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Throws irql not less equal error. Methods to fix DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - An error message appears simultaneously with a blue screen on your computer under Windows control... The problem mostly occurs due to an incompatible driver, third-party antivirus software, or hardware failure. A large number of users experience this issue while managing Windows 10. This IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL ON error message suggests that a kernel-mode process or driver tried to access a memory address that it did not have permission to. Typically, this problem is caused by an incorrect or corrupted driver that goes to the wrong place in memory. When the memory location is not resolved, an error message is displayed on your computer. The full form of IRQL is the interrupt request level. In this guide, you will find all possible reasons and BSOD (blue screen of death) solutions with irql_not_less_or_equal error.

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Error SolutionsforWindows 10

We'll go over the reasons here in order, and then fix it accordingly with each one. Therefore, carefully follow the directions in the manual.

Enter Safe Mode

You must enter safe mode every time for any change, be it; updating the driver or uninstalling the software. Safe Mode loads the operating room Windows system without unnecessary and erroneous drivers and software. I will describe the minimum and quick steps as there is a complete guide in several ways.

  1. Press the restart button on the computer itself many times in a row to provoke an error and bring up a process diagnostic menu.
  2. Turn on the computer, wait until it boots up to the maximum before the error. Next, press and hold the power button on your computer to turn it off completely. Repeat the procedure 3 times, 4 times you should have a recovery menu.

Once you get into the recovery environment, then go Troubleshooting> Advanced options> Boot options> Restart and Press F4 or number 4 on your keyboard.

Determine the cause of the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error in Windows 10

If you want to avoid the lengthy process of digging and struggling with different drivers and adapters, you must first determine the cause. The event viewer can be handy tool to determine which application is generating the error.

Step 1... Click the " Start", enter in the search viewing events and press Enter.

Step 2... When Event Viewer appears on the screen, switch to FWindows logs then select NSannex... Go to the middle column and view the events one by one that create the error. You can easily identify the error by knowing the date and time of occurrence.

Step 3... Right click on the specific application that is generating the error and select " Event Properties "... All the details that you need to know for the origin of the error will appear in the properties.

When the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error is caused by an incompatible driver

If you find faulty driver for irql in Windows 10 with codes iaStorA.sys, iaisp64 sys, Netwtw04.sys, nvlddmkm.sys, ndis.sys, wrUrlFlt.sys, then you need to remove the drivers from the video card and update them again.

1. Update your Windows 10 PC

Go to Parameters> Update and security and press " Check for Updates ", To obtain Last update... Wait for the update to download and then restart your computer when finished. Hope your computer starts working fine.

2. Update driver

  • Right click the icon Start and select Device Manager on the list.
  • In device manager, click on the tab View, after dropdown Show hidden devices... This will show a long list of devices in Device Manager.
  • Find the device that caused the problem and double click on it. You can now view the faulty device driver, so right click it and select the first option " Update driver".
  • In the next dialog box, select " Automatic search updated drivers"and wait for a while for a successful update.

3. An alternative way to get an updated driver

Otherwise, you can go to the manufacturer's website and get an updated driver. Once the download is complete, install it on your computer. Restart your computer and check that the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error does not appear on your Windows 10 PC.

4. Check if the driver is disabled

Disabled driver multiple times also throws IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error on blue Windows screen 10. So check the drivers and enable them in Device Manager if found.

5. Rollback when a problem occurs after updating the driver

Disable write caching policy on device

Write caching creates blue screen with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error on your machine in many cases when enabled. Therefore, you must disable it to fix the problem.

Step 1... Open back device Manager, by clicking on the button Start right click and select from the list. Then in Device Manager expand the list Disk devices and click below on your hard drive with the right mouse button, and selecting properties... In the new window, go to the " Politics"and uncheck the Allow caching records for this device.

USB device may be causing IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

A connected USB device is also a big cause of the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error. Therefore, if you have connected any device with a USB cable to your computer or laptop, you need to check it. If you've inserted one cable, just pull it out and restart your computer. But when you plug in multiple cords, then remove them one by one from the USB ports and restart your computer each time to identify the culprit. When the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error does not occur, then the USB cable or device was the real problem.

Removing Third Party Antivirus

Windows 10 is equipped with very powerful antivirus like Antidefender, Firewall, SmartScreen, and User Account Control. In this situation, you do not need any other security software as this can create problems. Third-party antivirus conflicts with built-in applications and system Windows security 10. Thus, the cause of IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Windows 10 may be a third-party antivirus installed on your PC. Uninstall the software and restart the system to check if the problematic blue screen of death appears.

  • To remove the antivirus open Parameters > Applications and find it in the list, then select it and press delete.

System restore using a point

If any of the above solutions are ineffective, then - the best option For you. System Restore helps you roll your computer back to an earlier date and time when it worked perfectly. Before starting the process, you need to select the correct restore point (date and time).

  • Search for "Create a restore point" and select this option.

  • Next select the tab System protection and press Restore... Select the rollback date to which windows 10 should revert.

Run Memory Diagnostic Tool

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Windows error 10 determines that a process or kernel-mode driver is doing an invalid trial version to access the memory address. Thus, it could be memory issues that generate BSODs on your PC. Hence, using a memory diagnostic tool would be a smart decision.

Click the "Start" button and type in the search checker memory windows ... In the window that opens, select the first option Reboot and check and restart your computer. When the computer restarts, it will thoroughly check the RAM and show you the real-time status. If the diagnostic test shows as an error, this indicates that the problem is in your memory and you need to change it. You can get acquainted with complete guidance, how .

You have now tried almost all the tools to fix IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, so it's time to restore your system to default settings.

  • Open up Options> Update & Security> Recovery and on the right click To begin in the graph Reset the computer to its original state.

The DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error can occur at any time, regardless of the operating system version. When the screen of death appears, the PC stops working and only helps.

Appears given error when too high an interrupt level occurs when accessing memory. To put it simply, there may be several reasons:

  • Conflicts arise between the programs used
  • Incorrect memory access
  • Hardware PC malfunctions

How to fix the error

The first thing that can come to mind is reinstalling the system, but sometimes you can do without it. Most often, the error screen displays Additional Information, which will help solve the problem. Usually the file is written in brackets, which caused this failure... Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to it.

First of all, you need to remember when the error began to appear and what changes were made to the system before it appeared. It could be installing games or programs, installing a new device, or updating drivers.

When the problem is localized, it is necessary to try to carry out a series of actions, namely:

  1. Run device Manager, find the driver that caused the crash and try to roll it back to an earlier state.
  2. Disconnection a new device after which the error started to occur can also help.
  3. Can uninstall a game or program that was installed before the blue screen appeared.

Sometimes BSOD appears at the installation stage Windows systems 7. In this case, there are few options, but most often there are two:

  1. Broken or wrong assembly installation disk ... In this case, it is recommended to download another installer and try to install it again.
  2. RAM bar is damaged... First of all, you need to open system unit and get the RAM out of the slots. Now take a regular eraser and wipe the memory contacts with it. Be sure to blow off any remaining eraser, if any, and reinsert the memory. If this does not help, then run the installation with only one memory stick. Thus, using the brute-force method, you can determine which bar is failing.

Sometimes this malfunction can occur at the moment transitionWindows 10 into sleep mode. In this case, you can either simply disable the ability to go to sleep, or download updates for the system. More often than not, this will help solve the problem.

One of the most common problems with computers running Windows operating systems is accompanied by a "blue screen" (BSOD) and the message "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"... Let's find out what are the ways to eliminate the specified error on a Windows 7 PC.

The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error is most often accompanied by a code 0x000000d1 or 0x0000000A although there may be other options. It indicates problems in the interaction of RAM with drivers or the presence of errors in the service data. The following factors can be immediate causes:

  • Incorrect drivers;
  • Errors in the PC's RAM, including hardware damage;
  • Hard drive breakage or motherboard;
  • Viruses;
  • Integrity violation system files;
  • Conflict with antivirus or other programs.

In case of hardware breakdowns, for example, malfunctions of the hard drive, motherboard or RAM strip, it is necessary to replace the corresponding part or, in any case, contact the services of a wizard to fix it.

Next, we will talk about the most effective programmatic methods for eliminating IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, which most often help when this error occurs. But first, we strongly recommend that you scan your PC for viruses.

Method 1: reinstalling drivers

In most cases, the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error occurs due to incorrect installation of drivers. Therefore, to solve it, it is necessary to reinstall the faulty elements. As a rule, the problematic file with the SYS extension is indicated right in the BSOD window. Thus, you can write it down and find the necessary information on the Internet about what hardware, programs or drivers interact with it. After that, you will know which device the driver should be reinstalled.

  1. If the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error prevents the system from starting, perform it in "Safe Mode".

  2. Click "Start" and enter "Control Panel".
  3. Open the section "System and safety".
  4. In chapter "System" find the item "Device Manager" and click on it.
  5. In the launched "Device Manager" find the name of the category of the equipment to which the object with the faulty driver belongs. Click on this name.
  6. In the list that opens, find the name of the problematic device and click on it.
  7. Next, in the hardware properties window, go to the section "Driver".
  8. Click on the button "Refresh ...".
  9. Next, a window will open where two options for updating will be offered:
    • Manual;
    • Automatic.

    The first is more preferable, but it assumes that you have the necessary driver update on hand. It can be located on a digital medium supplied with this equipment, or downloaded from the developer's official website. But even if you cannot find this web resource, and you do not have the corresponding physical media on hand, you can search and download desired driver by device ID.

    So, download the driver to your PC hard drive or connect a digital media with it to your computer. Then click on the item "Search for drivers ...".

  10. Then click on the button "Overview".
  11. In the opened window "Browse folders" go to the directory where the directory containing the driver update is located and select it. Then click on the button "OK".
  12. After the name of the selected directory is displayed in the window field "Updating Drivers", press "Further".
  13. After that, the driver will be updated and you will only have to restart your computer. If you re-enable it, the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error should disappear.

If, for some reason, you do not have the opportunity to preload the driver update, you can perform the update procedure automatically.

Method 2: Check the integrity of OS files

Also, the problem with the above error may occur due to damage to the system files. We recommend checking the OS for integrity. It is best to perform this procedure by booting the computer into "Safe Mode".

  1. Click "Start" and open "All programs".
  2. Enter the folder "Standard".
  3. Finding the item "Command line", right-click on it and select the activation option from the list on behalf of the administrator.

  4. Into the interface "Command line" drive in:

    Then click Enter.

  5. The utility will scan the OS files for their integrity. If problems are found, it will also automatically restore damaged objects, which should lead to the elimination of the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error.

    If none of the above options helped to solve the problem with the error, we recommend that you think about reinstalling the system.

Many factors can lead to the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error in Windows 7. But more often than not, the root cause is driver problems or corrupted system files. Often, these malfunctions can be eliminated by the user himself. As a last resort, it is possible to reinstall the system.

The appearance of a "blue screen" for inexperienced users seems like a death sentence, but in most cases the problem can be corrected without the help of specialists. Let's consider the causes of the error and methods of its elimination.

What this error signals

The irql + not less or equal windows 10 error indicates critical errors in operating system... There may be several reasons for the appearance of such a malfunction:

    Driver problems are the most common situation. In this case, a message appears on the screen - driver irql not less or equal. Also, the system can indicate the path to the file, which makes it easier to troubleshoot the problem.

    Excessive number of viruses

    Registry errors

Recovery windows registry 10 thru command line

    Incorrect work installed programs... If you have recently updated the Software, try entering Safe Mode and uninstalling the last installed software.

Safe Mode has been deactivated in Windows 10 in order to speed up the system. You can run it using the command line, or through the menu " special options downloads ".

    Hardware problems, that is, device malfunctions (RAM, hard drive or motherboard).

Elimination options

As already mentioned, there can be several reasons for the irql + not less or equal error in windows, therefore, the options for eliminating it are also different. Let's consider all the possible ways.

Reinstalling the driver

When the message driver irql not less or equal (sys file name) appears, simply remove the conflicting driver as follows:

    During the reboot, press Shift, which will open the environment Windows recovery... If this did not happen due to the fact that the error occurs on this stage, you will need to use the installation or rescue disk.

Tip: create an emergency recovery disk, it will help in case of any malfunctions with the OS, quickly roll it back to a working state. This can be done using standard Windows tools.

    In the menu that appears, select diagnostics - Extra options- command line and select account(password may be required).

    In the command line, enter DEL / F / S / Q / A "The letter of the partition where the OS is located: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \".

Entering text into the command line

    We close the command line and restart the computer.

After the steps taken, the problem will disappear, but you will need to install new driver... You can find it through the standard Windows tools, or by visiting the official website of the developer. Another way is to use automatic driver loaders.

Here you can configure automatic update Windows

In more rare cases, the error is associated with a memory problem. If your computer has multiple planks, try removing them one by one and starting the PC.

RAM diagnostics via BIOS

If the RAM is represented by one module, you can check its status using special programs(including from Microsoft), or in BIOS. It also makes sense to diagnose hard drives and motherboard. In the absence of proper skills and knowledge, it is better to contact service center.

Supporting Software - Computer Accelerator

This option can be attributed rather to preventive methods. Through special utility you can and prevent all sorts of problems associated with problems of drivers, registry and OS. This program has wide functionality:

    Garbage removal. The program completely removes the OS from any debris that causes malfunctions. Removing inactive software keys, clearing the cache, optimizing hard drives, clearing dumps - all this allows the system to work properly. It is almost impossible to perform these actions manually.

    Registry recovery. Comprehensive work to fix the registry protects the OS from the attacks of viruses (it is through it that they harm the computer) and preserves Windows settings.

    Removing inactive programs and utilities. Deliverance file system will free you from unnecessary software RAM and will speed up the loading of the OS.

    Speeding up your computer. Thanks to the performance of the functions described above, the OS loading speed is increased up to 70%.

Getting started with Windows 10 Accelerator

By running this program, you need to activate diagnostics and troubleshooting in the operating system. The utility will independently identify and fix all problems, and notify about the actions taken. As a result, the computer will start to work faster, and the likelihood of problems with the operating system will be reduced to zero.

In this article I will consider one of them and tell you what kind of error it is. DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL 0x000000D1, I will list the reasons for its occurrence, and also explain how to fix this error in Windows 10. Despite all Microsoft's statement about reliability and stability new windows 10, the latter is still far from perfect. It does not work very well with the old software, does not have support for many of the previous hardware modules, and the process of searching for some drivers for this version of the OS turns into "tormenting", with the appearance of many different errors (for example, in Windwos 7).

As you know, the blue screen of death, which "marks" the occurrence of the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error in Windows 10, appears when system error, damage to system files or physical damage to system elements.

The error 0x000000D1 we are looking at is related to IRQ(Interrupt Request) - system interrupts that tell the processor to interrupt to process any signal from the device. When two system devices use the same IRQ channel, this leads to a hardware conflict and the appearance of the familiar "blue screen of death".

The mention in the error message 0x000000D1 DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL - the concept of "DRIVER" tells us that this error is caused either by a conflict of drivers in our operating system, or by a conflict of external devices using USB connection and the required driver tries to access page memory at a higher than necessary IRQ.

Reasons for the error

In general, the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error can be caused by the following reasons:

  • conflict or unstable operation of drivers;
  • unstable work of new software;
  • viral programs;
  • damage to the Windows registry;
  • breakdown of the PC hardware ( HDD, memory sticks, etc.)

How to fix the error

Below I will list the options for correcting errors.

Option 1. Remove the conflicting driver

In most cases, to fix this error, it is usually enough to identify the faulty driver and uninstall it (or download its more recent and stable version). Usually the name of the problematic driver is mentioned on the blue screen as the cause of the error, it needs to be found and removed.

DEL / F / S / Q / A "D: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ DRIVER"

Instead of D: \, you can put down the name of another partition (if the system is on it), and instead of DRIVER - the name of your driver, which was indicated in the blue screen (for example). Press Enter, and after the process is finished, restart your PC.

Usually, after these actions, the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error is fixed. Try looking for the most recent and reliable driver instead of the remote one.

Option 2. Remove the program using the conflicting driver

Usually, conflicting drivers install programs that work with security - antiviruses, firewalls, and the like. Delete recently installed versions of these programs, for example, Windows 10 is unstable with Outpost Firewall.

Option 3 Updating the drivers for network, audio and video cards

I advise you to use these cards, as some of them older versions can cause many problems in Windows 10 (for example, some of the users complained about sound driver audiodg.exe causing the blue screen and the error we are describing).

Option 4. Disable external devices

Disconnect recently connected via USB external device, reboot the system and check if the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error persists.

Option 5. We use the capabilities of Msinfo32.exe

Press the Win + R key combination, type msinfo32.exe there, go to the conflicts subsection, if you see any devices with conflicts, delete or update their drivers.

Option 6. We are looking for a virus

Test your system with powerful antivirus software(Dr.WebCureit !, Trojan Remover, etc.), it is quite possible that this error may occur due to their work.

Option 7. Eliminate registry errors

Check your OS registry for errors using special software - Regcleaner, CCleaner and other programs, after completing the check, restart your PC.

Option 8. Checking the stability of the system files

Click Start, type cmd in the search bar, but do not press Enter. At the top you will see the shortcut for the cmd program, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator". In the console that appears, type sfc / scannow and then confirm by pressing Enter.

Option 9. Install all available Windows updates

Install all available updates, it is possible that one of them will fix your error.

Option 10. Use System Restore

Try to roll back the system to a previous state when no error 0x000000D1 was observed.

Option 11. Check the hard drive and memory sticks for performance

Check your hard drive and memory sticks for dysfunctions using special programs. It is quite possible that the cause of this error is the physical breakdown of these devices.

In most cases, problems with DRIVER error IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL are resolved by removing the conflicting driver as described in solution # 1. If this did not help you, and the blue screen appears with enviable constancy - use the entire complex of the methods I have indicated or consult the nearest service center, because there is a chance that you have a hardware error, not a software error.

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