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Evaluation of the disk space. Analysis of the contents of the hard disk

Modern hard drives have a rather large volume. If you have a few hundred gigabytes, why do you even think about cleaning? But surprisingly, how fast photos, videos, music and other files begin to use free hard disk space and many cases when unnecessary files lead to various failures in the operation of the operating system, and over time, incorrect use hard disk leads to a breakdown and subsequent repair of HDD, so it is necessary to regularly remove them and optimization of hard disk. For example, if there are too many temporary files in the catalog, the system can work unstable and inhibited, causing problems even with many in it initially in progress. How to bring order? How to understand what most of all occupies the place? Windows has its own disc check utility. It can be launched from graphic interface or out command line. But there are alternative programs.
We have collected information about 10 free tools that will help you do it.

SpaceSniffer is a portable, free program that will help you understand the structure of folders and files on the hard disk. SpaceSniffer visualization scheme will clearly demonstrate to you in which locations large folders and files are posted on your devices. The area of \u200b\u200beach rectangle is proportional to the size of this file. You can double click on any sector to get more detailed information about him. If you are looking for certain types of files, such as JPG files or older files, use the "Filter" option to select the conditions you specify.

The program has many settings, but its interface on english language. The information that it issues seems not very convenient for visual perception. But in principle, it works quickly and efficiently.

WinStat collects information from the selected disk and represents it in three versions. A list of directories that resembles the windows example of Windows Explorer is displayed in the upper left corner and sorts files and folders by their size. Advanced list that is displayed in the upper right corner shows statistics on different types files. The file map is located at the bottom of the WindirStat window. Each color rectangle is a file or directory. The area of \u200b\u200beach rectangle is proportional to the size of the files. The program will have to be installed, but it has a Russian-speaking interface.

DiskTective is a free, portable utility that tells the real size of directories and the distribution of subdirectories and files in them. The selected folder or disk is analyzed, and the result is displayed as a tree and diagrams. English Interface, Fast Information Collection.

English interface required installation. In operation, this is a quick and easy-to-use disk space analyzer, which monitors the use of disk space on hard drives, network drives and NAS servers. The main window shows the percentage of disk space used by each catalog and the file. You can also easily view circular charts showing results in graphical format. Has a large number of settings.

DiskSavvy is available in the free version, as well as the Pro version, which provides additional features and technical support. The free version allows you to scan the maximum number of files - 500,000, with a maximum capacity of the hard disk of 2 TB.

For each selected folder or disk, GetFoldersize displays the total size of all files in this folder or disk, as well as the number of files invested in them. You can use GetFoldersize to scan an unlimited number of files and folders on internal and external hard drives, DVDs, as well as network resource disks. This program supports long file names and folders, unicode characters and has the ability to display file size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. Getfoldersize allows you to print the folder tree and save the information in text file. If you install GetFoldersize, the startup option from the context menu in Windows Explorer will be added to all its features, which will start scanning the folder or disk volume by right-clicking on them. English interface, large selection of settings.

Ridnacs is a fast disk space analyzer that scans local disks, network drives or individual directories, displaying results in the form of wood and histograms in percent. You can save scan results in several formats (.txt, .csv, .html, or.xml). Files can be opened and deleted directly into Ridnacs. During installation, you can add the program startup option in the Windows Explorer context menu. When scanning a folder, it is added to the list of favorite disks. You can also change appearance Histograms Installing special skins. The program also requires installation, has two interface languages \u200b\u200b- English and German.

Portabelnaya sCANNER program Shows a circular chart with concentric rings to display the use of space on a rigid disk, an external hard disk, network disk. Moving the mouse over segments on the diagram allows you to display the full path to the object at the top of the window, as well as the size of the directories and the number of files in the directory. Right-clicking on the segment provides additional features. It is possible to delete selected directories to the basket directly from the program. The archive with the program has 2 reg files, one of which serves to add a scanner to context menu Windows Explorer, and the other to remove it.

In our opinion, FREE DISK Analyzer is best of all other programs. In the installation process, a choice is offered from 5 languages, including Russian. A free disk analyzer displays discs on the left side of the Windows Explorer window, which allows you to quickly go to the desired folder or file. On the right side of the window, all invested folders and files are displayed in the selected folder or disk, the size and proportion of the disk space that the folder or file is used. The tabs at the bottom of the window allow you to quickly select and view the largest files or folders. You can manage your files directly within the program, as well as in Windows Explorer. Of additional features It is worth noting the launch of the program deletion tool, as well as the settings menu that allows you to filter only certain files.

Good day.

Very often, users ask me the same question, but in different interpretation: "What is scored hDD? "," Why decreased the place on the hard disk, because I did not shook anything? "," How to find files that take place on HDD? " etc.

For evaluation and analysis busy place There is a hard disk special programsThanks to which you can quickly find everything too much and delete. Actually, this article will be about it.

Analysis of the busy hard disk in diagrams

1. Scanner.

Official site:

Very interesting utility. Its advantages are obvious: Supports Russian, no installation is required, high speed (hard disk in 500 GB, it analyzed per minute!), It takes a completely small place on the hard disk.

The results of the program represents in a small window with a diagram (see Fig. 1). If you visit the right piece of chart to visit the desired piece of chart - you can immediately understand that it takes the most space on HDD.

For example, I have on a hard disk (see Fig. 1) Approximately the fifth of the busy space occupy films (33 GB, 62 files). By the way, there is fast buttons To go to the basket and "Installation and Delete Programs".

2. SpaceSniffer.

Official site:

Another utility does not need installation. When starting, the first thing will ask you to select a disk (specify the letter) for scanning. For example, on my system disk with Windows employed 35 GB, of which almost 10 GB occupies a virtual machine.

In general, the analysis tool is very visual, helps to immediately understand what the hard disk is scored, where the files "hide" in which folders and what topic ... I recommend to use!

Fig. 2. SpaceSniffer - Analysis system Disc With Windows.


Official site:

Another utility of this kind. It is interesting, first of all, in addition to simple analysis and drawing the diagram - it still shows the extensions of the files, painting the diagram in the desired color (see Fig. 3).

In general, it is quite convenient to use it: the interface in Russian, there are quick links (for example, to clean the basket, editing directories, etc.), works in all popular Windows: XP, 7, 8.

Fig. 3. WINDIRSTAT analyzes disk "C: \\"


Official site:\u003dfree_disk_analyzer

This program is the easiest tool for quick search big files and optimizing disk space.

Free Disk Usage Analyzer will help you organize and manage the HDD free disk space by searching for the biggest disk files. You can quickly find where the most voluminous files are located, such as: video, photos and archives, and move them to another place (or deleted at all).

By the way, the program supports Russian. There are also fast references that will help you clear the HDD from trash and temporary files, delete unused programs, find the largest folders or files, etc.

5. Treesize.

Official site:

This program does not know how to build diagrams, but it is conveniently sorted folders, depending on the occupied room on the hard disk. It is also very convenient, finding a folder that takes a lot of space - click on it and open it in the explorer (see arrows in Fig. 5).

Despite the fact that the program in English is to deal with it quite simple and quickly. It is recommended for both beginners and experienced users.

Fig. 5. Treesize FREE - Results of the analysis of the system disk "C: \\"

By the way, a significant place on the hard disk can occupy the so-called "garbage" and temporary files (by the way, due to them, free space on the hard disk is reduced, even when you do not copy anything to it and do not download!). Periodically need to clean the hard drive special utilities: CCleaner, Freespacer, Glary Utilites, etc. More details about such programs.

I have everything on this. I would be grateful for additions on the topic of the article.

Successful PC.

Question from the user


Tell me how I find out what is occupied on my disk. The fact is that I looked at the size of all the folders on it, folded them - and it turned out less than the common occupied place in the disk properties (in my computer). What to do?

Good time!

Yes, here at the time to remember one saying: "Whatever size is your hard disk - it will sooner or later filled ...".

In general, in your case, perhaps the place took away various hidden and system files (by default, their conductor does not displays). In my opinion, the easiest way to analyze the occupied space on the disk (i.e., to get a comfortable and visual "picture", who "pulled out" the whole place) is to use the help of specials. utilities.

As a rule, they can be in 1-2 minutes. Analyze all your HDD, and extract the results in the form of a convenient diagram (and on its basis any, even a beginner user, can find out which way to "dig", and what to remove ...).

And so, now closer to the topic ...

How to find out what the hard disk is scored [Analysis!]


A very small utility (less than 1 MB) capable of showing you what folders and files will take the most space. Moreover, all this is very clearly, and the search for the "culprit" is very fast!

Below I will show on my own example, as I found a file that "took" 12 GB!

And so, after installing and starting the utility, simply select the disk (s) to be analyzed, click OK. See Screenshot below.

After that, you will see a color chart: each "rectangle" is a file, the size of the rectangle is drawn relative to the file size. Those. Thanks to such a job - you immediately find the largest files on the disk and you can proceed to remove them ...

Analysis of my disc / clickable

For example, I had 12 GB of file on the disk page File.sys. (See screen above). For those who have a problem with the same file, I will say that this is a paging file. It is used automatically by the system, but it can be limited, or transfer it to another disk (how to do it - it is described in one of my articles, I bring the link below).

Not enough space on the disk? We remove all the garbage and configure system files (including pagefile.sys) just 5 steps-


Treesize - Main program window

This program, in contrast to the previous one, does not build diagrams, but it is conveniently sorting folders according to their size. Moreover, opposite each of the folders "burns" a certain value in percent, relative to its size (the entire disk is 100%).

I will note another convenient thing: from its window you can open any of the folders (files) in the explorer. Treesize "sees" all files and folders on the disk (incl. Hidden and system), so be careful with the removal of everything and all ...

Approx. : It is possible to import the results of the analysis to the HTML file.


A similar utility, however, its size is even less. After starting, the fast utility scans the disk and show you a circular chart: binding to some of its sections, you can find all the folders and files that began to take too much space ...

Please note that on the left in the program menu you can choose any of the hard drives that your Windows OS sees.


Note: The program does not need installation.

From others similar programs SpaceSniffer is characterized by a very original interface and a slightly excellent approach to business (perhaps, thanks to this in demand).

When you first start, the program will show you all the discs, and after your choice of one of them - start scanning. After that, a visual scheme will appear before you: moving through it you will quickly find that "deceived" an excess place on the disk (see screen above).

Also, the program allows directly from the window to delete or move files, search for files on a specific filter (for example, by expansion).

In general, the program deserves high marks, I recommend to use!


Main window diskview

This program is different from the rest of the fact that it works even on the relatively old Windows NT 4, 2000, XP ( new Windows 7, 8, 10 - of course supported).

Otherwise, the work is similar: the disk diagram is built using which, you can easily determine which file you have these or other clusters.

The program is free, Russian does not support.


Supports: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X

Excellent HDD analysis program. Allows you to find a lost place in minutes! Thanks to the arch-comfortable circular diagram, you can immediately see which folders took everything.

I note that by entering the largest folder: the diagram is rebuilt, and you again see what files / folders already occupy the place in it, etc.

By the way, the program has a top 50 - will show all the largest files on the disk!


A simple free program that allows you to quickly build charts based on a busy place on HDD. I note that SpyGlass also includes a "locator" that detects full duplicates of files.

From the program window, you can open any folder or file, or even send them to the basket (will not work only with system files).

Additions on the topic will be quite by the way!

That's all, good luck!

Often I get questions related to a busy hard disk space: users are interested in the place of hard disk, which can be deleted to clean the disc, why free space decreases all the time.

In this article - a brief overview free software for hard analysis disk (or rather, the place on it), allowing you to obtain information about which folders and files take excess gigabytes, deal with where, what and in what volumes are stored on your disk and based on this information, clean it . All programs announced support for Windows 8.1 and 7, and I myself checked them in Windows 10 - work without complaints.

I note that the most frequent, "drocking" disk space is explained by automatic files. windows updates, creation of recovery points, as well as emergency completion of programs, as a result of which there may be temporary files that occupy several gigabytes.

At the end of this article, I will give additional materials on the site that will help you free a hard disk space if there is such a need.

Wide Analyzer WINDIRSTAT

WinStat is one of two free programs in this review, which has an interface in Russian, which may be relevant to our user.

After launching WindirStat, the program automatically starts the analysis of either all local disks, or, at your request, scans a busy place on selected disks. You can also analyze what is busy specific folder on your computer.

As a result, a tree structure of the folder folders on the disk is displayed in the program window, indicating the size and percentage of the shared place.

At the bottom displayed graphic representation Folders and their contents, which is also associated with the filter in the right upper part, allowing you to quickly determine the place occupied by individual types of files (for example, on my screenshot, you can quickly detect a large temporary file with extension .TMP).

Download WindirStat from the official site


FREE DISK ANALYZER BY EXTENSOFT PROGRAM - Another hard disk use utility in Russian, allowing you to check what is occupied by the place, find the largest folders and files and, based on the analysis, we suspend decide on cleaning the HDD space.

After starting the program, you will see the tree structure of the disks and folders on them on the left side of the window, in the right - the contents of the currently selected folder, indicating the size, percent of the busy place, and the graphical representation chart occupied by the folder.

Additionally, in Free Disk Analyzer there are tabs "Big files" and "The largest folders" to quickly search as such as well as the buttons for quick access to windows utilities "Clearing disk" and "Install and delete programs".

Official site of the program:\u003dfree_disk_analyzer (on the site on this moment It is called FREE Disk Usage Analyzer).

Disk Savvy

Free version of the place analyzer on disk disk Savvy (There is also a paid Pro version), although does not support Russian, but perhaps the most functional of all the tools listed here.

Among the available features, not only a visual display of the employed disk space and its distribution to folders, but also flexibility to perform file classification by type, learn hidden files, analyze network drives, and also view, save or print charts different typesrepresenting information about the use of space on the disk.

Download free version of Disk Savvy You can from the official site

Treesize Free.

The Treesize Free utility, on the contrary, is the simplest of the programs presented: it does not draw beautiful charts, but it works without installing on the computer and for someone it may seem even more informative than previous options.

After starting, the program analyzes the occupied disk space or the folder you chose and represents it in the hierarchical structure, where all the necessary information is displayed on the disk space displays.

Additionally, it is possible to launch the program in the interface for touch screen devices (in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1). Official site Treesize Free:


SpaceSniffer is a free portable (not required to install on a computer) program that allows you to understand the structure of the folder folders on the hard disk about the same way as WINIRSTAT does.

The interface allows you to visually determine which folders on the disk occupy the largest number of space, move along this structure (using a double click of the mouse), as well as filter the displayed data by type, dates or file names.

You can download SpaceSniffer here (Official site): (Note: The program is better to run on behalf of the administrator, otherwise it will report refusal to access to some folders).

Have you ever wondered than your hard drive scored? The disk space analysis tool, sometimes called the repository analyzer, is a program specifically designed to tell you about it.

Of course, you can easily check how much free space on a disk from Windows, but the understanding of what is most of the place is completely different - something that the disk space analyzer can help.

These programs perform scanning and interpretation of everything that occupies a disk, such as saved files, video, installation Files Programs - total - and then provide you with one or more reports that help you clearly determine what is all your storage space.

If your hard disk (or flash drive, or external disk, etc.) overflowed, and you are not quite sure why, one of these fully free tools of the disk space analyzer is really useful.


What do we like

  • In Russian
  • You can scan the entire disk or one folder
  • Provides unique methods of visualization of disk space
  • Includes the ability to configure commands to delete data

What we don't like

  • Unable to save scan results to a file that can be opened later.
  • A little slower when scanning than similar tools
  • Works only on windows

WindirStat review

I consider the WindirStat of the number one disk space analysis program, because it is easy to use and full of extremely useful features that will necessarily help you free disk space.

This program includes the ability to create your own cleaning commands. These commands can be used from software at any time to quickly perform actions, such as moving files from hard disk or deleting files certain expansionthat are in your chosen folder.

You can also simultaneously scan various hard drives and folders, as well as to see which types of files occupy the most of the place, and both of them are quite unique features that are missing in all these disk use analyzers.

You can install WINIRSTAT only in the operating windows system.


What do we like

  • In Russian
  • The program is free
  • Easy to use

CCleaner review

CCleaner, developed by Piriform, is another tool for analyzing file size intended for cleaning your disk. Unlike others, it is available in different versions, including free and two paid versions. Paid versions - Professional and Professional Plus. The free version of CCleaner will help you secure your computer and protect privacy. In addition, the following two versions consistently add more features.

Disk Savvy

What do we like

  • Very easy to use than most disk space analyzers
  • Categorizes files in several ways
  • Constantly updated and improved
  • Ability to scan multiple places at the same time
  • Results can be exported to report file
  • Also works from the conductor

What we don't like

  • Not all the functions you see in the program are free; Some require updates to version Pro
  • He can show only 500,000 scan files, after which the program will not work if you do not scan the folder with a smaller number of files or do not buy a program


You can analyze internal and external hard Disks, search results, delete files from the program and group files by extension to see which file types use the most.

One more useful feature - Ability to see a list of the 100 largest files or folders. You can even export a list on your computer to view them later.

Professional version of Disk Savvy is also available, but free version It seems perfect 100%. You can install DISK Savvy on Windows 10 through Windows XP, as well as on Windows Server 2016/2012/2008/2003.


What do we like

  • Shows the use of disk space in five different angles
  • Really easy to understand how to use, even for newbies
  • Works on Linux, Windows and MacOS

What we don't like

  • Does not delete files from the results
  • Noticeably slower than other disk space analyzers

JdiskReport Review

JdiskReport - shows how the files use the storage in the form of a list, as in the conductor, a circular diagram or histogram.

The visual view of the use of the disk can help you quickly understand how files and folders behave with respect to the available space.

On the one hand, JDiskReport program you will find folders that were scanned, and on the right - ways to analyze these data. Follow the link below to see my review for specific details of what I mean.

Unfortunately, you cannot delete files from the program, and the time required to scan the hard disk seems slower than some other applications in this list.

Windows, Linux and Mac users can use JdiskReport.

Treesize Free.

What do we like

  • Can scan separate folders and whole hard drives
  • Supports both internal and external hard drives
  • Portable version available

What we don't like

  • Does not work on linux or macos
  • Filtration parameters are not very useful
  • There are no unique prospects, as with similar tools

Review Treesize Free.

The programs mentioned above are useful in different ways because they provide a unique opportunity to look at the data. Treesize FREE is not very useful in this sense, but it certainly provides a function that is missing in Windows Explorer.

Without such a program, like Treesize Free, you do not have simple way Find out which files and folders occupy all the disk space. After installing this program, determine which folders are the largest and which files among them are most of the space, just as easy how to open folders.

If you find some folders or files that you no longer need, you can easily remove them from the program to instantly free this place on the device.

You can get a portable version that works on external hard disks, Flash drives, etc., without installing it on a computer. Only Windows can run Treesize Free.


What do we like

  • The minimum and simple interface makes the program easy to use
  • There is a portable version
  • Supports the scan of large files in a specific folder or on the entire disk

What we don't like

  • Will not work on Linux or MacOS
  • There are no extended features found in similar applications.

Ridnacs review

Ridnacs is designed for Windows OS and is actually very similar to Treesize Free, but simply does not have all buttons that can push you away from its use. Its clear and simple design makes it more attractive for use.

You can scan both one folder with ridnacs and whole hard drives. This is an important feature in the disk analyzer program, because the scanning of the entire hard disk may take a lot of time when you just need to view information for one folder.

Ridnacs functionality is very simple, so you know exactly how to use it from the very beginning. Just open the folders like in Windows Explorer to see the largest folders / files listed from top to bottom.

Because of its simplicity, Ridnacs includes only the basic functions needed to have a disk analyzer, but obviously does not have all the functions that you find in a more advanced program, such as the windirstat described above.


What do we like

  • Includes useful and unique features
  • Allows you to find files that fall under certain criteria.
  • Find the largest folders and files are easy using the interface with tabs

What we don't like

  • Works only on windows
  • Does not support export results to the file


FREE DISK ANALYZER - really great analyzer of free disk space. First of all, I like it because of how simple and familiar interface, but there are also some really useful settingsI want to mention.

One option causes the program to search for files only if they are more than 50 MB. If you are not going to delete smaller files, you can significantly clear the list of results by turning it on.

There is also a filtering option, so instead of each individual file type displays only music, video, documents, archival files etc. It is useful if you know that, for example, the video takes the most memory - the search only saves time by viewing other types of files.

The "Big files" and "biggest folders" tabs at the bottom fREE programs Disk Analyzer provide fast way View all storage resources in the folder (and its subfolders) you are viewing. You can sort the folders in size and location, as well as on the average file size in this folder plus the number of files contained in the folder.

Although you cannot export the results into a file, as most disk space analyzers allow, I still strongly recommend looking at the Extensoft program before switching to other applications in this list.

Free disk analyzer is available only for Windows users.


What do we like

  • It is portable
  • Ability to scan large files in a specific folder or hard disk.
  • Provides two ways to view the use of disk space.
  • Allows you to export the results to the file

What we don't like

  • It is impossible to remove directly from the program
  • Exported results hard to read
  • The way of displaying units makes it difficult to read the results.
  • Only Windows users can install it.
  • Update is not available since 2010

Review DiskTective.

DiskTective is another free disk space analyzer for Windows. This is completely portable device, occupying less than 1 MB of disk space, so you can easily wear it with you on a flash drive.

Each time DiskTective opens, he immediately asks what directory you want to scan. You can choose any folder on any connected hard disk, including removable, as well as all hard drives.

The left part of the program shows the sizes of folders and files on the familiar to Windows Explorer-like screen, and the right-hand side displays a circular chart so that you can visualize the use of the disk by each folder.

DiskTective is easy enough to use for everyone, but there are many things that I do not like: the export function in HTML does not create a very easy-to-read file, you cannot delete or open folders / files from the inside program, and the size units are static, that is, everything They are represented in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes (whatever you choose).


What do we like

  • Shows the use of data with simple blocks
  • Results can be filtered in several ways.
  • Results can be saved to the file and open again without the need for repeated scanning.
  • Allows you to delete files from the program
  • The report of large files can be saved in a text file.
  • Fully portable

What we don't like

  • A little confused interface
  • Only works in the Windows operating system

Most of us are accustomed to viewing data on our computers as a list where we open the folders to see the files inside. SpaceSniffer works similarly, but not in

in the same way, so it may take some addictive before you are comfortable with this.

The image here immediately shows how SpaceSniffer visualizes the use of disk space. It uses blocks of different sizes to demonstrate large folders / files compared to smaller, where brown rectangles are folders, and blue - files (you can change these colors).

The program allows you to export the results to the TXT file or the SpaceSniffer snapshot file (SNS) so that you can download it to another computer or at a later time and see all the same results - it is really convenient if you help someone else to analyze your data.

If you right-click any folder or file in SpaceSniffer, the same menu you see in Windows Explorer will open. This means that you can copy, delete, etc. Filtering feature allows you to search for the results of the file, size and / or date.

I added SpaceSniffer to this list, because it differs from most other disk space analyzers, so you may find that its unique perspective helps you quickly find what it takes all the memory space.

Folder Size

What do we like

  • Integrates with conductor
  • Allows you to sort folders in size
  • Extremely easy to use

What we don't like

  • Shows the results in the additional window, and not in the source window you are viewing
  • Works only on windows

FOLDER SIZE - the most simple program Of all this list, because it practically does not have an interface.

This disk space analyzer is useful because Windows Explorer Does not provide you the size of the folder you are viewing, but only the size of the files. The size of the folder shows a small optional window that shows the size of each folder.

In this window, you sort the folders in size to easily see which of them use the largest volume of the storage. The folder size has some parameters that you can change, for example, turn off it for CD / DVD drives, removable storage or network resources.

A quick look at the image of the folder shows that it does not look like another software from above. If you do not need graphs, filters and extended functions, but you just want to sort folders in size, then this program will fit.