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What is the logonui exe program. Loading the operating system

  1. Use the program Windows Customizer to find the cause of problems, including slow computer performance.
  2. Update the program Windows Logon User Interface Host... The update can be found on the manufacturer's website (link below).
  3. Logonui.exe file information

Logonui.exe file information

Description: logonui.exe is an important part of Windows, but often causes problems. Logonui.exe is located in the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder. Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7 / XP are 10,752 bytes (53% of all occurrences), 6,417,408 bytes, and.
The app is not visible to users. It is a Microsoft signed file. Therefore, the technical reliability rating 40% danger.

How to recognize suspicious processes? If logonui.exe is located in a subfolder of C: \ Windows then the security rating is 72% dangerous... The file size is 1,184,283 bytes. There is no more detailed description of the program. Is in Windows folder but it is not a Windows kernel file. The process has no visible window. It is not a Windows system file.

Important: Some malware camouflages itself as logonui.exe, especially when located not in the C: \ Windows \ System32 directory. Thus, you should check the logonui.exe file on your PC to make sure it is a threat. We recommend to check the security of your computer.

Total: Average rating of site users about the file logonui.exe: - based on 15 votes with 9 reviews.

35 users asked about this file. 3 users have not given a rating ("I don't know"). 5 users think it is safe. 2 users think it's not safe. 6 users think it's neutral. 2 users think it's dangerous.

Some users may encounter a rather annoying startup issue. operating system Windows 10 - LogonUI.exe Error. This error appears during Windows startup, before logging into a user account. In most cases, when this error appears, users can no longer log in, hence their PC cannot function normally.

I would like to note that some users still manage to get around this problem and start the operating system at least in Safe Mode. However, some users are not so lucky as they can get the error message even there.

So what exactly is this executive file which is indicated in the error? If you know English, you should have already guessed that it is related to user interface that is present on the Windows logon screen. In today's article, we will be looking at the LogonUI.exe error and methods for it (for both Safe Mode and non-Safe Mode) that will hopefully help bring your PC back to life.

So, when starting the system, you may receive a negotiated error, to which a message similar to the following may be attached:

LogonUI.exe - system error... The program cannot be launched because *********** is missing on the computer. Try reinstalling the program.

The user can click on confirmation in the error dialog, but nothing happens and the operating system will not load. Restarting also does not help and the LogonUI.exe error is returned. Let's take a look at how you can restore the system to its working capacity.

Method # 1 Removing the graphics driver

First, let's look at a method that can help those users who can still use Safe Mode to boot their operating system. Some experts and power users on the net claim that the LogonUI.exe error from time to time can occur due to the incorrect working driver for the video card.

Sign in Safe mode... As soon as you log in, you will immediately notice that the resolution is different from your usual resolution. This is all due to the fact that in Safe Mode it is not the driver from the video card manufacturer that connects to work, but the standard graphics driver from Microsoft. This will allow us to safely remove the driver for the video card in order to verify its involvement.

Right-click on Start and select "Device Manager". Find the "Video adapters" section in the list of available hardware and expand it using the appropriate arrow to see a list of available hardware in this category. Find your video card in the list and double-click on it with the left mouse button to go to its properties. Then go to the "Driver" tab and click on the "Remove device" button.

After completing this step, restart your computer and try to enter the operating system again. Didn't the LogonUI.exe error occur this time? If not, then the problem really was the malfunctioning graphics driver and the matter was not serious. However, if that didn't work, then let's move on.

Method # 2 Clean Start

A clean startup is a fairly effective procedure for identifying some incorrectly working services or software in the Windows operating system that can cause various problems. Some users claim that an error with LogonUI.exe can cause services or programs to start at startup. To test this likelihood, you just need to perform the Clean Start (or Clean Boot) procedure.

Enter Safe Mode again (if this is not possible in your case, then proceed to the next paragraphs of this article). Next, press the key combination on the keyboard Windows + R to launch the "Run ..." system utility. Then write on a blank line msconfig and press Enter to open the System Configuration window.

Next, go to the "Services" tab. In this tab, you can enable and disable services that run on your operating system. Here we need an option called "Do not display Microsoft services": check the box next to it, and then click on the "Disable all" button to disable all third-party services in the system (suspected in the LogonUI.exe error, remember?).

You can close the "System Configuration" window. Next, you need to open the Task Manager. The easiest way is to right-click on the Start Taskbar and select the appropriate item from context menu... Opening the Task Manager, go to the "Startup" tab and disable all programs that will be in it (right-click on the program and select "Disable"). Once you are done doing this, you are done with preparing the Clean Start.

Restart your computer and try starting the operating system in normal mode... If the LogonUI.exe error has stopped appearing, then that's all right, the problem was in the service or program that was just disabled. Run disabled items one by one to find the problematic one.

Method # 3 Last Known Good Configuration

Ok, if you still cannot log into the system in normal mode due to the LogonUI.exe error or you initially could not enter Safe Mode, then let's try something else. Your Windows registry will contain an entry about the last successful boot of the system, which we will now try to use to return your computer to its working state.

So, first, restart your computer. Then, while the computer boots up, click on the button F8 to enter the Advanced Boot Options menu. Once you do this, you will find yourself in a menu with several items. You need to find the item called "Load the last good configuration (with working parameters)".

By choosing this option boot, your PC will try to enter the last good configuration of the OS, in which it was still stable and the LogonUI.exe error was not observed yet. This method recovery is the easiest to perform as the user literally only needs to press a few buttons.

Method # 4 Startup recovery

If a simple attempt to launch the last successful configuration did not help to get out of this situation, then let's move gradually to more complex methods. At this point in the article, we will consider system tool Startup Repair, which is available to the user for use in Windows Recovery Environment.

Go to the Advanced Boot Options menu, as shown in the previous method of this article. Once you're there, select the item titled "Troubleshoot computer problems." By selecting this item, you will see the "Select action" window.

Since we are trying to restore the system, then you should turn your attention to the item "Troubleshooting", which just needs to be selected. Going into it, click on the item "Advanced options". Finally, click on Startup Repair. This tool will try to fix any system problems that are preventing it from booting properly. Check for the LogonUI.exe error.

Method # 5 CHKDSK and SFC utilities

Our next method is to use the CHKDSK and SFC utilities, which can be accessed using the Command Line. Since you and I cannot access the system, you will have to use these utilities while in the Windows Recovery Environment.

Using the steps above, go to the Advanced Options found under Troubleshooting. In the advanced recovery options, you can find the "Command Prompt" item: click on it to launch the Command Prompt.

As soon as the command line opens, first enter the command into it sfc / scannow and press Enter to run the check system files... The process may take a certain amount of time, after which you will be presented with a list of the damage found and whether they have been fixed.

After running the SFC program, enter the command in the line chkdsk C: / f / r / x and press Enter to scan your disk for errors. Moreover, the utility will even try to fix these errors. After using the CHKDSK and SFC utilities, try starting your operating system normally and check if the LogonUI.exe error has been fixed.

Method # 6 Using the installation disc

Obviously, if you were still unable to fix the situation with the inability to log in, then the LogonUI.exe error was caused by much more serious problems than previously thought. In this situation, the most obvious and logical way out will be to restore the system using the installation Windows disk 10.

You could create a recovery disc to resolve the situation, but this, unfortunately, is not possible in your situation, since you cannot log on to the system. Get installation disc and boot from it. You will see a window with installing Windows 10. However, you must click on the "System Restore" item in the lower left corner.

The familiar Action Select menu will appear in front of you. Select "Troubleshoot" and go to "Advanced options". Finally, select "System Image Recovery". Start the recovery process, wait for it to complete, and then log back in. This time, there should definitely be no LogonUI.exe error.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Windows users after installing applications, especially older versions, may encounter a system crash window stating that “The erroneous image is not intended to run under Windows control or contains an error "... Despite the frightening inscription in the window, the problem is quite solvable; it will hardly be necessary to interrupt the operating system.

What causes the window to appear?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The first is the installation of programs or updates. For example, MSVCP (xxx) in System32 means one of the Visual C ++ packages. Often this situation occurs if the proper components were not installed on the PC, and after installing the game they appeared. Because along with programs, libraries are often built-in for their stable operation. Then the operating system and its components are updated. Required file changes its version, and, accordingly, is not suitable for running the application.

The second reason lies in the banal damage to the system files, the difference in bit depth, problems in the registry (LogonUI.exe), or the wrong executable is launched. In this case, the file we need simply cannot be read. And finally, it is worth mentioning malware that can autostart virus processes that are blocked by the system.


Let's start fixing the “Wrong Image” problem in different situations. Try to install desired application a later version or update it - this will save you unnecessary manipulation. If no malicious software was noticed on the computer, then we will start by restoring Visual C ++ packages. What is needed for this?

If after this the error remains, then we perform the same procedure for .NET Framework ... On the this moment for the seven, version 4.5 is relevant, and for Windows 10 - 4.6.

Does the window still pop up? Then we do the opposite. First, we establish which of the packages the file belongs to, the path to which is indicated in the description of the failure. The easiest way is to use the Internet for these purposes. Further, the list of actions looks like this.

  1. We delete the entire package after "Programs and Features".
  2. Launch setup file with the game and reinstall it. You can find the library we need separately in the image and initiate the launch from there, the last option is to download it from the Web, naturally observing the bit depth.
  3. Disable automatic update operating systems.

Alternatively, you can roll back the OS updates by reverting to an earlier configuration. Files on your hard drive will not be affected. The described method, in fact, is in an efficient way fixes. If it did not help, and the reason was not in the libraries, then we try a different approach.

System Restore

First, we need to go through the standard cleaning procedure for the operating system.

Now we activate the diagnostic and self-healing mechanism of the operating system.

If access denied messages appear in the log, then restart the PC, and at startup, select Safe mode by performing the same operation. In this mode, you can additionally scan disks with an antivirus.

Of course, you can call Recovery wizard directly through the Control Panel or when starting Windows, but the self-diagnosis procedure allows you to see the reasons and the result of the work visually thanks to the logs. After recovery, you can try the first method again.

Erroneous Logonui.exe image - fix it

A prime example such a failure is the “LogonUI.exe” system error. The solution to this problem is slightly different from the above. Yes, you will need to run a self-healing tool, but if it does not help, you will have to dig deeper.

  1. Open the registry by pressing the Windows and R keys. Enter the word in the line: regedit.
  2. In order not to remember the long path, start the search by pressing the key Ctrl + F... Enter in the line: rasplap.
  3. If the first file has a value other than "Default", then remove it.

In the work of almost anyone software product errors can sometimes occur, and the platform Windows to is no exception, as evidenced by the abundance of questions in Internet forums about the LogonUI.exe application, which sometimes bothers users with its crashes and informational messages when logging into the system. Usually, experts and experts in the IT industry, taught by bitter experience, recommend reinstalling the OS from scratch in such cases. We advise, before performing this procedure, to try two easy ways which will surely help you deal with the LogonUI.exe error.

1. Using windows console run the System Configuration utility (msconfig.exe), open the Services tab and disable all system services not related to Microsoft Corporation, that is, initiated third party applications... You can quickly perform this operation by checking the Hide all Microsoft services box (see screenshot). We save the changes made to the OS settings, restart the computer and check whether the mentioned error has disappeared or not. For the purity of the experiment, you can deactivate third-party services selectively, sequentially looking for the faulty software component Windows.

2. Using the Driver Verifier Manager toolkit (verifier.exe) supplied with Windows, we perform a comprehensive diagnostics of the drivers installed in the operating system. How to do it,

Many users, after long-term work with the operating system and after installing / uninstalling various applications, often have questions about application startup. Along with the operating system, applications that are unnecessary for you may be loaded, or vice versa, the application that should be launched automatically is not observed in the notification area after the system boots, and the system performance and startup time may deteriorate significantly. In order to avoid these problems, I propose to deal with the processes that are executed when the operating system boots and with the startup of installed applications.

Loading the operating system

It is important to note that in fact Windows boot does not start from the moment you come to personal computer and turned on or rebooted it, the process of loading the operating system actually begins directly with its installation. In progress installation process, HDD prepares to participate in the system boot process. During this time, components are created that participate in the boot of the basic input / output system (BIOS). These components include:

  • Winload.exe - loads the Ntoskrnl.exe process and its dependent libraries, and also loads the drivers of the installed equipment;
  • Winresume.exe - allows you to restore the system after a long period of inactivity (hibernation) and is responsible for the hibernation file (Hiberfil.exe);
  • Ntoskrnl.exe - initializes the boot executive subsystems and startup system drivers for devices, and also prepares the system for working with standard applications and loads the smss.exe process;
  • Hal.dll - is an integral part of the code executed in kernel mode, which is launched by the Winload.exe load module, loaded together with the kernel;
  • Smss.exe (Session Manager Subsystem Service) is a session management subsystem in Windows. This component is not included in Windows kernel but its work is extremely important to the system;
  • Wininit.exe - Loads the Service control manager (SCM), Local Security Authority process (LSASS), and local session manager (LSM). This component also initializes the system registry and performs certain tasks in initialization mode;
  • Winlogon.exe - Manages secure user logon and launches LogonUI.exe.
  • Logonui.exe - displays the user logon dialog;
  • Services.exe - Loads and initializes system services and default drivers.

It is important to understand that device drivers are a critical part of the boot process. When specifying an operating system partition, the installation program writes the boot sector. Boot sector Windows gives information about the structure and format of the section to the Bootngr file. Bootmgr does its job while the operating system begins its life cycle in real time. Bootmgr then reads the BCD file from the \ Boot folder located on the system partition. If the BCD file specifies the settings for waking up from hibernation, then Bootmgr starts the Winresume.exe process, which will read the contents of the file to resume the system from hibernation.

If there are two or more systems in the BCD entry, then Bootmgr displays a boot menu to the user to select an operating system. After selecting a system, or if you have only one operating system installed, the Winload.exe process is loaded. This process loads the files located in the boot partition and starts kernel initialization. Winload.exe does the following:

Then the initialization of the kernel and executive subsystems begins. After Windows calls Ntoskrnl, it passes the bootloader block parameter data, which contains the system paths boot partition generated Winload for description physical memory in system. Upon completion of two stages (Session 0 and Session 1) of kernel initialization, the Smss.exe, Csrss.exe and Wininit processes start. Smss calls the executive subsystem configuration manager to complete initialization system registry.

After that, the process of starting the Winlogon shell is started, the parameters of which are specified in the registry key HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ WinLogon \ Userinit. Winlogon notifies the system of registered network service providers, authenticated providers Microsoft networks(Mpr.dll).

The last step in booting the system is the process automatic start applications when loading and entering the operating system.

Autostart control

You can see most of the applications that automatically launch with the operating system in the notification area. I talked about the methods of customizing the notification area in the article "Setting up the area Windows notifications 7 " therefore, customizing the notification area will not be covered in this article. To manage autorun applications, users of Windows operating systems usually use the utility "System configuration".

System Configuration Utility

Program "System configuration" is a utility for operating Windows systems, designed to manage startup programs and system startup, as well as identify problems that may prevent the operating system from starting in normal mode. With this utility, you can change boot parameters, disable services and start-up programs. This utility first appeared in the Windows 98 operating system, providing user-friendly interface to complete their tasks. The utility is called by the MSConfig.exe file, which is located in the System32 folder of the partition with the installed operating system. A huge drawback of this utility is the inability to add a new item to autorun. To open this utility, do any of the following:

  • Click the button "Start" to open the menu, in the search field enter msconfig and in the results found, open the application;
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Win + R to open a dialog "Run"... In the dialog box "Run", in field "Open" enter msconfig and click on the button "OK".

The following screenshot displays the utility "System configuration":

There are five tabs in the current utility:

  • Are common... On this tab, you can choose a download option: "Normal startup"- the operating system starts up the usual way, "Diagnostic launch"- the system boots only using basic services and drivers, and "Selective launch"- in addition to basic services and drivers, selected services and automatically loaded programs are loaded with the operating system.
  • ... On this tab, you can find the boot options for the operating system as well Extra options debugs such as "Without GUI"- the welcome screen is not displayed when loading, "OS Information"- in the process of loading the operating system, the loaded drivers and so on are displayed.
  • Services... This tab contains a list of only those services that start automatically with the operating system, as well as the current state of each service. Due to the fact that the established software can install their services, you have without basic knowledge system services you may have problems finding services that are not installed with the operating system by default. By checking the box "Hide Microsoft Services", only third-party applications will appear in the list of services. To disable a service, simply uncheck the box.
  • ... The tab is responsible for loading applications, as well as certain service utilities that are not loaded through services. As you can see in the previous screenshot, this tab is divided into five columns. These columns were created so that you can know the name of the automatically loaded application, the publisher of this program, the path indicating where this or that program is loaded from, the location of the registry key or program shortcut, and the date when the program was disabled from startup. To prevent a certain startup item from starting at the next boot, uncheck the corresponding box
  • Service... On this tab, you can find a list of diagnostic tools that allow you to monitor the health of your system. To launch any tool displayed in this tab, select it and click on the button "Launch".

More advanced users may want to go beyond just disable unnecessary programs autorun, but also add your own programs to automatically start along with the operating system. To do this, you will need to use the tools of the system registry.

Autostart management by means of the system registry

In the system registry, you can find application autostart options for account computer and current user account. Applications that run under a computer account do not depend on which account the user is logged on to. You can find these parameters under HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run. Applications that run with a user account may differ for each account. You can find these parameters in the section

HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run.

To add a new application (program "Registry Editor") in the autorun of the Windows operating system for all existing users, follow these steps:

But for more experienced users Windows operating systems, utility work "System configuration" and two registry keys may not be enough, since it is not known what was loaded with the system besides the autorun programs and system services. In order to find out about all the processes that were launched along with your system, the Sysinternals Autoruns utility will help you.

Working with the Autoruns utility

Autoruns by Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell helps you check the maximum number of autorun locations for programs configured to run at boot or login, unlike any other autorun monitoring program. Version 8.61 is now available and can be downloaded from following link... This program is absolutely free and one of its advantages is that all programs are displayed in the order in which the operating system processes them. In fact, such programs can be located not only in Run keys, but also in RunOnce, ShellExecuteHooks, ContextMenuHandlers, and other registry keys. You can work with this program under both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.

Before running this utility for the first time, a license agreement dialog box is displayed. Read it and click on the button "Agree".

After loading the current program, you will see the applications configured to start automatically, where you can find the names of the applications and the registry keys that store information about their launch, short description application, publisher, and the path to the executable file or library.

The items displayed by the Autoruns program belong to several categories, which can be viewed on the 18 tabs of the program. In this article, we will not consider each tab, but it is worth noting that the program categories include: objects that are automatically launched at logon, additional explorer components, additional Internet components Explorer, Scheduler Tasks, Application Initialization DLLs, Early Boot Objects, windows services and much more.

In each tab, you can:

  • launch any selected application by double-clicking on the name of the program;
  • open the registry key containing the application autorun settings by double-clicking on the line with the registry key or by selecting the command "Jump to" from the context menu;
  • open the properties dialog of the selected object (for this, from the context menu, select the command "Properties");
  • open Process Explorer with tab "Image" for the selected object, as well as find information about the object you are interested in;
  • disable the object launched automatically by unchecking the corresponding checkbox;
  • delete an object using the context menu command or the button "Delete";
  • view startup items for other user accounts by selecting the desired menu item "User".

By default, Autoruns displays all applications and libraries that start automatically with the operating system. In order to display only those applications that are registered in the registry keys \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, go to the tab "Login".

In addition to applications that start automatically with the operating system, you can view all the tasks assigned by the scheduler at startup or logon. To do this, go to the tab "Scheduled tasks"... On this tab, when you select the context menu command "Jump to" or double-clicking on a specific object will open a snap-in "Task Scheduler" with the specified task.

You can save startup objects by clicking on the button "Save" on the toolbar or by selecting this command in the menu "File"... The report will be saved with * .arn or * .txt extension. In order to load the previously saved data of the Autoruns program, use the command "Open" menu "File".

Using the Autorunsc utility to manage autorun objects using the command line

If you prefer to work with the console, you can also use the commands in the Autorunsc utility. With its help, you can perform the same actions as with the Autoruns utility, only using the command line, outputting information to the console window or redirecting the output of a command to a text file. Due to this utility opens only with command line tools, to work with Autorunsc, do the following:

  1. Open up command line on behalf of the administrator;
  2. Go to the folder with the downloaded Autorunsc utility, for example "C: \ Program Files \ Sysinternals Suite \";
  3. Run the utility with the required parameter.

Available the following parameters:

A - display of all autorun items;

B - displaying information about objects that are loaded at the early stages of the system boot;

C - export the displayed data to a CSV file;

D - display DLLs initialization of applications;

E - display extensions Windows explorer;

G - display gadgets side Windows panels and desktop;

H - display of Hijacks items;

I - display additional elements Internet browser Explorer;

K - displays known DLLs;

L - displays items that are launched automatically when you log in to the system;

M - do not display objects with a Microsoft digital signature;

N - displays the providers of the Winsock protocol;

O - display of codec elements;

P - display of print monitor drivers;

R - display of LSA security providers;

S - display services in automatic start mode and not disabled drivers;

T - display of items of the task scheduler;

V - verification of digital signatures;

W - display of Winlogon elements;

X - export the displayed data to an XML file;

User - Displays automatically launched objects for the specified user account.

For example, if you only want to view the items automatically launched at login, use the utility with the –l parameter, as shown below:


This article explains how to customize the startup application items when you boot and log on to the Windows operating system. The process of loading the Windows 7 operating system is briefly described, as well as the methods of working and monitoring autorun using the system utility "System configuration", changing startup items using the system registry, principles of working with Autoruns applications and the console version of Autorunsc from Sysinternals. With the help of the information contained in the article, you can correctly configure the startup of applications of your operating system.