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Is it possible to connect speakers to a laptop. Connecting speakers to a laptop

Today we will talk about how you can connect Wi-Fi to your computer via network cable... After you have an Internet cable and a Wi-Fi router connected to it, you can start creating your own little local network... Surely you have not only a stationary computer (or maybe more than one), but also a tablet, a laptop, a smartphone, and a plasma TV. And all this can be combined into one grid with the access of each device to the Internet.

In this case, your whole family can enjoy the Internet at their own discretion, without interfering with each other. Someone will play on the computer in Online Games, someone will watch your favorite movies or videos from YouTube on TV, someone will work or communicate via the Internet on a laptop, and someone at this time can communicate via WhatsApp or Viber via mobile phone or smartphone. And all these pleasures can be configured with one hotspot over a Wi-Fi router.

And in order to create (expand) such a grid, you must use one of two connection options:

  1. Route a network cable from the router to desktop computer and TV.
  2. Connect a stationary computer via an external or internal Wi-Fi adapter. Moreover, laptop, tablet and smartphone have this adapter already built-in.

In this article, we will look at the first connection option.

ConnectionWiFito a computer via a network cable

Previously, the Internet could only be connected via a telephone line. Now this can be done using a network cable (twisted pair). For this:

  • Connect the provider's wire to the wi-fi router to the socket marked WAN(or Internet);

  • Insert the twisted pair network cable into one of the connectors LAN... It doesn't matter which one;
  • Connect the other end of the cord to a computer (or laptop) into the connector RJ 45... If the computer is on, a light next to the connector should blink.

The network cable can be connected both when the router is turned on and when the computer is turned on. It's safe.

If the internet doesn't connect

Usually a computer with an operating room Windows system 7/8/10 automatically get an IP address and connect to the internet immediately. But you may have to make some adjustments yourself.

If the internet connection did not happen in automatic mode, then do the following manipulations:

  1. Check if the Wi-Fi router is turned on;
  2. Check if the network cable is well connected to the connectors of the router and computer;
  3. Check visibility network card v Device manager... If there is no entry " Network adapters ", It means you need to install or reinstall the network card driver.
  1. Turn off the router for 30-40 seconds, and turn it on again. This usually helps.

Configuring a computer network card for connection viaWiFirouter

If, after the above manipulations, the Internet still does not connect, then you need to manually register the IP address for your network card.

For this:

  • right-click on the network connection icon on the taskbar. It is located near the clock), and select the item " Network Control Center».

  • If this icon is not on the taskbar, then open Control Panel.

V Windows 7 The control panel is located in the " Start».

Select in the view " Small icons", And click on the item" Network and Sharing Center».

Right-click on the network card icon and select " Properties».

Highlight " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4) "And click the button below" Properties».

Set the switch to the " Use the following address"And write the following below:

IP address (the last digit can be anything from 1 to 255)

Subnet mask

Default gateway

Preferred DNS Server

An alternative DNS server does not need anything

Check the box next to the inscription “ Confirm parameters on exit».

If a small window pops up with some kind of warning - press the button " Yes».

Now it would be good to restart your computer.

In this article, we will figure out in detail how to connect the Internet to a laptop using wireless network or using a twisted pair, we will consider the features of each type of connection, settings different versions OS and installed components.

Cable internet technology options

Conventionally, all options for connecting to the Internet via a cable can be divided into several main types.

  • Dial-up connection (Dial-up). This is a connection to the Internet via a cable, analogue modem, or the same telephone line. Used by given access and in digital connection using ISDN technology, with the installation of an appropriate adapter.
  • Dedicated communication channel. Assumes the use of a separate line from the PC / laptop to equipment owned and operated by the provider. There are two types of connections: up to 1.5 Mbps and up to 45 Mbps. It is considered the most effective for large enterprises.
  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is one of the broadband access options with which you can connect wired Internet to your laptop. Provides data transfer rates up to 50 Mbps. This is a digital connection using analogue telephone lines.

How to connect the cable to the laptop

Connecting a laptop to the wired Internet in any cases occurs in the following order:

  • Dial-Up, the connection of the telephone line to the modem is configured, after that a cable connection goes from the modem to the laptop,
  • a dedicated communication channel comes to your apartment already via a twisted pair connection, it can be connected both immediately after entering the apartment, and after the router / router, this does not matter,
  • DSL Internet also comes to the apartment via a telephone cable, so the activation takes place only after the modem is connected.

Settings in the operating system (consider for different OS versions - XP-10)

In almost all operating rooms Microsoft systems the menus are almost the same, so the menu transitions are identical for all versions of Windows.

  1. Go to Start> Control Panel.
  1. We find "Internet connection".
  1. Item "Network connection", create a new connection.
  2. Following the instructions of the New Connection Wizard, enter the login and password provided by the Internet provider.
  3. We find the properties of the TCP / IP protocol in the network tab and check that obtaining the IP address and DNS server is enabled in automatic mode.


One of the DSL connection options (Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet) stands out from the background of other frequency of use (the majority of connected, modern access points are based on PPPoE protocol). The connection is made using an individual username and password.

Static or dynamic ip

A dynamic IP address is handed out by your ISP free of charge to connect to the Internet and can be assigned to another computer when you re-enter the network. The static version of IP (Internet Protocol) is bought for separate money and provides more options, and is entered manually when connected to the Internet.

VPN over L2TP / PPTP

VPN (Virtual Private Network) - the ability to create virtual network on top of the physical.

  • PPTP. Any connection protocol is supported VPN network originally (the first protocol introduced by microsoft). Is the fastest on this moment connection protocol.
  • L2TP. Tunneling layer 2 protocol, almost all devices currently support it. Simple to set up, but the lack of encryption and data protection makes it dependent on the optional IPSec protocol.

Wireless connection via Wi-Fi (from a router)

Turning on the Internet on a laptop, subject to a configured Wi-Fi network from a router, is very simple task... There are several conditions necessary for this.

  • The presence of the network name and password from it.
  • A laptop with a working Wi-Fi module.

The connection takes place according to the following scenario.

  1. We turn on the router to the network and wait for the wifi protocol to load.
  2. We turn on the wireless networks on the laptop.
  3. We open the overview of wireless networks and find the one we need.
  1. In the menu that opens, enter the password and click the connect button.

Checking for an adapter

Availability wireless adapter checked by the presence of a picture on the laptop box. If you bought a laptop hand-held (used) without a box, then there will definitely be a duplicate mark on the wireless adapter on the case.

Driver Installation

Installing network card drivers on your computer is an important part of connecting to the Internet. Without network driver the laptop will not detect the WiFi adapter. The drivers are installed from the CD that comes with the laptop, insert it into the CD drive and follow the instructions of the installation assistant.

Required system settings for connection

To configure the Internet, you need to check automatic receipt Ip-addresses and dns-server. These settings are located along the path Start> Control Panel> Network and Sharing Management> Connection Properties> Internet Protocol Version 4 Properties.

Connection via mobile internet

It is also possible to connect a laptop to the Internet via a mobile phone.

  1. We set up an Internet access point on the smartphone.
  2. We connect the phone to a laptop via USB or Wi-Fi.
  3. We install the drivers (depending on the brand of the phone) and connect to the Internet.

3G and 4G modems and routers

It is very easy to connect to the Internet using 3 and 4G modems, just install the drivers and connect to the Internet.

The Internet has become an integral part of life, and every computer must have access to the network. At home, a connection via a Wi-Fi router is suitable for this, which provides the ability to use both a wireless connection (for laptops, mobiles, tablets) and a cable connection (for stationary computers).

Where is the best place to install a Wi-Fi router

For those who are thinking about options for how to install a router, you should start by choosing a place to place the device. This is influenced by several factors:

  • the location of the provider's modem or cables, if used;
  • apartment layout;
  • the location of the stationary computer (if any).

Exists different models wireless devices from Asus (Asus), TP Link, D-Link (D-Link), etc. They may have different speed data transmission, coverage area. This should be taken into account when choosing a location for the device, so that access is anywhere in your apartment. In this case the best solution will be a central point if cable, modem and stationary location allow. If you are obliged to install the device closer to the computer in order to stretch the cable to it, then you need to focus on this factor.

How to connect a router to a computer or laptop

It's easy to figure out how to connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer. The process itself is fast, but problems can arise with setting up the device. The option of connecting a stationary PC via a wireless network and using a network cable will be considered separately below. The option of how to connect a router to a laptop is practically no different. Before purchasing a receiver, please be aware that there are models on the market that do not support Wi-Fi distribution and act as an adapter (for connecting multiple devices).

At the first stage, in order to get access to the Internet, you need to correctly connect the wires to the device. There are several major manufacturers of routers, but the connection scheme is always the same. Here step-by-step instruction How to connect a wifi router to a computer:

  1. Unpack and install the device, plug it into a power outlet. On the back panel, as a rule, there is a power button for the device: press it. If a signal is received, the lamps on the router will light up.
  2. There are several jacks on the back panel. One of them is always located on the edge and tinted with a different color (blue, yellow) with the WAN signature. Connect a wire from a modem or an Internet cable to it. You should hear the latch click, indicating that the cord is secured correctly.
  3. If you need to lead a cable to the PC, then insert it into any of the empty slots nearby and stretch it to the connector on the network card. When connecting, the lamp should light up, which means there is a signal.
  4. With a wireless connection, you need to go to the network settings on the PC itself.

Wireless router connection

For most users, an interesting option is how to connect to a router wirelessly. In the case of a laptop, everything is much simpler, because it has a built-in module for receiving Wifi signal... When it comes to ordinary PCs, the situation is somewhat more complicated, because you will additionally need to purchase an adapter for a wi-fi network. They are easy to find in any hardware store and are often sold with modems.

There are two options on the market Wi-Fi adapters for PC - external and internal. The former are connected via a USB cable and stand on the table, outwardly similar to a docking station for a player from Apple. The second are mounted on motherboard via PCI slot. They work equally well, but the external option can be disconnected and connected to another device, and the built-in one does not take up space on the table. Together with the device, there should be a disk with drivers and software.

After connecting to a computer, the setup takes place in exactly the same way as on a laptop. In most cases, to turn on computer wifi, you just need to find your connection in the list of networks and enter the password. If this is the first time you are connecting, you may need to specify the settings that were given to you when concluding a contract with the provider.

Twisted Pair Wired Connection

Previously, there was only one way to connect a wifi router to a stationary computer - a cord. At first, a cable from a telephone line was used (sometimes it is still used), then others appeared that provided not only a computer with Internet access, but also a TV cable channels... This method of connection is still used today, as a rule, for stationary PCs. How to connect a computer to a router via a cable:

  • connect the provider's wire to wi-fi router into a slot labeled WAN or Internet;
  • the power cord must be plugged into one of the LAN connectors;
  • the other end of the cable should be connected to the Ethernet port of the computer, after connecting the lamp should light up (blink).

What to do if the router does not connect to the Internet

Even if you know how to connect a wifi router to a computer, have done all the necessary manipulations, a situation may arise that the connection to the Internet is not established. At the same time, everything works correctly through the cable, and the wireless network does not transmit data, but is visible in the list of connections. If you call the provider's support service, the first thing the specialist will suggest is to disconnect the wi-fi device from the outlet, wait 3-10 minutes and then turn it on again. In many cases, this really helps.

If this method does not help, then it is highly likely that the computer cannot automatically obtain the IP or DNS address of the network. To check the settings, you need to right-click on your connection, select "Network Control Center", click on the image of the network connection and go to the "Details" tab. If the DNS or IP item is empty, then this is the problem. You need to call the support service and find out what values ​​you need to register in the properties. After receiving them:

  1. Click on the connections and click on the "Properties" button.
  2. Find the item that ends with TCP / Ipv4. Click on it and click "Properties".
  3. Activate the items "Use the following IP-address", enter the data provided by your provider.
  4. Repeat the same for DNS gateways.
  5. Click "OK" and close the rest of the tabs.

Video instruction: how to connect a router to a computer

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In a modern environment, every apartment has more and more devices that can be connected to the Internet. For full-fledged work, an Internet connection is needed for smartphones, phones, tablet computers... The installation of a router can be recommended as the simplest and most universal solution for connecting these devices to the Internet and to each other. Therefore, you need to know how to connect a wifi router.

Through a router, you can connect devices such as a printer, laptop, computer, tablet, TV, etc. to the Internet or a local network. An example of how to connect the Internet through a router to different devices, is shown schematically in the figure.

A router is a network device that is used to establish a connection with an Internet provider. Through him, after the necessary internal customization, access to the Internet is provided for your network devices connected to a router, such as a computer, laptop, etc.

Today, the cost of routers is constantly decreasing due to the large number of different models. When choosing a router, you need to know what type of connection your Internet provider uses (cable, telephone). In addition, routers may have some additional functions, for example, the presence of a usb connector, etc., which may be necessary to connect your equipment. From the above article, you will learn how to connect a router to a laptop and computer.

Any modern router has the ability to connect devices both via a network cable (at least four), and wireless channel WI-FI. In addition, before connecting to a router, it is important to take all measures to protect your network from possible third-party access.

When choosing a place to install a router, you need to proceed from the fact that the coverage area should cover all places where you need access to the Internet. If the signal is very weak, then the computer or laptop cannot see the router. At the same time, it is recommended to position the router so that the router's network does not extend much beyond the boundaries of the apartment in order to reduce third-party access to it. And if you do not plan to use wireless access, then it is better to simply turn off Wi-Fi when setting up.

After purchasing a router, the first thing to do is to correctly connect the Wi-Fi router to a computer or laptop. This article will provide recommendations for connecting a router.

How to connect a Wi-Fi router

All modern routers differ little from one another. In general, in the router, you can select the interface through which the wifi router is connected, and it can be connected to external network... And there are a few more interfaces that are required to connect to the internal network.

Before connecting a Wi-Fi router, familiarize yourself with the approximate location of these connectors in the figure.

Router interface

Depending on the connection used by the provider, there may be various options for the "incoming" wire that you connect to the corresponding connector of the router and you need to know how and how to connect the router correctly.

How to connect a router to the Internet

If you have a telephone socket (xDSL connection):

If you are using a wall outlet ( PPTP connection) or optical: channel

Rg46 connector

If a modem is used, then the USB connector:

USB connector

For internal channels, network sockets are used (there are usually four of them). There may be a USB connector that is used to connect the printer. Wireless connection carried out via Wi-Fi.

Usually it is used when connecting one incoming channel, wiring the network via a network cable to those devices to which it is possible and connecting via Wi-Fi to the rest. When using a cable to connect the router, it is necessary that all connections are made with high quality, otherwise it may turn out that the router does not see the cable.

Internet connection via a router

If you plan to connect a computer on the table to the router, it is better to use a wired connection. Such a connection is better as the fastest and most reliable and has a higher priority in routers.

And it will be much easier to set up a wired connection.

When you connect the router to a laptop or TV, you will need the router itself, the connected device (computer, etc.), a connecting

patch cord with which these devices will be connected to each other. A patch cord is called a crimped cable in a certain way. At the heart of such a cable is used "twisted pair", which is eight wires, which are twisted in pairs. Usually the cable is crimped after installation. Factory patch cords are also used, which look like the one in the picture.

Factory patch cord

Also twisted pair use if you need to connect the router to a TV, laptop or other devices. To connect to the router, you can also use a wireless connection via Wi-Fi, but such a connection will have a lower bandwidth.

Connecting a wifi router to a computer is done as follows: one end of the patch cord is inserted into any of the LAN (local area network) connectors on the router, and the other end is connected to the computer's network card.

The wire from your Internet provider must be inserted into the WAN (INTERNET) connector, as shown.

Router interface

After connecting all the wires to the router, it will look something like the figure. Where the wire connected to the WAN connector is the wire from the provider, and the wire connecting the router to the computer is inserted into the LAN1 connector. The Power connector has a cable from the power supply, which is connected to the mains.

As you can see, the number of ports on the router (in this case, four)

determines the number of devices that can be wired to the router. But this limitation can be easily circumvented by using an additional special device - a switch or a hub. The hub also serves to stabilize the signal if you use a sufficiently long wire connection (about 100 meters long).

The computer is connected with a patch cord to the router through the connector of the network card. This connector looks like the one in the picture.

The network card connector on the computer

The laptop is connected with a patch cord to the router through the connector of the network card, as in the figure.

All other devices, such as a phone, smartphone, etc., are best connected wirelessly Wi-Fi connection... After connecting the router, just wait a few seconds and the connection will be established. Sometimes a situation may arise that the laptop does not see the wifi router, then it is recommended to update the firmware of your router by downloading the latest version from the manufacturer's website. The patch cord may have been crimped poorly and needs to be re-crimped.

The presence of a signal on the router can be judged by the glow of the indicators on the front panel. If the WAN indicator is off and the router does not connect to the Internet, then there may be problems with the provider's equipment. Then you can enter in the browser network address Your router (address and configure the router by going to the web interface.

Instructions for connecting the router to a computer and laptop via WI-FI (Windows 7)

If you are using a laptop, then first you need to activate the WI-FI button located on the laptop. Most laptops contain such a button, while the WI-FI module can be turned on and off. When this mode is activated, this will be signaled by the glow of the corresponding indicator on the laptop case. If there is no such button, then it is possible to turn on Wi-Fi mode it is necessary to press a certain combination on the keyboard. You can see this combination in the instructions for the laptop, for example, in laptop Asus you need to press Fn and F2. If your laptop can work in WiMAX 4G and Wi-Fi, then you need to select the Wi-Fi mode.

After that, you need to check if the wireless connection is enabled in the settings of your operating system. To do this, you need to open the menu for viewing network connections, as in the picture below. Make sure the wireless connection is turned on.

After that, you need to determine which application in your operating system is used to connect to WiFi. Usually the connection is special utility which is installed with the WiFi adapter drivers. You can find out about the use of such a utility by the seen icon in the tray or by looking in the programs installed on the computer. You should pay attention to this, because such a utility can intercept control of the WiFi adapter from the operating system. This problem can lead to the fact that your laptop or computer does not see the router. When you determine exactly which utility is responsible for the WiFi connection, you will need to connect to WiFi using this utility. Or you can disable the use of this utility in its settings, and return control of the connection to the operating system.

If WiFi connection manages operating system, then we will configure a connection with an open SSID. An open or closed SSID affects the security of the Wi-Fi network. If the SSID is hidden, then the broadcast of the network identifier is deactivated, and your wireless network will be hidden from client devices. Such a shutdown can hide the network only from relatively inexperienced users.

To connect the network, you need to left-click on the icon responsible for the wireless network and located in the tray. From the list available networks, which you will see, you need to select your wireless network and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

After that, in the appropriate field, you need to enter the value of your network security password and click OK.

The operating system will connect the router to a computer or laptop via Wi-Fi. If the connection was successful, then you can go to the Internet by opening a browser. If the router does not see the Internet, then check the reliability of the cable connection from the provider to the router. When you further connect your computer or laptop to the wireless network, you will not need to enter a password to access the network, since the connection will occur automatically.

If you need to connect to a wireless network with a hidden SSID, then you need to select the Manage wireless networks item in the computer menu, as in the figure below.

In the window that opens, select the Add option.

After that, you need to choose to create a network profile manually.

Now in the window that opens, you need to enter all the parameters necessary for connecting with a hidden SSID, as in the figure below.

You need to enter the name of the network in the field - Network name. The type of network security you choose is the one that is installed on the router (WPA, WEP or WPA2). You need to enter the security key that you specified when setting up the router. After completing all the settings, you need to click Next and the next window will notify you that your network has been added.

After that, the operating system will connect to your network if the signal strength is sufficient. And you can open your browser and browse the internet.

How to connect a router to a computer

When connecting your computer to Wi-Fi, you need to connect the Wi-Fi module to your computer to the USB connector. It is more convenient for these purposes to use the connector located on the front panel of the computer. Then check the connection wireless devices with the system. To do this, open the View Network Connections, as in the picture below.

In this window, the wireless connection must be enabled. After that, it is necessary, as in the version with a laptop, to determine the program that is used to Wi-Fi connections and use it for wireless connection.

Configuring a wireless connection when the DHCP server is down

Consider the option of connecting a computer to a router with a disabled DHCP server. This method can also be used if the computer cannot get the IP address of the router and the computer does not see the wifi router. To configure such a connection, you need to manually enter the value of the IP parameters used in your wireless network into the TCP / IP settings. In the event that the DHCP parameters in the router have not been changed, you only need to enter in the appropriate field any suitable IP address that is in the range of values ​​set by the default router.

This setting should make it possible to work if you had a problem with the fact that the computer does not see the router. Even if the status of obtaining the network address is lit and the network address will not be acquired automatically.

For further configuration, you need to open the network connections view, as in the figure below.

After that, you need to click on the wireless connection icon and select Properties from the menu.

After that, you need to configure the properties of the Internet Protocol version 4. In this window, you must manually register the IP address parameters for connecting to WIFI network... In this window, you must manually register those parameters that the router accepts. When using a router manufactured by Asus, Linksys or ZyXel, you can register the following parameters for the IP address,
default gateway and subnet mask as in the picture below.

After entering all required settings you need to click OK to apply the settings. With this setup, it should be borne in mind that if you often work on a laptop with other Wi-Fi networks outside the home, there may be some problems with automatic connection to these networks. This will happen due to the fact that you hard-coded the TCP / IP settings, and other ranges for network addresses will be used outside the home.

Now you know what a wi fi router is, how to connect various devices to it.