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The disk space definition program. Using HDD Scanner.

This is the one that is not enough over time. On the one hand, we bought for 1 TB and it seems well, now everything climbs. But over time, it turns out that he is "clogged" and do not want to delete the old (and suddenly come in handy), but there is no place for the new place.
Then the moment occurs in the process of which you can free something. But sometimes it is not enough.
Then there is a reasonable question in the head " and what does it take a lot of space on my disk?".

First of all, "go" in folders with movies, then games and programs. And you have to delete them creaking with teeth.

So, I will not tomat you, but I will write about several programs, the purpose of which is to show how many and what files (folders) take the most space on your disk. Of course, all of them (like all programs that are provided on my site) are free.

Running forward will report that the meaning of everyone is the same - to analyze the system and give out a visual form as and how it takes place by showing some additional features. As a result, you can see and remove (if desired) unnecessary big files.

The first program for disk analysis and search for large files and folders is WindirStat..

After installing and starting, the main window of the program will be:

In it you can specify that it is necessary to scan: all discs, a specific disk or a separate folder.
After selecting (I chose one system Disk) Scan process will begin:

As a result of which the result will be issued. The program window is divided into 3 parts:
1 - result in folders
2 - result on files (types /) indicating their legends
3 - total diagram. The meaning is simple - the more space it takes, the greater the display.
Results for convenience are shown in descending order, i.e. The most "large" files are displayed on top.

So you can clearly see what files and folders how much space occupy on the disk.

Now we look at what you can do with this information besides simple viewing, namely, pay attention to the top menu with the buttons:

Since the program in Russian and the buttons contain pop-up tips, I can only list what you can do with a folder or file directly from this program:
  • open in the conductor;
  • copy the path;
  • remove permanently (use it more carefully);
  • remove to the basket;
  • open the properties of the element;
  • run file (or open folder):
  • enlarge / Reduce Chart Window for more detailed viewing.

    As you can see - all the most necessary functions.

    By the way, using this program you can also check external and network discs.

    Another similar program is JdiskReport.

    It differs from the previous one primarily the lack of Russian.
    After starting, it will offer to select a directory to scan and open the saved file with the analysis.

    You can specify a whole disk and forward:

    The window is divided into two parts: the location is indicated in the left, and the chart is generated in the right.

    We will deal with the left side.
    It displays a list of directories, sorted by "Most", i.e. The more the folder takes place, the higher it is. In the subfolders the same story.

    Much more interesting right part.
    At the bottom, you can change the form of the chart (of the four provided) and enable the display of files (check mark Show Files.).
    In the upper part, you can switch to 50 "best" files ( top 50.), see how many files in size occupy certain places ( Size Dist.) when and how many files change last time ( Modified.) And what volume occupy certain types of files ( Types.).
    In the upper menu of the program itself, only two switches are interesting: the first, for sorting alphabetically (and not on the "majority"), the second to display the number of files (and not volume).

    But you can only view this information. To delete files, you have to open the conductor and look for this folder or file there. But you can and press PCM on the folder and choose Open Explorer ... For opening.

    The following program for analyzing and search for large files is Scanner..

    The program differs from previous ones that it does not require installation (portable).

    After startup immediately scans all the discs and shows the alternate information:

    You can select a specific disk, as a result of the scan, the volume of folders will be shown:
  • Utility for analysis busy place On the disk allows you to visualize how the place is used on the hard disk, defining the size of all directories, including the invested directories and files stored on this disk.

    It can be very useful if you want to free the place on the disk of your computer. Having defined which directories and files take the most space, it is easy to find unnecessary and removed among them, freeing the maximum of space with a minimum of effort.

    Overview of seven paid and free utilities To analyze the occupied disk space for Mac OS X, I described below in the article.

    Overview of seven utilities for free space analysis on Mac disk

    Applications I placed in the order of increasing the impression of the utility, from a negative to positive.

    release date latest version It is indicated at the time of writing: January 2014.

    Application testing was carried out on MacBook Pro. MID 2012 and OS X 10.9.1.


    Price: Free
    System requirements: Mac OS x 10.6 and above
    Apple AppStore: Not

    The application uses simple and at the same time convenient way Data presentations other than all other utilities are directory and files are represented by the usual list. Next to each directory and the file is written their size (the color of the font depends on the size). The list can be sorted by name or size.

    The settings are also concise, but it seems there is everything you need. I do not like when settings too much and deal with them becomes a task comparable to aircraft management.

    Diskwave had all the chances of becoming an excellent free utility for analyzing the disk space, if it were not for one "but": I was able to analyze a separate folder, but when analyzing the disk, the application stably drops, and considering the date last update, soon "Fix" should not wait.

    But suddenly you will work, try.


    Price: Free
    Release date of the latest version: 25.08.2012
    The version participating in the review: 1.5.1
    Apple AppStore: Not

    GrandPerspective Immediately after starting the application, it is asked to choose a scan directory. Unlike diskwave, with the whole grandperspective disc scanning. After completing the scanning, such a little psychedelic picture is seen:

    Very similar to the image of the processor crystal under the microscope. But in terms of practicality, perhaps I do not understand something, because Disk Inventory X and Space Gremlin also use similar display, but it is inconvenient to look at these multicolored squares and rectangles. You have to force them to associate them with files. But maybe you will be comfortable such a way of display, I do not know.

    Photography of the crystal processor under the microscope

    What exactly and objectively uncomfortable is the need to click on the squares or bring the cursor on them to find out what this file is hidden behind them.

    But in the settings you can choose a color palette for squares, for example, "Blue Mountain Tulips"! :)

    If such a way to visualize files on the disk is convenient, then otherwise this application copes with its task.

    Space Gremlin.

    Price: 129 rub. (At the time of publication there was a purchase discount).
    Release date of the latest version: 1.03.2011
    The version participating in the review: 1.2
    System requirements: Mac OS x 10.6 and above
    Apple AppStore: - Space Gremlin

    This utility has a strong similarity with Disk Inventory X and GrandPerspective in the data visualization method, but with a noticeable advantage - instead of square files are displayed as, you will not believe, files, but directories as containers including other directory and files.

    The application does not have the application, although it is possible, this is a restriction of the demo version. Considering that the result of the analysis of the disk cannot be viewed as a list, but only in the form of a visual display, and that the application has not been updated for several years, I would not spend money on it.

    Disk Inspector.

    Price: 269 \u200b\u200brub.
    Release date of the latest version: 08.02.2013
    The version participating in the review: 1.0.4
    System requirements:
    Apple AppStore: - Disk Inspector

    Simple both the functionality and the appearance of the utility. Data on a busy place on the disk is presented in the form of a circular diagram. The list of files cannot be seen, no windows with settings. Very simple, I would even say a primitive application.

    Given the limited functionality, the price and the lack of updates after the first release, recommend the Disk Inspector to use.

    Disk Expert.

    Price: 329 rub.
    Release date of the latest version: 22.12.2011
    The version participating in the review: 1.0.1
    System requirements: Mac OS x 10.6 and above
    Apple AppStore: - Disk Expert

    Disk Expert uses a circular diagram for visualization, as well as Disk Inspector and Daisydisk. In my opinion, this is the most comfortable and visual representation of the contents of the disk from those I have seen.

    Instead of the list of files, the Disk Expert displays the largest files, which is better than nothing, but it is more convenient for it when you also have a simple list of directory and files on a disk, sorted by size, for example, like Disk Inventory X, diskwave And Daisydisk.

    There is no separate window with the settings for Disk Expert.

    Although this application has coped with the entire analysis of the disk, but once during the review, the Disk Expert closed with an error. Given its price and the fact that the updates did not go almost from the moment the application's release, I would not recommend to spend money on it, although with my task, Disk Expert copes.

    Disk Inventory X.

    Price: Free
    Release date of the latest version: 9.10.2005
    The version participating in the review: 1.0
    System requirements: Mac OS x 10.3 and above
    Apple AppStore: Not

    Despite the fact that the latest version of this application has reached almost 10 years ago in 2005, it continues to remain not only working, so also the best among free analogues.

    Although colored squares are used to visualize here, but there is also a list of directories and files with their size, which facilitates the understanding of the information provided. You can also see content statistics.

    In the settings of the application is nothing supernatural.

    Good free app, it is a pity that the new versions do not come out and it seems that it is abandoned by the developer.


    Price: 329 rub.
    Release date of the latest version: 26.11.2013
    The version participating in the review: 3.0.2
    System requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 and higher (available version with support 10.5)
    Apple AppStore: - Daisydisk.

    This utility is constantly installed on my Mac and, in my opinion, it has only one drawback - this is what she is paid.

    The data is presented in the form of a well-readable circular chart, and there is a list of files and directories. Navigation on directories is also made simple and convenient.

    The application has everything you need to analyze a busy disk space, and there is nothing superfluous.

    Just the Spartan settings.

    Also, this is the only application from the review that is regularly updated by the creators and the new versions continue to emerge, which is important for the application, especially paid.


    It seems to me that there are only two options from all the applications considered to pay attention to.

    • If you are important to the free application, it is worth stopping at Disk Inventory X.
    • If you are ready to pay, then the best way - This is Daisydisk.

    The remaining applications or lose in functionality or ceased to be updated, which can lead to the fact that after the next OS X update they will stop working.

    But to decide which application to choose, of course you.

    Very familiar to many situation ... We download regularly many of the Internet - movies, vidyuhi, music, toys, and so on. As a result, many are always lazy to make cleaning their computer from unnecessary information stored on a hard disk, or always once :) As a result hard drives The computer is stuffed in such a way that in the Windows Explorer, the volume of the remaining free space has already been marked with a red stripe, i.e. the place comes to an end. And well, when all unnecessary accumulates somewhere in the same folder (for example, the "Download" folder to download files from the Internet). But usually many large packs of packs are scattered throughout the hard disk and then determine what exactly occupies the most place and where it is located in the computer, it becomes very uncomfortable. Standard means Windows does not allow you to quickly appreciate where the data is most stored on the computer, but for such a purpose there are special third-party programsOne of which is WinStat, which is free. With it, it is clearly seen what files and in which volume, where exactly are located on a hard disk, which makes it easy to analyze that we no longer need it and you can immediately remove! So, in this article I will show how it is easy to appreciate what and how much space it takes on your hard disk, as well as where it is located.

    Approximate evaluation of occupied location files on disks via built-in Windows Explorer

    To begin with, I'll show you how through the built-in Windows conductor, it was possible to at least approach, where and that we take place. To do this, you need to open Windows Explorer and in it, first of all the "Computer" section (or "My Computer", if Windows XP).

    In this section displays all local diskswhich can be your data. Local disk is like a section on your hard disk, that is, its part. For example, I have 3 local disks (see image above), i.e., the entire hard disk is divided into 3 parts.

    Detailed information about what is generally such a hard disk, as it looks about other computer devices, you can find out in a separate article -.

    In this window, it is immediately seen how much space is occupied on each of the local drives and how much the volume is there. If the place remains not enough, the strip under the disk will become red. For example, I have a bad section "D", which I use it precisely for storing any personal data. Programs and Windows itself are stored on the "C:" disk.

    So, go to the disc, where the most is busy free space. Now it remains only to go to folders and manually evaluate the volume of each. For some reason, Windows does not show through the corresponding column of the conductor "Size", how much space is this or that folder. Shows only the size of the files available in open folder. To see how much the folder is occupied, you need to bring the mouse cursor and not cloth, hold the cursor on the folder about 3 seconds. As a result, the flaunting window will appear the information where the item "Size" will appear.

    This is the volume on the disk that takes this folder.

    Either you can right-click (hereinafter referred to as "PCM") by folder, then select "Properties" from the context menu.

    In the window that opens, see the folder size:

    And thus, opening the largest folders with each other, we eventually see that the folder where the largest files are stored that most of all occupy disk space. But if there are many such places? For example, films in different amounts are scattered by different folders + games and all sorts of other files. Then the search will succeed already difficult, inconvenient. It's easier when the user himself immediately remembers where they folded and everything neatly decides on folders, for example, movies and vidyuhi in "Video", pictures in "Images". And even in this case, you will not immediately evaluate that, where and what about the files, especially with large-scale hard drives, 1.5 TB and more.

    Visual and understandable evaluation of occupied location files on disks using the WindirStat program

    The WindirStat program will allow you to immediately see what folders and files, how much space occupy on all local disks. At the same time, you can immediately sort the volume in order to make first of all the files and folders, which occupy the most disk space. You can also see clearly which files in the format (video, or something else, for example), as well as many more useful features ...

    Download and install the program

    The program is made very simple and no specials. Does not require the installation during installation.

    More information about installing Windows software you can read in the article.

    The official website of the program, from where it can download:

    In the next window, do not customize anything and simply press Next:

    In the following two windows, too, just press "Next".

    In the last window, click "Close" to complete the installation:

    After the installation is complete, the program will be launched automatically.

    Using the program

    Use the program is very simple. When you start the program, you are invited to select which available sections of the hard disk (local disks) will be analyzed. If you store almost everything on some one disk, select "Customized Disks", mark disc and click "OK". But if the data can be scattered along different disks, it is better to note "all local disks" (1) and click "OK".

    The program will then begin the analysis of the selected partitions of the hard disk to bring the full "picture", which and where the place takes place with the file formats. The scanning process will be displayed in the form of running yellow paclates (as from the old game on the computer):

    For the first time, the analysis process may take several minutes, and when the program is repeatedly launched, it will take place more quickly. After the analysis is completed, the program window will take this kind:

    In the left, the selected sections of the hard disk are displayed in the left, with an indication of the occupied space on each, the number of folders, files, etc. information. The column on the right there is information about the types of files that you have on a computer also with the general size for each type of files, their number, and at the same time, a certain color is fixed for each type of files. These colors allow you to visually see in the window at the bottom, how much space is one or another type of file.

    Analysis of occupied volume with the "tree" of files and folders

    Consider first the main window, i.e., located on the left above.

    Here, it basically makes sense to pay attention to the "Size" column, which organizes initially all your discs and folders in them on the computer occupied on the computer, in descending order.

    For example, in my example, it can be seen that the total occupied place on all discs is 917.7 GB. At the same time, the most occupied space on the "D" disk: 436.1 GB. It is also visible on the "percentage ratio" column, i.e. the column shows how much space is occupied on a different disk from the total busy space at all.

    Climbing twice across the disk, we open its contents like Windows Explorer.

    Here we can easily evaluate how much space each of the folders inside, focusing on the same columns "size" and "percentage". And again, the most capacious folders will be located initially at the top for convenience. At the very bottom, respectively, there will be folders that occupy a minimum of free space on the disk. The color designation in the "Percentage ratio" column means the number available within this folder. The more strip, the more folders inside in relation to the number of files. In principle, this is not the indicator on which it is worth sharpen attention.

    If there are files in some folder, then they are grouped for convenience as "files" so that you can open this group and immediately see all the files, and not in the mix with folders.

    Thus, you can quickly appreciate which discs and folders on them will take the most space on the computer and analyze what exactly is in them, and then delete what you do not need. To remove some item, you need to click on it by PCM and select one of the options "Delete (Add to Cart" ", or" Delete (without recovery) ".

    In the first case, elements (folders or files) are removed, as usual, you can then need to return them if you need to return them. In the second case, the files are removed on always, bypassing the basket and restore them will turn out, except special programs For recovery, for example, "r.Saver" or a paid analogue "R-Studio".

    Analysis of the file occupied by files by their types

    Using the window to the right in the bundle with the window at the bottom, you can clearly appreciate exactly which files (by their type) take the most space on the disks. File types will also be ordered by the size in descending order, i.e., at the top are the files that occupy the most space. True here to navigate, you should know what is each of the listed file types, for which it serves and what program opens.

    For example, in my image it is clear that the MOV format files (.mov) files are seen the most of the place, then TECHSMITH RECORDING (.TREC) files, "VMware Virtual Disk File" (.vmdk) and so on.

    The ".mov" files, for example, is one of the formats of video files that can be opened when recording video from a camera or cameras. Opened, in principle, any video player. ".Trec" files are videos recorded through the Camtasia Studio program (for recording from the screen, editing video). ".Vmdk" is files virtual machines For a free program that allows you to create and run Virtual WMWare Player Virtual Machines (or for a paid analogue of WMWare Workstation ". Such formats are novice, versed, not known, but most of them understand, for example, what kind of" jpg "formats (images)," AVI »(VIDEO)," MP3 "(audio).

    When clicking on one of the file formats, the program will be clearly visible at the bottom of the program, how these files are distributed over hard drives, what amount and total volume compared to others. For this, each file format is given its color. For example, on the right I chose the format ".mov" (1). And at the bottom in the graphic video, these files began to highlight (2).

    It is clearly seen that there are many such files on disks and all of them are so medium sized. For comparison: the green color shows a much larger size of the square, but they are less than them.

    These are files created by virtual machines ".vmdk". Large squares Because these files themselves are much more in volume than the ".mov" video files are on my computer, but they are smaller in number, since the number of green squares is much less.

    By visiting one of the squares, at the bottom of the program window, the path to the file is displayed, which is indicated by this square, which is also very convenient. For example, it is immediately visible where the most huge files are located in my computer.


    I think everyone who has a very actively used computer is regularly filled with some data, the convenience of analysis of disks via the WindirStat program will be appreciated. How to twist, built-in windows Such a convenient view of files and folders located in the computer cannot be given. But via WindirStat shows everything very clearly, and the main thing is understandable at once, that is, you do not have to understand the program for a long time. And the most cool thing is that the program is not needed, because by default everything is configured, in my opinion, ideally, i.e. all the necessary information is displayed.

    Have a nice day and excellent mood! :)

    The question "What does it take so much space on my hard disk?" Sometimes able to put in a dead end. It would seem - all sweaty folders with documents, music, films, and also software installed We are known, but ... when we click on the "properties" hard disk And we look at the ratio of full and busy volume, then we understand that there is a clear inclement - somewhere somewhat, several (and maybe with a dozen-other) gigabytes of our precious disk space.

    In such cases, you can conduct an audit of the contents of user profiles, checking the hidden system files and folders, paging file size, hibernation file (Hiberfil.sys), System Volume Information folders, in which system recovery control points are stored, run standard windows utility - "Cleaning the disk" and so on. But these manipulations are not always able to shed light to the truth.

    In this record, several programs are listed, the function of which is the analysis of the structure and amount of information that is stored on the hard disk of the computer. For me, it is important for me that these programs are free, understandable to use, and most importantly - provided reliable information. With programs that meet the specified conditions, I propose to get acquainted closer.

    SpaceSniffer is a portable, free programwhich will help you understand the structure of folders and files on the hard disk. SpaceSniffer visualization scheme will clearly demonstrate to you in which locations large folders and files are posted on your devices. The area of \u200b\u200beach rectangle is proportional to the size of this file. You can double click on any sector to get more detailed information about him. If you are looking for specific types of files, such as JPG files, or older files, use the "Filter" option to select the conditions you specify.

    The program has many settings, but its interface on english language. The information that it issues, I seemed not very convenient for visual perception and, as a result, for their assessment. But in principle, it works quickly and efficiently. In any case, hung up, fighting in the settings it can be used.

    WinStat collects information from the selected disk and represents it in three types. The list of directories that resembles the window-shaped structure of Windows Explorer is displayed in the upper left corner and sorts files and folders by their size. Advanced list that is displayed in the upper right corner shows statistics about different types files. The file map is located at the bottom of the WindirStat window. Each color rectangle is a file or directory. The area of \u200b\u200beach rectangle is proportional to the size of files or subtree.

    The program is not a portable, but it has a Russian-speaking interface. In her settings, I did not deepen much, but immediately rushed into the eyes of one nuance - the System Volume Information folder, I have empty program. In fact, this is not the case, the restoration of the system is included and under it is currently used just over 3 GB. So brought the program.

    Treesize Free.

    Not portable, choosing languages \u200b\u200bfrom two: German and English. Microsoft certified. Allows you to run the program in conventional method or from the context menu of the folder or disk. This is very convenient opportunity, in my opinion. The program shows you the size of the selected folder, including the invested folders. The results are presented as a Windows Explorer tree, so you can deploy the selected folder or disk and go to the file at each level. For analyzing hidden system folders The program asked for a PC reboot.

    DiskTective is a free, portable utility that tells the real size of directories and the distribution of subdirectories and files in them. The selected folder or disk is analyzed, and the result is displayed as a tree and diagrams. English Interface, Fast Information Collection.

    English interface, not portable. Disksavvy is a quick and easy-to-use disk space analyzer that allows you to monitor the use of disk space on hard disksNAS network drives and servers. The main window shows the percentage of disk space used by each catalog and the file. You can also easily view circular charts showing results in graphical format. Has a large number of settings.

    Disksavvy is available in the form of a free version, as well as the full, Pro version, which provides additional features and technical support. Free version Allows you to scan the maximum number of files - 500,000, with a maximum capacity of the hard disk of 2 TB. It supports long file names, unicode file names and allows you to copy, move and delete files directly inside the program. Cool program, I liked.

    For each selected folder or disk, GetFoldersize displays the total size of all files in this folder or disk, as well as the number of files and nested in them. You can use GetFoldersize to scan an unlimited number of files and folders on internal and external hard drives, DVDs, as well as network resource disks. This program supports long file names and folders and unicode characters and has the ability to display file size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. Getfoldersize allows you to print the folder tree and save the information in text file.

    GetFoldersize versions are available both in the portable version and in the installed, so you can carry it with you on the flash drive or external USB disk. However, if you install GetFoldersize, the startup option from the context menu in all its capabilities will be added to Windows ExplorerThat will start scanning the volume of the folder or disk by right-clicking on them. English interface, a good choice settings.

    Ridnacs is a quick disk space analyzer that scans local disks, network drives or individual directories, displaying results in the form of a tree and histograms in percent. You can save scan results in several formats (.txt, .csv, .html, or.xml). Files can be opened and deleted directly into Ridnacs. During installation, you can add the program startup option in the Windows Explorer context menu. When scanning a folder, it is added to the list of favorite disks. You can also change appearance Histograms Installing special skins (shell). The program is not a portable, has 2 interface languages \u200b\u200b- English and German. Some folders she could not analyze, as can be seen in the screenshot.

    Portabelnaya sCANNER program Shows a circular chart with concentric rings to display the use of the hard disk space, external hard disk, network disk. Moving the mouse over segments on the diagram allows you to display the full path to the object at the top of the window, as well as the size of the directories and the number of files in the directory. Right-clicking on the segment provides additional features. It is possible to delete selected directories to the basket directly from the program. The archive with the program has 2 reg files, one of which serves to add a scanner to context menu Windows Explorer, and the other to remove it.

    FREE DISK Analyzer liked me more than all other programs. In the installation process, a choice is offered from 5 languages, Russian is present. Free analyzer disk Displays discs on the left side of the Windows Explorer window, which allows you to quickly go to the desired folder or file. On the right side of the window, all invested folders and files are displayed in the selected folder or disk, the size and proportion of the disk space that the folder or file is used. The tabs at the bottom of the window allow you to quickly select and view the largest files or folders. You can manage your files directly within the program, as well as in Windows Explorer. Of additional features It is worth noting the launch of the program deletion tool, as well as the settings menu, allowing you to filter only certain files:

    If you have previously had problems with the "loss" of disk space, tell me how you solved them with the help of what programs (or actions).

    Good day, dear readers, admirers and other individuals. Never noticed that the place disappears on your computer?

    As a rule, this is not a consequence of the virus or your careburn, but simply the system recovery service Windows, incorrectly configured paging file and other. Often, the reason for the selling place is also the high value of the browser cache, or the OS is lit by all software trash.

    How to find out the reason for the disappearance of the place in Windows

    As I said, there are several sources where the place may disappear.
    Let's look at them in order.

    First, the recovery system. The fact is that Microsoft,take care of your users, made in Windowsthe recovery system that greatly affects what your place disappears (although in fact it is just "hidden").

    It is engaged in the one (if you did not change the settings), that with some periodicity (especially in the case of installation of programs \\ games \\) makes the recovery points that in case of falling \\ system failures can always be used. The question is, do you use this recovery system?

    For example, I hardly remember the last time it had to do. Moreover, the benefit from Oyoy is very doubtful. In turn, these points occupy up to 12% Places on each Hard disk that, you see, a lot (especially on large disks). Therefore, how to get rid of (or at least reconfigure) the number of place restoration points.

    How to return the place on the computer disk

    Start-> Setting-> Control Panel -> System-> System Restore

    For Windows Vista / Windows 7/8/10:

    Start-> Setting-> Control Panel -> System-> System protection

    Here you can either completely disable the recovery of the system, or distribute on what disks and how much space will take points.

    I can not recommend that you completely disable recovery, because I do not know how often you come across systemic problems and resort to restoration, but personally it is disabled, because I consider it a dubious tool occupying quite a lot of space, especially since you can always use the article "" to protect and recover data.

    For those who want it (system recovery) to leave, but to configure as well as possible and make it so to look for where the place disappears more than happened:

    1. It is desirable that they were not on the disk with the operating system or they occupied as less space as possible;
    2. You do not need more 3 Points of recovery, i.e. You should not set a maximum of interest on multiple disks. It will be enough 3-6 % on one or two discs and then, in my opinion, this will be much.

    By the way, before setting up these parameters, the system has already created a number of recovery points, therefore it would be nice to remove them. To do this open " My computer", Right-click on the hard disk space where you need to clean and select from the drop-down list. "Properties".

    In the window that appears, click on the button " Cleaning a disc” – “Additionally” – “System Restore” – “Clear” – “Yes” – “OK“.

    Either, in case you Windows 7 / VistaYou can clean the place involved in the recovery points using the button. Configure - Delete", Which is located on the tab" System protection"(See above):

    This is what is called, once.
    Let's go to the point two.

    About the paging file and where the place disappears

    When operating system Lacks, it starts to upload programs to the paging file, i.e. The file on the hard disk, which serves as a mining memory, but significantly smaller speed. Accordingly, the size of the paging file may be different, depending on the number of your random access memory.

    Standard, the size of the paging file in 2-4 More than the volume of physical RAM, but this size can be changed, however, often to the detriment of performance (especially if there is little RAM). He also answers the question where the place disappears, because he is the very place and takes all his own.

    Configure the location and size of the paging file on hard drives here:

    • Start-> Setting-> Control Panel -> System-> Additionally> Speed> Parameters> Additionally> Virtual memory -\u003e change

    I still do not recommend turning off the battery file, but to redistribute, or reduce - always, please. For more information about the paging file and its configuration, I wrote in the article, and therefore, read it to put the right numbers.

    Cache, garbage and where the place disappears

    During the operation of the system, program, browsers and other differences, constantly create, so-called cache, i.e. temporary auxiliary files that (files) they periodically forget to delete. Also, after deleting various programs, they usually remain garbage traces from files, which, too, sometimes, quite much weigh.

    Therefore, I recommend you to constantly clean Tempory Internet Files., cache browsers, traces of programs and other garbage. How to do this I wrote in the article ". I strongly recommend to get acquainted, because it often frees many places.

    Other cleaning manually

    To begin with, turn on the display of hidden files. To do this, go along the way " My Computer - Service - Folder Properties - View - Show hidden files and folders - OK ".

    Further open the disk with the system and find a folder there Documents and settings. It contains files of your profile and some system settings \\ programs. The whole thing is that most programs, especially if you removed them incorrectly, i.e. Without use, let's say, leave a bunch of traces and garbage, which sometimes do not even cleare CCleaner. You have to dig up. The most littered folders according to my addiction is:

    • C: \\Documents and settings \\ name\\ Application DATA;
    • C: \\Documents and settings \\ name\\ Local Settings \\ Application Data.

    where C: \\- disc, where the system is worth, and name - This is your name in the system.

    Carefully touch on these folders and delete the folders with the names of programs that have long been not on your computer.

    You can find other thick folders yourself, highlighting one \\ group of folders in Documents and settings and checking their volume by pressing the right mouse button and select from the list of item " Properties". As a rule, this is how traveling, you can find a lot of all sorts of trash, which was forgotten (or deliberately left) programs uninstallars.

    In general, in order to be clearer, what exactly does it take how much space on which disk and how to delete it, I recommend to read this my article: "", the program in which you can make a clear way to reveal that the cherished megabytes from the disk unloads.


    Something like this.
    I hope that the article was useful for you and you cleared and saved the heaps of valuable megabytes.

    As always, I will be glad to your additions, reviews, issues and TPs that you can safely write in the comments to this entry.

    PS: As a good alternative to the aforementioned CCleaner, I can offer you to take advantage of the dressing program for cleaning garbage and a whole "forgotten" difference.