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System Restore 7. One of the Reasons Why System Restore Doesn't Work

Hi all! Last time on the blog for beginners, we talked about operating system. Today we will touch on the topic how to restore windows 7 using a recovery disk. You can bring the OS into working condition:

  • Restore the OS to a previous state from an automatically created restore point.
  • Using the system image.
  • With a boot disk.
  • System recovery disk.

Create a recovery drive

In order to use the recovery tools, you must press the F8 key when the system boots. But what to do when on a laptop, when you press this button, the transition to the required section does not occur? Then we follow the path: Start -> Control Panel -> Backup Computer Data. Or Start -> Control Panel -> Recovery(screenshot) -> Start System Recovery, if that doesn't work -> Advanced Recovery Methods(as in the screenshot below)

If the first option "worked" for you, then after pressing the button< <Архивирование данных компьютера>> the system will prompt us to create a recovery disk:

And we first get into this menu:

And then we proceed to the creation procedure itself.

In order to use this feature, you and I need to have a "blank DVD" on hand. Which we insert into the drive, and press the button< <Создать диск>>. After the recording is over, you will have a tool to restore the health of your hardware.

How to restore the OS using a recovery disk

To do this, you need to insert it into the drive and turn on the reboot to enter BIOS. Next in BOOT menu, where to install a CD / DVD drive in a priority position, that is, the first. The second number should be the drive on which your working operating system is installed.
After restarting the computer, the system will prompt you to make a choice. Thus we can restore windows 7 methods that are shown in the picture below and possibly without its complete reinstallation.

Windows 7 recovery on a laptop, F9 key

I want to remind you once again that it is better to deal with archiving issues immediately after installation, and checking the operability of restoring the operating system. That is, so far, it has not been subjected to virus attacks. As personal experience has shown, on stationary computers, all types of built-in “chips” of the seven work. But with laptops, everything is much more complicated, especially with those that come without windows 7 preinstalled. Many of you know that the F9 key is in laptops serves to restore the OS. But there is also a “but” here, since after using this feature, your HDD will be clean, like when buying a laptop in a store. Reinstallation of the "OS" in this case occurs from a hidden partition on the disk, created automatically during its initial installation.


Record ID: 32 does not exist!

How to recover Windows system 7 on a laptop, a black screen comes out on boot, the recovery environment does not work, I deleted all hidden partitions, there is no original disk with Windows 7. I spent a lot of time, tell me what to do now or at least how to insure myself against such situations in the future, preferably without using paid programs Reserve copy data. Ilya.

How to restore the Windows 7 system

Windows 7 has in its arsenal a fairly powerful and good tool-> recovery environment, which is created automatically during installation Windows 7 in a hidden section and contains five other tools that solve numerous malfunctions and problems.

  • Note: If you learn how to use the right tools Windows recovery 7, and this is not difficult, then in principle you can do without additional and paid data backup programs.

You can start the recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After that, a menu of Additional boot options will open in front of you: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe mode, Safe Mode with Boot network drivers etc.
Let's choose the first-> Troubleshooting your computer,

Required digression: When installing Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate, the recovery environment partition is created automatically and is located in a separate, hidden partition of the hard drive, it has only 100 MB of capacity, and it is also used to encrypt the drive using the BitLocker function. You can see it My Computer-> Management-> Disk Management. In no case can you delete this partition, otherwise you will not be able to boot the System Recovery Environment.

What to do if you do not have a partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, in the Advanced boot options menu, the Troubleshoot your computer item does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system? The installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system can save here. You can start the recovery tool by booting from the original installation Windows disk 7 by selecting the item at the very beginning System Restore,

If a installation disk you don’t have Windows 7, the Windows 7 Recovery Disk will help, read on about how to create it.

Note: On the screenshot you can see another hidden section, with a capacity of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden recovery partition with factory settings on my laptop, you can have it more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

So we are in the System Restore Options menu, select the first one:
Launch Recovery-> there will be an analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for the normal loading and operation of the operating system. In the process, we may be warned that problems have been found in the boot options, click Fix and restart.

System Restore-> using this function, we can select a previously created system restore point, if we have it enabled, and roll back to the time when our Windows 7 worked fine and loaded, everything is simple here.

-> this is the tool I personally use, with skillful use it can be replaced paid programs on data backup, if interested, read on.

Why is he good? It will help when you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disc and you have deleted the hidden partition with the factory settings of your laptop, but that's not all.
Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to the actions of a virus, you will not be able to load the operating system at all, or many people ask How to restore Windows 7 system, even if the menu with Additional boot options is also unavailable. Reinstall the operating system again?
Therefore, immediately after Windows installation 7 to your laptop or computer, create using this function-> Restoring a system image, an archive image of our Windows 7 on the hard drive, save it. Be sure to create a Windows 7 Recovery Disc (read below), it will help you use the System Image if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.
Let's go to Start->Control Panel->Archiving computer data.

Choose Creating a system image

then choose local disk, on which we will store the archive of the system. In my case, the Local Disk (E :), if you have system unit several hard drives, then of course it is better to place the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

Note: You may notice that I have two operating systems installed on my laptop, so the backup program selected two Local drives.

Click Archive and the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.
Created, it will look like this.

Now, you can deploy the archive with Windows 7 to your computer, if necessary, in 20-30 minutes. It would be better if you copy the archive with the system additionally to a portable hard drive, this will double your safety.

Let's pretend that we can't start Windows 7 and deploy the backup we created, let's do it together.
We launch Windows 7 Recovery Tool, at the push of a button F-8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. The Advanced Boot Options menu opens, select Troubleshoot your computer.

Restoring a system image

Use the latest available system image

of course all our data on local disk, where the operating system is now being restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.
How else can you restore your Windows 7 system? Of course, using the Windows 7 Recovery Disk. Let's create Recovery disk, which can be used to boot the computer, it will contain recovery tools with which you can repair problems Windows boot 7, as well as restore the operating system from the backup copy that we created in advance.

Important: For a recovery disk, the bitness of the system is important, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Let's go again Archiving computer data

Create System Recovery Disc, insert the DVD into the drive, press

Create disk

When boot disk Windows 7 recovery is ready, put it in a safe place.

To restore Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk, you do not need, in principle, any operating system at all. You will only need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS of your computer, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive. Many here can draw an analogy with data backup programs, and rightly so, they work on the same principle, only Here is the functionality they have of course more comfortable.

In this article, we will talk about ways to restore the health of Windows. Of course, such a recovery is not possible in a magical way, but only with the help of preliminary measures that will subsequently give us the opportunity to return to a normally configured system and undo or delete unwanted changes. In addition, we will discuss the security of user information that is not part of the operating system, the security of which, however, is equally important.

Method one: using system restore points.

Windows 7 restore points are used to undo erroneously made changes, that is, they reduce the likelihood of a system crash due to a human factor. Points are created weekly, and also before critical changes in the system (installation of programs and drivers), saved changes usually affect system settings. Checkpoints are created for disks that have the system protection function enabled, the saved information is located in the “System Volume Information” folders. By default, System Protection is only enabled for the drive where Windows is installed, and protection for other drives must be manually enabled. User Files saved as shadow copies, can be returned using the function “ Previous Versions files". It is worth noting that rolling back to a saved point deletes programs and drivers installed between the creation of this point and the current point in time, so all changes made after saving the restore point will be lost (this does not apply to the user's personal files).

A Windows 7 restore point is created using a dialog box that can be opened by successively following the path Start / Control Panel / System and Security / System / System Protection. For example, you have a desire to install complex software, but you are afraid to make such serious changes - for insurance, you need to create a point (snapshot) of the system disk. In case if Windows operation 7 is broken, the program or a number of programs has ceased to start normally, restoration from a saved point is applied - all changes made are overwritten by earlier values, without any changes in user data. After recovery, you need to restart the computer - in this case, the system will return to the state that preceded the installation software. In case of serious problems that prevent the operating system from starting, you can resort to system recovery from “Safe Mode”, which can be accessed by holding down the F8 key when the computer boots.

The allocated space for recovery points can be set independently, it is recommended from 10% to 15% of the total disk space. This parameter determines how long points will be stored, since when the maximum specified volume is reached, older recovery points will be deleted, replaced by freshly created ones.

So, let's summarize:

  • Windows 7 restore points are used to roll back if the system is damaged due to changes made to it;
  • Dots save only OS system settings;
  • When restoring, later changes to the settings are lost, installed drivers and programs;
  • Access points are not backups, as they are stored on the same disks and, if they fail (or are accidentally formatted), they are lost along with the rest of the information;
  • Recovery is performed without formatting the disk, overwriting and deleting system files.

Method two: archiving and backup.

Archiving of data from the marked disks can be performed both on any other disk on the built-in media, and on a connected media, for greater data safety - manually or automatically, according to a schedule. Thus, for your files are created backups, from which you can restore even a file accidentally deleted at any time.

Backup settings are made in the Start / Control Panel / System and Security / Backup and Restore dialog box. Here you select parameters and objects for archiving, as well as configure auto mode archiving, or run manually.

Restoration can be done either by completely overwriting data from the archive to the source disk, or by selecting individual folders and files. Also, if you have multiple archive versions, you can select more early versions(by default, the latest archive is used).


  • Data archiving is used to restore any previously saved user or system files;
  • When restoring, only the data saved in the archive is overwritten;
  • Archiving of files performed on other disks according to a schedule is a backup and allows you to restore data after formatting or physical damage to the storage medium;
  • Recovery is performed without formatting the disk, overwriting and adding files to the specified location.

Method Three: Create an Image of Windows 7

In the "Backup and Restore" section, you can create an image of the operating system, which is an exact copy of the system disk. It is not possible to select individual files from the image for recovery, it expands as a whole, replacing all current data on the disk. The image is, as it were, a snapshot of the system that preserves absolutely all the nuances of the settings, and therefore, you can use it to reinstall the system with preinstalled programs. For example, do you periodically have to reinstall Windows 7 in the office? Install the system once, make the settings you need, install the necessary software and make an image of the system. Now, if necessary, you will not spend a lot of time reinstalling the system and reinstalling programs - deploying a disk image will solve your problems in just 5-7 minutes. It is worth noting that the image can only be saved to another drive, in addition, both the drive from which the image is created and the destination drive must be formatted in NTFS.

  • Creation Windows image 7 needed for recovery installed system in a state identical to the moment of recording the image;
  • When recovering system disk overwritten completely, all data that existed on the disk before is destroyed;
  • Creating an image of the system is its backup, restoring from the image will return you a customized Windows 7 even after the physical death of the media;
  • User files are restored, but there is no possibility of restoring them separately, it is recommended to use archiving for this

Method four: return the PC to the state of a freshly installed system

In order not to reinstall Windows 7 from scratch, using installation discs or flash drives, you can use the system capabilities to return the computer to a “clean slate” state, from just installed Windows 7. To do this, in the section “Backup and restore files” there is an item “Return the computer to the state specified by the manufacturer”.
This method deletes all data from the computer and restores the operating system. Of course, this method does not restore data, it is only a way to return to the virgin purity of the untouched Windows 7 operating system.


  • Restoring completely destroys user data and system settings;
  • It is not a backup - only the operating system is restored, with the manufacturer's settings;
  • It is a replacement for reinstalling the system from bootable media.

Method five: third-party backup tools

There are many utilities designed for both backup individual files and folders, and for creating disk images, both system and any other. This and software products Acronis, and Symantec Ghost, and HP Data Protector, and many others. All of them allow you to quite flexibly configure copy settings, set a schedule for its automatic execution, offer the creation of discs and other bootable media to recover data in the event of a system crash, regardless of its complete or partial inoperability. Use one of these utilities, or use the built-in Windows 7 system recovery tools - the choice is yours.

Unfortunately, there are enough reasons for this trouble, ranging from incorrectly written drivers, the harmful effects of a virus, errors file system and ending with our erroneous actions when working with a computer, there is no need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn how to deal with them effectively.
Let's think how to restore windows 7 system, as well as insure ourselves against possible troubles in the future with the help of backup and recovery tools built into the operating system. We will learn how to restore Windows 7 without using third party programs backup even when the System Recovery Options and the F-8 will turn out to be useless.
Windows 7 has in its arsenal a fairly powerful and good tool-> recovery environment, which is created automatically during installation Windows 7 in a hidden section and contains five other tools that solve numerous malfunctions and problems. You can start the recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After that, a menu of Additional boot options will open in front of you: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe mode, Safe mode with loading network drivers, etc.
Let's choose the first-> Troubleshooting your computer,

Needed digression: When installing Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate, the recovery environment partition is created automatically and is located in the root of the drive (C:) in the Recovery folder. You can also see in the Disk Management window - a separate, hidden partition of the hard drive, its volume is only 100 MB, it is used for storage boot files boot configuration (BCD) and system boot loader (bootmgr file). You can see it Computer-> Management-> Disk Management. In no case can you delete this partition, otherwise you simply will not boot the system.

What to do if you do not have a partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, in the Advanced boot options menu, the Troubleshoot your computer item does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system? The installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system can save here. You can start the recovery tool by booting from the original Windows 7 installation disk by selecting the item at the very beginning System Restore,

Note: On the screenshot you can see another hidden partition, with a capacity of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden recovery partition with the factory settings of my laptop, you can have it more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

So we are in the System Restore Options menu, select the first one:
Launch Recovery-> there will be an analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for the normal loading and operation of the operating system. In the process, we may be warned that problems have been found in the boot options, click Fix and restart.

System Restore-> using this function, we can select a previously created system restore point, if we have it enabled, and roll back to the time when our Windows 7 worked fine and loaded, everything is simple here.

-> I personally use this tool, with skillful use it can replace paid data backup programs, if you are interested, read on.

Why is he good? It will help when you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disc and you have deleted the hidden partition with the factory settings of your laptop, but that's not all.
Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to the actions of a virus, you will not be able to load the operating system at all, or many people ask How to restore Windows 7 system, even if the menu with Additional boot options is also unavailable. Reinstall the operating system again?
Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 on your laptop or computer, we create using this function-> Restoring a system image, an archive image of our Windows 7 on the hard drive, save it. Be sure to create a Windows 7 Recovery Disc (read below), it will help you use the System Image if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.
Let's go to Start->Control Panel->Archiving computer data.

Choose Creating a system image

Next, select local disk, on which we will store the archive of the system. In my case, the Local Disk (E :), if you have several hard drives in the system unit, then of course it is better to place the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

Click Archive and the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.
Created, it will look like this.

Now, you can deploy the archive with Windows 7 to your computer, if necessary, in 20-30 minutes. It would be better if you copy the archive with the system additionally to a portable hard drive, this will double your safety. Let's pretend that we can't start Windows 7 and deploy the backup we created, let's do it together.
We launch Windows 7 Recovery Tool, at the push of a button F-8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. The Advanced Boot Options menu opens, select Troubleshoot your computer.

Restoring a system image

Use the latest available system image

Of course, all our data on the Local Disk, where the operating system is now being restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.
How else can you restore your Windows 7 system? Of course, using the Windows 7 Recovery Disk. Let's create Recovery disk, which can be used to boot the computer, it will contain recovery tools with which you can repair Windows 7 boot problems, as well as restore the operating system from a backup copy that we created in advance.

Important: For a recovery disk, the bitness of the system is important, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Let's go again Archiving computer data

Create System Recovery Disc, insert the DVD into the drive, press Create disk

When the bootable Windows 7 Recovery Disk is ready, put it in a safe place. In order to restore Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk, in principle, no operating system is needed at all. You will only need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS of your computer, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive. Many here can draw an analogy with data backup programs, and rightly so, they work on the same principle, only Here is the functionality they have of course more comfortable.

How can I restore Windows 7 on a laptop without a disk?

Hello fellow citizens. There is a problem. Windows 7 Pro stopped loading on laptop. It stopped completely - it starts to load and ... a black screen. I would like to restore it, at least by reinstalling it. However, there is no Windows 7 disc included with the laptop. To be honest, I'm not sure he ever was. But that's not the point...

Heard there are ways to restore Windows 7 on a laptop without a disk. The question is, how can this be done? I didn't have to do this before. Windows is licensed, it was once installed on the laptop by the manufacturer, so there is hope that all the backup mechanisms (if they really exist) are here. If among those viewing this topic there are such gurus that they could tell how it is possible to restore to Windows laptop 7, would be extremely grateful.

Or me | February 21, 2015, 23:23
Ask a friend who also has Windows 7 to make a disk for you on his computer. Then start recovery from it.

Sirano | February 20, 2015, 14:29
There is such an opportunity to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on laptops where it was preinstalled by the manufacturer. They (manufacturers), as a rule, create an additional partition on the hard drive of the laptop. It stores data and software for reinstalling the OS. Software from manufacturers is different. Because it is activated by different buttons.

Copy all the data somewhere else first - to external drives or to network storage, as the OS will be brought to the "fresh from the factory" state and the data may be lost.

Reboot the laptop and before Windows starts loading, click on the button:
1. Lenovo, HP, LG - F11.
2. Samsung - F4.
3. ACER - Alt + F10.
4. DELL and ASUS - as soon as the splash screen appears, press F9.
5. Sony Vaio– F10 or ASSIST.
6. Fujitsu - F8.
7. Rover - hold the ALT button while turning it on.

Oleg | February 16, 2015, 19:09
Just. Press F4 while the system boots. The recovery process will start. Gotta choose" Full recovery". Read the sequence of actions and in 30 minutes the system will be reinstalled.

Nikodim Ermolaevich | February 16, 2015, 03:26 PM
As far as I know, it is possible to restore and reinstall Windows 7 if, before it came up, a disk (CD) was created to restore the system, for example, using the tools of Windows 7 itself, an image (copy) of the system was created, for example, on external drive. Then, as far as I remember, you need to know what BIOS (BIOS) is, otherwise both the recovery disk and the image copy of the system will be useless. If the above actions have not been taken, then you need to contact a computer specialist (ads hang everywhere). This option is acceptable, it will cost less than paying for an activated OS in a store.