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The best Russian browsers. Select the best browser for Windows

Every year more and more different systems appear for efficient use of the Internet. By 2017, the number of computer browsers increased markedly. This article will present the top 10 browsers recognized by users with the most comfortable, efficient and rapid.

Avant Browser.

Top 10 for computers opens an unjustly little Avant web browser. It is a pretty smart and light browser working on the whole base of the engine: Gecko, WebKit, as well as Trident. The program is entirely free, as it applies to gNU licenses. It is worth noting, however, copy some functions by the represented browser from other programs. So, many Avant elements strongly resemble the structure of such well-known observers as Mozilla and Opera. Plugins and settings of the presented browser are implemented from Internet Explorer..

The fact that Avant copies the functional elements of many other web browsers, does not mean that the program is irrelevant or "second-class". On the contrary, connecting all the best components from more well-known browsers, Avant forms a very good option to access the Internet. Moreover, the program contains a number of original advantages that would definitely be noted. So, it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • the main advantage of the browser is the incredibly low level of consumption of system resources;
  • in the default browser installed an advertisement lock;
  • it is possible to quickly make a screenshot of pages of sites;
  • there is an opportunity fast transition to popular domains;
  • the interface is very easy to configure - for users there is an opportunity to establish about 30 different skins;
  • the browser instantly starts.

Thus, Avant takes the honorable tenth place in the top 10 best browsers for computers.

Pale Moon Browser.

On the ninth place in the top 10 browsers for computers it is worth putting a little-known, but very high-quality web browser Pale Moon ("Pale Moon"). Immediately it should be noted that this browser is based on source code From the famous Mozilla-browser.

The main feature of the "Pale Moon", and at the same time its main advantage is the presence of a whole set of internal improvements. Due to the number of certain features of the presented web browser, the use of the Internet will be much more convenient and efficient. Pale Moon works on the newest processor from qualitative set Type instructions SSE2, and therefore the performance of the program even in comparison with large browsers is very high.

What is the difference between Pale Moon from FIERFOX? As a result of what reasons to give preference to the browser under consideration? It is necessary to highlight the following differences in the "lunar" browser:

  • there is no parental control and functionality Active X;
  • file scanning function is disabled after downloading them;
  • added a feature of the preview of the tabs during their active switching;
  • requires the presence of a fairly modern processor.

Thus, the Pale Moon web browser is a pretty good alternative browser Mozilla.. The main feature of the "lunar browser" is the absence of all extra and unnecessary details that could significantly make it difficult to efficiently use the Internet. At the same time, the program itself works only on computers with quite powerful technical characteristics. As a result, it takes an honorary ninth place in the top 10 best browsers for computers.


At the eighth place, the top 10 popular browsers for computers are a very lightweight and smart web browser QUPZILLA. The main advantage of this Czech browser is high-quality optimization for almost any platforms. QUPZILLA is an incredibly easy and easy-to-use program. If the main purpose of the user is to view text documents on the Internet, and not work with heavy applications, then the browser presented is the best option.

What is the difference between the program in question from other web applications? Yes, almost nothing. All the same icons, tabs, history and download system - In this regard, the QUP developers do not try to shine originality. When planning QUPZILLA, Czech Internet technologists and programmers tried to rely, first of all, on the purpose of creating the speed and functionality of the application. The browser has high-quality adclocal, allowing you to effectively block any advertising. And thanks to the built-in Reader RSS, the users of the Web browser under consideration will be able to recognize the latest news in a timely manner. Among other things, the browser has a function quick access. The user will be able to quickly and easily equip homepage Observer in your preferences.

Why does Quipzilla be in the eighth place in the top 10 internet browsers? First, this observer is not too known among Russian citizens. Secondly, he still has a number of significant drawbacks that would cost as soon as possible. So, the main consumers of the browser include the absence of frequent updates and not the most aesthetic appearance.


At the seventh place in the top 10 browsers for PC there is a very old, but rather high-quality K-MELEON browser. This program should be remembered, probably, every person actively used by the Internet in the early 2000s. The presented browser was born in 2001, and still not inferior in popularity to many, even the most famous and modern web browsers. What is the reason high Quality this product? First, constant updates. K-MELEON is constantly upgraded. The browser works on the same engine as Mozilla, however, has significant differences from the latter. The main and most important difference is the possibility of economical consumption of computer resources.

The browser, in contrast to many of its competitors, requires very little: just a small part random access memory and a small expenditure of the processor. Another major advantage of the K-MELEON web browser is the ability to apply a native PC interface. Thanks to this simple function, resources and time that can be spent on the interface are very cool. The speed and quality of work increases. Any user is able to personalize the browser for itself - and all thanks to the wonderful system of macros.

Why does K-MELEON stand only in the seventh place in the top 10 browsers for PC? First, a significant disadvantage of the presented web browser is very simple, and therefore not the most aesthetic design. Secondly, the program has a number of minor errors: for example, an incorrect reflection of texts, pictures, etc. However, all problems are corrected on time with timely updates.

Yandex Browser.

Finally, go to the list of more well-known programs. For the sixth place in the top 10 browsers for PC, the famous Yandex.Bauzer falls, released not so long ago - only in 2012. What is the difference between this web browser, what advantages and disadvantages does it have?

The first thing is to highlight is a really high level of security. The program is very high quality and carefully checks all downloads and files for any malicious elements. Pick up some computer virus When working with Yandex.Browser, will not be so simple: a competently built test mechanism will reliably protect the user from harm.

A few wonderful additions are sewn into the web browser. This is a high-quality advertising blocker, and stylish chips like "backlighting for video", "read mode", etc. Supplements can be disabled at any time. It is also worth noting that a very high-quality translator is built into the browser, no inferior system from "Google".

Now it is worth moving to the disadvantages of the program, clearly illustrating, why Yandex.Browser is located in the sixth place in the top 10 browsers of 2017. The first, and the most important minus of the browser is an intrusive service from Yandex. Simonyna search string, hated by many "Yandex.Bar" - all this can significantly spoil the impression from, in general, a pretty good browser. The second drawback is related to possible problemswhich may occur when viewing history. However, timely updates of the program allow you to qualitatively correct the situation.


In the fifth place is the most "dangerous" and hated by the authorities of many states Internet observer. Tor is known to many users of the Internet network, first of all, by their ability to bypass a large number of locks and prohibitions. The program under consideration allows people to go into the so-called "black Internet" - the place available is not for everyone.

Browser Tor is, a kind of, a set of tools that allow us to ensure the security of the user when viewing any Internet pages. Presented browser is able to provide a citizen full anonymity With any network work. Tor looks like FIERFOX. This advanced support, a wide range of settings, quality confidentiality, etc.

This browser is unlikely to be needed by an ordinary Internet user. So, if there is a top 10 rapid browsers for PC, Tor would definitely take the last place in it. It is very sluggish, slow and almost no optimized program. However, this major drawback is compensated by high-quality safety, a wide range of settings and the ability to get even to the most "dark" corners of the Internet.

As a rule, TOR starts with a flash drive. Only in this case, no one will be able to learn about the possibility of using any citizen of this program. Another question is whether all this needs an ordinary network user. A law-abiding citizen is hardly dealing to secret data or little-known pages. It is because of this that is poorly optimized under the PC, but very safe Tor ranks fifth in the top 10 browsers 2016 or 2017.

Mozilla Firefox.

The fourth place in the top browsers for "Windows 10" (or versions of a little older) occupies the famous as of 2017, tens of millions of people in various countries are used as of 2017. This is a constantly updated and upgraded program. It is this factor and makes a browser as high quality. What other advantages of the application should be called?

The named web browser is a very flexible and efficient program for working on the Internet. Despite a somewhat outdated concept, simple design and minor errors in the work, the browser in question can boast of the following features:

  • Extensive, incommunicating with any other browser settings. There is almost everything here that would allow an ordinary Internet user to adjust the web browser under its individual preferences.
  • Comfortable and aesthetically nice interface. Despite some old-fashionedness, as well as the separation of the URL from the search field, the appearance of the web browser still remains very cute and interesting.
  • The presence of more than 100 thousand plugins.
  • The browser starts at an absolutely any platform.
  • Reliability and safety. Firefox is often leading in comparison with other browsers when it comes to blocking malicious information.
  • The most convenient starting panel.
  • A web browser is updated in the background.

In the top browsers 2017 (for Windows 10, 8 or 7) browser Firefox. It takes only a fourth place, although ten years ago it would be exactly accurately taken first. What is the reason? Of course, this is the emergence of new, more advanced and modern Internet observers. Plus, Firefox is significantly outdated by the engine. However, all these factors do not interfere with millions of users to remain on this platform.

Microsoft Edge.

The EDGE web browser replaced the old Internet Explorer, not coming by users for many years. EDGE is completely fair to the third place in the top browsers. For Windows 10, EDGE web browser is one of better options. This is a program with a very pleasant interface, an extensive functionality and a large spectrum of settings. It is a complete merger with the tenth "windows" makes the represented browser one of the highest quality and reliable products of recent times. What advantages Microsoft Edge. Here you can allocate?

  • Reading mode. Of course, this feature is far from fresh. However, EDGE in this regard perfectly exceeded all its competitors. Here and the ability to emphasize the text in a variety of colors, and saving information, and the ability to quickly get rid of all interfering elements. The developers of the browser under consideration carried out really greater and high-quality work.
  • Speed. Refusing all outdated standards, Edge developers have created a new engine that allows the browser to work faster even than chrome.
  • Voice assistant. Cortana will soon arrive in Russia. However, for English-speaking users is a real discovery and one of the most sought-after functions.

However, EDGE has a number of shortcomings, due to which the web browser in question is only in third place in the top 10 browsers for Windows 7, 8 or 10. So, it is necessary to allocate not the most familiar and comfortable design, as well as a banal lack of extensions. Developers Nevertheless, promise to correct all the existing problems in the very near future.


The second place in the top browsers for Windows 10, 8 or 7 occupies an Opera unsolicited web browser. The program has been for more than 23 years old, however, for all this time it is only gaining momentum and becomes more and more popular. All this happens, of course, thanks to constant and timely updates, allowing to highlight the browser to highlight.

The presented web browser has both a number of advantages and a number of significant drawbacks. It is worth starting with the advantages of the browser. Here you need to highlight the following points:

  • The browser supports turbo mode carried out by cloud technologies. Thanks to this, any pages, tabs and files are displayed very quickly and easily. It is also worth noting significant traffic savings.
  • Technology LINK allows you to qualitatively synchronize data on a variety of devices.
  • There are a number of hot keys that significantly simplify management process.
  • The web browser has a very convenient express panel with a different kind of saved bookmarks.
  • "Opera" does not require high computer characteristics, it is capable of working and with a small amount of RAM.

At the same time, the browser has several disadvantages, due to which it is only in second place in the top 10 browsers:

  • Without the download history, the user is not able to work with the same browser for a long time. Just with downloads from the "Opera" and there is a considerable amount of problems. Despite the constantly released updates, the web browser presented still contains a number of shortcomings in scripts, WML forms, downloads and some other elements.
  • "Opera" has a kind of bookmarking system called "piggy bank". Despite the fact that the decision itself is quite interesting, the bad implementation of this function does not allow it to be fully comfortable and high-quality.

Thus, Opera remains one of the best browsers in the world, but not without flaws.

Google Chrome.

Of course, it is "chrome" recognized as the best web browser from all existing ones. He entered the top browsers 2016 for Windows 10, 8 or 7. And, of course, it is very deserved: this is a really high-quality and efficient product used by millions of people around the world. It is impossible to say that "chrome" is a browser without flaws.

It also occasionally slows down and requires a large number of RAM. However, all available advantages of the browser presented completely overlap all possible cons. That's what it is here to highlight:

  • really high speed;
  • reliability and safety implemented by the newest technologies;
  • the presence of the "incognito" regime;
  • nice interface;
  • stable work without strong brakes;
  • wide toolkit;
  • availability of voice assistant;
  • constant updates conducted in the background, and therefore in no way interfering with the user's work;
  • automatic pages translation to the desired language

And many other functions. Chrome is really a high-quality browser. Most users do not even need to prove, it is so installed on most PCs.

In order to enter the Internet, it was not associated with the discomfort and receipt of negative emotions, it is necessary to take care of choosing the most appropriate software. The most important for web surfing software is a browser that helps in a few minutes on the Internet to find the required information and media content.

And if the owners of the Apple technician owners have already made the developers of technology, preferred by their own success - Safari, then little Windows is content with the basic Microsoft solution in the form of Internet Explorer. Our today's material is devoted to the search for a candidate for the title best browser 2018-2019.

№10 - Cometa

This browser is distributed rather annoying every user. personal computers By the method - it is imposed included with the installation of other programs. It is much more difficult to delete it than to install, and during the work of the comet has an unpleasant habit of once for a certain period of time to display huge advertising banners on the screen, nevertheless, many domestic users use it not the most convenient browser permanently.

Although search system this software leaves much to be desired, especially against the background of monsters such as Yandex and Google, a number of users notes quite convenient interface To work on social networks and relatively high speed of the program.

№9 - amigo

Browser from the domestic giant Mail.Ru GROUP, which also comes along with another software. De facto before us appears standard chromium, equipped with integrated Mail.Ru services. There is a built-in module for communication in social networks, but its convenience is very controversial.
Reviews about his work for the most part negative, but it does not prevent him from being not the first year among the most popular browsers from Russian users. Seriously inferior to competitors on a variety of components, thanks to its obsessive spread, he still found his place under the sun and, if you for some reason do not want to work with the most popular solutions - you can try amigo.

№8 - Slimjet.

Another browser on chromium databaseBut significantly more productive and less annoying. Of the advantages worth noting a great password manager, integration with social network Number one - Facebook, built-in photo editor and basic protection against malware.
If you are tired of a classic chrome, but loses the benefits of its speed and comfort you do not intend - this browser looks like one of the most promising solutions. At the very least, try and in case of unsatisfactory result, it is much easier to remove than the same Amigo.


The next representative of our top 10 browsers 2018-2019 is again the interpretation of the worldwide users around the world Chromium, and this time, perhaps, the best. From Google services, only the search is integrated here, but in contrast to the standard chrome, it does not keep accounting your requests, which will like those who are experiencing about the privacy of their actions on the Internet.
Of the minuses it is worth mentioning the absence automatic updatesTherefore, it will have to follow the release of new versions and put them manually, but most users are for nothing and once installing SRWare Iron, they can be used until its functionality seems to be insufficient.

№6 - Safari.

In Russia, this decision is not as popular as the rest of the world, which is probably due to the smaller distribution of Apple's technology on the territory of our country. Nevertheless, Safari can also be installed on Windows, but do not forget that his work was optimized precisely under iPhones and MacBooks.
Older versions of this browser were often shown in tests significantly better results than, it would seem to have long captured the palm of championship chrome, but since then a lot of water has flowed, and the developers of the American company have done everything possible to have a personal computers working under Windows, this strategy has ceased To be rational.


The top five of the browser tops opens a little-known relative of the legendary Mozilla Firefox, which possesses the same engine as the elder brother. Despite the mass of the general features, the browsers have differences, for example, K-Meleon is the easiest browser for Windows, which will have to taste the owners of not the strongest home computers, to which the resource consumption browser should be treated carefully and carefully.
For a domestic user, a problem can be the display of Cyrillic in this browserBut with each update, this problem goes further into the past. Another disadvantage - through Chur Kondovy Design, Estethem, it clearly will not like. But the rich features and interface settings will love to stand out from the crowd.

№4 - Opera.

The most ancient browser leading his stories from the distant 1994. Previously, this legend browser possessed his own engine, but since Google Chrome. Potted competitors, Opera followed his example and switched to WebKit + V8. In Russia, this software ranks fourth in popularity, which is higher than the global indicator.
The obvious advantages should be attributed to the solid speed - pages are not displayed as faster than the same Internet Explorer, but the built-in tURBO mode Allows you to increase this indicator and save traffic. By the way, in this mode, you can bypassed the bans of Roskomnadzor to domestic users. Express panel with simple in setting bookmarks and great amount fast keys Allow advanced users to form an interface most convenient for themselves.

But without minuses it did not cost - Opera is rather voracious in terms of RAM RAM, and therefore open a lot of tabs and not lose as a job. Another nuance is not a high stability, and therefore various crash and hangs are an unchanged companion of his users.

№3 - Mozilla Firefox

We got on our list of the best to the fiery fox. In the world, this browser continues to hold the leading position, and Russian Federation He is a little bypassed Opera popularity. Big plus Mozillas is free access to his gecko engine, and therefore many enthusiasts around the world are engaged daily by refinement to the ideal of all its parameters. Appeated in 2004, which in comparison with the same opera - quite recently, for these years Firefox transformed beyond recognition due to its community.
According to the simplicity of the interface with this browser, it may argue except for Google Chrome, and there is no longer one browser more convenient system. A wide selection of plugins and cross-platform make Mozilla with an incredibly universal solution, and in tandem with the highest reliability and network security For many, and at all, the best software for web surfing.

The main minus is increased requirements for free RAM, and therefore you can not doubt - a lot open tabs And the windows will seriously affect the performance of the worse.

№2 - Yandex.Browser

It is nice to see the domestic product at such a high and honorable place. He appeared quite recently - in 2012, but in Russia he was predictable immediately gained enormous popularity. Integration with Yandex services, many of which we use almost daily, gives him a big coherent in combating competitors. Despite the fact that chromium, the Yandex.Baurizer interface and original was taken as a base for the engine development.
Developers deserve words of gratitude at least for the level of security that was implemented in the browser - pick up the virus in it much more difficult than in similar programs. Built-in advertising blocker and dictionary show a caring attitude to users from browser creators. Availability mobile version and turbo mode will help the opera fans to go to more modern solution For Internet surfing.

But the advantages of the application seem to be not everyone, and therefore a number of users opposite are negatively expressed to integration with Yandex services and originality of the interface. Everyone must solve himself, with which sign from belongs to such as aspects.

№1 - Google Chrome

Our today's rating of browsers for PC 2018-2019 is quite predictable heads the legendary chrome. He appeared in 2008, but quite quickly established himself as the fastest and reliable browser. Today, almost half of personal computers and mobile gadgets are equipped with this observer as the main product for searching on the Internet.

The advantages can be transferred infinitely, therefore let's say better about the minuses, and without them, unfortunately, it did not cost. First, old systems with 2 gigabytes of RAM and less simply will not give the search engine of the necessary resources for high-quality and high-speed work. Secondly, such a load on the iron very negatively affects the charge of laptop batteries and mobile devicesSo if your smartphone does not have an impressive battery, then Chrome is hardly the best solution for him. Well, and Russian users are unlikely to enjoy the fact that most of the plugins are not available in their native language.

But even such serious disadvantages cannot block the countless set of indisputable advantages: speed, reliability, security, convenience - in each of these parameters with chromium, it is almost impossible to compete. Honored first place of our rating.


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Modern computer Without the Internet, it is difficult to imagine, and in order to choose a suitable software for yourself, it is worth examining the top browsers of 2017.

The browser will be the key to the fact that work and leisure on the Internet will be comfortable.

A high-quality browser will not only be able to quickly download pages and work with modern plugins, but also protects the computer from various network threats.

Google Chrome - First place

The most popular software to view Internet resources from all that is currently being developed Google Chrome. . The absolute majority of users choose it.

This is explained by the fact that the software has many advantages compared to other similar programs:

  1. The highest speed in the integration into the Windows operating system;
  2. Regular updates, starting from the exit in 2008 to today;
  3. High security and ability to resist viruses and malware;
  4. Incognito mode allows to ensure a very high degree of privacy on the network;
  5. It works stably, without unauthorized closures, folding, the program does not "knock out";
  6. Works with the "OK, Google" service;
  7. Updated independently in the background, without requiring constant update confirmations, restart, rebooting the computer, etc.;
  8. The automatic translation service of foreign sites in Russian is functioning (although the quality of the translation often leaves much to be desired);
  9. The ability to personalize the program, there are many themes for registration;
  10. Many plug-ins and extensions, many of which are installed for free;
  11. In the "Advanced Tools" section, there is a proper task manager;
  12. A simple and convenient interface in which "all at hand".

Top browsers 2019: best programs To use the Internet

Despite all the advantages, has a program and some drawbacks. They are as follows:

  • New versions are disabled support for many popular plugins, including flash player;
  • It works well only with at least 2 GB of RAM;
  • Despite the fact that extensions and plug-ins (including free) a lot, most of them are made in a foreign language;
  • Creates a significant load on the hardware, because it is not suitable for autonomous work On smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Not only Google actually took part in the program development, but also Yandex, Opera.

Currently, chrome is a hybrid old version Safari browser designed on the WebKit engine and V8 engine (JavaScript).

Yandex. Browser - second place

Mozilla Firefox - Third Place

Coft Mozilla Firefox is extremely popular abroad. In Russia, he ranks third in downloads among all browsers.

To its advantages include the following:

  1. Convenient and simple, minimalist interface without unnecessary buttons and unnecessary parts;
  2. The wide system of adjustments and settings that helps personalize the browser completely;
  3. More than 100 thousand convenient plugins, many of which are free;
  4. Able to work on all platforms - Windows, EPL, Linux, etc.;
  5. Reliability and high security;
  6. High level of privacy of personal data;
  7. More convenient than in other browsers, panel of work with bookmarks;
  8. Wide variability of incognito mode settings - you can prohibit tracking information to certain sites, or all at once;
  9. Updated in the background, without requiring confirmation, etc.

It has some disadvantages, such as a slow interface (compared to chrome). Performance is not very high, but quite acceptable. Requires a sufficiently large number of RAM for normal operation. It does not support all scripts, because sometimes it is incorrectly displayed or the contents of the pages are functioning.

Until 2013, he worked on the original engine, but after 2010 he moved to the same hybrid on which Google Chrome works.

It has the following positive features:

  1. Very high speed and display of pages;
  2. Has turbo mode, automatically enabled with a weak Internet;
  3. Able to save traffic;
  4. Uses cloud technologies when loading pages;
  5. It is enough for them to manage, as it has a lot of hot keys;
  6. Has technology to synchronize a browser on various devices;
  7. Express bookmark panel.

But there are several features due to which this browser has not become the most popular. This is a large amount of necessary RAM for stable operation.

Not all scripts are supported and reproduced, because on some sites it is possible incorrect work. Sometimes gives failures and hangs, in general, it is not too stable.

Top browsers 2019: the best programs for using the Internet

Top browsers 2019: the best programs for using the Internet

Other materials

I decided to write an article and choose the best browser of 2016 (and it does not matter that only the beginning of the year). Principles and criteria for which we used to choose a browser today do not work and in this article I will tell you what has changed and why.

Best Browser 2016.

If you are interested in this topic, then you most likely know that in the last pair the top three has been a clear leader and there is a Google Chrome. Indeed, the browser from Google is good, even very, but, as it turned out, not so simple.

Thanks to the law of Moore (according to him, the power of the computers will double every 2nd year) the recently purchased computer is not so good after a year. Accordingly, companies that create programs for working on the Internet have been adjusted to the power of computers and added more and more class chips in their creations.

However, recently, the rapid growth began to subsoine and all this may be due to the fact that the plank is already visible, above which we cannot jump. In this situation, it comes to the fore (drum fraction) - optimization.

Optimize your browser - find out how to increase the browser cache in another our article.

Now each manufacturer tries to make it so that it is on his operating system, in his program everything worked better than competitors. Therefore, we will choose the best browser for multiple platforms (Mac, Windows, mobile operating system).

Best Browser for Mac OS

In the article where I told how to speed up Mac, I already mentioned that it is best to use the decision from Apple, namely - Safari. The essence of this output is that the browser is deeply integrated into the system, which allows it to use it in a maximum. If you enable the system diagnostics and run Google Chrome in parallel with Safari on Mac, you can visually understand how much safari uses system resources.

It is just in the started state. And now, I will play in both browsers video on YouTube in 1080p and here is the result:

In addition, Apple tried well and made Safari much faster than others (at least on Mac OS):

Well, what to talk about appearance, it is great:

However, there are also cons of all this. No matter how hard everyone tried to abandon Flash, so quickly do it fail ... And how we remember, thanks to Steve Jobs in Apple do not work with Flash and Safari, no exception, so, in most cases, if you want to watch a movie (if You certainly do not use any service where everything is supported) will have to open another browser.

And in general, everything connected with Flash, you will not see ... But I do not consider it a problem, since this year it will refuse to google from Flash, but for them all over the world. So at the end of the year you do not remember this pain.

In general, we have a winner! The best browser for Mac OS - Safari.

Best Browser for Windows

Unfortunately, in Windows, not everything is as good as the "apple", because, as we all know, Internet Explorer was a steep guy to version 6, after which he, for some reason, stopped developing and took the head only in 9 "The version, when the world of web programmers and people under 40 were proclaimed shit.

Until IE has missed the opportunity to take a place leading place in the world (due to the number of Windows installed) companies such as Mozilla, Google, Yandex have released their solution, which at times exceeded their native from Microsoft. In these circumstances, we have been observing a fierce struggle for the right of the leader between Google Chrome and Firefox.

Both browser are good, some kind of one like one, some other, but, in general, they are almost equal to functionality (although in recent versions Chrome has escaped ahead). Apple Safari on windows market There is practically nothing, because at some point they decided to abandon the support of Safari for "Windows".

Yandex Browser, which recently appeared, has not yet become so popular, but rapidly gaining momentum in the Russian segment of the Internet and it is really good. It's nice when something worthwhile in Russia.

On the this stage The best browser 2016 for Windows - Google Chrome.

Best browser for mobile devices

Unlike desktop computers, mobile devices developed almost in parallel and if briefly, then everything works in about the following laws:

  1. On Android, it is convenient and pleasant to use Google Chrome (because everything is promoted by one company);
  2. IOS is convenient to use Safari for the same reasons;

I do not consider the remaining OS, for any sense from them. It is clear that there are many nuances, each company comes up with new, comfortable chips that do not work for competitors and so on. To consider this in more detail, you need to write a separate article about it, therefore the meaning can be followed in those 2 allegations that are higher.


In 2016, all companies producers took the course to optimize their decisions, and not for infinite improvement. So, regardless of what option you choose, you will most likely be satisfied, because everyone wants to do something better than others, and we only win from it. So now the choice concerns only your taste and nothing more. Thank you all, use browsers and enjoy life (and you can also leave comments and express your opinion).

Most of us prefer to choose one web browser and use it for several years in a row. It is quite difficult to get out of the comfort zone, especially when you get used to the whole functionality, but try something new is just necessary for each user.

Improved safety, increased speed of work or excellent settings flexibility through customized options and plug-ins - all this has a huge impact on your experience in the Internet. In this article, we have compiled a list of the seven most popular browsers on the network for 2017, and at its end you will find a special browser about which you could not even hear.

If your system has plenty of resources - Google Chrome best Browser 2017

Thanks to Chrome, Google was able to create an expandable and productive browser, which rightfully deserves its place in this list of best browsers for 2017. According to the analytics of Trends on W3Schools browsers, the Google Chrome user base is only increasing with time, even considering that the amount microsoft installations EDGE also continues to grow. Why is it going on? Well, all because this browser is multiplatform, incredibly stable, occupies surprisingly little space on the screen, and indeed quite pleasant to use.

A wide range of easily accessible and installed extensions allows you to truly personalize this browser at your own discretion. Also do not forget about support parental control And a wide range of different settings that will help maximize Google Chrome efficiency.

However, do not forget about the minuses. The biggest minus Google Chrome is the huge consumption of resources when it works. So if your computer has extremely few RAM, for example, 2 or 4 gigabytes, then it will work on it, to put it mildly, not the most efficient way. It is also worth specifying about not the most pleasant fact - your surfing data on the network can be used by Google, for example, to provide you with advertising.

2. Opera.

Undervalued browser, with a special turbine for slow Internet connections

It is very sad that Opera is only 1 percent of the common browser market (think about only 1 percent!), Although it is a fairly good version for surfing on the network. It launches very quickly, its interface is quite simple for understanding and clean, and also in its functionality is all that their competitors can and even more.

The main advantage of this browser is its special turbo mode. Thanks to this mode, Opera will compress network traffic, skipping it through its special servers, which will significantly speed up your movement via the Internet if you do not have the fastest connection. It will also help reduce the number of trafficed traffic, which is very convenient when using the mobile Internet.

In addition to these advantages, I want to mark the built-in VPN and Ad-Blocker browser, which will help you move on the Internet much more freely. Rarely in which browser you can see the built-in VPN, and even more so ad-blocker. If you have not tried to use Opera in your interference on the Internet, then we strongly recommend trying.

3. Microsoft EDGE

EDGE - new browser from Microsoft, which provides complete integration with Windows 10

Microsoft enrolled rather strange with their Edge browser - on Windows 10 it is a standard browser, but it, for some reason, is not available for senior operating systems. Another oddity is that Microsoft for some reason installed two browser in Windows 10 - EDGE and Internet Explorer. However, we will not understand with their motives for this, but let's consider the object of our interest - the Edge browser.

SAMI strong side Microsoft Edge is complete integration with operating windows system 10. It fully fulfills its tasks even in the tablet mode "dozens", and can also work in conjunction with the cortan. Edge tries to keep up with the times and refuses such unprotected protocols as ActiveX and makes you go to Internet Explorer, if you still want to use those. It is fairly unusual to see how the browser refuses to open the old "corners" of the network and literally sends you to another observer.

However, despite all of the foregoing - use Microsoft EDGE to surf the Internet is a pleasure. It is incredibly fast, breaks through any benchmark and its built-in read mode makes enough complex sites much more pleasant eye. It is also worth mentioning that Microsoft EDGE is more protected than his older brother.

4. Mozilla Firefox.

Pretty controversial choice today - Firefox is very flexible, but maybe slow

Former once leader among other competitors in the "Browser War", Firefox, to the deepest regret, in this moment Located in third place. And sometimes you ask for a question: "Why?". Yes, the browser undoubtedly inferior to its competitors in terms of external design: its search and URL strings are still separated, many buttons in the interface that have long been removed in other browsers as unnecessary and remained in their places. However, for Firefox regular updates, painted on the six-year schedule, plus a huge number of a wide variety of extensions.

Firefox can be considered quite productive, but not that is very nailed compared to the browsers already listed. However, it is not necessary to consider it inhibiting the codes - it is not. Such recent updates as built-in support for Pocket and Hello do not fall to taste, but some will probably love this innovation. So, if you summarize the Firefox today, then it represents a rather ambiguous choice, although it has a powerful graphic engine.

If you are looking for an alternative based on Firefox, then you can look like Waterfox. It is based on the Firefox code, as well as many restrictions from the main release are removed in it. That is why he claims to the role of one of the fastest browsers on the network.

5. Vivaldi.

Build your perfect browser with Vivaldi

We approached the browser, which is slightly different from what we have already considered. We spend a huge amount of time behind your browsers, and Vivaldi promises their users to make this experience so pleasant and convenient, as far as possible. Vivaldi is built on web technologies such as JavaScript and Node.js. This unusual browser can adapt to the colors of the sites where you are, and its interface is completely depends on you.

Starting to use Vivaldi, you will find a fairly convenient notes system, the function to transfer open sites in third-party panels, as well as an innovative stack system that allows you to create groups of tabs and move them there, where only wants.

This is not the fastest browser and, frankly, I would like to see more functional in it, and also do not forget about the absence of official extension support. However, it must be borne in mind that Vivaldi is a relatively new market browser and extension support will undoubtedly appear for it over time. Vivaldi is a refreshing and creative surfing on the Internet, and it will definitely become only better over the years.

6. Microsoft Internet Explorer

The legendary browser from Microsoft, who has passed the path of long rehabilitation.

Microsoft Internet Explorer experienced plenty of takeoffs and falls for her hard life: At one moment he was a leader in the browser market, and in the other - incredibly lagged behind his two competitors. You are undoubtedly aware of all fun jokes directed towards Microsoft Internet Explorer, for example, you can quickly find the necessary information in the public library, rather than wait until Explorer opens.

However, all this belonged to the old version of this browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a browser with a clean design, high compatibility and less need for RAM, if you compare RAM requests to one tab with the same Google Chrome and Firefox.

But Internet Explorer 11 still did not turn into an ideal browser. Many experts conducted a benchmark on it and their results are not very high. For example, Internet Explorer 11 does not work so well in a bundle with extensions, like its other competitors. It is also worth mentioning about what - if you were looking for a browser that could be the maximum to customize to your needs, then Internet Explorer 11 is clearly not your choice.

7. Tor

Tor is not a simple browser, but a whole set of tools whose goal is increased security.

The Tor browser is perhaps most often associated with users with a surfing tool on a dark network. Although it is true, Tor can also be used to gain access to resources without indexing. Another plus of this browser is his aspects of confidentiality. The fact is that it spends your traffic through random network nodes around the world, which makes it tracking almost impossible.

Browser Tor, in fact, the assembly of special tools. By itself, this browser is a seriously modified version of Firefox, combined with multiple privacy technologies, which makes Tor one of the safest surfing options on the Internet. Nothing is tracked, nothing is saved, and you can also forget about bookmarks and cookies.

To remain invisible on the network and do not disclose yourself, you need to change your internet overview habits. In the end, Tor is just a tool and as a minor browser for confidential shafts - it will be indispensable.

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