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Do-it-yourself controlled socket. Smart socket with remote control: types, device, how to choose a good one

Modern intelligent systems provide comfort and reliably protect against unforeseen situations. One of the elements similar systems are smart sockets.

In this article, we will consider only important and interesting questions:

  • What are the features of the concept smart home?
  • What is a smart socket, how is it useful, and how does it work?
  • How to operate the device and what elements does it consist of?
  • What types of smart sockets are there, and what are their features?
  • How to choose and connect their various types correctly?

What does the concept of a smart home mean?

Intelligent system " Smart House»Not a novelty on the market for a long time modern technologies... Its peculiarity lies in the automation of processes inside an apartment or house. Of course, there are still many discoveries ahead, but much of what was planned has been implemented and is successfully working today.

The “Smart House” system unites all the electrics of the home, which allows the owner to control various equipment, be it an air conditioner, TV, security system devices and much more.

An integral element of a modern home is a smart socket - a device designed in one of the scientific institutes in Germany.

The electrical equipment of the house or apartment connected to it becomes controlled by the owner. The user can operate the device while sitting in his favorite chair or being thousands of kilometers away from home.

But in Italy they developed their own solution on the platform. The system has open source, which means it is more flexible in terms of designing electronic devices.

In part, this concept of smart home includes and.

How smart plugs work

The first smart sockets were controlled only by sending SMS messages or making a call from mobile phone... A GPS module was installed inside the product, as well as a SIM card.

In addition, to control the device, a smartphone was installed special application that allows you to interact with smart sockets and electrical equipment connected to them.

Now more modern devices are controlled over the Internet, and some models additionally provide a USB adapter that connects to the router and monitors commands from a computer or phone. The signals are fed to the hardware of the device, after which they are transmitted to the technician.

Average distance taken external teams, is about 30 meters. Each product has an individual IP address, which ensures the security and encryption of the transmitted information.

Thus, a smart socket consists of two main elements:

  • The controller, which receives external signals, and then transmits them to the electromagnetic relay.
  • Relay is a device that, after receiving a signal from the controller, closes or opens the circuit.

The signal is sent to the smart socket in one of the following ways:

  • Through the Internet;
  • On call;
  • By sending an SMS message.

Why a smart socket is useful, its functions

Initially, smart sockets were developed for private houses where there is an adjoining area that needs regular maintenance. This is easy to explain.

Homeowners need to turn on watering, additional lighting, or electrical equipment from time to time. It is not always possible to come home to solve the assigned tasks. What can we say about the need to open the gate in cold weather.

In such cases, "smart" equipment is actively used, providing additional comfort.

With regard to our everyday life, the benefits of smart sockets are irreplaceable:

  • The ability to remotely turn on the kettle or coffee maker, lying in the morning on the bed. The freed up few minutes can be used for other tasks.
  • Programming sockets to turn on the appliance at a certain time.
  • Turning on the heating devices shortly before the owner arrives from work, if during this period the housing remains empty. This approach saves energy.

Smart sockets are reliable assistants for scattered people who constantly forget about turning off a particular device.

Now there is no need to go home to make sure that the iron is turned off. It is enough to go to a special application on the phone or send an SMS message to a specific number.

Special sockets allow you to automate the work of home equipment - computers, routers, televisions, security systems. In addition, the use of such products is an opportunity to protect a house or apartment from the penetration of strangers.

By sending a short message or pressing a button in the app, you can turn on the light in the apartment, music Center or other electrical devices that indicate the presence of a person in the apartment.

Thus, the functions of a smart socket include:

  • Getting remote control access (enable and disable) household appliances- air conditioners, convectors, ovens and other appliances.
  • Control of temperature, gas content, humidity and other important parameters in the apartment.
  • Notifying the owner of a power outage, as well as a power outage of electrical equipment. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to quickly identify and eliminate the breakdown.
  • Reboot office equipment as needed or on schedule. The capabilities of the smart socket allow you to program the device for different modes.
  • Energy consumption measurement.


The control process is simple and accessible even to a novice user. All that is required is a connected network or mobile connection.

The principle of controlling a GSM socket is as follows:

  • Removing the product from the box, installing a SIM card from any of the operators.
  • Connecting the device to a household voltage of 220 Volts at home.
  • Installing the plug of one or more controlled devices into a smart socket.

To control the device via a smartphone, it is necessary to enter the number of the smart device in the book with phone numbers. It is advisable to save basic SMS commands in your mobile phone and use them if necessary.

They can be sent not only by SMS, but also using a special application for Android or iOS.

The smart socket accepts commands from a distance of up to five numbers, which is additional protection from outside interference or malfunction. In addition, only those telephones from which you plan to control the device can be added to the list of numbers.

If the apartment or house has a socket that can work via the Internet, then the management principles are even simpler.

To issue a command, it is enough to install a special application or go to a web page from a computer and see the real state of the device - disabled or enabled.

In addition, parameters such as the change schedule are saved in the user's personal account temperature regime and humidity.

Features of the device

The main feature of smart sockets is the fact that they fit most of the modern technology. It is worth considering that the power limit is 3 kW. This is usually enough to connect a powerful receiver such as a heating radiator, boiler or.

There are many options for the implementation of a smart socket. The simplest are products with a single connector, and the more advanced ones are several sockets (up to 3-4), made in the form of a surge protector.

In addition, it is possible to combine a group of outlets into one network for interaction between them via radio communication.

Turning off the power does not lead to malfunctions of the smart socket, because there is a spare power source inside it. It is enough to send an SMS message and warn the owner about a voltage drop or power outage.

If the device is capable of operating over the Internet, the mailbox the owner is sent an "alarm" letter with information about the loss of power.

If a security system is provided in an apartment or house, it also continues to work for a certain time.

In new versions of smart sockets, a timer is provided that allows you to set the operating time of a particular device or program it to turn it on or off.

As an additional function, a special thermometer can be provided to monitor the temperature regime.

Types of devices

With the growing popularity of smart plugs, there has also been an increase in the purely offers that are available to customers.

It is difficult for a novice user to decide on a suitable design, because they all differ in the way of installation and control option. Let's consider the main types of products in detail.

By the type of installation, smart sockets are:

According to the control method, smart sockets are:

  • With control by SMS;
  • Radio controlled;
  • With the ability to send a command over the Internet.

By design features, they are divided into types:

  • Single devices - with remote control.
  • One socket with multiple control outputs. Each of them is capable of receiving commands to turn the device on or off.
  • Several sockets, where one of them acts as the main one, and the others depend on it, while the main one can control a group of other connectors.
  • Extension cord (surge protector). The peculiarity of the product lies in the fact that commands are sent simultaneously to all outputs or for each separately.

Overhead - pros and cons

The pluses of smart plug-in sockets include:

  • Wide range of models. You can choose a device that suits the design and type of control. Modern models are controlled via telephone or internet.
  • Ease of installation without complicated installation work.
  • Easy to set up that even a novice user can handle.


  • During operation, communication interruptions are possible due to poor quality of the GSM signal. Within the city, problems rarely arise, but outside the territory settlement communication interruptions may occur. This is confirmed by the reviews of people who use such products in everyday life.
  • Smart plug control is subject to telephone and / or Internet charges. These points are important to take into account.
  • Bulky is not always a plus for the look of the interior.

Recessed smart sockets

Built-in products are mounted into the wall according to the same principle as conventional sockets. When choosing, the buyer has two ways - to redo the wiring or leave everything as it was.

In the first case, the specialist plans the placement of devices that are installed in certain parts of the house or apartment, after which the wiring is done, and further control is carried out using the SMS controller.

The second option is to leave the layout unchanged. In this case, the SMS-controller is mounted on the electrical panel, which excludes the possibility of controlling only one outlet.

For example, the user will not be able to turn off the router and not turn off the desk lamp installed in the same room. This is due to the fact that several outlets, as a rule, belong to the same group.

SMS, GSM sockets without and with temperature sensor

Smart GSM sockets are special products that can be controlled using a mobile phone. For their full-fledged operation, several components are required - a phone with a working SIM card, the smart socket itself, and another card for SMS messages.

On back side the device has a special connector into which a SIM card is installed.

On the other hand, a connector is provided into which electrical appliances are connected. The presence of power can be judged by a special indicator.

GSM sockets can be controlled remotely, the main condition is the presence of a stable cellular network in the place where it is installed.

Some models send a message to the owner when there is a power outage or power outage. Such outlets can be controlled using a special application. It must be downloaded and installed on a smartphone or tablet.

Depending on the model, the list of features and capabilities of your device may vary. For example, some models are equipped with a temperature sensor, an indicator for opening doors or humidity.

In more modern devices, there is the possibility of programming - turning the device on and off at a certain time (day, week).

Controlled by a configurable timer and external microphone.

Advanced GSM-sockets have their own battery, which ensures operation for 12 hours even when the electricity is turned off, informing the owner of what has happened.

Let's highlight the most interesting models.


It has a temperature sensor and can be remotely controlled from a telephone. It is used to connect devices up to 3.5 kW.

The features of the model include the presence of a function for measuring the air temperature, the ability to control according to a schedule and according to information from a temperature sensor, and the presence of manual control.

For ease of use, you can install the application on your smartphone and control the product by pressing the necessary buttons.

The range of measured temperature is from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius, the presence of a built-in battery and small overall dimensions - 11 * 5.5 * 3.3 cm.


The device can be controlled by sending SMS commands. Supports the installation of SIM cards from various operators.

The smart socket is capable of performing the functions of a thermostat, thanks to the presence of a temperature sensor. Enabling / disabling occurs taking into account the specified settings.

From the main functions, it is worth highlighting remote reboot or turning on / off the device, as well as notification of power loss. Control is possible by timer, SMS, call or manually.

The maximum connected load is 3.5 kW, there are alarm outputs. Overall dimensions - 8.4 * 132 * 71 cm.


Model with the possibility remote control using a mobile phone. Designed for connecting devices with a total load of up to 3 kW.

The device can work automatically according to the schedule and temperature sensor. The SMS message contains information on the temperature in degrees Celsius.

The features include the presence of mobile software, a wide range of temperatures (from 0 to 40 degrees), the presence of alarm outputs and small dimensions - 8.4 * 13.2 * 7.1 cm.In the kit there is an instruction in which the principle of operation is described in detail and model settings.


Smart socket with a SIM card, which is controlled by SMS. The functions of the device allow you to turn on and off electrical equipment in a house or apartment, as well as control the outlet itself.

This model is suitable for connecting an air conditioning system, power supply, water supply, computer, charger and other equipment. The maximum load is 3.5 kW.

Distinctive features - the presence of a temperature sensor, a large range, the ability to work through the application for Android and iOS.

The possibility of scheduling work on a schedule and by manual activation is available. Maximum distance for optimal performance devices - up to 100 meters.


A device that allows you to control various equipment in a house or apartment via SMS.

A temperature sensor is supplied with the product, which allows you to set the function to turn on and off when a certain temperature is reached.

A smart socket is able to turn on and off according to a schedule, by SMS command and upon reaching a certain temperature.

In addition, the model notifies the owner about the temperature out of the set limits, about a decrease in voltage or a deterioration in the GSM signal.

The maximum power of the connected devices is 3.5 kW. In addition to this smart socket model, there are other options - T20 and T40.

How to connect and configure

The peculiarity of smart GSM-sockets lies in the simplicity of connection and subsequent configuration. This can be easily dealt with by a person who does not have experience in electrical work or does not know the rules for using a special tool.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Make sure the availability and stability of mobile communications, where the Smart Home technology will be applied.
  • Buy a SIM card from Megafon, MTS, Beeline or another operator and a suitable model of GSM socket.
  • Check that according to tariff plan it was possible to send and receive SMS messages.
  • Top up the account of the purchased card and turn off the PIN-code (password) request during login.
  • Carefully study the instructions that come with the smart socket with a remote control.
  • Install a SIM card in the appropriate slot.
  • Plug the product into a stationary outlet to which the equipment will be connected.
  • This completes the connection.

Now you need to configure the equipment for correct operation in the future. Start by checking the functionality of the module, for which pay attention to the special indicator - it should light up.

Now you need to "bind" the SIM card number to the product, following the instructions in the kit.

The principles of programming may differ depending on the specifics of the model. Much depends on the manufacturer, as well as the type of smart socket.

To correctly set all parameters, carefully study the instruction manual. Remember that customization varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

When installing and operating smart GSM sockets, it is worth considering the following rules:

  • Do not exceed the manufacturer's specified maximum permissible load.
  • Do not plug this type of socket out in the open air, near a sink or stove; high temperature, dust and moisture can adversely affect their performance.
  • When programming the numbers, remember that their number for different models individually. Some devices provide protection against mailings or calls from other numbers.
  • Consider the minimum and maximum distances between the devices during installation.
  • Availability good coverage GSM is a prerequisite for stable operation of the device.

Video on connection and settings using the example of the Telemetrika 4 model.

Wi-Fi Smart Sockets

Products that work according to wireless network... Let's consider their features and popular models in detail.

How the device works

The popularity of Wi-Fi smart sockets is due to the presence of additional options in many models, namely, a built-in camera, various indicators (temperature, humidity and movement), customizable timers and other features.

Some manufacturers offer smart plugs, which offer several control options - via the Internet and SMS.

For example, if there is no Internet network, you can send a message and the device will complete its task. An important plus is the ability to control through special applications on iPhones and smartphones (for example, through the Ready for Sky application).

Wi-Fi models include an on / off button, an activity indicator, a ground and a spare battery (on select models). The presence of the latter ensures that the command is given to the owner even in the event of a loss of power.

The device works on the basis Wi-Fi networks- 802.11 b / g / n. The frequency is 2.4 GHz. After connecting to the router, the smart socket receives an individual IP address... Control, as noted above, can be performed from any mobile device with a suitable application installed.

Up to 50 dependent products can be connected to the control socket and then combined into common network... Such installation provides automation of equipment in an office or home.

Model overview

A short overview of the popular smart sockets with Wi-Fi, which are worthy of attention, is given below.


A unique model that provides the ability to control any equipment in a house or apartment.

Any devices with a power of up to 2.2 kW are connected to the product. It could be a PC Washer, air conditioner, TV or other equipment.

The features of the model include the use of heat-resistant plastic in the base, protection against damage electric shock(class 1), the possibility of manual and remote control, switching via Bluetooth v4.0.

The model has overvoltage protection. Dimensions - 4.5 * 4.5 * 7.1 cm. The set includes the product itself and instructions for installation and configuration.


Differs in a reliable dust and moisture resistant housing. Thanks to this feature, the model can be installed not only in an apartment or house, but also in a garage, bathroom, country house or warehouse.

The temperature range in which Redmond operates is 0 to 35 degrees Celsius. The maximum current is 16A, which is equivalent to 3.68 kW for a 220V household network.

There is protection against electric shock (class 1) and voltage drop. Control is carried out remotely or mechanically.

It is possible to connect to other sensors or Ready for Sky Guard equipment.

Operates in a temperature range of 0 to 35 degrees Celsius. Has dimensions 11.5 * 60 * 80 mm.


A device designed by TP-Link capable of running on a schedule. Provides remote access to the control of connected electrical equipment, it is easy to set up and has a "not at home" mode, which allows you to schedule the power supply at a certain time.

The model works according to the standard IEEE protocol - 802.11 b / g / n. The operating temperature range is 0 to 40 degrees Celsius.

The product is made of polycarbonate, has dimensions 10.03 * 6.63 * 7.7 cm. The maximum load is 16A, and the power is 3.68 kW.


Smart plug from TP-Link. Has the same functions as the model discussed above. Its features include the presence of energy consumption monitoring - a function that allows you to view statistics on energy consumption for past periods online.

Data transmission is carried out using the IEEE - 802.11 b / g / n protocol. Working temperature and humidity are 0-40 degrees Celsius and 5-90% respectively. The dimensions of the device are 10.03 * 6.63 * 7.7 cm.

There are two buttons on the case - for configuration and power supply. The maximum load current is 3.68 kW, and the operating voltage is from 100 to 240 V.


With provided timer for remote control of electrical appliances.

The features of the model include the ability to set a specific scenario, setting via a smartphone or tablet using a special application, the presence of 32 programs for setting and six types of timers.

Structurally, the model is equipped with a small flashlight, supports the eco-charging function to protect the power supply and is made in a compact body.

The upper limit of the load power is 3 kW. The product is made of plastic, in white and has an IP44 protection class.

The overall dimensions of the model are 10 * 6 * 7.5 cm. Working humidity is up to 85%, and the optimal temperature regime is from 0 to +50 degrees Celsius.

How to connect TP-Link HS110 and HS100?

Basic manipulations with a smart socket are carried out using a special utility KASA, which works with operating systems Android 4.1 and up, as well as iOS.

To set up control, just follow step by step instructions, which is stitched directly into the utility.

When adding new equipment, KASA prompts you to make a choice. Next, you need to name the outlet so that it will be easier to navigate in the future. For example, if a heater is connected to a smart device, you can write or take a photo.

With the help of the program, it is easy to set the working time, as well as the period of activity (set on the calendar).

There is also a timer option - the ability to turn on or off the device after a certain time interval.

The peculiarity of the HS110 model is the availability of a consumption indicator and analytical information. It shows the consumption from the outlet for different time intervals.

This completes the connection and you can use the device. Control is carried out through the program on the phone (remotely) or manually.

For detailed instructions on how to connect, see the video.

How to connect Redmond?

To use a Redmond model, you need to sync it with your smartphone using the Ready for Sky app.

Remote control of Redmond smart sockets is performed via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or the Internet.

For detailed instructions, see the video.

Radio controlled sockets

Another interesting type of smart sockets is radio-controlled, which are controlled by a remote control.

How the device works

Radio-controlled smart sockets consist of two elements - the device itself and the control panel. The kit also includes instructions for setting up and specifying the application.

Some manufacturers add batteries for the remote control. The device is installed in a stationary outlet, after which it is possible to connect conventional electrical equipment to it.

On the body of the radio-controlled analogue there is an indicator button, by which it is possible to determine the fact of the product's response to the command from the remote control.

There is also a physical impact button that allows you to find the remote control in case of loss.

The operating frequency of the device ranges from 433 to 315 MHz. detailed information indicated in the instructions or on the device itself.

High-quality plastic is used in the manufacture, which ensures a long service life of the product.

The features of radio-controlled models include the ability to receive a signal even through a wall, and the total control range reaches 30-40 meters. In the absence of an obstacle, this distance will be higher - up to 100 meters. If you plan to use the device in high humidity conditions, it is required to take models with IP44 protection.

Model overview

Let's consider several offers on the market.

APA3-1500 R CoCo / Trust

A set of smart radio-controlled sockets with a remote control. The set includes three radio adapters, as well as a control device.

The power of the connected devices must be up to 1.5 kW at the rate for each receiver. The use of auxiliary sensors is allowed.

The distance at which the remote control operates is up to 30 m indoors and up to 70 m in the absence of obstacles. The product is made of high quality plastic in white color. The size of the socket is 9 * 5.3 * 3 cm.

AGDR2-3500R CoCo / Trust

Smart sockets with two radio adapters and a remote control. Designed for remote control of equipment. Maximum power up to 3.5 kW.

The operating range indoors and outdoors is 30 and 70 meters, respectively. Signals are received by sockets from six different transmitters. In this case, the remote control can be used for 16 different receivers.

The features of the model include a waterproof case IP44, low weight (0.6 kg) and compact dimensions - 6 * 12.3 * 3.7 cm.

How to connect?

To begin with, the smart socket must be combined with the control remote control, for which you need to press a special button on the remote control and the case itself.

This is enough for both devices to "find" each other and connect via an available radio channel.

If the work is completed successfully, this can be seen by the lighting of the indicator light (located on the case). Then you can use the device.

How to choose a smart plug?

The issue of choosing smart sockets deserves special attention. Here it is worth paying attention to the following aspects:

  1. Management methods;
  2. Supported maximum power;
  3. Plug standard;
  4. Connection type;
  5. Functionality.

Control method

Smart sockets can be controlled through:

  • Remote control;
  • Application for Android
  • IOS application.
  • Remote access.

Smart sockets with a remote control are suitable for use within the home, but they cannot be controlled from a long distance. In this case, it is better to buy an analogue, in which a special GSM-module with an operator's SIM card is installed.

These devices can be remotely controlled using a telephone. The main condition for the stable operation of GSM sockets is the presence of a strong signal.

Recently, several other types of devices are gaining popularity - with control over Wi-Fi (turning on and off using a special application) and Z-Wave sockets.

The latter are based on special chips that are compatible with each other and provide the ability to remotely control the device.

Buying Z-Wave smart sockets is relevant when you need to install a lot of devices, because in combination with these devices you will have to buy a controller, which increases costs.

Smart sockets made using Zigbee technology are also worth noting. They operate at 2.4 GHz and are very similar to Z-Wave systems.

Such models are distinguished by the versatility and complexity of the technology, so buying a separate device without plans to further expand the smart home system is impractical.

Maximum power

This is one of the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing. The principle is simple - the total power of the connected devices should not exceed the limit set by the manufacturer.

Connection type

Here the principle is identical for everyone. The difference is that some models have a universal connector with the ability to connect any equipment.


Smart plugs can have many additional functions, which you need to pay attention to when choosing them. Here are just a few of them:

Special attention should be paid to the features of the application. If necessary, it is better to choose models with moisture and dust resistance. In such devices, special curtains are provided, which are useful from a safety position for children.

Main manufacturers

Smart plugs are manufactured by companies such as Belkin, Everspring, Nodon, TP-Link, Fibaro, Broadlink, Lifesos, Tecsar Alert. Manufacturers such as Redmond and Xiaomi are no less popular in our country.

It is worth noting that most of the models come from China, but this does not affect the quality. Modern devices are reliable, easy to use and have a long service life.

What to look for when choosing a GSM socket?

When choosing a GSM socket, it is worth deciding where the device will be used and the devices with what load will be connected to it.

If you plan to install the product indoors without heating, it is better to buy Russian-made models that can perform their functions even in the cold. In terms of load, almost all models have a 3.5 kW limit. It is prohibited to exceed this parameter.

When choosing, it is worth considering the presence of additional options, such as the ability to measure temperature, enable / disable by timer, control via the phone (using the application), and so on.

The more options the manufacturer has provided, the higher the cost of the product. So it is recommended to immediately decide which functions are needed and which ones you can do without.

By the way, the ability to measure temperature is very useful. Also, installing a separate temperature sensor is more expensive.

Z-Wave technology

Smart sockets with Z-Wave technology provide remote control of any appliances in the house. Such devices can be turned on and off, change the brightness and volume of connected devices, and also solve other problems.

At the heart of Z-Wave is a special mesh technology in which devices can act as signal transmitters and receivers.

It turns out a network with routing and the possibility of automatic reconfiguration taking into account the external operating conditions. If there is an obstacle on the way, the signal overcomes it and finds the shortest path to the device.

The features of Z-Wave smart sockets include economical power consumption and the absence of radio frequency interference.

By the way, the frequency range of the devices is up to 1 GHz. The operation of Z-Wave products is based on special chips that are well compatible with each other.

The main models of such devices include NodOn Z-Wave Plus, Fibaro Wall Plug FGWPF-101, Everspring EVR_AN1572 and LifeSOS XSW-01.

Zigbee technology

Smart Zigbee sockets, which are based on new technology, deserve special attention. In principle, it is similar to the Z-Wave described above.

The technology implies the use of a mesh structure, scalability and the ability to expand the network with new devices.

Devices made using Zigbee technology work, like a Wi-Fi network, at 2.4 GHz. But here there is a difference - the possibility of using different channels.

The features include the versatility and complexity of construction, so it makes no sense to use any one device in the house that works according to this principle.

Today, such a socket on the Zigbee Xiaomi Mi Smart is popular. Its peculiarity lies in the possibility of controlling the boiler, which gives additional convenience.

How to assemble a smart socket with your own hands?

It is interesting that it is real to assemble a smart socket with your own hands. To do this, you need to have minimum skills, tools and a certain amount for the purchase of component parts.

Also, knowledge of the basics of programming and electrical parts is required.

To make a smart socket with your own hands, you will need an external outlet, a Wi-Fi module, a power supply unit with a stabilizer (U-3.3 V), a soldering iron and a solid-state relay.

It is worth noting that in the absence of skills for such work, it is better to buy a new device.

See the video for one of the ways to implement the idea.

Smart sockets and switches, as well as other devices that are part of a smart home, bring additional comfort into our life and increase the safety of using various electrical devices.

They can be installed at work and at home, they are easy to connect and configure, have affordable price and are presented in a wide range.

The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of such devices. It is important to remember that the quality and reliability of their work largely depends on the stability of the GSM or Wi-Fi network (depending on the model).

What is a Wi-Fi socket for? Its main purpose is to control electrical appliances that are in the house, from a distance. The device works by connecting it via a wireless Wi-Fi network with a tablet or mobile smartphone... Smart electrical accessories are gaining more and more power in the electrical products market, so in this article we decided to talk about the principle of operation, device and function of a Wi-Fi socket.

Varieties and characteristics

Principle work wi-fi sockets of any type are exactly the same. As for the design, it is divided into two types: invoice and built-in. The invoice looks like an adapter with one connector. The design of the device consists of the following elements: the case itself, an indicator, a button with which the device and the wi-fi module are turned on or off. The second option is a plug-in. Its purpose is to replace an ordinary electrical point. The photo below shows both versions:

The principle of operation of two types is that, thanks to the microprocessor inside the device, a connection is made to the control mechanism that regulates the inclusion or shutdown. But more complex models may also come across, which are produced in the form of a surge protector, which has several connectors.

In addition, there are models that include additional sensors that can detect gas leaks, the presence of smoke or water leaks, as well as motion and temperature sensors.

Each wi-fi socket, depending on the manufacturer and model, has a special technical characteristics... Manufacturing companies are constantly striving to improve their development and regularly make their additions and innovations to it. The main differences are:

  • originality in the design of the device and its packaging;
  • the quality of the material used;
  • elements from which the product is made.

A Wi-fi socket of any model consists of a case, which is made of heat-resistant plastic, and various elements that fill this case. The use of non-flammable materials helps protect people from the release of harmful halogens. The heat resistance of the material is 748 degrees Celsius. Thanks to this, manufacturing companies guarantee the safety of using Wi-Fi equipment.

Main functions

The purpose and scope of the Wi-Fi socket is described in the following functions:

  • turning on and off household appliances at a distance;
  • thanks to the temperature sensor, the fire safety of the house is ensured;
  • it is possible to monitor and recognize the electricity readings that are consumed by electrical appliances powered by this device;
  • if necessary, you can reboot the equipment;
  • control of children due to the presence of a timer that turns off the TV or light after a certain time.

Terms of use

A Wi-fi socket, as a rule, operates in the operating voltage range of 100 - 240 V (meaning use in a home or office environment). The output power has its own range, which ranges from 2 to 4 kW. Thanks to this, it is possible to connect devices with large short-term loads. For example, a heater, electric kettle, or food processor.

Despite the fact that all manufacturers create their own individual instructions for using the device, the principle of operation and their purpose are almost the same. The only difference is additional customization certain parameters and functions that a wi-fi socket has.

First you need to install a special application on your smartphone or tablet. Then check if there is a connection to your home wireless internet... There is a QR code on the box or in the manual of the fixture, with which you can access the software that you need to download.

After that, you need to find an option in the program that will search for a new Wi-Fi connection. A window will appear in front of the required wireless network, in which you should enter the password for connection. After confirming the password, the wi-fi socket is connected to a 220V network and turned on by pressing the on / off button. An LED indicator will indicate that the wi-fi socket is ready for further use.

After all the settings are made and the required functions are installed, you can connect any household appliance to the connectors and make individual settings for it. How to do this correctly is indicated in the instructions. If there is a need to reset all settings to the factory settings, then just press the on / off button of the device for six seconds and the socket will return to its original position, in which it was released from production.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is that, thanks to such a smart device, you can control electrical appliances from a distance. Among the disadvantages are the following:

  1. If there is a power outage, then all settings are reset and must be set again.
  2. There are models that are incompatible with the router. To fix this, it is necessary to call the master, since only his experience and knowledge will help to correct the situation.
  3. The Wi-fi socket has its own time zone, which may not coincide with the real one. This is due to the fact that the device is set to the time zone that the manufacturer has. This leads to self-tuning of the system.
  4. If an emergency occurs in the electrical network, the devices are automatically turned off.
  5. It is possible to change the operation and functions of the device only if there is one wireless network. If they are different, then this will lead to negative results.
  6. If there is no Internet connection, then the device will not connect at the time specified in the settings. This is because all settings and changes are saved on servers that do not work without the Internet. And there is no special microchip that will include a memory block.

Do you want to monitor the operation of household appliances in your home from a distance? To do this, it is not necessary to install an expensive Smart Home system. A smart gsm socket can easily cope with such a task. After reading this article, you will learn what it is, what advantages it gives, learn how to choose the right model and configure it in accordance with the tasks.

How this device works

Let's get acquainted with the main functions and the principle of operation of sockets of this type. They were originally designed for cottages with an adjoining territory that requires constant maintenance.

The need to remotely start an automatic irrigation system, additional lighting, various electrical equipment has become the reason for the search for new effective solutions.

Today, these devices are already used everywhere, as they help:

  • program the outlet to turn on or off any device at the right time;
  • control the level of temperature, humidity and other parameters in the home;
  • measure the level of consumed electricity;
  • reload computer technology if necessary;
  • notify the owner of the house in the event of a voltage drop or a power outage of the equipment.

The design of the product is as follows. Inside there is an electronic board with a GSM module, a slot for installing a SIM card and a battery compartment. The latter is needed to notify the owner of the home in the event of a power outage. There are indicator lights and function buttons on the body. Their number and purpose are determined by a specific model.

The first gsm sockets were controlled only by SMS commands. The number of the installed SIM card was entered into the phone and message templates were created to save time.

Many modern models allow you to send commands over the Internet through a special application. The link to download it and the installation method are indicated in the instructions. Operation with a tablet is also possible.

What varieties are there

Manufacturers offer two types of gsm sockets:

With one exit. It can be additionally equipped with a gas leakage indicator, a fire safety sensor or an open door warning system. In the latter case, it can be used as a full-fledged security system.

Power strip. By outward appearance resembles an ordinary surge protector. It differs from it in the presence of a slot for connecting a SIM card and a power management system through it.

By the method of installation, they are divided into:

Overhead. They are an adapter plugged into a regular outlet. Most often demanded due to simple connection and operation. The main advantage is the ability to quickly transfer the device from one room to another at any time.

Embedded. Installed during the finishing works straight into the wall. Before buying, you need to carefully consider where and for what purposes the product will be used, as well as what kind of stress it will experience.

Look at the photo of gsm sockets to be able to distinguish between them.

Manufacturer. Purchase a product of a better known and proven brand. The most popular are Sapsan, Siberian Arsenal, Tantos, ORCAM and Proline.

Available functionality. It makes no sense to buy a fancy model to turn off a forgotten iron and boil water to make coffee.

If you intend to use a socket to control heating, it is better to choose a device with a backup battery. Schedule setup requires reliable non-volatile memory to avoid power outages.

The number of connectors. Reasonably approach the choice of a model with a certain number of outlets. There should be as many of them as possible, as required.

Power. This criterion is one of the most important, especially in the case of a power strip, where several pieces of electrical equipment are connected. The allowable power reserve must be at least 30% of the maximum load.

Any additional features can significantly increase the cost of the product, so try to accurately determine the need for a particular feature.

How to use

These instructions for working with gsm socket will tell you how to configure it correctly and control it in the future. First of all, make sure that there are no metal objects nearby that could impair the signal.

Make sure the device is in a good reception area. Remember that it is not recommended to connect equipment with a power higher than 3500 W to it.

The SIM card is installed only in the off state. The outlet can then be connected to a power source. After turning it on, the initialization process starts, the nuances of which are different for each model. To receive additional information refer to the manufacturer's manual. Once the initialization is complete, you can start operating.

Let's consider how to control a gsm outlet. You can connect up to 5 numbers to it, it will not respond to commands from everyone else. This is done, among other things, for security purposes, in order to prevent penetration from the side of intruders.

Adding a number is carried out via SMS or through the device interface. You also need to change the password, which by default consists of four zeros.

The most common commands are: change the status of the socket, turn it on and off. Each of them has its own combination provided by the developer. They are all described in the manual.

It is possible to control by means of a bell. Just dial the device number. You will hear a message about the impossibility of answering the call, after which the gsm socket will change its state: if it was turned on, it will turn off, and vice versa.

The work is done in the same way through the web interface. An important point- there should not be any numbers stored on the SIM card of the product, otherwise stable operation is not guaranteed. Only GSM-standard SIM cards are supported. 3G and CDMA cards will not work.

Photo of gsm sockets

The purpose of a smart Wi-Fi socket (or as it is also called smart sockets) is to be able to control electrical appliances via the Internet from anywhere. Such an outlet gains access to the network via a Wi-Fi connection, hence the name. The idea of ​​inventing unique gadgets with smart connectors that can be controlled remotely came to the mind of German engineers from Frauhofer.

No need to worry about networked appliances in your home

Outwardly, the simplest Wi-Fi socket is quite such a nice one, made in modern style, one-way adapter.

Mandatory elements of a smart socket:

  • led indicator;
  • physical on / off button;
  • a spare power source in case of a power outage;
  • grounding.

Additional elements for some more complex models:

  • USB port;
  • Motion Sensor;
  • thermometer;
  • humidity sensor;
  • light sensor;
  • smoke detector;
  • video camera;
  • timers, etc.

Also on the market there are options made in the form of a power filter, where there can be several connectors for connecting electrical appliances, usually up to 4. The connectors are usually standard and do not require additional adapters.

Plastic and glass are actively used as materials for the production of panels for smart sockets.

Smart plug use, functions

Automated sockets are perfect for use in private homes, apartments and offices. These small-sized devices become indispensable helpers in organizing a comfortable and safe life (or work).

Built-in sensors will be able to warn you in time about a gas leak or other important incident, take care of the safety of your belongings and even meet you literally with warmth and incendiary illumination!

It is very convenient to use smart plugs to control heating devices and air conditioners, ventilation, air humidification, various pumps, surveillance cameras, lighting, etc.

It also makes sense to connect "dangerous" devices to them, for example, an iron, and not be tormented by doubts whether you turned it off or not when leaving home.

With the help of a smart socket, you can operate the music center as an alarm clock, turn off the night light in the nursery without disturbing the baby, save yourself from the need to get to bed in the dark, turn on the kettle when you arrive, easily use sockets located in inconvenient places, ensure timely watering of plants without your presence, in general, find many interesting and useful uses.

The main functions of the smart socket:

  • remote control of various household appliances;
  • security and fire safety;
  • energy saving;
  • restarting servers, routers and other office equipment;
  • notification of a power outage, with the ability to emergency de-energize devices to prevent the failure of important and expensive equipment.

Operating principle, management and capabilities

When connected to a router, each smart socket receives its own unique IP address, which allows you to establish access to it and transmit commands in encrypted form over the Internet (encryption does not allow anyone to control your electronics). Naturally, the more stable the connection, the easier and more correct the control will be.

Settings can be stored both on the server and on the device itself. In the latter case, a situation may arise when, after the loss of the Network, all settings will have to be reinstalled. If a server is used to save the settings, then information, including statistics, can be stored for years. Depending on the model, you may have access to various graphs based on the results of the information recorded by the sensors.

To obtain detailed interface remote control, it is enough to install a special software to your smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer. The necessary software is freely available for download and installation. Of course, if you have programming skills and you are not satisfied with the interface of the proposed programs, then you can write your own with your own hands.

The program allows you not only to remotely turn on and off devices, but also set up timers, that is, set certain time(of course, Wi-Fi must work for scheduled operation as well). Thanks to this function, you can significantly save energy, as well as prevent the risk of dangerous situations.

Timer capabilities:

  • random on and off times (very useful function to create the effect of the presence of someone in the house);
  • countdown (switching the electronics on and off after a certain period of time);
  • scheduled specific time (turning on and off devices at a strictly specified time, once, every day, every specific day, etc.).

Some smart sockets can be remotely blocked, so that when you press a physical button, you can neither turn on or turn off the device, while prohibiting the operation of schedules and timers. It may also be possible to set the "I'm at home" mode, which allows you to turn off all smart sockets at once.

In the event of a power outage, the smart device uses a built-in backup power supply to alert you immediately. The same power source will allow the connected security system and fire alarm to function for some time.

Smart sockets can be networked (the number of outlets can reach 50), assign main and supervised sockets according to the principle hard drives(Master and Slave), in a word, subordinate and automate almost all equipment in the home or office.


As a rule, the vast majority of smart plug models operate with an input voltage of 100-240 V (that is, they can be used in conventional electrical networks).

The value of the output voltage usually ranges from 2 to 4 kW, which is quite enough to connect even rather gluttonous devices (for example, oil heaters).

The used standard of the Wi-Fi network is 802.11 b / g / n at a frequency of 2.4 Hz.

Safety in use

Note! Before connecting any electrical appliance to a smart outlet, you must make sure that its power does not exceed that specified in the technical documentation to the outlet itself.

Is it possible to make a smart socket with your own hands?

If you want and have the necessary skills, tools and materials, it is indeed possible to build a Wi-Fi socket with your own hands.

To make the most budget smart sockets you will need:

  • Wi-Fi module;
  • solid-state relay;
  • small-sized power supply (it is optimal that the voltage regulator is 3.3 V);
  • external socket (for the convenience of firmware, you can use external socket or filter with USB port).

True, if you are not an avid electrician and programmer, you have never held a soldering iron in your hands, then it is better not to risk it, because if something goes wrong, you can get an electric shock and burn your apartment down. Is it worth it?

It is much safer to buy such a useful gadget in a store and make your life more comfortable without unnecessary effort, risk and unexpected consequences, especially since the prices for smart sockets are quite acceptable, so it is unlikely that you will be able to save a lot by assembling the device with your own hands.

If you nevertheless firmly decided to design a smart socket with your own hands, then we decide on the purpose, design and functionality of a homemade gadget, prepare the necessary tools, materials and get down to business.

Not a luxury, but a necessity

Regardless of whether you bought a Wi-Fi outlet or successfully made it yourself, you will surely like remote control and very soon you will not be able to imagine how you can live without such an amazing, useful and convenient invention.

Yes Yes Yes. Another one. I understand everyone is tired of it. But I really wanted to do it myself, my own "smart" socket, with bingo and female students. Built-in (hidden wiring in the house). Controlled over WiFi (local) and Internet (global). With the receipt of the current status (in the future - with information on consumption). With the connection of several sockets in one block (up to four). With temperature, light and presence sensors. With a camcorder, after all!

The first part is just checking the overall performance of the circuit. In fact, it is a kind of analogue of WeMo Switch, only built into a standard socket box and therefore not tied to any specific design (in order to fit into any existing interior).

So what do you want? I would like to independently control each of the four sockets (in my house, in one of the rooms, the sockets are combined into blocks of two two-socket modules close to each other, in two standard plastic sockets, respectively). All units (lighting, filter pump, heater, compressor) of the aquarium with a beautiful brocade catfish are connected to one of these blocks, so we will control them. Somik is like this, if anything (a picture to attract attention):

So what do we need?
1. Receive commands via WiFi and issue appropriate control signals to close contacts. Those. need a controller module with WiFi. Since I have our scarf on AR9331 (a piano in the bushes, yes: in fact, I originally wanted to try it out in real business), it will be such a controller.

2. Relay for 16A 220V. In order not to bother - I took a ready-made module from Amperka. At the same time, there is also an LED to indicate the operating mode of the socket.

3. Power these two modules with 5V. Disassembled the compact USB power supply.

4. A socket with a depth of 60mm.

5. Actually the outlet (for the time being I took the first one I found in a nearby hardware store for experiments):

6. LED to indicate the operating mode of the socket (On / Off). I found green and red in my nightstand. At first I wanted to use green (I like the color better), but it was not bright enough, so I ended up using red.

I figured out the scheme (primitive, yes):

Decomposed components:

Cut the wires, soldered:

I cut off pieces of heat-shrinkable tubes, insulated the modules:

I stuffed everything into a socket box, plugged in the cable, plugged it into an outlet. While it is still too early to shove into the wall, it is necessary to debug on the table.

To make the LED more visible, I made a small hole in the socket with a thin soldering iron tip.

The test bench is ready.

The software for the initial simple check was taken from the post uv. Ariman "a.

Well ... Surprisingly, everything works. The relay clicks, the LED blinks, electricity is supplied to the outlet. The first step has been taken. It took about an hour and a half in total. Of money:
1. Controller on AR9331 - I don't even know how to evaluate. Let it be 750r - at this price we are going to sell it when we make the batch.
2. Relay module - 290r.
3. Power supply unit - well, let it be 200r (I saw it in the underground passage at such a price, mine has been lying around for a couple of years).
4. Power socket - 45 rubles.
5. Socket - 120r.

Total: 1405r.

Now we need to bring the software to mind (first of all, the firmware). About this - in the next part, if the people are interested. And then I will connect sensors and three more relay modules to control four sockets, not one.

P.S. I connected the camcorder - it works, where will it go? But it is necessary to somehow fit it into the interior, I have not yet figured out how ... And in terms of software - you need to learn how to broadcast a stream to the Internet, and not just to the local area.