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Hard disk accelerator. Optimization and acceleration of hard disk operation

In any computing device, the permanent memory is always a "narrow" place, if it is referred to relative performance. This is logical - it should first not handle directly, but to store user information, which causes the appearance of a multitude of prevention tools in its design. And they strongly affect the exchange of data and, as a result, the overall speed of the device. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to squeeze out of your drive maximum using simple and understandable tips.

The physical hard disk has several parameters that determine its reliability, deterioration and speed. Among them can be distinguished by several:

These are hardware parameters. From the software you can allocate such:

  • software errors reading;
  • strong fragmentation of files;
  • control of disk cache;
  • a large number of small files on disk and insufficient free space;
  • infection with viruses.

Any action to improve speed is worth. Therefore, both types should be considered more.

Solving hardware problems

If in any parameter s.m.a.r.t., indicated above, there are problems (designated by a red point opposite the name), it is better to replace it with a new one. The disk with bad sectors and too many triggers of the shock sensor is considered an unreliable storage tool.


The most influential on the disk indicators is the connection interface. Modern third-generation SATA disks can transmit data at high speeds. In addition, they are well optimized by the speed of reading minor files due to the caching algorithm.

Possible steps:

Important! Before installing the adapter, you need to make sure that the motherboard contains the corresponding PCI-E X1 connectors. In conventional PCIs or slots for the video card, such devices will not be able to work. In addition, it is worth asking for the presence of complete drivers. If the system is installed on a disk that connects to this controller, it will be necessary in advance through special utility Integrate the driver files in advance.

Software raising of the speed of the disk

Methods to increase the speed of the hard disk, discussed here, are able to add about 20% of performance. The first thing to do is check file System For errors. This is done like this:

Important!If the disc you want to check is systemic, "Chekdisk" will give a warning that it cannot block it. It will be prompted to start checking when the next reboot. During test, use the computer will not be.

Defragmentation is carried out by the standard utility, which is included in the operating room windows systems. Sequencing:

Caching is configured as:

Cleaning the hard disk from unnecessary files and garbage is faster than everything is carried out in automatic mode CCleaner program.

To do this, you need to run the program and perform this procedure:

Important! If there are several partitions on the disk and one of them is scored almost completely, it is better to move the files of particular large size to a more free partition. It should be remembered that each section for optimal speed PC works should not be filled in more than 70-80%. Maintain order on disk and getting rid of possible duplicates Files are also possible using CCleaner.

Using SSD as a system disk

Modern solid-state drives Perform a worthy alternative to hard disks. Optimization and acceleration hard disk Comparatively with a simple purchase of SSD leaves no chance of mechanical hard drive.

Advantages of using SSD:

  • better compatibility with Windows 10;
  • immunity to physical shocks or drops;
  • much high speed;
  • reliability.

Comparative characteristics

As you can see, the performance gain is very significant. Therefore, if the user's rigid disk shows in the rating utility windows performance Rating 5.9 or lower, it is necessary to replace it with SSD. To optimize the work of such a drive, it is necessary to check the function of the function called Trim. It automatically rubs the areas from which the user deleted information. It is done through the command line:

Important!In order for the resource of the solid-state drive not spent too fast, you must definite it automatic defragmentation. Frequent movement of small files throughout the volume may result in rapid disk wear.

Video - How to increase the rate of data exchange with a hard disk of Windows 7.10

Operating system speed, performance in games, data processing speed by various programs, all these parameters are directly dependent on speed hard work disk. With a negligence attitude towards periodic verification and optimization of the hard drive, you risk lowering its performance, and in the hard case, lose the data that was stored on it.

In order to increase the speed of the hard disk and ensure its correct and stable operation, it is worth performing such operations as defragmentation and checking the disk and so on.

Check the Winchester

This check should be performed at least once a month. It allows you to check all parts of the hard disk for availability. bied sectors and system errors. To start this check, go to the local disk properties. On the "Service" tab, click the "Check" button. In the window that opens, select Tick those check items that you need and then click the Run button.

The utility will check the entire hard drive in several stages and correct all the errors. It is worth remembering that this check can be performed on non-system disks. To check the system disk, the utility after clicking the "Start" button will ask for a reboot and only then will start checking.

In order to run this check from command line, Run the command: Chkdsk C: where "C:" - the disc that we want to check.

Make disk defragmentation

Defragmentation is a process that allows you to update and optimize the structure logical diskIn order to streamline data placement in the correct sequence. The result of defragmentation is rewriting data into sequentially located (continuous) sectors.

You can start defragmentation on the "Service" tab, in the properties of the local disk.

In the window that opens, select the disk on which you want to produce this procedure and click the Defragmentation button.

The system will make the analysis and will begin to defragment the disk.

Optimize the robot of Winchester

In order to optimize the disk operation, start the device manager, to do this, select this item in the "My Computer" properties. In the window that opens, select the "Disk Devices" tree and in properties necessary disc Click the Policy tab. Check the checkboxes at "Optimize to execute" and "Enable Increased Performance".

Make more free location on local disks.

Remember that the landscape of the local disk directly affects the speed of its operation. For this, try not to fill it in more than 70-75%. Especially pay attention to the system disk with! In the perfect version, it should be about 50% of the free space.

Configure and optimize paging file

Note! Do not confuse the slow operation of the operating system with the work of the hard drive! Often the cause of hanging and unstable work is exactly the problems in the operation of the operating system (viruses, files remote programs in the registry, etc.).

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to improve work efficiency. personal computer is the hard disk optimization. Such a procedure allows you to rationally distribute all available data on the Winchestera and thereby increase its performance, as well as the speed of work.

New hard disks such prevention is completely nothing, but the older drive, the higher the probability of it incorrect work. Especially if we are talking about "hard worker", which is exploited by round days without rest.

The need for procedure

While working with PCs on the Winchester there is no less load than the same processor or video card. Files are constantly overwritten on the same sectors, and sometimes one part of the data is completely different from the bulk.

This makes it difficult to find the necessary information, and at the same time and increases the time of launching programs and applications. In this case, optimization (defragmentation) helps hard disks. Of course, such problems appear not immediately, but only after some time. But advanced users always notice when the computer performance drops. And the fault is usually the non-precipitated drive.

Optimization of the hard disk operation, it is defragment, is a process at which each individual parts are redistributed in its place. That is, simply speaking, here we have the similarity of the bookshelf, where detectives are in place, and fantasy - on their own, and the reader can always easily, and most importantly - quickly, find the book you need.

Optimization of hard disk in windows

In the operating system "WINDOVS" are provided staten tools To perform this procedure. Experts and advanced users respond about them not very and flattering, because the effectiveness of checking and optimizing hard drives here is not realized in the best way. Nevertheless, the result is still felt, even if not so clear, as from more sensible third-party utilities. We will talk about the latter a little later.

So, what is the procedure for optimizing the hard disk in Windows 7, 8? It looks like the process as follows:

  1. Open the "Start" menu.
  2. In the search string, we recruit the word "defragmentation".
  3. Click on the first drop-down utility.
  4. In the program window, choose "Analysis" or immediately "defragmentation".
  5. We agree to the implementation of the procedure and wait for its end.
  6. Upon completion, the program will provide a report on the work performed.

There is nothing complicated here, even the newcomer will understand the process. The order of optimizing the hard disk in Windows 10 exactly the same, with the only difference that the search button is already on the taskbar and the local process is not defragmentation, namely optimization.

But as mentioned above, regular means have only basic functionality and work is not so effective. As a panacea is better to consider third-party programs To optimize the hard disk in Windows 10, 8 and younger "seven". But here it is necessary to approach the choice of software with special care, because not every utility is equally useful, and some can be harmful to your computer at all.

We will consider the most intelligent programs to optimize the hard disk operation in Windows 10, 8 and 7. All of them distinguished themselves first of all with their effectiveness, but only then convenience and other utilities.


This is a brainchild from the famous Piriform developers. Many probably know him at an extremely effective utility for cleaning CCleaner discs. Program to optimize hard disk Defraggler It turned out no worse and also boasts productive work.

During the defragmentation process, detailed statistics are available, where all the tracks and the drive sectors are shown, as well as other information. All data can be represented as in the form of bare numbers, and more understandable for analysis of graphs.

The first hard disk optimization takes a significant time, but the subsequent regular defragmentation passes noticeably faster. It is also worth noting that the functionality of the program is provided by automatic maintenance of the system according to the specified parameters: the designated time, the achievement of a certain threshold of the volume of the hard drive, connecting new drives, etc.

Features of the utility

In addition, this software to optimize hard drives can be recommended by novice. The utility interface is simple, convenient and intuitively understood. Even if there are any questions about the functionality, you can enable master assistants in the menu, which will hold you on all the gold places of the application.

The product is distributed by free licenseHis features are quite enough for servicing a private PC. If you have more than three hard drives or several computers in submission, it makes sense to acquire an extended Pro version. It will facilitate conveyor tasks and provide more detailed reports for each drive.

Perfectdisk Professional

This is quite popular in professional circles, a program that will not only perform an ordinary optimization of your PC, but also how the items should be in sections and RAID volumes, as well as in network disks. All procedures will only benefit your computer, and after the end of work you will immediately feel an increase in productivity. Especially when it comes to old and brought hard drives.

The utility interface is easy to learn, to start work it will only be necessary to choose the necessary hDD And launch the optimization process. For greater convenience, it is possible to configure profiles, where for each task you can configure your list of processes and run them one click.

Features of the program

It is also worth noting the presence of an intelligent assistant machine, which is sleeping in the tray and, if necessary, starts checking or selective defragmentation.

The product is distributed according to a paid license, but it is not so expensive (about 100 rubles). If you have only one hard drive, it makes sense to establish a trial perpetual version. The functionality is not limited here, but only one hard drive is available to optimization.


One of the noteworthy features of the program is the ability to defragmentation right while working with files. That is, the process takes place in the background and for optimization it is very necessary to interrupt the current tasks.

On weak computers, a similar "chip" is capable of significantly worsening performance during the procedure, but on more or less powerful PCs everything will pass unnoticed. And upon completion of the process operating system will start working faster.

The utility is different simple interface and intuitive functionality. All that is required by the user is to choose a disk to optimize and click on the "Start" key. After that, the program will turn into a tray and you can do your affairs without worrying about the progress of defragmentation. Upon completion on the desktop, a detailed report on the work done and the percentage increase in the speed of the hard drive in the comparative ratio (before and after optimization) is.

Distinctive features of Soft

Among the critical flaws, users note the lack of Russian-speaking localization. But as mentioned above, the whole process is intuitive, it can be understood even without a dictionary. Of course, if foreign listers lead you to a shiver, you can always find amateur polls on thematic forums. In this case, the presence of a great and mighty is guaranteed to you, but here is the stable work utility, alas, no.

The product is distributed freely, the rights "as is". That is, the developer does not bear any responsibility for some damage or unstable operation of the operating system when using its software. But the utility has a lot of laudatory feedback from professionals, so it can be quietly for weapons.

Iobit SmartDefrag.

The product from the masts and well-proven itself in the professional circles of the Iobit developer. The latter is engaged in the issuance of PC service programs of any form factor and for almost all operating systems. Moreover, it optimizes the code as it should not and not for a tick, so there are no problems with work on popular platforms and on Windows in particular.

The utility distinguished itself with a large number of sensible scripts, which allow for defragmentation as soon as possible. It is also worth noting the presence of three full-fledged modes to improve the hard disk operation - simple, deep and with optimization.

The first only affects the surface sectors and only in part improves the performance of the hard drive, but it is the fastest and undemanding. Deep defragmentation puts everything on the shelves and everything, but takes noticeably more time. The last mode includes also work with the registry and other system files And ensures maximum return.

The program interface is simple and understood, and also has competent localization into Russian. Judging by the reviews, there are no newcomers in this case with the beginning of work, not to mention more advanced users.

Features of the program

As a spoon of fly here compets for system resources. The program is voracious - for normal, as well as fast work requires at least 4 GB random access memory and middle-level processor. Otherwise, the hard disk optimization can be delayed for a long time.

The developer provided two modifications of the utility - professional and amateur. The first with the prefix Pro applies to a paid license and will be useful to those at the disposal of more than two hard drives. Free version The head is enough for ordinary users with one or two hard drives.

Some complain about the abundance of advertising in a freely distributed modification, but it doesn't evenly strain, because it is enough to press the start button and send the utility to the tray and not pay any attention to it. But if blocks and banners are still getting, you can use adguard type applications that block such spam. Well, or buy an extended version, where the advertisements do not even smell.


To optimize the hard disk, you can choose any of the above programs. They are all fairly effective and largely accelerate your hard drive. Especially if you have not previously conducted similar optimization procedures.

It will also be less noted that defragmentation is needed only hard disks of the HDD class, but not high-speed SSD. The latter such a procedure can only harm and reduce their service life. So it is necessary to approach this case with the mind and not "optimize" everything is going to hand.

Welcome to you, dear readers with you Tishkin Denis.

Many users want their computers faster performed the actions raised than on this moment. Speed \u200b\u200bup information processing process different waysOne of which is the optimization of the hard disk operation. To do this, Windows provides a lot of tools and settings. Having done everything below, you can speed up the work of your hard drive and computer as a whole.

In the Microsoft operating system, there are many tools that allow for a minimum share to speed up the device.

Here are the main of them:

    Disable indexing.

    Refusal to journal.

    Cleaning from ne. the necessary files.



Disable indexing( )

This method is only suitable for those who do not search for the operating system.

The fact is that the method implies the closing of the hard disk partition from indexing, which allows you to speed up its operation. For this:

Refusal of journal( )

By default, the logging function is installed in the system, which displays all changes and failures. If you do not use this system or do not even imagine what it is - you can safely disable it.

For this you need:

Cleaning from unnecessary files( )

Often, increase the speed of the hard disk operation using simple removal unnecessary documents, which for a long time is usually going a lot. It should be understood that the more free space on the hard drive, the faster it finds files, which means its speed above.

If we consider this process more in-depth, it turns out that the system does not need to search for a single information unit in its own tables, because in this case, it has such data less than with a fully completed section.

That is why it is necessary to delete unused files from the computer more often. If they are important - to collect all together and archive. It releases the place, and most importantly - now in the main table there will be only one address.

To clean the disks in Windows 7 and other versions there is a special tool. It is in start-up in office programs. It is called " Cleaning a disc" He is looking for unused files and offers to remove them. I described how to remove old windows updates 7 Using this tool. You can read it will be useful!


In addition, there are plenty of programs to make the procedure we need. It is worth just a little search on the Internet.

Defragmentation( )

When new information is recorded on the device, it does not always be located nearby. Separate packages are placed at the free place of volume. It turns out that after numerous records, one file can be scattered throughout the carrier. Because of this, the system needs to constantly access different sectors. Defragmentation is looking for such data and collects them together. In the future, the system is already addressed to neighboring places, and therefore the speed of work increases.

Important! This tool will only help when using HDD discs.

The function is present in many programs offering computer acceleration services.

At the same time, the OS from Microsoft defragmentation can be carried out and built-in capabilities. For this you need in " Computer»Select one of the disks and call the context menu. Next click "". Then go to "Service" and click "Optimize". After that, OS itself will offer to carry out the above operation.

Reframe( )

In the case when you use a computer for a long time and at the same time use the capabilities of the hard drive for all power, sometimes it is worth carrying out an interpretation. This will help if you have two or more sections.

Thus, you are formatting a disc, and some developers declare that and re-"cut" hard on sectors and tracks. But earlier I wrote that these are only "loud words", because this happens only at the factory.

It should be noted that it is ideal when one hard drive has the only volume in the system. Two sections are considered normal. If more - the system will work longer since the search for the necessary files will be carried out alternately for each. For example, you can select one hard disk on which the operating system and the program will be installed, and the other for the warehouse of films, photos, music and other information.

More details about the methods separation hard Disc You can read in

Moving files for removable media( )

Another good option can be called moving the movement of unused documents for a separate medium. Often use for this external drives. Many of the best today are 2.5 "external HDD WD Elements Portable. It features quality performance and data processing speed.

It can be used not only for storing old information, but also use as a flash drive. And you can safely declare that for these purposes you will definitely have enough 500 GB. It connects with a computer via USB. Works silently.

Have you noticed that after 2-3 years of using a PC, HDD starts working slower? The software is loaded after 2-3 seconds after launch, movies open not immediately. What to do? Consider more like how to speed up a hard drive.

Why is this happening

There are discs that are initially considered slow. It has the speed of rotation of the disks (revolutions per minute) amounts to 5600. Such indicators are weak compared to other components. If a few parameters are started to vive the speed of the HDD, it will work even slower. For a user it becomes noticeable. Consider how to speed up hard windows disk 10.

HDD cleaning

Winchester overflow affects the speed of work. Unnecessary "garbage" appear: old recovery points, temporary overview files and programs, old installers, copies of documents. Delete and search for them yourself difficult. Therefore, I recommend using a specialized software for this. For example, the program.
If you can install an additional drive, transfer some files there. So the main disk will not be full, it will start working faster.

How to speed up the hard disk operation using defragmentation

In Windows 10, there is a special defragmentation application for this. To open it, do the following.
Click "Start", write "Defragmentation" in the search panel, then open the application from the search results.

Do not use this process more than 1-2 times a month (depending on user activity).

Select HDD Click Analysis.
In line current state Look you need next steps. Click "Optimize".

This method is applicable to traditional HDD, not SSD. In older versions, solid-state drives are not needed in this way. Principle sSD works Lies in using flash memory. The use of old tools can damage it. There is no such problem in Windows 10. Use the method described above to optimize SSD.

Check HDD for errors

If there is no improvement in the method described above, check the device for errors. This is a built-in OS tool that detects problems with HDD and sometimes corrects them. This refers to the executable sectors. Consider 2 ways to start this tool.

Method 1

Method 2.

  • the "/ F" flag activates the command Check HDD and automatically fix errors;
  • "/ R" is looking for damaged sectors and restores their contents.

To work "Chkdsk" needed full access to Winchester. Therefore, before starting work, close all applications and open documents.

Changing the connection mode

Developers motherboards Includes support for standards:

  • IDE - compatibility mode with outdated equipment;
  • AHCI - optimized. His advantages: High speed, support for solid-state drives.

Even if you enabled IDE mode, you can change it. After that, its speed will increase significantly.
Some default manufacturers install IDE compatibility mode. It is done to get rid of equipment compatibility issues. Therefore, new SATA disk It will work in IDE mode, but slower. How to switch it?
Open the Device Manager. We find the branch "controllers". Look at the name. It can be seen that AHCI is used.

How to speed up a hard disk through BIOS (BIOS)

How to enable AHCI

Press "WIN + R" further "REGEDIT".
Find a section:
In the "Start" parameter, in the value of the value "0" in the value field.
Go to section:
For the "0" parameter, register "0".
Go to the next section. Further as in the screenshot:
Next, open the registry branch.