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Installing Win on a laptop with Free DOS. How to install Windows on a laptop that is sold only with DOS? Basic teams Freedos

Some users believe that the installation operating system The computer is a complex process that they are not for strength. In fact, this is not what we will be convinced now. Let us consider in more detail how to install Windows 7 on Freedos Lenovo or other laptop models, as well as a stationary personal computer.

What do you need

To install the operating system, in addition to directly the device for which it is assumed to be placed, an installation disk is required or iSO Image Systems. Initially, the BIOS should change the loading priority to the DVD. Please note that basically problems when installing occur due to installation disk. Therefore, it should be taken care that it was the licensed version of the OS.

After you decide exactly where the system will be installed, you will need to prepare hDD. This is especially true when the system will not be "from scratch." During the installation process, all the old information will erase, so make backups of all important documents, files, programs. Also, prepare the drivers to the computer or laptop. If this is not done, then some devices, for example, sound or lAN card may not work, because not each distribution is initially contains drivers.

How to install OS

After that, insert the disk into the drive and reboot the computer to get into the BIOS. Typically, you will need to press and hold DEL. Here I exhibit the priority of loading a DVD or a flash drive, depending on which carriers are in the distribution. After that reboot the computer again. If everything is done correctly, the black screen will appear on which the load will start after pressing any key. We carry out this action, after which the installation begins.

We wait until the files are loaded. Next, the system will ask you to choose the initial installations. Here you will need to mark the time and date, language, time format, keyboard, etc. Select the OS option on the disk from which we have a license key. Also click on the section where Windows 7 will be installed.

All other steps will prompt the installation wizard as in the event that you are interested in how to delete windows media Player. 11. Installation time may vary, but usually takes no less than half an hour. The last stage is the input to the BIOS and changing the priority of the boot back to the hard disk.

And again glad to welcome you, friends. Today we will talk about the problem with which I am confronted everything who just bought a laptop: no full software .

Under full-fledged software, they understand when an operating system (Windows, Linux or other) is installed on a hard disk with a set of drivers and the necessary programs with which normal user Can solve the range of its tasks.

As a rule, we have in stores quite often sell laptops or without software, or already with the installed Freedos, as well as a certain percentage can be with an installed licensed operating system, but at an overestimated price of about $ 150-200 dollars. Usually buyers for savings acquire laptops that are without software or from Freedos, and then they themselves install everything that they need either give the knowledgeable people who are for a faster price of about 10- 25 USD. Everyone will do. But there are such cases when you buy a computer to bring it home, and later you understand that it will not do anything very much or your friends will bring such a gift from abroad, but there is no one to help with this misfortune. In this case, this article will help you.

So, first of all, unpack our purchase, put it on the table and connect to the network. Next, we need to find a drive with drivers, which usually lie with the documents, they will be needed after installing the operating system. But often the manufacturer simply forgets to put the disk, then all the drivers have to search on the Internet.

Next, we need to determine which operating system we will put. On modern laptops, I recommend installing Windows 7 or Windows 8 x 64 bits, because This operating system will allow you to use all the laptop resources. Well, if there is no 64-bit operating system at hand, then 32 bit is suitable. Next you need to go to buy in any store with disks or ask for a time at the neighbor.

We will consider you with your mission you coped and found the disc needed to us. Now proceed. Press the switch on the laptop, open the drive, insert the disk, closing and rebooting the computer by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl-Alt-delete keys. After you go out immediately press the F2 or F10 or F12 key repeatedly (depending on the bios) until until the BIOS appears.

In the window that opens, select the BOOT tab.

Next in paragraph 1. The F5 and F6 keys change the value to DVD drive. After changing the values, press the F10 then ENTER. Next should go download and you will open the disk boot menu on which you will need to select installing Windows. 7 or 8 or if the image of a single operating system is recorded on the disk, then the download should start automatically.

If you have already installed operating windows system 7, you just press the disk setup, in the following menu Select Section 2 and click the Format button. After the formatting is over to click further and the installation will begin.

If you have no software installed or installed FREE DOS, you are preferably in the second case, and in the first one you need to break down sections hard disk.

So, we will take a second case with you when FREE DOS is installed. To begin with, we go into the disk setting, click on the section and press the button slightly below delete. If they are two or more, we do the same with them. We have a translucent one section with a total volume. Next, click the Create button. Here in the window size you need to specify the amount of section being created in megabytes. Suppose we have a 500 GB hard disk volume. We need to split it into sections. The rational all will be broken so: with a 50 GB drive, the rest of the size - D disk. We enter into the window size from the disk 50,000 and click apply. We have already created the first two sections. Section 1- 100 megabyte is created automatically and is used by the system for reserve copy files. Section 2 is our disk to which the operating system will be installed. Next, we look at how much there is a free space left, click on the remaining free space, then the Create and Apply button. We have created a third section - this is our disk D. After completing the disk breakdown, we need to format the C drive, so click on Section 2 and then the format button. At the end of the formatting, press the Next button, and after that the operating system installation will start

At the end of the installation of all files, we will need to enter your name.


Gennady Pal:

If in detail then there is search engines. And if briefly, the installation of the system on the laptop is no different from the installation on the desktop comp. In the laptop there is a CD drive? Insert the boot installation disk and put in the laptop bios by the first boot device drive. And the rest - __name_ reading the installer messages and answers to questions that will be set in the installation process.

Usually in a set with a laptop there is a disk with firewood. Therefore, calmly piche boot disk Windows in the drive and load from it. Next, straight hands + slightly attentiveness and brains + disc with firewood + tambourine \u003d Windows on the laptop.

George Balakhchi:
Installing a system on a laptop is no different from installation on a desktop, but it must be borne in mind that you need to have drivers (for xp). The laptops have quite original drivers, since iron is usually original. Since you have DOS, then you do not have drivers for XP. They can be searched in the internet, but there you can hardly find them. Therefore, I recommend to make a separate one to install Windows logical diskAnd Dos do not demolish - it takes so much space on the disk. And more: Win because of the drivers it is difficult to install, it is much easier to install Linux - Linux distributions a lot, they are almost free, it is easier to choose the appropriate. I recommend starting with Mandriva 2007 or Ubuntu.

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DOS is one of the first operating systems used to manage personal computers Along with UNIX. Now the system is almost not used due to the fact that it is completely outdated and can no longer provide the necessary opportunities at the Linux or Windows level. But the implementation of Feedos, her source Completely open and anyone can try to install it and see how it was to work at a computer in good old days.

Freedos is still being developed and it comes to different computers and laptops to reduce their cost. The system can also be applied on industrial computers where you do not need special features. Freedos is compatible with MS-DOS. In this article we will look at the basic Freedos commands that you can use.

Basic teams Freedos

I'll just give a list of the most basic teams along with a small description for each of them. If there is an analogue in Linux for the command, then it will also be said, an analogue of MS-DOS team will only if they differ. Most of the teams correspond to MS-DOS commands.

  • alias. - View list of pseudonyms for commands in the system or create a new alias. Linux is also written as Alias;
  • assign. - Attach disk operations from one disk to another, it seems to call C: or D: in MS-DOS;
  • aTTRIB - Allows you to display or change the attributes of files and folders, such as read, write, hidden, archive or system file. Analogue in Linux - Chmod;
  • basic. - launches the programming environment on Basic, QBasic is used in MS-DOS;
  • break - enable or disable Ctrl + C processing;
  • call - Call a batch file from a batch file;
  • cD - change the working directory, in Linux also CD;
  • cHCP - change the encoding (DOS Code Page);
  • chkdsk. - Check the hard disk on errors;
  • choice- stop execution and wait until the user will press a specific button, in Linux - Pause;
  • cLS. - Clear the terminal, in Linux - Clear;
  • command. - run a new command shell;
  • comp - Compare two files with each other, in Linux - DIFF;
  • copy. - copy one or more files, in Linux - CP;
  • cTTY - change the terminal device for this session;
  • date. - View the current date and time, in Linux - Date;
  • debug. - Allows assembler programs to modify hardware settings;
  • defrag. - launches the defragmentation of the hard disk;
  • dEF, ERASE - delete file or files, in Linux - RM;
  • deltree - Delete directory, in Linux - Rm -RF;
  • dir. - see the contents of the folder, in Linux - Ls;
  • diskcomp - comparing the contents of two floppy disks;
  • diskcopy. - copy the contents of one floppy disk to another;
  • echo. - display the string on the screen, in Linux - Echo;
  • edit. - run the built-in text editor;
  • edline - view and edit files, in MS-DOS - EDLIN, in Linux - VI;
  • eMM386. - managing an extended memory manager;
  • eXE2BIN. - developer tool that allows you to convert EXE programs in the executable format BIN;
  • eXIT - exit the command shell, in Linux - EXIT;
  • fC. - Compare two files, in Linux -Diff;
  • fDISK. - Configure disk partitions, Linux looks the same;
  • find. - Display lines in a text file that contain the specified template, in Linux - Grep;
  • for - run the specified command while the parameter meets a specific criterion;
  • format. - format the hard or floppy disk, in Linux MK2FS;
  • goto. - start executing from the specified mark in the batch file;
  • help. - run interactive reference by system commands;
  • if - processing conditions in batch files;
  • join. - mount the disk or disc partition in the folder, in Linux - Mount;
  • keyb. - configure the keyboard for a specific language;
  • label - Make a label for the disk;
  • loadhigh, LH - Freedos commands, to launch programs in the High Memory area, from 64kb to 1 MB;
  • mem - Display quantity installed memory in the system and the number of free on this moment Memory, in Linux - FREE;
  • mirror. - Mirror disk information so that Unformat and Undelete commands can use it to restore;
  • mkdir, MD. - Create directory, in Linux looks the same;
  • mode. - Display or change the mode of operation of system devices;
  • more - to display big text files With scrolling, in Linux - less;
  • nLSFUNC - adds support for NLS;
  • path. - change the value of the PATH variable in which all paths are contained to executable files;
  • pause - suspend the execution and wait for the button to continue;
  • print - display a print file in the background, allows you to perform other commands, in Linux - LPR;
  • prompt. - set a greeting for the command shell;
  • rEM. - Create a comment, ignore everything that is in the string;
  • rename, Ren. - rename a file or several files;
  • rmdir, Rd. - Delete directory if it is empty, in Linux - RMDIR;
  • scandisk - Check the disk on mistakes and correct everything that will be found;
  • sET. - assign the value of the environment variable;
  • share. - Share big file with other programs;
  • shift. - move the position of all arguments command line, default back to one;
  • sort. - sort text data in Linux - Sort;
  • subst. - replace the beech disk path;
  • sYS. - Move system files to another disk;
  • time. - Display or change system time;
  • tree - Display the structure of the directory in the form of a tree;
  • type - Display the contents of the file to the screen, in Linux - Cat;
  • undelete. - restore the remote file;
  • unformat. - try to cancel disk formatting;
  • ver - View Freedos version;
  • verify - enable or disable file recording verification to disk;
  • vol. - Display the disk label;
  • xcopy. - Copy files and directories, including subdirectory, in Linux - CP -R.


This list is based on recent versions Freedos in more early versions The main DOS teams may differ slightly. Maybe it's not full list Freedos teams, but here the most basic teams that are in each version of DOS are collected. You can even say that these are the main commands of MS DOS, because these systems are compatible with each other, despite the fact that they have different source code. More detailed information You can get about each of the commands by typing the command and symbols in the command shell of the DOS and symbols. For example, xcopy /?. You can also apply DOS HELP commands to get a detailed help.

Friends, hello! In this article, I want to show you how in practice it is carried out clean installing Windows 10 from USB flash drive through bios. It will happen all this case on a living example of a budgetary lenovo laptop. After all, if you remember, a special boot drive has already been prepared.

Therefore, now the whole process will be shown from beginning to end so that even novice users have no questions left. And we must immediately say that there is nothing abundant in this case, you just need to do it once with your own hands and all fears will go by themselves.

In the first step, you must go to the BIOS to install the primary boot with a pre-prepared flash drive. How to do this, I told in very detailed. In our case right parameters Look as follows.

Before entering, do not forget to press the key combination to save the changes. In the next step, you should specify its regional preferences. In general, no comment, just look at the picture below.

In the next window, "Activating Windows" is waiting for us. So if you have license keyYou can enter it. If it does not exist in the future, some pirated activator will be used, press the item "I do not have a product key".

Now it will be necessary to specify the version and the discharge of the operating system being installed. Personally, I recommend the most complete, that is, choose the item "Windows 10 Pro".

After that, several licensed agreements should be taken.

And now comes one of the key points. Now you need to choose the type of installation. Since we want to carry out a clean installation, then, accordingly, select the second item called "Selective: only installation of Windows".

It is important to understand that in this case all information from the system disk C, since in the future we are waiting for complete formatting. But only after that you can be sure that the system has become on really nine-clean section.

After that, the second key episode comes. Here you should specify the logical on which the installation will be made. Of course, logically, it will be the above section with, but how to define it in the installation program?

If you look at the screenshot above, it becomes clear that we have a hard drive of a computer that has never been used yet because it is not even not marked. Therefore, the "Delete - Create - Format" buttons give it to the right mind. That's it.

Please note that "Disc 0 section 4" and will be system disk With in our case, but "Disc 0 section 5" is a logical, which is needed for storing music, video and other nonsense.

Therefore, if your hard drive has already been used earlier, there may be several such additional partitions. Therefore, do not try to format them, otherwise you will lose all the data.

Let us fix this uppercase truth again: Be sure to format only the section to which the net installation of Windows 10 will be made. You can, of course, and the additional "to look", but it is done in the case of a complete understanding of the process so that it is not a shame for lost information. .

And now let's get on-line items "Disk 0 section 1 -2 -3". As can be seen in the picture above, they occupy from 16 to 450 MB. So, this is a service hidden sectionswhich automatically create Windows 10. They are needed to store system files and backups. We, naturally, do not take into account and, in general, do not touch.

As a result, after all the above manipulations, the process of copying the falams should be launched. I will say right away, here it will be necessary to be patient, because it will not work quickly.

Upon completion of the PC, you must reboot and configure various services. First, it will be prompted to choose the country of residence, language and keyboard layout.

Then all available are detected. Wi-Fi network. If you want, you can immediately. In general, it is very cool when the system immediately uses network adapters laptop. In the future, it will greatly facilitate the installation of drivers from the Internet.

If for some reason you want to postpone this operation for later, select the "While Skip" option. In the next step, the installer will ask you to enter an arbitrary account name and. By the way, you can even not specify the latter, just leave the string empty.

Next will be proposed settings for some functions that network users nicknamed as "human tracking". What to leave here, and what to turn off - to solve only you.

After that, it will be necessary to wait a bit, then the system will again go to the reboot. But this is the last time. And here he is so much desired desktop. This means that everything happened to us!

Therefore, we can safely say that the net installation of Windows 10 from the flash drive through the BIOS has passed successfully. What is left now to do? Of course, you need to update all device drivers, because some of them may be absent in the installation program. I strongly recommend that.

Then it will only be installed required programs. What exactly will you think about yourself, but about an interesting way to do it online I will tell. So carefully follow the blog updates. And finally, let's look at an interesting video.