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Pops up the mistake of the Owl. Error "Opans ..." in Google Chrome: solutions

Google Chrome. - One of the most popular browsers for personal computers. Users know it as stable and convenient program To work on the Internet. However, sometimes errors happen, due to which the browser loses its functionality and stops responding to requests. One of these errors sounds like this: "Owls ... When downloading this page, problems have arisen in Google Chrome." What to do if you have such a problem? How to return to Google Chrome? Let's try to figure out!

Why does the "Opanki ..." error appears? in Google Chrome.

Before we proceed to consider how to solve the problem, it is worth indicating the main causes. Anyway, the occurrence of the error "Opanki ..." is usually a consequence incorrect work Google Chrome. However, sometimes there may be an ordinary lack of communication with the Website server. Immediately calculate the exact cause is difficult, so we give the overall list. So, the error may occur because of the following:

  • No connection with the web resource server;
  • There is a virus on your computer;
  • Google Chrome conflict with other applications arises;
  • Errors in the operation of the operating system;
  • The computer has residual malware files.

This list does not reflect the entire essence of the problem. Each list item is just an approximate description of problems. For sure to get rid of the mistakes "Opanki ...", you need to perform a variety of actions to configure the browser and the entire operating system. Below we consider these actions.

How to fix?

Error "Opanki ...", as already indicated, can be the result of various degrees of complexity. It may well be that with your PC everything is in order. Then you just need to wait until the site you want to go, will not resume work. However, if the mentioned error occurs with you often, or does not disappear, the solution discussed below will certainly help. Note that they are given in order of execution.

Video: How to remove the mistake of "Owls ..." in Google Chrome

Update page

First of all, of course, you just need to update the page. Error "Opanki ..." does not always mean the presence of any problems. It may well be that its emergence is associated with a small failure that does not affect the performance of the browser or system.

Click on the Restart button, which appeared in the error window, or the "Update this page" button on the browser panel at the top.

Restart Google Chrome and restart the operating system

As in the previous case, a simple restart of the browser can help cope with a small failure in its work. In addition, it makes sense to reboot the computer completely. Sometimes such obvious actions help cope with many problems, including the error under consideration.

The fact is that after rebooting, temporary system files are deleted, and new ones will be created instead. Thus, the erroneous data will disappear, and the browser will earn again in the usual mode.

Video: What to do when the error appears "Your connection is not protected"?

Switch to another Google profile

Sometimes the appearance of the "Owl ..." error is due to the failures in Google's profile. To check if it is, you need to switch to another user or create a new one. Make it as follows.

Enter Google Chrome and click on the username in the upper right corner.

Select the menu item "Manage Users". In the window that appears, click on another profile or click "Add user".

Enter the desired name, select Avatar and click "Save". Now you have a new user.

If when using another profile Google Error "Opans ..." disappeared, it means that something is wrong with your profile. In this case, the best solution will appeal to Google technical support, as this is a problem on their part.

Check the computer for viruses

If nothing of the indicated helped, it means that there is a real problem. First of all, you need to check the computer for viruses. Use any antivirus convenient to you. It is important to carry out a complete (deep) check.

In addition, check whether the antivirus is included in real time. This information can be found in the parameters.

Timely regular testing of a computer with antivirus will help protect it and your data from any undesirable effect.

When identifying any threats, immediately delete them. After that restart the computer and try to open Google Chrome. If the problem has not disappeared, moving on.

Remove conflicts with other programs

Some programs installed on your computer can enter the conflict with Google Chrome. In this context, the conflict means two or more programs Use the same computer resources (files, registry values, etc.). As a result, the work of one or all conflicting programs is disturbed, because each trying to record some data in the same field.

To check the chrome for conflicts, open the new browser window and enter in the address bar field "Chrome: // Conflicts" without quotes. All programs will open before you, directly or indirectly related to the work of Google Chrome. The string of "conflicts is not detected" means that everything is in order.

If there are still conflicts, delete or reinstall the conflicting software. Well, if the problem is not solved, contact Google technical support and report a particular conflict.

Correct problems in Windows system files

In operating room windows system Built-in program for searching and solving errors in hidden files. The presence of these can lead not only to the problems in the work of the browser, but also to the failures of the system. To fix these errors, do the following.

Enter the command line: click "Start", enter the "CMD" search bar and press ENTER. In the window that opens, write "SFC.EXE / SCANNOW" without quotes.

After pressing the Enter key, the search and solving process will be launched. This may take some time. Subsequently, if errors are found, you can watch detailed information About their solutions in the file "C: \\ Windows \\ Logs \\ CBS \\ CBS.log" (or other: The command line will specify the path to it).

Redightener DNS server

Briefly speaking, DNS is a certain server in which information about Internet resources is in the database. His task is to respond to the requests of network users and redirect them to the desired side. Thus, access to any site is being accessed. Problems in the DNS server provided by your provider can lead to some errors. Including to the Error "Opanki ..." in this case, you can try to reassign DNS manually.

Go to the "Control Panel", which is located in the Start window. Go to "Network and Internet" -\u003e "Network Management Center and common access».

Click on "Wireless network connection"(It may be called otherwise if you are connected to the cable directly). In the window that opens, select "Properties". In a new window, find the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and click the left mouse button once, and then click "Properties". Another window will open. Activate the "Use the following DNS servers addresses" and enter in lines below "" and "", respectively (see Screenshot).

Figures and is Google DNS servers IP addresses. Their use can help prevent the "Opanki ..." error Recommended after some time (2-3 weeks) Return the standard settings.

Get rid of residual malware files

Some viruses are so modifying the system that antivirus software is incapable of cleaning it. So, even after the successful removal of malicious programs, their executable files could stay on the computer.

Using CCleaner

First of all, it is necessary to clear the system from the garbage and correct the problems in the registry. It is best to do this using a special program. Good example Maybe CCleaner. Install it on your PC and run. The interface of this program is quite simple. In the "Cleaning" tab, you can clean the entire system from temporary and unnecessary files. The Registry tab contains the functions of correcting the registry problems.

After cleaning with CCleaner, try to start Chrome. If the problem remains, go to the next section.

Check running processes

Sometimes residual virus programs continue to operate in the system. Perhaps such programs do not carry any specific harm, so antivirus does not recognize them as dangerous. However, they can provoke the appearance of errors in the browser. These presence must be checked alone.

Right-click on the taskbar and in context menu Select "Run Task Manager". In the window that opens, go to the Processes tab.

This list displays all running backgrounds. If you know the exact name of the malicious software, look for it here. Also pay attention to suspicious processesThe name or description of which contains a unreadable set of letters.

Click on the right mouse button and select "Properties". In the window that opens, locate the path to the executable file. Below is an example for a file that is not malicious.

Click on the right-click process again and select "Complete Process". Now with the "Explorer", follow the path that you learned from properties, and remove the malicious file.

Attention! Do not delete files if you are not sure if they are dangerous. Deleting important data can harm the system.

Manual registry restoration

If nothing of the proposed above helped you cope with the mistake of "Owl ...", you can try to clean the registry manually.

Please note that registry editing can lead to irreparable consequences. Use the proposed below is only if you have the necessary knowledge.

So, for a start, we will enter the registry editor. Click "Start" and enter into the search string "REGEDIT"; Press ENTER. In the opened window on the left you will see the registry catalog hierarchy.

First of all, check some directories. Complete along the way: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ WinLogon". In this registry folder, find the "userinit" file. In the string, the value of this file should be contained only the path to it (for example, "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ userinit.exe"). If there is something else, right-click on the file and select Edit. Erase everything written after the specified path.

In addition, viral programs can block web pages with antivirus. Check the following registry folders:


They should not contain anything but "by default". All other rows should be deleted.

Finally, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Windows" and find the "appinit_dlls" string. The value in this row must be empty. The presence of any data in it leads not only to browser malfunctions, but also to failures in the work of the entire operating system.

Video: Setting the registry line "appinit_dlls"

In addition to the above, make a search for malicious programs in the registry. This is relevant if you know the approximate names of these. For example, when installing any software, you accidentally installed an extension for a browser that cannot be deleted. In this case, in the registry editor, press the Ctrl + F key combination and enter the name of the expansion mentioned. Carefully view the found. If you are not sure in the assignment of a file, it is better not to touch it.

How to prevent the error "Opanki ..."?

After cleaning the computer and correct the error "Opanki ..." the question will be logical: "How to prevent its appearance in the future?" To avoid any problems in work google browser Chrome follow the recommendations below.

  1. Always check whether antivirus is included. Its constant work is the key to protect a computer from many problems.
  2. Periodically, clean the residual data of programs (including the browser itself) with special applications. This will help to prevent the accumulation of "garbage", which can lead to malfunctions.
  3. Carefully check everything you download. It is not recommended to download files with "* .exe" extensions, "* .ini", "* .bat" and other executables. They may contain malicious software.
  4. Try not to clutter the browser large number Extensions (internal programs). They can brake his work.
  5. Do not install programs that promise to improve or speed up the work of the browser. At best, they only slow down.

Error "Owls ... When loading this page, there were problems in Google Chrome" means that something went wrong in the browser. Whether it is a minimum error or virus, Chrome warns you about the presence of a problem. Thus, you can find it on time and protect your computer. If you have nothing left, do not hesitate to contact Google technical support. After all, the mistake can happen by their fault. You can only follow the cleanliness and order on your computer, and always be vigilant when downloading anything from the Internet.

For some users while working on the Internet, the browser can suddenly stop their work. In this case, the current session will end, all open tabs Will be closed, and you will see a small window with a message "There was a failure in Google Chrome" and the offer to restart the browser. This article describes what to do if this happens regularly and the main sources of such problems are considered.

SAMI frequent causeWhy is the crash of Google Chrome - lack system resources. Users open too large tabs, many of which are performed by various scripts. Similar actions create huge loads on rAM and cPU personal computer. If free resources are not enough - Google Chrome will prevent, and a failure will occur in his work.

So that this does not happen, you just need to open too many tabs so as not to overload the computer. If the failure can occur and without the workload of the PC means the problem in the other, and you need to look next why it arises.

Damaged plugins

Sometimes the service files loaded by you plugins may be damaged by the actions of viral programs or failures file System. In this case, when contacting the browser, the crash of the program may occur to these plugins.

To reveal what extension is "to blame" in the emerging problem, you must disable them one by one and watch how this affects the work of Google Chrome. You will need to do the following:

  1. Run a web browser.
  2. Click on the icon with the image of three horizontally located stripes to call the panel quick access Google.
  3. In the drop-down list, bring the cursor to the "MORE TOOLS" tab ("More Tools").
  4. Select a section with the name "Extensions" ("Extensions").

Opens new page With a list of all the extensions installed on your computer. Try to turn them off in turn to determine which of them negatively affects the correct operation of the browser. After that, it will need to be deleted (icon in the form of a trash can) and set to re-using the

Conflicts with other software

In some cases, problems arise as a result of the fact that some program prevents the normal work of all browser services. You can identify this with a special interface built into the browser.

For this B. search string Copy "Chrome: // Conflicts /" or "About: // Conflicts /" and click Enter. If in your operating system Any conflicts arise, they will be displayed in this list. In most cases, Google Chrome conflicts with various viruses and malicious scripts that you can delete with your antivirus program. After cleaning the personal computer, antivirus is recommended to restart the computer.

Reinstalling browser

If no ways described above helped you - it means you need to reinstall Google Chrome. Perhaps as a result of actions of viruses, some files were damaged, why periodic emergencies occur. To properly reinstall the browser, follow a few simple actions.

It is impossible to fully test the work of the software. Dropling of certain circumstances appear various errors and failures, to anticipate that are practically unrealistic. This also applies to the display of sites in browsers. Now we will look at what it is for the "Opanki" error in Google Chrome and what to do if it appears too often.

Error description

The "Opanki ..." page in Google Chrome occurs in situations where the browser cannot for certain reasons to load the contents of the web page. For more information about failures in the Internet browser, you can find the Chrome: // Crashes link.

If the problem occurs occasionally and does not prevent comfortable surfing on the Internet - it is not worth paying attention to it. But when an error is accompanied by each second attempt to open a website, you need to talk about the presence of problems that need to be solved.

How to fix?

Check for conflicts

Some are incompatible with the parallel work of Google Chrome, so you need to find out the information about all possible conflicts. To do this, follow the Chrome: // Conflicts link, which displays all the ill-wishers of your browser. After familiarization with the data on the page it is recommended to delete all conflicting applications.

You can also go to the technical support of the browser and get acquainted with the recommendations from the company's representative.

Removing viruses

The activities of dangerous programs on the computer also calls the browser. To check and clean PC, do the following:

  1. Close all open applications.
  2. Delete files from the TEMP folder in the C: \\ Users \\ directory<Администратор>\\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ TEMP.
  3. Install ADWCleaner, Dr.Web Cureit! and CCleaner.
  4. Run ADWCleaner on behalf of the administrator, in the window that appears, click the Scan button and wait for the procedure. After click the "Cleaning" button.
  5. Open Dr.Web Cureit! And perform deep cleaning system.
  6. Reset google Settings Chrome.

  7. Check the browser label and delete the link (if available).
  8. Clean the registry using CCleaner.

New User Registration

It is known that problems with the display of pages are also associated with errors within user accounts. It is not clear which events are the cause of failures, but the registration of the new profile eliminates the problem. To do this, you just need to open the "Settings" and add a new user in the "Users" subcategories.

Restore system files

Also problems are caused by damage system files. To scan them, do the following:

Reinstalling browser

If nothing from the above helped, you need to install Google Chrome from scratch to a computer. For this:

  1. Go to "This Computer" - "Delete or Change Program".

  2. Find Google Chrome, click PCM and select "Delete".
  3. Follow the tips of the installation wizard.
  4. Now call the "Run" window by pressing the Win + R keys.
  5. In the text box, enter the REGEDIT and click OK.

Periodically, some users see in the browser Google Chrome when loading the page error "Owls, a failure occurred ...". If this rarely happens, then there is nothing terrible and you can not pay attention to it, however, if the user often faces a similar error, then you need to do something.

If the user has inspected reports on failures, you can write to address line chrome: // Crashes And look at how often different failures occur.

We check applications that cause conflicts

Some programs on the computer can conflict with the browser, which leads to failures. Can be entered in the address bar of chromium chrome: // Conflicts, after which the user will go to the page with a list of utilities that can cause browser problems if they were found, then it is necessary to replace them with non-conflict counterparts.

You can also explore the list of programs and on the official website, you can find it by reference\u003dru

Check your computer for viruses and spyware

Very often the reason for the appearance of this page becomes malicious software, therefore, if the appearance of the "Opanki" page frees, the first thing is worth check computer for viruses. Start standing with your installed antivirus. Should be carried out full, not fast check. If it does not help, you can use free utility Cureit.which can be downloaded by reference It will be able to scan and find something inaccessible to free antivirus.

Do not forget about checking on a variety spyware I. programs . It is best to cope with this adwcleaner, which is available completely free on the site of the developer The utility does not require installation, just open it and start scanning. After completing it, you can delete all the found malicious files.

It will not hurt to use the utility that can clean the computer, as well as find all inconsistencies and errors in the registry and correct them - this is the CCleaner utility, you can download it on the official website This program will be required to install, after which you can run it. To check the registry will have to go to the "Registry" section, and there press the analysis And wait for the end of the scanning process.

Next you can fix all or more problems. Also worth starting properties of the browser label And make sure that there are no links in it if they are, then they need to be removed.

Alternatively, you can go to the settings and reset them to the initial state, it can help with solving the problem.

Also does not prevent go to task Manager And search suspicious processes with strange names, if such will be found, they can be completed and the error has not disappeared. If it helped, it will be necessary to learn how the program includes the process or once again scan the computer to viruses.

The browser crashes when you start Flash

In Chrome there is a built-in flash player that can cause problems, so that it can be turned off, restart the browser and check if the error disappears. To do this should be entered in the address bar about: plugins.Here you will need to find the player, which is located in the folder with the browser and turn it off.

Switch to another profile

It is worth trying to solve the problem of creating a new user and switching to its profile. You need to go to the settings, go to the user section and add a new one there.

After creating you need to switch to it and check if the error has disappeared.

Check system files

The problem can be in damage to the system data, to eliminate this kind of failure it will be necessary to run command line On behalf of the administrator (in search, enter CMD, click on command line PCM and select the desired item) and enter and execute the operator in it sFC.EXE / SCANNOW..

Reduction DNS.

Viruses, antivirus programs and several more types of applications love to set their DNS server in the settings. It is worth entering the network management center and shared access, proceed to the adapter parameters, find the current connection there and go to its properties. After that you need to click on protocoliPv4. And go to its properties. In the lower point should stand automatic receipt settings if it is not so, you can rearrange or enter verified addresses, for example, DNS Server From Google:

Reinstalling browser

First you need to remove the browser. You can do this through the control panel and installation and removal of programs, or as shown in the figure.

After removal, you need to press Win + R and write in the window regedit.will continue to click PKM on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, choose to find and enter the name of the browser. Next will be left to delete all found items.

After that, you can restart the computer and install chrome again.

How to prevent error

First of all, it is worth always keeping the antivirus included and periodically carry out checks, you can also do this using the programs listed above. It is worth checking the system for garbage and errors with using CCleaner. You do not need to establish many extensions for the browser, they can strongly affect its work, you should not download any programs that promise to speed up the work of the browser.

How to eliminate?
If this is a one-time case, then it is not particularly worried. Such a bug is easily eliminated: just update the page (key F5). This is the most common way to solve the "Othanki" problem..

If it does not help or the error again and again makes you update the page, then the problem has fallen somewhere deeper.

Alternative ways to eliminate errors


Sometimes you have to dig with the computer to decide the question of the correct work of the browser forever.

  1. You have viruses that need to be removed.
    Run the full check of the entire computer (all folders and files on all hard disks). Such a check can take a whole day, but it is worth it. If the antivirus finds something, remove it. Be sure to restart the computer after checking.

  2. Anti-virus or firewall is blocked by chrome.
    The truth is or not - it is easy to determine:
    - Disable antivirus temporarily;
    - Disable temporarily firewall (to find it Click Start and search for Word "Firewall").
    - Then launch chrome.
    If the chrome will work normally, then the problem was in antivirus or firewall.

    In this case, simply in the settings register an exception for chromium. Clear instructions will not be here, because antivirus software Now a great set.

  3. Some expansion prevents the normal work of the browser.
    Go to settings, then B. instruments, then in expansion and there, turn off all extensions that seem to you dubious. If after the disconnection, everything began to work normally, then you localized the problem.

  4. Profile damage \u003d\u003e You need to start a new one.
    This is what needs to be done in the latter area if items 1-3 did not help. How to do it?

    Command: Button with Windows + E logo.
    - At the very top (where the "computer") is written in the address bar, you will need to erase everything and insert the following code.
    For Windows XP:
    % UserProfile% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\
    For Windows 7-8, Vista:
    % Localappdata% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\
    - Insert the copied code to this string and press ENTER.
    - You will have a directory with a whole bunch of folders. Find there Default folder and rename it to Backup Default.
    - Restart chrome.

Usually the actions described above are enough to remove the mistake of "Owls" from Google Chrome. Act! :-)