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Shared folders, network computers, flash drives, drives are not displayed on the "Network" tab of Windows Explorer. Access to shared resources of MS Windows computer (SAMBA protocol) Windows 10 does not see smb

This article describes how to set up sharing, to files and folders, without a password on Windows 10.

This guide will cover the simplest configuration case. public access to Windows 10 folders. When you need to provide access to Windows 10 shares without a password. This is the most common situation in home networks and small office networks. This setting assumes that access over the network will be without a password, without restrictions.

Note. If you have Windows 10 2017 or 2018 and are experiencing a problem " Windows 10 does not see other computers in local network ", then read another article -. It describes the solution to the problem with connecting Windows 10 to older versions of Windows. This article may also be relevant for Windows connections 10 to older versions of Linux.

But at the beginning of a silent theory.

Local and global networks

There is only one global computer network today, and that is the Internet. Local computer networks differ from global ones in the following factors:

  • The number of computers connected in this network.
  • The quantity and quality of shared (available) resources in this network.

V global network The Internet is connected to hundreds of millions (perhaps more than a billion) of computers. These computers provide a large number of different types of resources. The most common of which are text and graphic information. In addition to the information itself, the Internet can also process this information - there are services for working with images and documents. Also, services not related to computer topics are available on the Internet, for example, the sale of goods and services (for example, the sale of tickets for various transport).

to local computer network most often combined from two to several computers. Much less often, the number of computers in a local network can be several tens or hundreds (in large commercial or government organizations). As a rule, only a few resources are distributed in local networks - files, printers, scanners and access to the Internet.

Physically, computers are networked either using a cable or via a radio signal (WiFi). But in any case, setting up a local network is the same.

So, what, and in what sequence, needs to be done in order to configure the Windows 10 network?

Sharing Windows 10 without password

This guide will describe how to set up a Windows 10 network so that folders (files) and printers can be shared without asking for a password. This is a variant of a trusted network. This organization of a local computer network is the most convenient to use (no need to remember passwords for each computer). And besides, such a network is easier to create and maintain.

It is best to start setting up a local network by checking the prerequisites.

Checking the LAN connection

First, you need to check if your computer has a LAN connection. To do this, open the Available Network Adapters and Network Connections applet. The easiest way to open this applet is through the " Run Windows+R ncpa.cpl and click " OK":

Note: there is a longer way - open "" and there click on the link " Change adapter settings".

This is what the network connections applet looks like:

This example shows that there is a physical network adapter on the computer and there is also a network connection to the local network. This example uses a cabled LAN (Ethernet) connection. In case of connection via wifi adapter will be called " Wireless connection 802-11".

Possible mistakes, which can be found in the Network Connections applet:

  • This applet may not have adapters at all - in this case, you need to check the list of equipment (Device Manager). Perhaps the network adapter is disabled or drivers are not installed.
  • The adapter can be crossed out with a red cross. This means that there is no physical connection to the local network. You need to check the cables. In the case of WiFi, this means that the computer is not connected to a WiFi access point (router).
  • The adapter may be labeled " Unidentified network". This means that there is a physical connection to the local network, but the computer could not get the settings for this network. Most often this happens if there is no router on the local network and you need to manually specify the local network settings.

By Windows default configured to automatically receive network settings from the network router. If there is a router in the local network, then you just need to plug network cable or connect to a hotspot WiFi access. If there is no router in the local network, and this sometimes happens when using small cable networks, then you will need to manually specify network settings in properties network adapter. More about manual setting LAN settings are written in the article "Setting up a network between Linux and Windows". The setup for Windows XP is described there, but for Windows 10 it will be exactly the same.

The next step is to check the computer name and working group. To do this, open the applet " System properties". The easiest way to open this applet is through the " Run". It is available through the Start menu or by pressing the keys Windows+R on keyboard. In this window write sysdm.cpl and click " OK":

This is what the applet looks like System properties" (need to open tab " Computer name"):

Here you need to check:

  • Full name- it should not be written in Cyrillic and should not have spaces.
  • Working group- it should not be written in Cyrillic and should not have spaces. In addition, the workgroup name must match the same name on other computers on the local network. That is, the workgroup name must be the same on all computers on the local network.

If you need to change the computer or workgroup name, click the Change button. After this change, you will need to restart Windows.

Now you can proceed to the settings Windows networks 10.

Windows 10 network setup

open "Windows Explorer" and in it find and open the item " Net". By default, on Windows 10, sharing is disabled and when you open the "Network", there will be a warning at the top:

You need to click on this inscription and then select the item " Turn on network discovery and file sharing":

Note: another way to enable network discovery and file sharing via " Network and Sharing Center"and then click on the link" More sharing options" and then open the desired profile.

Thereafter "Windows Explorer" will prompt you to select the type of network, there you need to select the first option:

Note: if you later need to change the network type - instructions in the article "Change network type Windows 10".

Thereafter "Windows Explorer" will show a list of computers on the local network:

Now you can enter the folders on these computers that are shared.

Login via local network to a computer named "Home":

The next step is to set up Windows 10 folder sharing.

How to share a folder in Windows 10

V "Windows Explorer" find the folder you want to share. Right-click on this folder and select " Properties" (in this illustration, the folder is called lan):

Note: The folder name must be in Latin characters and without spaces.

In the folder properties window, you need to open the tab " Access"and press the button there" General access":

In the next window, you need to open the list of local users (accounts on this computer) and select "All" in this list:

After that, click the "Add" button:

After that, for the "Everyone" group, you need to specify read and write access rights:

After that, you need to click the "Finish" button:

After that, the window will open again " Folder properties". In it, you can check the tab " Safety", there should be full access for the group" Everything" (Windows automatically changes permissions file system NTFS):

That's it, that's it, setting access to specific folder finished. If you want to share another folder, these steps must be repeated for each.

Note: share individual files no need. All files that are in the shared folder will be available over the network. Will also be available online and all nested folders.

The last action remains..

Need to open" Network and Sharing Center" and on the left side click on " Change Extra options public access":

In the next window you need to open the profile " All networks":

And there disable the option " password protected sharing and of course click the "Save Changes" button:

This completes setting up network access without a password for Windows 10. Now it will be possible to access this computer via the local network and Windows will not require you to enter a password.

To check, let's go to a Windows 10 computer from a Windows XP computer:

The shared folder "lan" opens and you can edit and create files through the local network.

But if, nevertheless, Windows requires a network password

Despite the fact that the settings described above are made, when logging into this computer, another computer may request network password. This is possible in two cases.

Local users with the same name (login)

Both computers have local users with the same name, but with different passwords.

Example. There are Comp1 and Comp2. Each of them has a user named User. But on Comp1, the user has a password of 123, and on Comp2, he has a password of 456. When trying to network login, the system will ask for a password.

Solution. Or remove matching usernames. Or for users with the same login, specify the same password. An empty password is also considered the same.

There are no local users on Windows 10

On Windows 10, you can sign in and work with a Microsoft account if you have the Internet. At the same time, such a situation is possible when, during the installation of Windows 10, a local user was not created at all (login was through an account Microsoft entry). In this case, Windows will also require a password when logging in over the local network.

Solution. Create a local user on a Windows 10 computer.

If there are old computers on your local network

If you have computers running older versions of Windows or Linux on your local network, then you may encounter a problem where Windows 10 "does not see" such computers.

The reason may be that in latest versions Windows 10 disabled support for the SMB version 1 protocol. How to enable support for SMB version 1 is written in the article LAN between Windows 10 and Windows XP .

Unshare Folder Windows 10

On Windows 10, unsharing is not at all obvious (unlike on Windows XP). On the tab " Access" (folder options) there is no option, as it was in Windows XP. It is useless to press the "Share" button, you cannot cancel sharing there.

Now, to cancel sharing, you need on the tab " Access"press button" Advanced setup":

And there disable access (remove the bird on the option "Share this folder"):

As the saying goes "guess three times".

Sharing a Windows 10 Folder Through Command Prompt

Everything can be done much faster if you use the command line (console, cmd.exe). There are only two commands:

net share lan=c:\lan

net share lan /delete

The first command shares the folder c:\lan and sets a network name for it lan.

The second command deletes the network (public) folder lan. real folder c:\lan of course stays in place.

Sharing Windows 10 files through the Shared Folders snap-in

In the tool kit Windows controls 10 is special program(snap) to manage shared resources on a computer. It is called "Shared Folders" and you can run it with the command fsmgmt.msc(in console or via Win+R):

Otherwise, this snap-in can be opened through the Start menu: "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Shared Folders".

Sharing printers Windows 10

Sharing printers is configured in the same way as for a folder. You need to open the "Devices and Printers" applet, find the desired printer there, open its properties and on the "Access" tab define the network access settings.

Setting up a local network for other OS

If you live in Krasnodar and you need to set up a local network in Windows

Ivan Sukhov, 2017, 2019 .

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In the dialog boxNew registry propertiesselect the following:

  • Action:Create


  • Section path:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanman Server\Parameters

  • Parameter name:SMB1

  • Value type:REG_DWORD.

  • Meaning: 0

This will disable the SMB version 1 server components. This group policy must be applied to all required workstations, servers, and domain controllers in the domain.

Note. WMI filters can also be configured to exclude unsupported operating systems or selected exclusions such as Windows XP.

Attention!Be careful when making changes on controllers where legacy systems such as Windows XP or later Linux and third party systems(which do not support SMB version 2 or SMB version 3 protocols) requires access to SYSVOL or other shared folders where SMB version 1 has been disabled.

Disable SMB client version 1 with group policy

To disable the SMB version 1 client, the registry key service key must be updated to disable MRxSMB10 from starting, and then the dependency in MRxSMB10 must be removed from the entry for LanmanWorkstation so that it can be started in a standard way without asking for MRxSMB10 on first run.

This update replaces the default values ​​in the following two registry entries

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControl Set\services\mrxsmb10

Parameter: Start REG_DWORD: 4 = Disabled


Parameter: DependOnService REG_MULTI_SZ: “Bowser”,”MRxSmb20″,”NSI”

Note. By default contains MRxSMB10 which is currently deprecated as a dependency

To configure using Group Policy:

  1. open Management Console group policies . Right-click the "Group Policy Object (GPO)" that should contain the new preferred item, then click Edit.

  2. In the console tree under Computer configuration expand the Settings folder, then expand the Windows Settings folder.

  3. Right-click the Registry node, click New, and select Registry Item.

In the dialog box New registry properties select the following:

  • Action: Update


  • Key path: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\mrxsmb 10

  • Parameter name: Start

  • Value type: REG_DWORD.

  • Data value : 4

Then remove the dependency in MRxSMB10 that was disabled

In the dialog box New registry properties select the following:

  • Action: Replace


  • Key path: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanman Workstation

  • Parameter name: DependOnService

  • Parameter type REG_MULTI_SZ

  • Data value :

    • bowser

    • MRxSmb20

Note. These three lines will not have markers (see below)

The default values ​​contain MRxSMB10 in abundance Windows versions, so replacing them with a multi-valued string will remove MRxSMB10 as a dependency for LanmanServer and go from the four default values ​​to just the three values ​​described above.

Note. When using the Group Policy Management Console, you do not need to use quotation marks or commas. Just enter each entry on a separate line, as stated above

Reboot required:

Once the policy is applied and the registry settings are entered, SMB version 1 will be disabled after a system reboot.


If all settings are in the same Group Policy Object (GPO), then Group Policy Management will display the settings below.

Testing and validation

Once configured, give the policy permission to replicate and update. Since this is required for testing purposes, run gpupdate /force from the CMD.EXE line and then scan the target machines to ensure that the registry settings are applied correctly. Verify that SMB version 2 and SMB version 3 are working for all systems in the environment.

Attention! Don't forget to reboot the target systems.

This fall, Microsoft plans to completely disable the SMBv1 protocol in Windows 10.

network protocol The first version of SMB was developed by Microsoft a couple of decades ago. The company clearly understands that the days of this technology are numbered long ago.

However, this change will only affect new Windows installation 10. If you just upgrade to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the protocol will still remain on the system.

In Windows 10 Insider Preview build 16226, SMBv1 is already completely disabled. The Home and Pro editions removed the server component by default, but the SMB1 client still remains on the system. This means that you can connect to devices using SMB1, but no one will be able to connect to your machine using it. In Enterprise and Education editions, SMB1 is completely disabled.

Ned Pyle of Microsoft explained that the main reason for this decision was to improve security:

“This is the main, but not the only reason. The old protocol has been replaced by the more functional SMB2, which provides more features. Version 2.02 comes with Windows Server 2008 and is the minimum recommended version of SMB. For maximum security and functionality, you should use SMB version 3.1.1. SMB 1 has long been obsolete.”

Although SMBv1 will still remain on devices upgraded to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, you can turn it off manually.

How to disable SMB1 in Windows 10

  1. Type Start menu in the search Control Panel and go to Programs and Features.
  2. In the left menu, select the “Turn Windows features on or off” option.
  3. Uncheck the box next to " Support for SMB 1.0/CIFS file sharing”.

or with PowerShell:

  1. Right click on the start menu, select the option Windows PowerShell (Administrator)
  2. Run the command Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol


This article describes how to enable and disable Server Message Block (SMB) version 1, SMB version 2 (SMBv2), and SMB version 3 (SMBv3) in the SMB client and server components.

Warning. It is not recommended to disable SMB version 2 or 3 protocol. Disable SMB version 2 or 3 protocol only as a temporary troubleshooting measure. Do not leave SMB version 2 or 3 disabled.

On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, disabling SMB version 2 will disable the following: functionality.

  • Request aggregation, which allows multiple SMB 2 requests to be sent as a single network request.

  • High volumes of reads and writes to make optimal use of fast networks.

  • File and folder property caching, where clients store local copies of files and folders.

  • Long-lived handles that allow you to transparently re-establish a connection to a server in the event of a temporary outage.

  • Improved message signatures where the HMAC SHA-256 hashing algorithm replaces MD5.

  • Improved scaling for file sharing (significantly increased the number of users, shares, and open files to the server).

  • Support for symbolic links.

  • A client soft-lock lease model that limits the amount of data transferred between the client and server to improve performance on high-latency networks and increase SMB server scalability.

  • Support for large MTUs to fully utilize 10 Gigabit Ethernet.

  • Reduced power consumption - Clients that have files open to the server can be put to sleep.

On Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012and Windows Server 2016, disabling SMB version 3 will disable the following functionality (as well as the SMB version 2 functionality described in the previous list).

  • Transparent failover, in which clients fail over to cluster nodes during maintenance or failure without disruption.

  • Scaling - with the provision of parallel access to shared data on all nodes of the cluster.

  • Multichannel provides bandwidth aggregation network channel and network resiliency in the various channels available between client and server.

  • SMB Direct - Provides support for RDMA networks for very high performance, low latency, and low CPU usage.

  • Encryption - provides end-to-end encryption of data and protects it from interception in untrusted networks.

  • Directory leasing improves application response times in branch offices through caching.

  • Performance optimization for random reads and writes of small amounts of data.

Additional Information

How to enable and disable SMB protocols on an SMB server

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 introduce a new Windows PowerShell cmdlet, Set-SMBServerConfiguration . It allows you to enable or disable the SMB version 1, 2, and 3 protocols on the server.
Notes . Enabling or disabling SMB version 2 on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 also enables or disables SMB version 3. This is due to the use of a common stack for these protocols.
After running the cmdlet

  • To obtain Current state SMB server protocol configuration, run the following cmdlet:

    Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol, EnableSMB2Protocol

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $true

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

To enable or disable SMB protocols on an SMB server running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, use Windows PowerShell or Registry Editor.

Windows PowerShell 2.0 or later PowerShell

  • To disable SMB version 1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force

  • To disable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on an SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB2 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force

  • To enable SMB version 1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force

  • To enable the SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB2 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force

Note. After making these changes, the computer must be restarted.

Registry Editor

Attention ! This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before making changes, it is recommended to create backup register. and learn how to restore it in case a problem occurs. additional information To back up, restore, and modify the registry, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article.To enable or disable the SMB version 1 protocol on the SMB server, configure the following registry key:

Registry subkey: Registry entry: SMB1
REG_DWORD: 0 = disabled
REG_DWORD: 1 = enabled
Default: 1 = enabled

To enable or disable the SMB version 2 protocol on the SMB server, configure the following registry key:

Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControl Set\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters Registry entry: SMB2
REG_DWORD: 0 = disabled
REG_DWORD: 1 = enabled
Default: 1 = enabled

sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi

sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start= disabled

  • To enable the SMB version 1 protocol on an SMB client, run the following commands:

    sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start=auto

  • To disable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on an SMB client, run the following commands:

    sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi
    sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start= disabled

  • To enable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on an SMB client, run the following commands:

    sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb10/mrxsmb20/nsi
    sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start=auto


  • These commands must be entered in command line with elevated privileges.

  • After making these changes, the computer must be restarted.

Recent large-scale virus attacks have been propagated by exploiting the holes and shortcomings of the old SMB1 protocol. For one of the minor reasons, the operating room Windows system still allows it to work by default. This old version protocol is used to share files on a local network. Its newer versions 2 and 3 are more secure and should be left enabled. How do you use the new operating system at number 10 or the previous one - 8 or even already obsolete - 7, you must disable this protocol on your PC.

It's only included because some other users are running older applications that haven't been updated in time to work with SMB2 or SMB3. Microsoft has compiled a list of them. If necessary, find it and view it on the Internet.

If you keep all your programs installed on your computer up to date (up to date), you most likely need to disable this protocol. This will increase the security of your operating system and confidential data by one step. By the way, even the experts of the corporation itself recommend turning it off, if necessary.

Are you ready to make a change? Then let's continue.


Open the Control Panel, where go to the "Programs" section and select the "Turn Windows features on / off" subsection.

In the list, find the option "Support for SMB 1.0/CIFS file sharing", uncheck it and click the "OK" button.

Reboot the operating system after saving all your previously edited files, such as documents, etc.


This is where editing can help. system registry. It is a powerful system tool and if incorrect data is entered into it, it can lead to unstable operation of the OS. Use it with caution, be sure to create a rollback backup before doing so.

Open the editor by pressing the Win + R key combination on your keyboard and typing “regedit” in the input field. Then follow the following path:


create a new 32-bit DWORD value and name it "SMB1" with value "0". Reboot the system.

Attention! These methods work to disable the protocol only on one PC, but not on the entire network. Refer to the official Microsoft documentation for the information you are interested in.