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Cleaning Windows 7 from the debris of the program. Cleaning your computer from junk: why clean, what programs to use and how to do it

The main task of CCleaner is to clean the user's computer from the results of vital activity and Windows itself, or, more simply, from computer "garbage". It inevitably accumulates and, over time, begins to consume usable disk space. Regular cleaning also helps to erase confidential data, the main part of which is traces of Internet use.

The start window will open the interface of the main program module - "Cleaning", before starting work with which we recommend that you carefully read the numerous parameters. The "Analysis" button will help to show which data will be deleted and evaluate whether it is worth changing something in the settings so as not to delete unnecessary information.

By default, the cleaning settings in CCleaner can already be called correct, since they are the most loyal and will not erase important or useful user data. However, at this stage it is worth deciding whether you want to delete confidential data (traces of using programs, Internet surfing) or simply from the accumulated temporary and cache files.

If you want CCleaner to be just a cleaner:

  • in the "Applications" tab, leave marked only the items "Internet cache" for browsers ( Google chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) and email clients (Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.)
  • in the "Applications" tab in the "Internet", "Multimedia", "Utilities" blocks, etc., mark the items at your discretion (if, for example, you do not want the "last videos" to be deleted in KMPlayer, then uncheck the box)
  • in the "Windows" tab, leave only:
    • the line "Temporary browser files" in the block "Internet Explorer"
    • all lines in the "System" block
  • in the CCleaner menu item "Settings" → "Advanced" we recommend that you select the line "Delete only files older than 24 hours from the Trash"

If you want maximum cleaning, including private data:

  • we recommend creating your own files for browsers
  • in the "Windows" tab in the " Windows explorer»Carefully look at the marked lines, for example," Thumbnail cache "there is no particular point in deleting

If you want to return to initial settings, then this can be easily done using the "Return standard settings"At the bottom of the same window" Settings "→" Advanced ".

Cleaning process and results

After selecting the required options, just click the "Analysis" button. CCleaner will prepare an interim report on the data that can be deleted based on the available settings. Then you can immediately start processing all found records using the "Clear" button or selectively delete results from the report using context menu right-click. The whole cleaning process in CCleaner looks like this:

The main advice is that when tinting, do not mark those items whose name you do not understand. It's easier to figure it out once (the search engine is always helpful) than to accidentally delete something. It should be noted that cleaning the computer when help CCleaner v hidden mode, and also it is worth paying attention to the functionality of the module, which can also be useful.

As you know, timely cleaning windows, will become a guarantee of high performance of your computer and multifunctionality of its software resources. We have considered best programs capable of performing a complete cleaning of the system. Which of the above utilities should you choose?

The undisputed leader among programs for cleaning the computer system is Computer Accelerator. This program has amazing capabilities that are only partially available for other analogues. Manage the cleaning process, optimize the Windows registry as efficiently as possible, and get rid of any software glitches and problems that have been bothering your computer for a long time. Computer Accelerator is able to quickly raise the performance of all computer resources, ensuring reliable stability and versatility of the performance of all its important system resources!

System Mechanic can be recommended for both beginners and professionals, however, specialists will like the product more. Its reliability and quality conquer, only slightly interferes with English on the menu. In the west, the package of utilities is widespread and popular, development has been going on for over 20 years, so all functions are perfected.

An inexpensive alternative is Wise care 365. The software is distinguished by the most convenient controls in comparison with analogs, powerful means of getting rid of the system from computer garbage, as well as the optimal ratio of the cost of the license and High Quality the developer's productivity tools.

CCleaner is one of the most widely used computer junk and junk cleaning tools in the world. The utility gained its popularity thanks to user-friendly interface and rich built-in capabilities. Owners of CCleaner get virtually the entire list of most paid modern counterparts among "cleaners" and "optimizers" operating system... Using Advanced SystemCare Free will help you not only clean up the platform, but also seriously overclock your computer's power readings. Thanks to the presence of a whole range of specialized tools, the program can increase the level of RAM and processor performance, which will have an excellent effect on the performance of the entire OS.

In addition to the common functions for cleaning the system from unnecessary and damaged files, Glary utilities, will provide you with adequate protection for all sensitive data, increasing not only the performance, but also the level of security of the operating system. The program is able to correct even incorrectly entered links, as well as find any errors in the registry and correct them correctly. If you have to share your computer with several other users, Comodo System Cleaner will help get rid of even the slightest suspicion of stealing your information, the utility can delete any confidential data without the possibility of its subsequent recovery. Komodo System Cleaner has a simple interface and will quickly remove all unnecessary files it will also analyze the system for duplicate files.

Wise Registry Cleaner is one of the leading registry cleaning utilities. The program does not have such extensive functionality against the background of its main competitors, but it will perfectly cope with its direct responsibility. The application will empower you with both manual and automatic control modes. Do not worry about the Weiss Register Cleaner cleaning up anything important in automatic mode, because the developer has implemented a convenient option to create a backup copy of the registry. With Wise Care 365 Free, you can quickly clear cache and cookies within web browsers. The utility is different convenient opportunity settings (already simple interface) according to your preference. Weiss Keir 365, will protect user personal data, defragment the required disks and clean the system of unnecessary garbage.

Read what cleaning Windows 7 means. When to do it. All ways to clean the registry, junk files. Useful programs and simple instructions.

Even the most professional users from time to time you have to clean the operating system from garbage. If it is installed on your computer, you must constantly monitor its status. Microsoft no longer releases regular updates for this version (only base security packages are available), so you will have to fix the work of the seven yourself.

Let's consider how you can quickly and without harm to the system clean Windows 7 and significantly speed up the execution of tasks.

Why does my computer freeze?

System freezes are always the result of user actions. The exceptions are those cases when the computer "does not pull" the installed OS: the available hardware components cannot ensure the normal execution of the program code.

If immediately after Windows installations 7 everything worked fine and very quickly, but over time, frequent freezes began, programs began to turn off, and the system itself starts very slowly, all this suggests that it is time to clean up unnecessary data and processes.

Freezes appear in such cases:

  • A large number of programs are installed on your computer, half of which you do not use;
  • Startup Full - in parallel with turning on the operating system, other programs that you did not start on your own begin to work. Because of this, the process Windows startup can drag on for long minutes instead of a few seconds;
  • Damage to the system by viruses. Malicious software can run in random access memory processes that cannot be closed. As a result, the computer starts to get very hot, and other programs run very slowly. Also, there is a risk of theft of your personal data;
  • The contents of the hard disk are cluttered with files that are no longer needed. This includes both temporary files that the OS itself creates, as well as user documents, films, and a large number of photos. There can be a lot of them, because most users may not clear the PC memory for years.

How to get the system working

A comprehensive cleaning of a computer with Windows 7 will help restore the OS to normal operation. You can get rid of unnecessary data and processes in two ways:

  • Manually using standard Windows services;
  • With the help of special software for OS optimization.

First, we recommend that you follow the simplest steps for. This is usually sufficient to bring the system back to normal. If you continue to experience slow performance, try installing third-party utilities. They will help not only free up disk space, but also clean the registry, analyze the operation of all system modules and fix errors.

Using the built-in Disk Cleanup utility

The first and easiest way to clean your computer from garbage on Windows 7 is to work with the standard uninstall service. files hard disk. It automatically detects and removes temporary files, various error reports, thumbnails, the contents of the Recycle Bin, and other system junk.

To get started with the Disk Cleanup service, follow the instructions:

  • Open the My Computer window. All available hard drives... By right-clicking on one of the elements, go to its properties window. Here is displayed detailed information about free and occupied space. If you see that there is less than 20% free space (or less than 1 GB), you need to clean up. First of all, we recommend checking the condition system disk WITH;
  • In the properties window, click on "Clear". A window for analyzing the amount of memory will open;
  • Next, you will see a list of file groups that can be deleted, as well as the amount of memory consumed. We advise you to check all the boxes and perform a disk cleanup.

This service is often very slow. All because of the strong clutter of disk space. Do not cancel the action and wait for the uninstallation to complete. As a result, you can free up several gigabytes at once.

Cleaning up temporary files

Temporary files are entries that are created by all applications that run. Your computer will no longer need this data, so you need to delete it from time to time. To perform the procedure manually, you need to go to root folder drive C. Open "My Computer" and click on the drive icon.

Go to the path C: \\ Windows \ Temp. A directory can contain several hundred files. You can select all elements using the keyboard shortcut CTRLA. Then remove the content and empty the trash. Next, restart your computer and check if it is faster.

Sometimes the Temp folder may not appear on the system. To do this, you need to enable its visibility:

  • Go to the start menu "Start";
  • Open the control panel window;
  • Customize the display of list items as "Small icons" and find the option "Folder options". Open this window;
  • Go to the "View" tab and in the list additional parameters mark the box "Show hidden folders", And also put a tick in front of the item" display compressed and encrypted files ";
  • Save your changes and try to find the Temp folder again.

Removing programs

Oftentimes, not temporary files can cause insufficient space on the C drive, but many installed applications or games. If you leave unused programs on your computer, this will result in a pop-up window like this:

Follow the instructions to uninstall programs on your Windows 7 computer:

  • Open the Start menu and click on "Control Panel";
  • In the window that opens, find the "Add or Remove Programs" field and click on it;
  • Wait until the list of all software installed on your computer is loaded. This can take a long time, especially if the system is slow;
  • To uninstall a program or game, click on the desired name and in the window that opens, wait for the process to complete.

Note that using the list of installed applications, you can analyze your work with the software. The "Usage" column displays the frequency of launch (Often, Rarely, Never). With the help of this information, it will be easier for you to navigate which software should not be stored in the system.

If you are uninstalling the game, we recommend that you also check the Program Files folder on the C drive. If, after uninstalling, there is a folder with the name of the game in it, delete it. As such, developers often leave cached files and mission walkthrough entries in case the user decides to reinstall the software.

Fixing slow PC boot

The reason may be the load of the RAM. After deleting data from the hard disk, we recommend that you proceed to work with the OP.

All processes that occur in RAM are regulated by the Task Manager. With this system utility, users can view a list of running processes and the programs that created them. Also, you can manage System Startup and user accounts.

To start Task Manager in Windows 7, open "Start" and enter the name of the utility in the search bar. The system will give the result immediately. Open the box as shown in the image below:

Another way to launch the Manager is by using the Run window. You can open it using the WinR button combination. Enter the TASKMGR command in the text box and click OK.

Startup Management

To edit the list of programs and services that are loaded with the OS, go to the "" tab. Uncheck the boxes next to the processes for which you want to disable autostart. This will not harm the system, because in Windows 7 the Task Manager does not display services that are important for the operation of the system. This means that you cannot close the system process by mistake.

Removing from Startup will not harm the program or game in any way. They will remain installed on the computer, only they will stop turning on at the stage of starting the desktop. In the future, you can turn on the program yourself using its shortcut.

Closing unnecessary processes

If the computer turns on quickly enough, but after a while after starting work you encounter severe OS freezes, check running processes... In the Task Manager, open the appropriate tab and analyze which tasks consume a lot of RAM. Close the most time-consuming objects by clicking the "End Process" button.

Advanced SystemCare Utility

Advanced SystemCare is a Windows 7 cleaning program that allows you to perform all system optimization options in one window, from deleting files from your hard drive to adjusting your RAM.

A feature of the application is its ability to monitor system performance in real time. The utility detects errors and allows you to eliminate them in a few mouse clicks.

The application interface is divided into several tabs:

  • Speed ​​Up - This built-in service allows you to speed up your computer. In simple words, the utility removes unnecessary processes from the RAM, thereby speeding up the work of the system at the moment;
  • Protect is a protection module. With it, you can scan the OS for virus software and remove any malware found. Also, Advanced SystemCare will be able to check the reliability of executable EXE files. A threat notification will appear in the tray;
  • Clean & Optimize is the main and most functional tab. By pressing the Scan button, you start the service checking hard disk, system registry, Startup. As a result of the correction of errors, all garbage will be removed from the system, the shortcuts will be corrected, the registry and RAM will start working in normal mode (without erroneous entries and processes);
  • In the Toolbox tab you can buy additional tools to monitor system performance;
  • Action Center allows you to set the next time to check your computer for errors.
Red Button is a handy tweaker that will allow you to access all OS processes.
Tweaker is special utility to view and edit all hidden functions of the system. Typically, developers hide these features in order to regular user did not delete important settings by mistake.

The Red Button interface is fully Russified and very easy to use. All tabs are conveniently divided into the main computer modules - CPU and RAM, HDD junk files detected and data for cleaning windows registry 7.

Go to each tab in turn and check the box next to the actions you want to take. Using each of these actions can speed up overall performance. To apply the changes, click on "OK" in the lower right corner.

AusLogics Boost Speed ​​- Boost PC Performance

AusLogics Boost Speed ​​- Another Good Cleaning Program Windows computer 7. Its features:

  • Fast system scan and fix fatal errors;
  • Shows hardware failures of the processor and connected buses;
  • Built-in Assistant. With its help, you can quickly make a decision about which files need to be deleted and which ones are better not to touch;
  • Browser protection and acceleration. Often cause slow internet it is not connection problems, but browser clutter. Utility AusLogics Boost Speed ​​clears cache, cookies and improves the speed of loading pages in the browser;
  • Acceleration in real time. With the press of one key, you can close all unnecessary processes and unused applications.

Disk Cleaner to clean up disk space

The task of Disk Cleaner - Windows optimization 7 by cleaning junk files and hard drive records. Unlike the standard cleaning utility, this cleaner will help you find all hidden folders that are inaccessible to the average user.

Among the features of the program should be highlighted the effective detection of registry errors, useless files and incorrect shortcuts. Also, the system analyzes how each of the problems affects the speed of Windows.

Pressing the "Fix" button launches the built-in assistant, which independently corrects the system without user intervention. After using the utility, it is recommended to restart your computer.


It is recommended to start cleaning garbage in Windows 7 with the standard utility for removing temporary files from the hard drive. If this did not help speed up the work, we recommend that you resort to help third-party software... Before starting the installation of any utility, do not forget to scan its installer with an antivirus.

Which of the programs mentioned above helped you clean up Windows 7? Write your options useful applications that can help solve the problem.

After weeks Windows work a significant number of temporary files accumulates (application caches, leftovers from installers and remote programs, History of Internet Browsers). If you do not periodically get rid of such objects, and the size of the system disk is limited to 20-50 GB, then the operating system starts to work slower due to the fact that the files are fragmented - parts of one are in several places, or even several dozen places. The situation becomes especially deplorable when there are several hundred megabytes of free space left - the computer in such cases works very slowly.

In this article, we will figure out how to clean your computer from junk files using the example of specific programs that run on all Windows.

We use built-in OS tools

First of all, you need to use the tool offered by Windows developers - this is an OS-integrated cleaner. It works, to put it mildly, not very high quality. You shouldn't use the built-in program to clean up garbage all the time, but it's still better than nothing.

  • Open the "Run" window by pressing Win + R.
  • Enter "cleanmgr.exe" into the text line and click "OK".

Also, the command is entered in Start. Even in the same Start, you can write "cleanup" and run the "Disk Cleanup" application.

  • We select the disk that we are going to free from garbage (as a rule, this is the system partition C).
  • After ten seconds of scanning, a report with search results will appear.
  • We mark the necessary options with the checkboxes (it is recommended to check everything with the checkboxes) and click "OK".

  • We confirm the operation by clicking "Delete files".

As a result, the computer will be freed from several hundred gigabytes of garbage, but far from everything. For a comprehensive cleaning of temporary files, you should use specialized applications.


The most popular free Windows cleaner that runs on a computer with any version of the Windows operating system.

  • We launch the program and put a checkmark in front of the items responsible for deleting certain data.
  • If you want to remove traces of functioning third party utilities(office, players, archivers), go to the "Applications" tab and note the history, cache and other traces of which programs need to be eliminated. Although initially CCleaner was configured to remove as much garbage as possible without affecting Windows files.
  • We press "Analysis" and wait.
  • Upon completion of the scan, the result of future cleaning will be displayed without the ability to exclude anything from the deletion list.

  • We click "Cleanup" so that the utility erases all the garbage that the computer contains .

As well as file system the system registry is also clogged. CCleaner allows you to safely remove junk keys. This will reduce the size of the registry and increase the speed of access to it, albeit slightly.

  • Go to the "Registry" tab and click "Search for problems".

  • Upon completion of the analysis, if necessary, we exclude suspicious entries from the list of deleted ones and click "Fix" in order to optimize the computer . Although this may not be done - the developers have taken care that their product does not damage Windows.
  • We save a backup copy of the deleted keys to the computer and perform cleaning by clicking on "Fix marked".

Wise Disk Cleaner

A similar application with the function of performing disk defragmentation. Working with Wise Disk Cleaner is as easy as working with CCleaner.

  • We mark the categories for scanning with flags (they all unfold and contain many items for more fine tuning scanner).
  • We press "Search".

  • Having received the results of cleaning, click on "Cleaning" to remove the debris.

  • The computer got rid of several hundred unnecessary documents.

Unlike CCleaner, you can exclude items from deletion here, such as browser passwords. You are required to check the boxes that need to be deleted and press the clear button.

Wise Registry Cleaner

Cleaning the registry is also an important criterion for the speedy operation of Windows on any computer, therefore, we will focus on the most popular tool for cleaning it. Although working with Registry Cleaner is no more difficult than with previous products.

  • Launch the program, click "Scan", get acquainted with the results and remove the garbage.

Clean master

The most popular garbage collector for Android has been ported to a computer with an operating system from Microsoft. The interface of the program, although not translated into Russian, but its operation does not raise any questions.

  • We launch the application, after which it automatically scans the system.

  • We look at the results, adding some applications to the exceptions forever or for the upcoming cleaning, and click "Clean now".

Exercise caution and carefully monitor the files to be deleted, despite the high level of security of the utility - it is still quite new and can inadvertently delete an important system file or a file necessary for the program to work properly.

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While using the computer, many temporary files are created in the system. One part is deleted after closing the programs and restarting the PC, while the other remains a dead weight on the hard disk.

If you don't clean it regularly, files will accumulate and take up extra storage space. But this is not the worst thing - they can cause the PC to freeze.

The short answer is yes! Cleaning the computer from debris should be regular so that the system does not "slow down". This does not mean that a daily check should be carried out. 1-2 scans per month should be sufficient.

What to use to clean the operating system (OS)?

There are two types of programs - for complex cleaning and for cleaning the system registry. Most applications are distributed free of charge, so they are always available to users. Let's consider the best services.

Programs for complex cleaning of the OS

First, let's look at 3 applications for comprehensive Windows cleaning.

This utility is designed to improve the performance and speed up your computer. It is possible to optimize RAM, as well as Game Mode « Turbo Boost» , which will be especially interesting for gamers.

First you need to download the program from the official website of the developers - Click on the green button "Download" and install "Advanced SystemCare".

Before installing, be sure to uncheck the box "Install free Driver Booster" - we do not need this software. The application will ask you to enter an E-mail to receive mailing lists from developers with different bonuses.

The first window will offer scanning options. Select one, several or all items with a tick and press "Start".

Next, the device will be checked, after which the results will be displayed. The user will be given detailed information on each problem found. If you do not understand this, click "Fix" without changing any items.

After that, unnecessary and problematic files will be cleaned up. For best results, it is recommended that you restart your computer.

One of the most functional programs. knows how to clean the system registry, defragment the disk, create backups, search and remove duplicates and malware, optimize RAM, and more.

First you need to download and install the utility from the official website Next, launch the application in any way. A window with all the options will open immediately.

The easiest way to start scanning is to click on the button "1-click", which is at the top center. After that, a window of suggested items for the survey will open.

Click on the green button "Find problems" and look forward to receiving the results. On main screen all detected problems will be displayed. Push "To correct".

Additionally, it should be noted that the utility copes with its task very quickly and gives recommendations for updating other important programs.

This application specializes in fully optimizing the Windows operating system. This is a kind of assistant that will not only rid the storage of temporary files, but also help with updating the installed utilities and drivers.

First you need to download and install. It is paid on the official website, so if you don't want to spend money, you can download the “cracked” version on a third-party resource.

In the composition there are more than 30 tools for customization, optimization and Windows protection... To clean the system from garbage, you need to go to the section "Intelligent Service", after which you need to tick the necessary items.

In the lower right corner, click on the blue button "Start Scanning"... The survey results will be displayed on the main screen, where the button will be available. "To correct".

Also offers to optimize work hard disk, RAM, set up game mode and secure your device. The presence of a huge number useful utilities allows the application to handle most tasks.

Registry cleaning software

V system registry is kept important for Windows info... The slightest changes, even changing the background on the desktop, are made to it. But over time, unnecessary, obsolete junk accumulates there, because of which the computer freezes. Let's consider utilities for cleaning the system registry.

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

The download is available on the official website of the developer. "Auslogics Registry Cleaner" allows the user to first scan the registry for errors, and then manually select what should be removed.

Button "Scan" available immediately after starting the utility.

After the detected problems and the level of risk are displayed, the user must select with a checkbox which ones should be fixed. It is important to be careful here, since deleting an important system file may cause Windows to crash. Push "Repair" and an automatic cleaning will take place.

"Auslogics Registry Cleaner" creates fallback points before making any changes. This will allow you to quickly restore your computer in case of problems.

You should also be careful when installing this program and remove extra ticks- third-party software is often loaded along with it.

Available for download on the official website of the developers -

The utility consists of four components:

  • system registry optimizer;
  • garbage cleaning applications;
  • startup manager;
  • uninstaller.

Installation is no different from previous programs. After starting in the main menu, select the item "Scan".

A list of the problems found will be displayed. A checkmark can be used to mark what needs to be deleted, after which you need to click on the icon in the form of a trash can.

If something goes wrong and you notice a system failure, it is recommended to use a backup copy.

To do this, go to the appropriate section and click "Restore".


To make your computer happy with performance and quality of work, you need to periodically clean the registry. To be 100% sure that the deletion will not do any harm, you should have a little advanced understanding of computer operation. When using a similar software be sure to make backups. If something went wrong, be sure to write in the comments and we will provide you with all the possible help!