whole mini-computer with its own processor, RAM and permanent memory. And just like regular computer, it can start to crash and glitch. In this case, can help full reset router settings to factory settings. Another common example when you may need to reset the device configuration to the initial one is restoring access to the web interface of the modem or router when the administrator password has been forgotten, and "admin" and "1234" are not suitable.

Resetting the router can be done in hardware or software, if it is possible to go to its web configurator.

The hardware method is called Hard factory reset... For this purpose, on every ADSL modem, WiFi router or optical terminal there is a small hidden button labeled "Reset". If the case of devices is ordinary, horizontal, like that of ASUS RT-N10 or RT-N12, for example, then the button is located like this:

If the body is vertical, like D-Link DIR-300 D1, then "Reset" can be located on the back wall, like this:

Or maybe on its bottom cover, like that of NetGear. But in any case - it should be. Just take a close look at the device.

How is a router reset? It's very simple: on the switched on device, using a paper clip or a rod from a ballpoint pen, press the "Reset" button and hold it pressed for 8-10 seconds. In most cases, this is enough. At this time, it is advisable to observe the behavior of the status indicators that are located on the front of the Wi-Fi router. When the settings are reset and the router is reset, it will blink the lights and restart with the factory settings.

Software reset of the router it is recommended to do it when there is access to the web interface. This option is also convenient when, for example, the device is mounted high on a wall or lying on a cabinet. Each router and point WiFi access there is a section in the web interface through which you can restore the factory parameters. For example, on ASUS routers, this section Administration >>> Manage settings.

Going into it - we see the subsection "Factory settings" and the "Restore" button. We click on it, confirm our actions and wait. The gadget will reboot with a clean configuration.

Hello! Today I want to return to the topic of working with wireless wifi routers. Judge for yourself, now there is probably no such person with a smartphone or tablet who could do without access to the Internet via WI-Fi, which makes the topic of setting up this device very relevant.

If you have already purchased a router earlier, then most likely you know that to configure it, first of all, you need to log in using the factory login and password (admin) to gain access to all its settings. Along the way, this password and username are changed to their own.

Personally, I always do this, with any installation and connection of the router, which I recommend to you. But sometimes it happens that some time passes and at the next login attempt we are not allowed into the settings due to an incorrectly entered password ( Forget password or login). For example, in this case, it will help us reset the router to factory settings which will return the credentials to their default form (admin).

Of course, losing your password is not the only problem with which resetting your router's settings helps. It can also help in solving problems such as the lack of Wifi signal or when any connected devices cannot automatically obtain an IP address.

Or perhaps, when setting up Wi-Fi, you specified a static IP address and here in certain time it took everything back. And in order not to reconfigure everything manually, you can simply reset all the router settings to the standard ones, where by default they cost automatic receipt and distribution of network addresses.

Preparing to reset the router

Perhaps, before resetting the router settings, for a start, I recommend that you go to the web interface of the router by entering the IP address in the browser, which is indicated on the sticker with technical information... And then again, try to enter the router settings menu using the factory credentials, which can be found on the same sticker.

Why do this? I explain. It so happens that people think that they have changed their credentials and try to enter the settings using the password invented earlier. But as it turns out, no one changed this data ( just forgot to change) and to enter it was just necessary to register standard password... Well, the user, as you know, going through everything possible options, received a message about incorrectly entered data.

Honestly, even I had such a case. Somehow I had 2 routers, setting them up they worked flawlessly. But at one point, I needed to change the MAC address on one of the routers. I sat in the login window for a very long time eating to log in with my username and password, but nothing worked. To be honest, I couldn't even imagine that I hadn't changed the default credentials during setup. But still, after going through all the possible options, I decided to use the last option (admin; admin;), and then a miracle happened, an interface with all the settings opened in front of me. Therefore, once again, first of all, I recommend trying and excluding this option before resetting the router settings.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that when you reset the settings to the factory settings, the password that was used to connect to your network will also disappear. Therefore, do not forget to reinstall the connection key.

How to reset Wi-Fi router settings

So, to get back to standard settings, we need to click on the button " RESET", Which is located next to the ports for connecting the Internet cable and power. You will not see the button itself, since it is recessed into the holes to protect you from accidental pressing. Therefore, taking something thin, we hold down this button until it stops for a few seconds (5-10 seconds).

In most routers, as a rule, you need to wait until all the indicators on the front panel blink and you can let go. That's all, this completes the reset of the router to the factory settings, do not forget that now you need to use the login and password specified on the router to enter.

I indicated an example of a button on the D-Link DIR 300, but on others it is not very different, the main thing is to look for a small hole with the inscription “ reset". So, good luck and do not forget to add to us on social networks.

How to reset the router settings if you forgot your password

Sooner or later, everyone who is even a little interested in a computer will nevertheless get to the router's control panel. It doesn't matter if it was done out of curiosity or to configure ports and filter traffic. The only important thing is that after most of such manipulations, the Internet disappears, leaving only the power LED on. In this situation, resetting the router settings will help a lot. How to do this and how is it useful?

Why reset your settings?

The prerequisites for doing all of the following can be very varied, to name just a few:

  • The router stopped working on full power.
  • There are suspicions of outside attacks.
  • After manipulations in the control panel, the router stopped showing signs of life.
  • Change of provider or reconfiguration.
  • Resetting will also help in case you lost your password.

Remember that by resetting the settings by any of the methods, they will need to be restored for the device to function normally. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to take the router to a service, where most problems will be dealt with in a few minutes. So, if you haven't changed your mind about fixing the router, let's take a closer look at how to reset the router settings without damaging anything.

Using the button

The easiest and fastest method. With the help of physical intervention, you can reset all the settings of the router, even if you cannot enter the control panel.

The button is located on the body and may have different names, depending on the manufacturer and model of the router: Reset, WPS, Res, etc. On cheap routers, one button often performs several functions depending on the time it is pressed, but there may be several. As a standard, 10 seconds is enough for a reset, more is not scary, less - nothing will happen.

Press and hold the button until the WPS indicator turns on. Then release it and let the device reboot.

In fact, instead of a button, you can often see a hole labeled Reset. In such models, the button is located inside the case in order not to accidentally press it. You can reset such a router with a needle or a match. If this does not help, let's look at how to reset the settings on the router with tougher manipulations.

Radical method

There is another separate subtype of physical intervention - a full reset using the 30/30/30 method. It works like this:

  1. Hold the reset button for 30 seconds.
  2. Then, without releasing the reset button, turn off the power of the router and hold the button for another 30 seconds.
  3. All the same, without releasing the button, turn on the power and hold it pressed for another 30 seconds.
  4. That is, after a total of 90 seconds of holding the button, release it.

Not all models support this method, and after the settings have been reset Asus routers, Cisco, Linksys, senior Tp-Link and some others, most likely, you will need to reflash them immediately.

If you have nothing to lose, you can try to reset the technique in this way, but it is advisable to read the manuals on this matter. In addition, making a brick from a router in one and a half minutes is quite simple.


This method is good in cases where the router is technically in order - you can log in to the control panel, the lights on it are on and it starts up normally, only there is no connection itself or the ports do not work.

Each router has a control panel that can be accessed by typing in address bar any browser IP Next, you will be prompted to log in using your username and password. Typically, this data is indicated on the body of the router itself. If they are not there, then you can reset the router settings as in the previous paragraph.

Next, you need to find the section responsible for such operations. Usually these are sections: "Administration", "Management", "Recovery" and "Update", Software and the like, and you can get into them directly from start page... For example, on a ZTE router, the menu looks like this:

After the reset, the router will reboot itself. By the way, on most routers it is possible to make a backup, and after resetting the parameters it will be several times easier to restore from a file.

Resetting part of the router

In addition to a complete reset of all settings, you can only reset the values ​​of one section, for example, WI-FI. There are also several ways to do this:

  • Program. Reboot network adapter can be done through the menu of the router itself in the appropriate section. Not all routers have this feature.
  • Physical - reboot occurs using the WLAN button on the router case. Sometimes this button is also recessed.

Through the user menu can be reset as WIFI settings on the router, as well as filters, DHCP, ports and many other sections.

Will it help?

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question. If the router refused to work after a fall or a sudden power outage, then there is a high probability that its days are numbered and the device cannot be repaired. If the Internet disappears after your intervention or changing the access point, then you can count on the fact that after the settings on the router are reset, it will come back to life.

It is important to understand that some settings are not reset even after a hard reset. Probably, in this case, only a flashing can help, which, in fact, is one of the subspecies of a software reset or a replacement of the router itself.


1. If you reboot the device, then it will be restored to factory settings, while custom settings will be lost. Do not do it hard reset device settings if you have not saved your settings, otherwise you will have to re-configure the device.

2. For these models, the button WPS / RESET located on the rear / front panel. To use the WPS function, hold down the button for no more than 5 seconds, then the WPS LED will start blinking. To reboot the router, hold the button for at least 10 seconds.

Prevails two ways restore factory settings on the router:

Method 1Restoring factory settings by pressing the RESET button

At the router is on, press and hold the button WPS / RESET(more than 10 seconds) until the SYS router LED starts blinking slowly at first and then quickly. Then release the button and wait for the router to restore to factory settings.

Method 2: Via the router's web-based utility

If you are on the device management page, then you can use the function of restoring default settings. Go to the tab System Tools -> Factory Defaults, then press the button Restore and wait for the router to restore to factory settings.


1. Make sure the router is powered on until the reboot is complete.

2. The default IP address is , the default username and password is admin(in the lower register).

3. Make sure the IP address of your computer is on the same subnet as the device. This means that the IP address of your computer is 192.168.1.X /192.168.0.X (X is in the range 2 ~ 253), and the subnet mask is set to