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Android tablet management from computer via usb. Remote access to smartphone

Tablet PC Great for web surfing and reading books, but to watch movies (if you, of course, not on the road) area of \u200b\u200bits screen may not be enough. For the sake of cinema it is appropriate to connect the tablet to a large, and better a very large TV as a multimedia console. For this you need an HDMI cable, it costs a little and sold everywhere.

But here there is a reasonable question: how to manage reproduction? After all, the length of the HDMI cable is unlikely to reach the sofa, and each time to the tablet is not at all option. Now, if you could manage remotely, for example, using your smartphone ... It turns out that it is easy to implement.

The Tablet Remote program is designed specifically to control the tablet with a smartphone. An exchange of signal occurs via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

This is not a system of remote access like TeamViewer when you get complete control over the device. Tablet Remote allows you to manage only brightness, volume and playback in, MX Player and similar applications.

But the program is completely free and does not require administrator rights, plugins and registration. As a result, it can be quickly configured and run it, which is distinguished by Tablet Remote from more complex analogues.

To use the program, install it on both devices. Then start the Tablet Remote and open the Setup section on each of them. Mark both options there are options on the tablet and smartphone. As a result, you authorize the use of the program as a remote keyboard.

Next, log in to the smartphone in the Connection section and click on the radar icon. Wait until the tablet detect your phone. If you need, confirm the connection on the tablet. After that, you can open the Remote section - here are the video control buttons and use the smartphone as a panel to the tablet.

Perhaps this setting may seem unnecessarily difficult, but it is necessary only once. Subsequently, it will only be enough to run Tablet Remote and one movement to connect devices in the Connection section. To return to the text set, it will be necessary to change the input method in the keyboard switch menu.

It is worth noting that the Tablet Remote developer has not yet updated the program. Therefore, it can incorrectly work on some new devices. In addition, its interface is also outdated for a long time. But you are unlikely to find an equally simple and free analog that can replace the Tablet Remote.

Nowadays, the remote control of Android is no longer a dream, but even recently we did not even think about everyone will have a tube with a small TV in which there will be a camera, and the Internet, and games, and a lot more. But today there are already tools that allow you to remotely access the phone.

They make it possible to perform some operations such as location definition, blocking, cleaning, and so on. Some even allow you to create a remote desktop and manage it from a computer or other device. Today we will look at the most popular tools that are intended for remote control Android device, and their functionality.

Applications were selected in four criteria:

  • easy use - A few rapidly starting user can figure out the application;
  • availability - It depends on whether the tool is free, whether it is easy to download or need to be signed in some "underground" sources and so on;
  • functional;
  • reliability - Whether the application does not "fall" how accurately defines information whether he needs many resources to normal fulfill all its functions.

"Remote Android Management" from Google

This is perhaps the easiest tool that is perfect for novice users. Works perfectly on a PC or any other device where you can enter your google Account. Remote access Provided without any problems. Interestingly, this application There are two options - one is available without any download, and the other implies that the user downloads the application on Google Play..

To use this service without downloading, you must go to and log in to your Google account (or that account to which the phone is connected). After that, a window shown in Figure No. 1 appears on the PC screen or other device. There will be a device model, a specific location with a point on a map and buttons to perform three functions - "ring", "block" and "Clear".

This application has a downloadable version. It provides a remote access to another device on the Android platform, but it will also need to log in to the same account to which the phone or tablet is connected to which you want to control. From the computer it, of course, is not available.

The features of this application are as follows:

  • it is also possible to determine the location and see it on the map;
  • you can reset the screen lock code (useful in cases where the phone was stolen - an attacker will not be able to even unlock it, not to mention to do something more);
  • you can delete all the information from the device Android;
  • works for Android version 2.3 and above, weighs only 1.9 MB;
  • you can manage multiple devices.

As you can see, this service is not very functional, but it is perfect for novice users. It is extremely easy to use and this is the main feature of the "remote management of Android" from Google. In principle, in case the phone was lost or stolen, nothing more is needed.

Surely, then the owner will need to just find out where its device is. This service Just allows you to do it. True, he has one significant disadvantage - when connected to the device (even when the user has not yet done any actions) a message appears on the screen. Malefactors can easily see it.

Thus, the service from Google receives the following estimates:

  • easy use – 5;
  • availability – 5;
  • functional – 2;
  • reliability - 2 (judging by the reviews, the application does not always work).


This application is of great popularity due to the fact that it is free. Yes, and his functionality is just beautiful! All operations can be performed from a computer or other device where the application is installed. To do this, just connect the phone or tablet to it. android platform. Management can be carried out on different versions Operational windows systems and Mac OS, as well as in Web mode.

AIRDROID functions are:

  • working with SMS messages - sending, viewing, receiving, and this applies both to single messages and group chats;
  • file Transfer - Now it is not necessary to connect the computer to the phone or tablet with a cable, you can simply connect them to Airdroid and freely transmit files, and the transfer rate will depend only on the velocity of the Internet;
  • display on computer work most different applications, such as WhattsApp, Skype, various players, games and everything else;
  • view and edit records from the phone book;
  • playback of video and audio recordings;
  • choosing a ringtone for a call on the smartphone;
  • remote desktop - the application can make screenshots of everything that happens in this moment on the device and send them to the PC;
  • view what happens around the phone through the camera is frontal and central.

Also installed on the Android application device allows you to export APK files. This means that with it can be made from installed application installation file. And then, transfer it to another device. This is another very useful feature.

As you can see, very useful and multifunctional tool. But to figure it out, it will take some time. But this is not due to the fact that the developers have been launched somewhere, but just with a huge functionality this tool. They did everything as simple as possible.

In general, to control the phone or tablet from a computer ARDROID is the perfect application, so it receives such estimates from us:

  • easy use – 4;
  • availability – 5;
  • functional – 5;
  • reliability - 4 (there are minor flaws).


If two previous applications Allowed to remotely control the phone or tablet from the computer, then TeamViewer allows you to manage a computer from a phone or tablet. To start the management process, you need to install applications on android deviceAfter downloading it from Google Play, and then install the program and computer.

The last you need to download from the official site - There, by the way, there are also versions for Windows, Mac OS, Linux and even Chrome OS. Then you need to enter your so-called TeamViewer ID and password - all this you just need to come up with. For private use this program It is free, but companies and small business representatives will have to be purchased at least a business license.

According to TEAMViewer representatives themselves, more than 200,000,000 people around the world enjoy the services of this program. This, in principle, it seems to the truth, because only TeamViewer has more than 10 million downloads.

TeamViewer features:

  • the user can exercise full-fledged computer management - see the desktop, move shortcuts, open programs and perform other tasks as if someone is at the computer now;
  • remote control can be carried out even by servers and other computers with remote maintenance;
  • the keyboard is fully supported, including special Windows combinations;
  • you can simultaneously work with several monitors;
  • sound and video are also transmitted in real time, almost without delays (the latter may be connected, except that, with the speed of the Internet);
  • use of very good security methods - AES, RSAs many others;
  • the support service responds very quickly to appeals and corrects the shortcomings in its program.

In general, TeamViewer can rightly be called the best app To remotely manage a computer from any device on the Android platform.

Therefore, it receives such estimates from us:

  • easy use - 3 (there are difficulties with the receipt of TeamViewer ID);
  • availability - 4 (the program is free not for everyone);
  • functional – 5;
  • reliability - 4 (there are minor flaws, but they are corrected).

Vividly use TeamViewer can be seen in the video below.

The more smart devices enter our daily lifeThe more ways to interact with them appear. This article will be speech just about one of these ways, namely: how to manage android through a computer.

If the root is installed on your device, it is in the root changes the case, because there are many more complex, but at the same time and more convenient ways The implementation of the actions described above using administrator rights. However, our article will be described both simple and requiring root methods of remote control android from a computer.

Despite the apparent unnecessaryness, the described possibility can be useful in many cases. For example, you are an android developer and you need to check the operation of your program without directly interacting with the device. Or for

Using the VYSOR program

So the simplest and fast way Organizations remote control The tablet and smartphone from a computer via USB will require you only installed on PC browser Chrome. and standard for your device USB cable To connect it to the computer.

Android Developer Koushik Dutta Not so long ago was developed by the program "VYSOR", which allows you to get a graphical broadcast of the device used on a stationary device running under MacOS, Linux or Windows of any versions. The Internet browser is required due to the fact that the program described above is the complement to Chrome.

To begin, you will need to do the following:

  • Download Google Chrome. if you have not yet installed and install VYSOR extension
  • Prepare USB cable for connecting android device and PC
  • The device itself with the USB debugging on (more with this can be found in this)

Remote control android: Connection Setup

  • Open the VYSOR application in Chrome App Launcher
  • Click on the "Find Devices" button and select your device from the list.
  • After short-term downloads to your device, a mobile client VYSOR will be installed and on the PC you will see the device screen
  • (Optional) You can install automatic connection in your phone when connected via USB

On some devices, this program may not earn. This may be due to the lack of support for the screen capture function.

Now everything is ready! Manage the device with a mouse and keyboard: At your disposal, absolutely all functions originally available in the device itself.

By managing a smartphone from a computer via USB, we have 4 main advantages:

  • You do not need absolutely install anything on the device directly
  • This method works on Windows, Linux and Mac
  • USB allows you to control the smartphone in almost real time, in contrast to the options associated with wireless control. In the drawing of the picture using VYSOR, there are some problems with the rate of data processing, but this is not so significant
  • The ability not only to see the smartphone screen, but also to manage it with PC

Safe Android Office with Avast Anti-Theft

The popularity of OS android has now reached its apogee and is massively used in a breathtaking quantity. mobile devices around the world. Therefore, by continuing our topic about the remote control of smartphones and tablets, the safety of this type of interaction should also be touched. It will be more accurate to say - the use of remote control in order to ensure the safety of data on the Android device.

After all, the potential for loss of important confidential information under current conditions is very and very large. Therefore, there is a reasonable question about controlling data leaks in case of loss of android device. It is necessary to ensure unavailability important information someone except her owner.

An excellent option that is quite capable of cope with the tasks set above can be called mobile program Avast Anti-Theft. This is the so-called anti-tone application, which is perfect for finding lost tablets and phones on Android.

The main feature of this application is the remote access function, which allows you to control your device even when it is loss. The antivetor is set as desired separately through the antivirus itself, as well as it can be downloaded separately.

Installing and configuring Avast Anti-Theft

Google Play provides for installation of the 2 versions of Avast Anti-Theft: one for devices with activated root rights, and the second - without root. If you have not yet decided to rush the phone (or did not provide the administrator rights program), then the standard version of Avast Anti-Theft will be involved. Otherwise, you can additionally use the firewall (Firewall), for which it needs root.

When you first start the program will ask you to create a fictitious name and choose a fictitious icon. This is necessary so that the potential attacker cannot detect the software described. After this procedure, you can enter your name and password, which will later be used to enable all remote commands and security authentication in general.

IN additional parameters Avast Anti-Theft You can customize the behavior of the phone, in the event of theft or loss. At your disposal there will be a screen lock, and the ability to control both USB debugging settings and GPS behavior. Root users Additional items will be able to activate, among which are complete erasing and reset all settings. Also, the user with administrator rights will be able to install the program in the system partition.

Using Avast Anti-Theft to control android device

To remotely manage your Android smartphone or tablet, you will not need special skills. Everything is quite simple: control is carried out using SMS commands (control over the Internet browser has also become available).

AVAST ANTI-THEFT has a sufficiently long SMS list of commands for remote control device. Due to the simple structure, they are easy enough to remember. And the structure has the following form: First, the password you selected (created when initial setup Applications), and then it is accompanied by understandable English words like LOST, FOUND, etc. Find all SMS commands you can on the official page under the Anti-Theft Controls heading.

Removing Avast Anti-Theft from the device

You can delete the application in several ways:

  • From the parameters of the Avast Anti-Theft application itself. To do this, call the Avast PIN code, and then in the window that opens, go to the "Advanced Settings" item and run from the removal wizard
  • From the Avast Mobile Security settings (antivirus itself, if installed). In Anti-Virus, you need to get to the "Anti-theft" and reappear the same masters removing Avast. Anti-Theft.

In addition, the program has the ability to disable it through an SMS message with a trusted number with the following code: "XXXX SET Protection 0", where "XXXX" is your Avast PIN code (replace your own PIN code), SET Protection is a special keyword0 - Disables Avast Anti-Theft (1 - turns on).

In case of disabling Avast Anti-Theft, the program will stop being active, but will not be deleted!

Remote Android Control from Computer With Airdroid

Each method of remote control android with PC has its own characteristics - good and not very. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the USB cable or does not need a safe control option, it is not worth upset. There is already a well-proven way to wireless control android device - Airmroid program.

This software allows access to the Android device and control the Android phone from the computer through the OS such as Windows and Mac, as well as via the Internet browser, and completely free.

What is noteworthy AIRDROID application

The main features of AirDroid:

  • Work with SMS: sending and receiving messages
  • Working with files: The reception and transfer of files between devices, as well as their processing (viewing images, play music and video, etc.)
  • View and edit all contacts (need root rights)
  • Access to the main and frontal cameras
  • 200 MB of free space is highlighted in the cloud (clipboard between the Android and Computer device)

Access and use of the functional android device may differ and depends on the client platform: Windows, Mac or Web, as well as on availability or absence in mobile apparatus ROOT rights.

Installing and configuring AIRDROID to work through Web

Consider the easiest option of the Android control from the computer, namely: via the Internet browser. To get started, you will need the appropriate executive .apk file for the apparatus for Android. The next thing to do is register on the site of the program by inventing your credit data, or enter the program using an existing profile in Google.

Setting up the synchronization of the mobile phone and computer is also simplified as much as possible and will require you to minimize the action. You need to start the Airdroid mobile client and enter your credentials used in the proposed fields used when registering on the program site. Well, of course, you do not need to forget about WiFi on android apparatus.

After performing the actions described above, you can proceed to directly control your smartphone or tablet via a computer browser. And the device itself can still be postponed on the side - it will not require absolutely no interaction with it.

Of course, the Airdroid did not cost without monetization: premium "Buns" are present. For example, one of the most remarkable: smartphone camera takes pictures of an attacker, which enters the wrong password unlocking the device.

Android management using the desktop version of Airdroid

In addition to using your web browser, caring developers have added the ability to use stationary windows or Mac app. Due to the large spectrum of existing hardware platforms, some users will be more convenient for android management From a computer to enjoy a full-fledged program, instead of a browser.

Consider the work of Airdroid through a separate Windows program. You can download it straight from the official site of developers by clicking on windows icon Under the item "Get Airdroid".

After installing Airdroid on Windows, be sure to check your firewall: you need to allow the program to communicate in public networks, otherwise its correct operation is not guaranteed.

After installing the program, a window should appear with fields for user authentication. As a result of a successful authorization, you will fall into the main screen with the parameters for managing the smartphone. Also, a small informative widget about calls, messages and alerts will appear on the desktop.

The functionality of this program is somewhat limited, if compared with the version for the Web. However, it is possible to use the AirMirror feature, which is similar to the work of the VYSOR program described above. To activate it, you need to go to the program settings, and there to select the "Notification Mirroring Service" item. In the window that opens, you must activate the described function, as shown below.

For the correct operation of the AirMirror function (so-called mirroring), the root is required. In case of their absence, a warning window will appear.

If everything is in order with the root, you will open a new window, the contents of which will duplicate the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Managing the virtual device received, you can interact with all the basic functions of real devices connected to the current program.

Broadcast Screen on PC using BBQScreen Android Client Beta

There is one more interesting program Android management from a BBQScreen Android Client Beta computer that will allow you to see the screen of your device in real time.

Mobile client's work requires availability root rights on the device.

Main features BBQScreen Android Client Beta:

  • High frame rate on the computer screen (supported with a frequency of 30 and 60 frames per second)
  • Easy to use (only a mobile client and the application itself are necessary)
  • Multiplatform (Supported on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux)

For details on managing a telephone through a computer for Android using BBQSCREEN Android Client Beta is described in the video border below.

If you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comments.

Tablets are getting great demand as comfortable tool To consume digital data. In addition, they provide limitless access to almost any games, movies, books. At the same time, if the text reading on a small gadget screen can be quite acceptable, then watching movies (if not on the road), requires larger screen diagonal. For this, the tablet is connected as a multimedia device to a TV with a large or very large diagonal. In order to do this, you need to know how to manage the computer through Android.

Synchronization of devices

In fact, connect the tablet to the PC is completely easy. HDMI cable for this is inexpensive and everywhere is on sale. But the following difficulty occurs - playback management, since the cable length does not give to the sofa, and the running device is completely inconvenient. It would be nice to control at a distance, for example using a smartphone. And it may help free utility program Tablet Remote. Thanks to her, it is easy to understand and execute instructions on how to manage "Android" through Android.

What is this app?

Tablet Remote is a specialized utility that allows you to control the tablet using a mobile phone. It has a couple of features that you need to know.

First, this is not a remote access system when provided complete control Device, like Team Viewer. Tablet Remote functions using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth channels. Because of this, it is limited to the possibility of such actions as control of brightness, volume, reproduction and some others.

Secondly, the utility does not require access rights for the administrator, it means it starts almost on each device. It greatly distinguishes it from other similar utilities. To start using the program, it requires its installation on both devices. After starting the Tablet Remote on the tablet, the user will see an animated and unusual interface.

How to manage "android" through "Android": Instruction

First you need to note both existing options in the Setup section. This will allow the program as a remote keyboard. Then you need to open another section - Connection. Here you need to press the icon with the image of the radar and waiting for the phone detection to the tablet.

Prior to that, the Tablet Remote utility on the smartphone is required. When the connection is displayed on the screen, press it for connecting devices. For someone, this setting will seem not easy, but it will be required only once. Next, there will be enough to launch the program and the connection of gadgets in one movement.

On the device used as remoteThe setting is easier. You need to run the program and go to the Remote section. There are adjustment organs in the form of buttons to control the brightness, volume, media player, and so on. It is important that the console operates in two modes: landscape and portrait. With the usual position, the smartphone runs on the tablet playing video or music. After changing the mode, it functions as a gaming controller. Perfectly operates players MX Video Player, Double Twist, Poweramp.

Consequently, using the Tablet Remote utility is provided with a real possible remote control for the tablet, which is connected as a media console to the TV. This method of how to manage "android" through "Android" may not be so comfortable as profile solutions with a remote remote control, but is free and uses the available devices without the need to buy new ones.

Phone as a remote remote

Often when watching TV is difficult to find a remote, despite the fact that mobile phone all the time near. A desire arises: "Ideal if the mobile was a television console." Today it is already reality - just like to manage a laptop through Android. The TV is controlled by any smartphone based on Android. Such a function supports not every TV, but SMART TV from LG and Samsung can perceive the smartphone as a remote remote. A visual example will be controlled by the Samsung Smart TV ES6100W TV using the LG Optimus L7 smartphone, on the basis of Android 4.0, with Wi-Fi function.

It will work as a TV control panel and as a touchpad for it. To turn your smartphone into the console, you will need to connect the TV and the phone to a single local network. This is done using a Wi-Fi-router, which will combine devices into one network. The SAMSUNG REMOTE program is installed on the smartphone (Samsung TV only). It can be downloaded to Google Play absolutely free.


After installing on the phone of this program (it is suitable for any smartphone based on Android, therefore, any phone can be a remote control) it can be started. Then you need to turn on the TV, click the Refresh button in sAMSUNG program Remote on the smartphone, find a TV and connect.

After that, an informational message will appear on the TV screen. It will require the use of a smartphone as a remote. Immediately after confirmation, the phone will earn as a television remote. Thus, perform the settings and check in practice how to manage the "android" through the "Android", no difficulty. This is how it is possible to ease your life and not to look for the remote throughout the room.

About Team Viewer

In addition to using a smartphone as a console to a TV, it is possible to manage the computer through the "Android" phone using special Program Team Viewer.

Initially, the test of the features and the program interface is optional to install it on the computer. You can run Team Viewer on a tablet or phone and enter the number 12345 in the ID field (no password is required). As a result, a connection to a demonstration Windows session will be connected to functionality and the interface of this program to control when remote access to the computer.

For full use of TeamViewer, it will be required to install it on the computer to which it is planned. remote connection. Enough installation TeamViewer Quick Support, but still it is better to use free full version Programs and configure "uncontrollable access". It will allow you to connect to the remote desktop at any time if the PC is turned on at this point and has access to the Internet.

How to run this program?

After installing on the computer you need software You need to run Team Viewer on your mobile device and enter the ID, then click the "Remote Control" button. When requesting a password, specify either the password generated by the automatically program, or the one that has been set while setting the "uncontrollable access". After the connection, the instructions will first appear to use gestures on the device display, and then the computer desktop on the tablet or telephone. Thus, it is possible without much effort to manage PC through Android.

On your mobile device using the buttons on the TEAMViewer button, you can change the mouse control, call the keyboard or use gestures for Windows 8 during the connection to the computer with this operating system. It is possible to restart to transmit keyboard combinations and scaling to the plug. It can be useful for phones with a small screen.

File transfer process in TeamViewer for Android platform

In addition to the computer control itself, you can use TeamViewer for the file transfer in both sides between the phone and computer. To execute instructions on how to manage Android via the Internet, when entering the ID to connect, you need to select "Files" below. In the process of working with files in the program itself, two screens are used. One of them is file system remote computerAnd the other is a mobile device, between which there is a file copying.

In reality, the use of TeamViewer on Android is not particularly difficult even for beginners. After experiments with the program, everyone will be able to figure out how to manage the computer through Android.

Often there are situations when you need to use the tablet, but it is not possible to take it in hand. One example is to view the movie on the TV from the connected tablet. Sitting or lying on the sofa, it is inconvenient to get up or stretch to it to rewind, switch file, etc. Another option is to listen to music from the tablet, which is hidden in the bag. It is uncomfortable to get it every time, and sometimes it is almost impossible. In such situations, it is very convenient when the smartphone controls the tablet. How to implement such an approach - the article will tell.

Unfortunately, the functionality of smartphones and tablets based on Android is not provided for connecting two devices for remote control. Maximum that can be made by the "clean" system - it is to organize synchronization between them. In order to ensure the management of the tablet from the smartphone - you need to use third-party programs. About them and will be discussed.

Tablet Remote.

The Tablet Remote program is a simple means for remote control of the tablet from the smartphone. Running forever, it is worth noting that its functionality is not very wide: there is only the ability to use the phone as a remote. Streaming pictures from the screen does not know how to do the program, so all actions are made blindly. It is not scary if the tablet is connected to the TV and all actions on the display can be seen, but uncomfortable if the "tablet" lies in the bag.

To take advantage of the program - you need to install it on both devices. The best pan action is:

When the phone is rotated in the portrait orientation - the display shows the remote with a five-position navigation button (like on push-button zone), player keys and system buttons "Home", "Menu", "Back", "Search" and "Keyboard". In this mode, the smartphone controls the tablet in the menu, players and other programs. When turning into a horizontal position - the remote control switches to the gamepad mode.

In this position, you can play Android games on the TV screen using a smartphone as gamepad. However, the TV is not required: if the tablet has a diagonal 10 ", to keep it uncomfortable for a long time. And if you use a stand - you can install a "tablet" on the table and play using the joystick smartphone (which is 2-6 times easier).


Remodroid is a more advanced program that allows you to organize the control of the tablet from the smartphone. It is an analogue of the popular TeamViewer Computer Utility. The main feature of the program is streaming images from the display, as well as sensory control. This means that when installing the connection, the picture from the tablet screen will be transmitted to the smartphone, and when you click on the controls, the corresponding item is launched. The shortcomings of the program two. One of them is the need for both devices to be in one local network Or had a static IP connection. The second - without availability on the tablet root rights Streaming images may not earn.

The program setting is extremely simple.

After performing these manipulations, the display shows the tablet screen, as well as the buttons traditionally located under the screen.

How to manage a tablet with a smartphone in Windows

Tablets based on desktop windows version 8.1 or 10 for the last 2 years we are consistently in demand. The methods given above are not suitable for organizing remote control, as they require that both devices function on the basis of Android. However, this does not mean to use the phone as a remote. The proven, old good methods go into progress.


The TeamViewer program has positively proven itself as reliable and free (for home use) solution for organizing remote controls in windows Environment. However, few people know that there are versions of the application adapted for mobile devices. You can install them on smartphones with Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, and, of course, the mobile version of Windows 8.1 or 10.

To manage the Windows-based tablet from the phone, you need to download a client application for a tablet, a laptop or a PC, as well as install its mobile version on the smartphone. Further procedure Next.

You can control the tablet with the help of finger gestures and connecting the Bluetooth or USB OTG mouse. The method is distinguished by universality, as it allows you to control any device based on the desktop version of Windows, from any smartphone.