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Human shutdown and the computer does not turn off. Why does not turn off the computer after Windows shutdown

Today we will consider the common problem with which everyone came across, everyone. It's no secret that any software gives a failure, especially when the roughening of a variety of programs is going. Suppose you have the Windows 7 operating system, a bunch of diverse software from all kinds of authors, dozens of plugins, games, and so on, stuff, so on. Often, any of installed programs It can fail, which will result in a problem with the completion of the computer.

In addition, at times, when each computer has access to world Wide Web, there are often cases of infection with viruses, which, especially, can adversely affect the completion windows work.

What to do if you encountered a problem that can be described as follows: "The computer does not turn off after completing the Windows 7." In other words, you press "Start" - "Completing work", the system begins to close something, ship, think and, ultimately, hangs. In this case, it remains to endure the Writing Wire, or click on the toggle switch, located on the power supply, or hold and hold the power button for 5 seconds. Of course, such ways to complete the operation of the computer affect the Windows operating system, and to the iron of the computer.

In this article, we will consider the most frequent reasons The unwillingness of the system is correctly reacting to the completion of work.

To begin with, you can open "Center supports Windows 7 ", go to the" Service "tab and see the stability magazine. Choosing a date, you can view the report on the stability of the system and by clicking on the error to see its more detailed description. This sequence of actions will give you to understand the reasons that played an important role in generating a problem with a computer shutdown.

Having learned the reason described in the Windows 7 Stability Journal, you can take action to eliminate it. As a rule, actions are to remove specific programor removing it from Windows autoloading or stopping / removing windows services 7. Any such action must be accompanied by a reboot of the computer.

If these actions have not led to a positive result, you must clean the Windows autorun. To do this, go to "Start" - "Run" - type in the "msconfig" line - go to the "Startup" tab and remove everything too much. As a rule, it is superfling everything, except that besides antivirus and other programs that you want to run automatically immediately after the computer is turned on.

If these actions have not led to a positive result, use software for cleaning windows registry. For example, the utility that comes in Total Commander. Power Pack (You can download it from here The utility is quite simple to use, therefore does not require a description of the principle of operation.

It will also be very useful to roll back the system to the last successful configuration. As a rule, it helps to get rid of many problems. In order to roll back the system to the last successful configuration, you must hold the "F8" key at the time of downloading the computer. In the menu that appears, select the "Last Successful Configuration" item.

Finally, I want to recommend you, scan the system with antivirus, and perform full scan with a preliminary database update to the latest version. It will not be superfluous to complete the system section of the hard drive "Disc C" staffing Windows, so that the system corrected all program errors, as well as cluster errors.

Remember, in order for the system to work stably, it is necessary to periodically check the hard drive, and also monitor the health of the antivirus!

Fresh users windows update 10, collided with another problem: after executing the "Completion" command, the PC does not turn off. And on various devices PC behavior can be different: it seems that the computer turned off, but the cooler is noise, the work was completed, but the power supply indicator is active, etc.

Consider why Windows 10 does not turn off or behaves in an inappropriate manner (turns on after completion), and how to deal with it. In various situations, the problem can be called different sources. Let's try to cover all the well-known causes of this computer behavior.

PC refuses to turn off after clicking on the completion button

Most often, malfunction and its control occurs on laptops and netbooks, especially if Windows 10 was obtained by updating previous version, not by clean installation. If you encounter a problem when after completing the PC, the cooler noise is made, we have done the following operations (paragraphs 1 and 2 are applicable only to devices operating on the Intel platform).

1. Owners of devices from ASUS and Dell should be uninstalled by the Intel Rapid Storage Technology application. We go into the Applet "Programs and Components", for example, finding it through the search string, completely delete the program and reboot.

2. We visit the device support site and download the driver for Intel Management Engine Interface, let him and does not support the "top ten" or it is not in the list of compatible operating systems. Through Win → x, call the Device Manager tool, deploy the list of system devices and find a device with the same name. Through context menu The element call the device uninstalling and mark the check box that is responsible for deleting all the drivers associated with the device. After restarting the computer, we set the driver downloaded from the official resource and carry out its installation.

3. Make sure all other drivers for system devices Installs are compatible with Windows 10 and function properly. Update all system software through the update center.

4. Disconnect " Quick Start»Dozens, in some cases it helps to get rid of the cause of the problem.

5. Disconnect everything peripheralsconnected to the portable device.

6. Pull the battery and check if the problem has disappeared.

If the laptop spontaneously turns on immediately after shutdown (most often manifests itself on Lenovo gadgets), we have done the following operations.

1. Go to the "Control Panel" and switch the view of its icons in "large icons".

2. Call the applet "Power supply".

3. Near the current power circuit, go to the "Setup of the Power Scheme" link.

4. Click on the edit icon additional parameters Nutrition.

5. Deploy the Sleep section.

6. Disconnect the awakening timers.

Also go to the "Task Manager" and call the "Properties" of the network card.

In the "Power Management" tab, remove the checkbox that stands near the item allowing the network card to output the PC from the standby mode.

The problem concerns a stationary computer

For a computer, the recommendations will be the same: I forbid the network board to output the device from sleep mode and deactivate the awakening timers. Then, if it did not help, do manual update All drivers by downloading them from the official support resources of the appropriate devices. Difficulties with software update systemsconcerning graphic adapterYou should resort to the help of the Display Driver Uninstaller application.

Special attention is paid to the driver of the chipset. If the update of this component has not led to the desired result, try to roll back to the previous version.

Solving the problem can be the inclusion windows updates 10, followed by the update of the system. The last thing that can help is reset BIOS / UEFI settings. To reset the parameters of the Basic I / O system, go to the BIOS and apply the option "Load Setup Defaults" or click the appropriate key to install factory settings (it is provided in the lower information series).

In many UEFI, the settings reset option is placed in the "Exit" menu.

In order not to scroll in search of the corresponding button or menu item, it is possible to reset the settings using a jumper (jumper) or by closing the contacts by means of a firm conductive device, for example, screwdriver. You can also pull out a round battery-tablet from the corresponding socket. system board For a few seconds. After that, we put it back and configure time / date and other bIOS Parameters. Most often, this particular version solves the problem when the computer and the laptop does not turn off on Windows 10.

Most often, the computer reluctantly turns off because it is physically damaged, but due to errors in the operation of the system. In the presence of old versions of Windows Waiting for the trick does not have to wait. However, a dozen appeared good updates, and with them a lot of trouble.

Below we consider the problem when the PC does not turn off. You can complete the work, but then the system will automatically restart, or it will just turn off very long. First of all, we will deal with the situation when Windows is automatically restarted after pressing the power button.

Here we list several methods that you can do in order to turn off the computer. They will be very useful when the device restarts, even if you selected the option of completion of work.

Let's discuss each of these methods.

This basic solution can be used when the PC does not turn off. The tool will automatically detect and fix any wrong settings Nutrition that can cause problems when completing the workflow.

What if the troubleshooting means does not detect anything?

Perhaps the tool will not detect any problems, to your big disappointment. It should be noted that the problem may be an incompatible driver. Whenever you choose the sleep mode, the operating system, that is, Windows sends the request to all components of the equipment to coordinate it.

However, if the driver is critical to work is damaged, it may not adhere to any of these requests, and, therefore, the system will not be able to complete the work. To correct the error, you need to check Windows updates and make sure that all devices are installed latest versions Drivers.

Use the Device Manager

If the rest of the ways did not come up, it is possible that the "Device Manager" will help to turn off the computer. He will notify you if Windows collides with any problem in any of the components of the equipment. To ensure uninterrupted process work, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Windows + X key combination, select Device Manager.

  2. Then check the adapter. To do this look yellow exclamation point or red label above the adapter. If not, then everything is fine.

  3. Otherwise, make a click right-click on the device and select "Properties".

  4. Check the status of the equipment on the General tab. Under the status bar you will see an inscription about an error or failure. To fix it, close the window.

  5. Open the menu by clicking on the device with the right mouse button. Then select the "Update Drivers" option.

Other computer shutdown ways

You can always achieve some results using one of the above methods. However, why stop the reached? You can also program your computer for quick shutdown. This method may be very effective if you are looking for an instantaneous solution that will help complete the workflow. When the computer does not turn off, the fixing of hardware problems takes too much time.

Here we will look at how you can program a quick shutdown system.

Reprogramming Power Button

it effective methodWith which you can improve the functionality of the power button. It can more than just translate the computer to sleep mode. Because on most devices, the power button is needed for this, it is important to study other possibilities for its use.

Make the following:

Adding a shortcut that turns off PC

You can avoid the process of turning off the device with three clicks or an uncomfortable power button by adding auxiliary label to the desktop.

If you want to create a shortcut on the desktop to turn off the PC, then follow these steps:

The latter, but no less important, method is double-click By the button you can use to translate the computer into the off mode.

On a note! Despite the fact that this method is usual, it can also be useful to those users who applied the above-described troubleshooting procedure previously not allowed the PC to stop work.

When the computer does not turn off, first of all should be examined by a problem that causes interference. Used to accelerate the shutdown process, the parameters can be useful to those users who want to save time.

Video - the computer does not turn off after the completion of work

Usually users face the problem of working a laptop when it is less common to users a laptop, the opposite ceases to turn off. After you click "Complete work", it may end all programs, but the laptop continues to work. It is also possible to other behavior when the laptop screen goes out, and the noise of running fans suggest that the device does not turn off. Consider possible reasons This behavior of the laptop and how to get rid of such problems.

Causes of freezing when you turn off

Most often, the problem with turning off the laptop lies in the conflict of programs or too much running applications. If you have a large number of programs during shutdown, then they will end with the system alternately, saving the necessary data. Therefore, the shutdown process may in this case quite lasting. At the same time, some applications can actively work with the system that often leads to a conflict and the completion of such an application cannot be completed.

The system failure can also bring.
Viruses are able to infect system files and block the actions of the system, including the completion of these processes when the laptop is turned off.

Also, the problem with turning off the computer may occur after the update operating system or . So, after updating the system, conflicts can occur with old applications or drivers, which leads to failures in operation and system hangs. Incorrect installed drivers lead to wrong work Laptop devices, which leads to the occurrence of failures when the laptop is turned off.

There are no cases when due to overheating of the laptop components, problems appear in operation as the device itself ( permanent hangs) and when the device is turned off, which lasts a very long time.

How to turn off hanging

If your laptop is hung at the shutdown phase, it can be turned off in several ways. The first, the most radical way -\u003e disconnect the power cord and pull out the battery from the compartment. Turn off this way the laptop is extremely not recommended, since damage is possible hard disk And, in some cases, the loss of data.

The next simpler, but no less designer - pressing and holding for a few seconds the power button. After a few seconds, the laptop will turn off, but such completion will be incorrect.

To set up a softer completion, you must and disclose the section " USB controllers", Where for each device with the name" USB root housing "to be installed in the properties on the" Power Management "tab box near the" Allow shutdown of this device to save energy ".

If the laptop stopped correctly turned off after the recent update of the system or after installing the program, and before that it worked properly, that is, it makes sense to use. Go to the "Start" menu, introduce local line "System Restore" and launch the utility found. In the recovery wizard of the previous state of the system, it will be necessary to choose an earlier point of recovery when the laptop worked stable. After that, the wizard work and the system will start to be restored to the previous state.

Optimization of free space and processes

Next should be cleaning the laptop, freeing the disk space system Disc from temporary I. unnecessary files. You should delete unused applications, excluding unused regular service utilities and applications from it. After that, check hDD for viruses and other malicious software. Recommend excellent utility To clean the place and autoload - CCleaner.

It is also worth cleaning the laptop from dust, and in some cases (with intense heating), replace the thermal paste. Only after executing such procedures, a laptop is usually starting to work more stable and no problems with off may be no longer observed.

One of the most sought-after articles on my site is the material on how to configure the automatic switching on the computer. However, recently I ran into the opposite problem - already several acquaintances complain that their computer does not turn off.

Symptoms are very simple: a person presses a computer shutdown button (most often from the "Start" menu), but the computer does not turn off, and at best it goes into hibernation mode, that is, "falls asleep."

But most often the power off button simply does not translate the computer to another state. Here, for example, a typical description of the symptoms:

When I turn off the computer first everything goes as usual, the completion of work, and then the monitor goes out (black screen), but the light bulb does not flash as it should be in standby monitor mode, but it is lit as if the monitor of the pore is working and operates all the ventilators in system block. There was some other five-steer power button on the system and only after this system was disconnected.

Lightly wonder the way to solve this problem.

1. Power problems (ACPI) in 7

If problems started with the installation of the operating system windows systems 7, then most likely you have problems with the IEEE1394 tire controller

To solve this problem, go to the device manager controller and looking for the "host controllers of the IEEE1394 tire control panel.

After that, select the device, click the properties - power management and put the checkbox "Allow disable this device". The problem will be solved

2. Problem in Windows XP?

First of all, you need to check which type of your computer is set in Windows 2000 / XP in the properties of the system. If the computer type is standard, then check in the control panel to "Power Options", is there an APM tab and is it included there the "Enable Advanced Poo Management Support" option. If there is no choice, then in the device manager, select "View" - "show hidden devices" and in the list of additive devices, check for "NT APM / LEGACY INTERFACE NODE". If it is not, set "NT APM / Legacy Support" through "Add New Hardware Wizard".

If "NT APM / LEGACY INTERFACE NODE" functions normally, the computer does not turn off anyway, try in the registry section
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ WinLogon
assign the parameter "PowerDownAfttershutdown" value "1".

3. Signed the BIOS settings?

If the problem is not related to Windows 7, then, most likely the problem is that the power off software is prohibited in the BIOS.

Go to the BIOS (this can be done by clicking when booting to the DEL or F2 key) /

Check Check in the BOOT-\u003e Menu Boot-\u003e The values \u200b\u200bof the ACPI 2.0 Support and ACPI Support parameters.

They must be included.

4. Something prevents the computer to turn off

The computer may not be turned off due to the fact that some program cannot complete the work without interference ...

In this case, in this case, the type of type should occur: "Wait Windows closes ...", but sometimes Windows is in a hurry to pay off the screen before this inscription occurs.

Check which programs are performed when turned off. Try to forcibly close all the "suspicious" programs through the task manager. "The buggy program must be tried to" calculate "the exclusion method.

Often, this arises due to the fact that the device driver does not match the brand of the physical device, for example, the video card brand is confused - simply check the driver matching and download the latest versions of the drivers of your devices.

5. Virus?

Sometimes the problem is that when connected to the Internet, a virus starts to work on your computer, which does not allow you to close the connection when you turn off. Check the computer for the presence of viruses and rootkits of any serious utilito, such as AVZ4 from Oleg Zaitsev. It allows you to fighting 99% of the problems caused by viruses and spies.

6. Are you installed automatically with the inclusion of a computer over the network?

Try to turn off in the BIOS option - WakeUp on Modem and / or WakeUp on Ring and / or WakeUponLan.