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Landing page promotion yourself step by step instructions. Creating and promoting a landing page yourself: step by step instructions

We have released new book"Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

To begin with, I propose to understand the terms. Landing page is the landing page that is seen by the user who clicked on the advertising link. This could be a paid Google AdWords link, advertising banner, mailing, etc.

They are used to increase the return on advertising and increase the audience. Also, the Landing page helps the user to focus, guarantees a higher conversion rate from advertising messages, and also motivates users to take the actions you need.

the main task- to turn an ordinary Internet user, who is interested in an advertising offer, into a real client of the company.

Deciding to start promoting in search engines, you should understand that you will face a number of limitations:

  • Firstly, the results can be achieved only for one semantic group of key phrases.
  • Secondly, the chances of getting to the top for highly competitive queries are slim.

Do you need to make a landing page at all? Think twice.

For example, if we are talking about the sale by a company of a product of any manufacturer, then there is a possibility that the buyer will go to the site of this brand and order the product there, and not from you.

The second nuance, which can be called a drawback, is the limited information presented on the landing page that is offered to be obtained after filling out the form.

Because buyers for the most part are distinguished by a suspicious attitude and some distrust of advertising pages, they can quickly leave it. But this can be avoided by placing on the page positive reviews, recommendations, awards and certificates of the company.

How to correctly determine the semantic group of key phrases to promote the landing page

I will give an example using a group of key phrases:

landing page promotion

promotion landing page

promotion of a one-page site

landing page seo

It can be seen with the naked eye that the semantic basis of a group of phrases is (promotion of the landing page). Also (landing page) and (landing page) are synonymous.

And, if you didn't know, then (promotion), (promotion) and (seo) are also synonyms.

In the future, the meaning and essence of the page will not spoil the various additional words to the current keyword:

landing page promotion reviews

landing page promotion methods

promotion landing page order

landing page promotion cost

landing page promotion price

landing page promotion in yandex

promotion of landing page in google

You can collect an impressive number of phrases with the word "landing", but it is not worth promoting one page on them. Here is an example of phrases that do not fit in any way with an already selected group:

creation and promotion of landing page

creating a landing page

order a landing page

sale of landing pages

landing page free download

create a landing page for free

ready-made landing pages

Ways to promote one-page sites

Or what we can influence when promoting a landing page

  1. entry into the URL;
  2. title;
  3. description;
  4. keywords;
  5. occurrence in links;
  6. text on the site;
  7. external factors.

We will consider each of the points separately: how and in what way this or that position of the list can affect the promotion. I will also talk about how to use new knowledge in practice and not make mistakes.

URL entry

Of course, at the present time this factor does not affect the promotion so much, but still you should not ignore it.

And there is no need to worry about the fact that the domain will not be very beautiful - this is just a landing page, not a company website. The task of the landing page, as I said, is to sell, not to carry positioning.

Advice: Use the English version or transliteration from the Russian language. If you are not strong in transliteration, use the program punto switcher: select the desired text and hold down the Alt and Scroll Lock keys at the same time.

You can also see in the search results how search engines recognize the words you want. In search results, robots usually highlight words in bold in transliteration, which they understand as keywords.


This is a very significant ranking factor, so you should pay a lot of attention to it.

  • Use the main key phrase at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Add words calling for action.
  • If you are having trouble eliminating the repetition of the key phrase, then divide the repeated keys into two sentences.

Common mistakes:

  1. Spam Title - When keywords are repeated several times in one sentence.
  2. Incoherence - listing keywords without thought / logic.


Description is not a search engine ranking factor, but it is very important in order to improve the attractiveness of a site in search results.

But if you insert key phrases in the description, then they will participate in the ranking text. It is worth using this if there is not enough text on the page to embed keywords.


In general, it does not affect anything (and this has been repeatedly stated by the search engines themselves). However, like description, keywords are directly involved in text ranking. The lowest-frequency phrases or “complex” keys, which are difficult to enter correctly without damaging the text, can be specified in keywords separated by commas.

Important: specify no more than 3-5 key phrases.

Entry in links

Anchor keywords have a pretty impressive impact on rankings.

An "anchor" in html is a bookmark with an individual name at a certain place on a site page, in order to navigate to it via a link. For example, you have a large informative web page and your task is to make navigation more convenient. To do this, you indicated the content at the very beginning, by clicking on the points of which, you are immediately transferred to the corresponding section of the page.

This is what we see in the code:

And this is the place where we need to be transported.

To work with subheadings and text, you need to divide into groups semantic core- future text blocks

An example of text blocks on a landing page:

* main keyword

the main keyword is what is it

main keyword definition

synonym - main keyword

* main keyword example

main keyword review

* how the main keyword works


According to the optimization rules, H1 must be used on a page no more than 1 time (one page cannot have two names, right?).

What should be the H1? Short, no more than 5 words. The main keyword is required.

H2 and H3

Subheadings are very important in one-page pages, as search engines can use them as title in search results. For each text block, you need to write a subheading in H2 or H3 (according to the logic of the landing page).

In the subheading, you should use a key phrase that matches the content of the block. Keep in mind that content is created primarily for users, so keep an eye on how attractive and adequate (in terms of spam) your subheadings look.

Text on the site

A text block is written for each group of key phrases on the landing page. When optimizing text, it is important not to spam with keywords, do not be afraid to combine them

Given: key phrases

* main function keyword

main keyword operating principles

After merging:

* main keyword functions and operating principles

By the way, our other articles are full of tips on content, where the topic of keys and chips is fully disclosed :) We thought about a thematic mailing, but we don't have time yet, so it's most convenient

In this article, we will dwell in more detail on an integrated approach to promotion. We will analyze the methods of receiving traffic from different channels: free search, contextual advertising, social networks and thematic platforms.

All methods can be applied independently, without having professional skills. Following the instructions, everyone will be able to start promoting the landing page, and after going through all the stages, increase the flow of targeted requests and the number of orders.

Often a one-page page is created for contextual advertising with predominantly warm traffic. SEO-promotion of such a page is rarely used, thereby missing out on a significant part of users. Of course, it will be difficult to get into the TOP-10 for high-frequency queries, but there is an excellent way to advance on key queries with low competition. To do this, you need to create several landing pages that are optimized for each group of low-frequency queries. Usually the low-frequency query is quite specific, which will allow you to get targeted traffic, as well as cover those user groups that were not noticed by competitors.

15 stages of landing page promotion

Let's consider step by step all the methods of promotion. For full-fledged promotion, you will need a semantic core, a spectacular design with thoughtful usability, technical optimization, knowledge of the needs of your target audience and launching advertising on different sites.

Find the right queries with low competition

Landing page promotion begins with the selection of key queries. You can collect suitable phrases using the services and, and Bukvarix is ​​suitable for expanding semantics. Alternatively, you can immediately use automated programs: paid Key Collector or free Slovoeb. For more information on how to assemble a semantic core, read this article.

  1. Rough grouping of requests using the service Kulakov Clusterizer .
  2. Choose a group with suitable requests and check its competition for Mutagen. If it is below 12, you can take them to work.
  3. You copy low-competition keywords and run them through the Rush Analytics clusterizer.
  4. Delete irrelevant and informational queries.

The result will be a group of keywords for further work.

Choose a domain name using the master key

Determine the main query for which you plan to optimize the landing page - this is what it will be domain name... If such a name is taken, write the words together or with a hyphen. You can also combine the name with different domain zones, just keep in mind that they must correspond to the region for which the landing page will be promoted.

Add a one-page page to the Yandex and Google webmasters panel

To add a landing page to Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console, upload the corresponding HTML file to the root directory of the site to verify the rights. After that, you will have access to the webmasters panel in Yandex and Google, where you will see information about your site, error messages and indexation status.

Use 1 region to promote

Typically, a one-page page is promoted only in one region, which must be indicated to search engines. This will help them understand the users of which country and city you are interested in. Unfortunately, this cannot be done in Google Search Console: it is determined automatically from the information on the site. But the region can be specified in Yandex.Webmaster, for this:

  1. Go to the control panel.
  2. In the left menu, find the "Site Information" section.
  3. Select "Regionality".

After that, a page will open where you can specify the region you need to promote the landing page.

Adapt for mobile phones

Landing Page must be adapted for everyone mobile devices... First, Google switched to mobile-first indexing, which means that it first evaluates the site by its mobile version and lowers all sites that do not have it in the SERP. For Yandex, this parameter is also important, and you will see a warning about the lack of adaptability in the Webmaster.

Secondly, if your site is not displayed correctly on the device, the user will most likely close the site immediately. Every user is important for a one-page page, and you need to take care in advance that the site is convenient to use, regardless of the screen resolution.

Check site for optimization for mobile phones can be in the Google service.

Speed ​​up downloads on all devices

Pay special attention to the landing page loading speed. According to statistics, the majority of users close the site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
You can check your download speed using PageSpeed ​​Insight. It will show you the average score for desktop and mobile, along with basic guidelines to help speed up your downloads. Try to correct as many mistakes as possible in order to achieve a score of 90 points or more. Optimize your images first, reduce the use of external resources, and minify your code.

Carry out technical optimization

Technical optimization consists of several stages: checking internal links, compiling correct robots.txt, filling in tags for images and preparing micro-markup.

  • Make sure there is no broken links... Look for 404 error pages in the Webmaster and Search Console panels or scrape the site using Screaming Frog or XENU programs.
  • Make a correct robots.txt that looks like this:

Robots.txt example

User-agent: *
Allow: / images /
Disallow: / js /
Disallow: / css /
User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /
User-agent: Yandex
Allow: / images /
Disallow: / js /
Disallow: / css /

  • Add alt for images. Firstly, this is one of the requirements of search engines to better rank your site. Secondly, it is a source of additional traffic from Google and Yandex Images.
  • Set up micro-markup - displaying extended data in search results: rating, price, number of reviews, etc. This will make the snippet informative and increase its click-through rate.

Optimize your meta tags for Title, H1 and Description

Remember that there should only be one H1 heading on a landing page. If it occurs 2-3 times or does not occur at all, this needs to be corrected. The H1 heading should be written with a focus on the client's basic need or pain, and it should also use the main query. This will increase the chances that the user will be interested in the product and get acquainted with the offer in more detail.

Other headings (H2, H3, etc.) should follow the hierarchy, represent the section titles and preferably include the keywords in a diluted form.

Title is composed according to a similar principle, but worded in different words. It is displayed in search results, so keep in mind three points: it must include the main keyword, its length must be 60-70 characters, and it must be in harmony with the Description. You can find more details about all the intricacies of compiling Title in the article.

Prepare terms of reference for a copywriter

The TK Monster service will help to prepare the TK for the copywriter. Add the collected group of keys to it, and it will generate a detailed specification. Then look at the TOP of search results and select 5 relevant sites. Copy each text into the Advego service:, add the volume of each text and divide the resulting number by 5. This will give you the optimal volume for your text.

Check and place the text on the landing page

Do not forget to check the text for all parameters: for compliance with the recommendations of the TK Monster service, for uniqueness and the absence of spelling and punctuation errors using Advego Plagiatus or

Also, format your text using lists, tables, insert pictures and infographics.

Use spoilers

When a landing page uses large chunks of text, it looks too long, and users may not be able to scroll to the end. To make it compact, hide the text in special blocks that expand on click.

Add contact information and characteristics that increase the credibility of the company

On the landing page, it is imperative to indicate the most detailed information about the company. This greatly increases the confidence of the visitors. Add full contact information: exact address, phone numbers, mail, instant messengers, opening hours, directions. Specify the details of the return of goods, terms of payment and delivery, post customer reviews.

All of these parameters are called commercial factors. We talked about them in detail in the material.

Build your affiliate program to get free and quality links

Your own affiliate program is a great way to build quality links. Everyone who becomes your partner will link to the landing page. This will increase your site's rankings as it dilutes the link profile, even if the links are closed from indexing. Besides, getting such links is free, and their quality will be high.

Run contextual advertising to get targeted customers and improve behavioral factors

You can connect contextual advertising both in Yandex.Direct and in Google adwords... To run it, use the semantics collected for the structure, which will bring you target customers. If configured correctly, you will achieve two goals at once: get customers with high conversions and improve the behavioral factors that are important for search engine promotion.

Track the results of the advertising campaign and make the necessary edits

After launching your campaign, carefully monitor the analytics. If there are a lot of inappropriate clicks, add garbage queries to the list of negative keywords. If there is a large percentage of bounces, analyze the statistics for irrelevant requests, check page load and evaluate whether your prices are competitive.

To find technical errors, the Yandex.Webmaster panel and Google Search Console will help. And for analytics of behavioral factors - Webvisor in Yandex.Metrica. Webvisor allows you to see which links the user clicks on and whether they scroll to the bottom of the page. With its help, you can understand which elements are ineffective and replace them with others.

Alternative Landing Page Promotion Methods

In addition to search engine promotion and contextual advertising, you can promote your landing page in other ways that may not be used by your competitors, and therefore give you an additional advantage.

Through social media

Collaborate with bloggers and order reviews and mentions from them. The blogger audience is characterized by increased loyalty, which will ensure high conversion.

Create your own communities, because the creation and content of the group does not require financial investments. If you have quality posts on popular topics, users will share them themselves, thereby expanding your reach, and possible traffic to the landing page.

Using teasers

The main advantages of teaser advertising are low cost, high click-through rate and the ability to customize targeting. Typically, teasers are shown on entertainment, news, women's, or medical sites. The specificity of teasers lies in their provocativeness and understatement, forcing the user to click on the ad. Not all goods and services are suitable for this type of promotion, since teasers have a large coverage, which means that only advertising of goods that are interesting to a wide audience will pay off.

Banners and links on thematic portals

If the provocative format is not close to you or the products are not designed for a wide audience, you can order a banner on a specific site. In this case, you need to negotiate with the owners of thematic sites on the placement of advertising directly. Often, high-traffic portals already have banner prices and offer ready-made formats. If the portal has a theme similar to your landing page, you will get a good click-through rate.

Another way are links to third-party resources... If you prepare suitable content for them and find quality donors, then this method will have two advantages at once. First, a good link is always a plus for the link profile, which will be a plus for search engine optimization... Secondly, interested users who can become your customers will follow the link.


You can promote your landing page and get traffic with high conversions yourself by following these instructions. If the site has a competent structure based on the semantic core, it is technically optimized, responsive, loads quickly and is tailored for one region - the landing page will easily go to the TOP of search results for key queries. And when correct setting contextual advertising, teasers, banners, links and social networks - you will significantly increase targeted traffic and the number of new customers.

It is believed that SEO promotion of a landing page is an ineffective, almost impossible thing, and in general - pay like everyone else for contextual advertising and do not cringe.

However, it is not at all necessary for Yandex-Direct to be sold into slavery. In this article, I will show you 8 specific techniques that will allow you to successfully promote your landing pages on the search engines.

And before we start, let's figure it out - is SEO optimization necessary for landing pages at all?

Do I need SEO promotion for a landing page?

A problem with seo promotion m of landing pages is that this type of site is conceived in order to get the maximum conversion. On the landing page, each element works to squeeze the target action out of the visitor - a purchase, an order, a call, registration, etc.

And if some element does not work for the benefit of the conversion, then it works to the detriment of it. And that means that such an element must be removed from the landing page. For example - long texts with descriptions. And for SEO-promotion, long texts are just necessary.

Search engines promote to the TOP those pages that give the maximum value to the user. Moreover, the values ​​are in text format. Because search robots do not yet perceive other formats of content at all.

It turns out that your site can be aimed at either conversion or search engine promotion. Because optimizing a landing page for search engines will reduce its conversion. But everything is not so simple here.

How seo landing page promotion works

Firstly, if your landing page gets into the TOP of search engines, then you don't have to worry about conversion at all. Let it be 0.5% instead of 3% - what's the difference? All the same, you get traffic for free.

Secondly, here I gave a too harsh example. In fact, the conversion rate will not drop 6 times. She may even grow up. Because traffic from search engines is always warmer than from regular commercial advertising. The conversion of such traffic can reach huge (by the standards of a regular landing page) numbers. Below I will show an example of one of my such landing pages, where the conversion to purchase is 7.1% with an average check of 2913 rubles. (calmly, guys, not everything is so fabulous there, now you will see for yourself =)

Another challenge with landing page SEO is that we are dealing with commercial SEO here. That is, we are already talking about money. And where there is money, everything is always serious. It's not just for you to start a block and write articles for information requests. Competition is fierce in commercial inquiries.

And landing pages are mainly launched for quick sales. Launched - and the business process began. But if you have a new domain, then search engines will not let it in the TOP under any circumstances. At first, he will lie under the filters of the "sandboxes" for six months. This is done in order not to create thousands of sites for "black" seo. That is, you will start receiving search traffic in six months at best.

Considering all of the above, we can decide that seo promotion and landing pages are like a dolphin and a mermaid - "not a couple, not a couple ..."

But we will draw final conclusions a little later. In the meantime, I propose to take a look at how theory works in practice. Here is one of my landing pages in the TOP of Yandex.

An example of my landing page in the TOP-5 of Yandex

Not the coolest case, but I don't have one better yet. I just want to show you that it is real to promote your landing page in search engines. And making money from them is also real.

I have one project for translators. The main product is a distance learning course. There are two options for completing the course - for 2370 rubles. and for 4960r. And I have, of course, a landing page for selling this very course.

And if you enter the query "distance courses of translators" into Yandex, it will be in the 3-5th place, depending on various factors. In Google, it is lower - by 7-8 positions.

This is an ordinary ugly landing page, on which I have not even applied almost any of the techniques I am going to tell you about below. However, it is in the TOP for several queries. Another thing is that these requests are very infrequent. That is, very few people need these same distance courses of translators.

However, between January and March, for example, I got 70 net clicks from search engines.

And it brought me as many as 5 sales worth 14,565r. Thus, the conversion was 7.1% with an average check of 2913 rubles. For a landing page with regular traffic from contextual advertising, such numbers are almost unattainable. There 2-3% in the application (not for sale) - is already considered a success. This is what I mean when I say that ad traffic and search traffic are completely different things.

I understand that 14 565 rubles. in 3 months - this can delight few people. But the fact remains - these people came to me for free through SEO.

What if you create several of these landing pages? But what if we "sharpen" them for more popular queries? But what if we apply to them the techniques that I will talk about below? 9-10 landing pages with attendance of 300-500 people per month, and with a conversion of 7% - it doesn't seem so funny anymore, does it?

If you are too lazy to count on a calculator, then 10x300x0.07 = 210 sales per month. And the coolest thing is that it's all free and "forever". That is, you will not have to constantly pay more and more for contextual advertising, balancing on the brink of self-sufficiency. And there will be no need to be afraid that as soon as you stop paying, all your "business" will immediately go to the bottom.

Well, let's go straight to the 8 techniques that will help you promote your landing page to the TOP of search engines.

How to promote your landing page for SEO?

Before you start - do you know how SEOs make money on landing pages in America? They create one-page pages on some topic (for example, "limousine rental") and promote it to the TOP of Google in some city.

And then they just call the limousine rental companies in this city and sell their promoted landing page for quite a lot of money. And they do it with the help of these eight techniques.

Technique # 1 - Regionality

Do not try to promote your landing page all over the Runet at once. Most likely, multi-page sites will stupidly crush you with a mass (amount of content). It is better to make several landing pages, and set your own promotion region for each.

This is done in tools Yandex-Webmaster... Register your site there, and then go to the "Site Information - Regionality" section. And there, set a specific city. Just do not forget to indicate in the contacts on this page the address from this city, otherwise they may not miss it.

Technique # 2 - Classic Optimization

When creating a landing page, as a rule, we do not pay any attention to the classic techniques of seo page optimization. And for search engines it really matters. Correctly filled in description, title, keywords - all this helps Yandex and Google understand what is written on your page and for whom.

Also, be sure to use the main keyword in the text, in the title

, in descriptions for pictures in the tag ... It's not difficult at all, but it will immediately add weight to your site. Full list requirements for 100% page optimization you can.

Tactic # 3 - Home

Default, home page the site always carries more weight than the internal pages. Therefore, make sure that your landing page is one continuous main page. That is, you do not need to create one domain, and then hang ten separate landing pages on it.

Most people will simply remove from address bar the end of your URL and go to the main domain to see what kind of site it really is (did you think you were the only one doing this? =)

Therefore, it is better to buy 10 separate domains, and let your landing page be the main (and only) page on that domain. This gives you an additional advantage over multi-page sites, where articles are placed deep in the site.

Tactic # 4 - Correct Domain

By the way, at the expense of domains. It will be good if you choose a domain that will contain the main keyword for which you are promoting. Search engines will start putting you higher already only for 100% match of the site name to the key query.

You can register the keyword in Latin characters or use a domain with the extension .рф. For example, for the query "auto repair" you can use a domain like "" or "repair-avto.rf".

Technique # 5 - Acceleration and Mobility

Landing pages are often done in online builders. It's fast and convenient, but there is always a lot of unnecessary code on such one-page pages. This code slows down the site. As a result, people leave without waiting for the content to appear (patience is usually enough for a maximum of 3 seconds).

Accordingly, search engines will not want to show your site if people leave it anyway. So speed up your landing page:

  • Make it in a separate clean html template
  • Hire a specialist to minify the code,
  • Place your landing page not on a regular hosting, but on a VPS
  • Remove unnecessary graphics and dynamics
  • Squeeze pictures
  • Make your landing page responsive for all mobile devices

These "little things" greatly influence the promotion. Check your landing page loading speed Google Page Speed.

Tactic # 6 - Wide-Narrow Comb

Landing pages appeared and developed only thanks to the emergence and development of contextual advertising. We have the opportunity to narrowly target a specific audience, with its specific pains, and thereby increase sales conversion.

For example, selling “courses of English language»For retirees - we will act in the same way. And the same for businessmen - in a completely different way.

There are two options for SEO landing pages. The first is to make a page immediately suitable for all audiences, and write all the pains and solutions in one place. This way we will collect more traffic, but we can lose in conversion.

Another option is to create separate landing pages for each key audience. So our conversion will certainly be higher. But first, make sure that different target audiences are really looking for your products / services in different ways. Otherwise, your landing pages will compete with each other.

Tactic # 7 - Live Inbound Links

Website promotion is strongly influenced by how many other sites link to you. Of course, search engines claim that link promotion is no longer working and that only behavioral factors matter.

In fact, links are still very important. Especially for Google. Therefore, you want to get as many inbound links to your landing pages as possible. Only this must be done carefully, otherwise you can get under the sanctions of search engines.

The easiest, most powerful and "white" way to get a lot of inbound links to your landing page is to organize your affiliate program... Your partners will bring you customers, and you will pay them a percentage of each purchase.

And in order to bring people, your partners will, wherever possible, place their affiliate links to your site. So you and additional traffic get, and you will be very advanced in the search.

Technique # 8 - Lots of Text

As I wrote at the beginning of this article, text is important for search engines. And it is not customary to write a lot of text on landing pages - this reduces conversion. We still need to keep the selling structure of the landing page. To resolve this paradox, you can simply "hide" part of the text from visitors.

At the same time, search robots will see this text, and will consider that you have a very rich textual content site.

From a technical point of view, this is very easy to do. You take and paste text into it. As a result, we get the so-called "spoiler". That is, a visitor to your site will need to click on the link in order for the text to unfold.

Very convenient, agree? On the one hand, there is a lot of text. On the other hand, there is no extra text, and nothing threatens the conversion of your landing page.


And in the end, let's conclude whether it makes sense to engage in SEO promotion for landing pages or not.

In my opinion, betting on SEO is still not worth it. For many reasons, you can start earning money much faster with the help of contextual advertising. But it is possible and necessary to gradually get off the "contextual needle". After all, who would pass up the extra "free" money?

And here's what you need to do for this:

  • Promote your landing page for a specific city. This way you will have less competition.
  • Apply

Efficiency landing page depends not only on competent layout and beautiful design, but also on the methods of its promotion. That is why, already at the initial stage of creating a landing page, you need to think about how you will promote it. In this article, we'll take a look at several ways you can attract a high-quality target audience to your page.

1. Traffic from search engines

The opinion that the landing page cannot be promoted using SEO optimization, has long been disproved, and now many landing pages occupy quite high positions in search engines, giving their owners high-quality traffic.

Landing page promotion using SEO allows you to attract visitors who are already interested in your product or service to your site, absolutely free. Therefore, when creating this marketing tool, it makes sense to optimize its structure for search queries.

What is needed for this?

  1. To compose a semantic core - that is, to select user requests for which your page will be displayed in search engines.
  2. Design text blocks with correct keyword entry
  3. Correctly fill in the meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords)

This method will bring you customers not immediately, but after a certain time, so pay attention to other methods of landing page advertising, which give a faster result.

2. Contextual advertising

This method also allows you to attract “hot” traffic to your landing page - that is, people who themselves are looking for your product or service. In this case, you need to have an ad budget, but the good news is that with the right ad campaign setup, the money spent will pay off quickly.

There are two main services with which you can set up contextual advertising - Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances, which will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand. Therefore, if you have never set up contextual advertising, then it is better to entrust this work to a specialist, otherwise there is a possibility of draining the entire advertising budget "down the drain" and not getting results.

3. Advertising on social networks

Next method landing page promotion, which also shows high efficiency, is advertising on the social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. Advertising on social networks can be divided into two main groups - targeted advertising and advertising in thematic communities.

Targeted advertising allows you to show information about your products and services to a specific circle of people. You can customize your social media advertising campaign according to specific parameters of your target audience, such as gender, age, interests, etc. Thus, your landing page ads will only appear on pages of people potentially interested in your product.

Advertising in communities allows you to convey information about your product or service to thousands of people at the same time. Efficiency this method depends on various factors, such as the size of the community, its activity, the relevance of the advertising post to the topic of the community, and so on. To place an advertising post, you can use the Vkontakte community exchange or the Sociate service. You can also select groups on your topic yourself and agree with the administrators about posting.

Both targeted advertising and advertising in communities can bring significant results, but only with the right approach. As in the case of contextual advertising, if you are doing this for the first time, then it is better to contact specialists or study courses on this topic in advance.

4. Advertising of a landing page using a banner

Banners are one of the oldest promotion methods. graphic image advertising nature. Modern banners often have an animation effect that allows you to more effectively grab the user's attention and nudge them to go to the site. The task of the banner is not only to sell a product or service, but also to promote the company's brand.

As a rule, the effectiveness of this method depends on various factors - the traffic of the resource, the compliance of the banner with the subject of the advertising platform, and so on.

5. Teaser advertising

Teaser ads are blocks with enticing phrases and pictures that are aimed at attracting the attention of visitors. These blocks are called teasers (from the English word teaser - "teaser", "enticement") and are posted on various sites. Surely, you have seen similar advertisements on the Internet more than once, which looks something like this:

Teaser ads can generate a lot of traffic for little money, but they don't work in all cases. Typically, teasers are most suitable for promoting physical products, especially so-called "wow" products, weight loss products, anti-smoking products, and the like.

6. E-mail traffic

Email marketing is a way to promote landing pages through communication with target audience using the mailing list. If you have your own base of readers and you regularly share with them useful information, then this type of advertising can bring significant results. If you do not have your own database, you can use advertising in mailing lists of other authors, however, before placing such advertising, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the statistics of a particular mailing, displaying the number of subscribers, the percentage of letters open and other indicators. This view traffic is most often used to advertise paid and free information products.

Regardless of which of the listed advertising methods you will use, before running an advertising campaign, you must definitely study it in detail or contact a specialist. This will help you not only save your budget, but also make better use of your personal time.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Landing Page (landing) - a special site, often one-page, which is positioned as highly converting, or selling well. The site may not necessarily consist of one page, but in the classical sense this is exactly the case. This is the main feature of Landing Page promotion - promotion of a one-page site is often difficult and not very feasible.

How to promote a landing page is actually not such a difficult question if you are familiar with the principles of website promotion on the Internet. If you get new information for yourself, then let's say that the promotion of landing pages is a set of measures aimed at improving the site, as well as getting the link mass to your resource from other sites. Of course, no one canceled classic advertising, and we must not forget about this tool for promoting your business.

Seo Promotion Landing Page

Do-it-yourself landing page promotion in search engines (or SEO) is a very real idea. You often hear that this is a useless business, as search engines treat one-page sites badly, but in reality this is not entirely true. If the site meets certain requirements and provides potential customers with maximum information about the product that you are selling, then you can achieve good results.

Of course, as elsewhere, there are several buts. For starters, it's worth saying that a lot will depend on the competition of your topic. If you choose a competitive product for sales using a landing page, for which there are already many sites and stores on the Internet, then even large budgets will most likely not help you in order to break into the top 10.

Another point is competitors' sites in the subject of your interest. Just enter in the search engines the search queries you are interested in (which you are going to promote), and see which sites and online stores are in the top 10. If there are large portals and catalogs, then, most likely, your landing page promotion will not be crowned with much success.

These are all the features, and if you go into the Landing Page promotion strategy, then everything can be clearly described point by point. The basis of a successful landing page is its content, i.e. content (we recommend ordering texts from a specialized exchange from professionals -). This content should carry certain information for the user, such as: a description of the product, its photo, possibly a video review, reviews, etc.

For an approximate calculation of the cost of purchasing links, you can use the service:

But in order to pump your one-page store, you need a link mass - for this you have to get / buy links from other resources. The number of these links will be determined by the competition of the product you have chosen, as well as by the region, the number of competitors in the market, etc.
The ideal way to tell about yourself, as well as get a certain number of links from other sites, is to post reviews of your product on them. There are special services and tools for this. A more interesting option is to find sites similar to your topic, and contact their administrators directly with a request to post a review on their resource. Of course, this is done for money, but it is also logical. In the review, you insert a couple of links to your resource. If the sites are popular, then you can also get from them a certain flow of visitors who can become your customers.

We consider this method of promotion to be the most optimal and natural. You get so called eternal links, for which you pay once, while you can additionally provide your store with targeted traffic.

The alternative is rental links. Websites provide such links only for the time you pay for. They are good because they are cheaper, but for using this method of promotion, search engines can impose serious penalties on your landing pages.

Internal optimization of your landing page

In fact, a landing page is a landing page, that is, a page to which users will come from all channels of their attraction: search engines, advertising, thematic portals, etc. Therefore, it is important to optimize the page not only for search engines, but also for people.

What is necessary in order not to yield to competitors is a high-quality product description, preferably with infographics. Reviews and video reviews are also the norm for a high-quality landing page lately. Be original, write beautifully and understandably for people - do not try to cram the name of your product in every paragraph, not only search engines, but also people dislike it.

In fact, a beautiful organization of a landing page is all internal optimization. The only thing that needs to be done is to fill in the title of the page - title. Write in it the name of your product, possibly the region in which you work. And don't use words like “home page” etc. in your title.

  1. For success, you need to choose a non-competitive niche, or work in a small region.
  2. Look at your competitors - if there are large, multi-page sites in the top, then it is better to choose a different topic for the landing page.
  3. Link mass - will speed up indexing and give your site a certain trust.
  4. The clearer the description of the product, the more interesting the video review, the more useful the reviews, the more chance you have to take the top.

Landig advertising

Advertising is a win-win option for attracting visitors not only for the landing page, but for any other commercial site as well. As a rule, advertising gives better results in comparison with website promotion in search engines. Why - we described it above, it's all about the features of the Landing Page and the attitude of search engines to them.

The main types of advertising that should be used for promotion are advertising on social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki), contextual advertising (on Yandex and Google), direct advertising on sites of similar topics, teaser advertising,. The choice of this or that source of attracting users to the site depends directly on the age of potential customers, their gender, as well as the product itself.

Social networks

Social media is a booming advertising channel. People are increasingly immersing their lives in social networks - they communicate there, shop. If we take the two most popular networks in the Russian Federation, then you can find some differences in them. In the social network Vkontakte, the overwhelming majority are young people. Of course, today's youth can have a variety of interests - from handicrafts to smartphones, but you can already start from this.

In Odnoklassniki, it is believed that the audience is older, and the older generation prevails there. Although the former youth from Vkontakte has already grown up.

There are two main ways to advertise on social media is by displaying advertisements, and the second is by advertising in communities and groups. In the second case, informational posts with a link to your landing page will be placed in the groups you selected. Both work, but it all depends on each specific case.

Social media prospects!

For those who do not yet know how to master one of the most popular networks in Russia, we suggest learning how to make a profit.

contextual advertising

Any contextual advertising guarantees that you will attract a certain amount of traffic. Whether this traffic will be profitable for you is already a question of how you can sell. Advertising works perfectly because you get users immediately and instantly, that is, while you pay for advertising, you get traffic to the site. Compared to SEO - getting visitors from search engines often takes months.

contextual advertising in Yandex and Google - the two most popular directions. Because it is these two search engines that are most often used on the Russian Internet. You choose the keywords for which your ad should be displayed, and based on the bids for impressions, you calculate the budget. Monthly costs can be very different, since it all depends on the selected product and topic.

Placing direct advertising on sites

Direct advertising is a method that many people underestimate. The bottom line is to find sites suitable for you that offer banner placement on their site. Almost any information resource has a section called "Advertising on the site". Prices can be very different from 1,000 rubles to 30-40,000 per month for placing your banner. It all depends on the amount of traffic on the site where you are going to advertise.

Teaser advertisement

A relatively unexplored form of traffic attraction. Teaser networks are catalogs of sites of various topics - on these sites you are invited to post your advertisements... There are many teaser networks out there, but not all have many high-quality ad sites. Working with teasers requires special skill and knowledge, and the choice this method attracting customers directly depends on the topic of your site.

Efficiency and results

Landing page is a site that requires a special approach, including for attracting potential customers. The most important thing to understand is that an integrated approach to Landing Page promotion works best. Contextual advertising gives a quick, almost instant effect. Search engine promotion - increases the number of potential users as it develops.

Independent Landing promotion Page in search engines can work, and it can produce results. The main thing is to calculate everything and carry out the necessary preparatory work. Independent does not mean free, so a certain budget can significantly accelerate the achievement of the result.