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1 LibreOffice test control Student Course, group, specialty Questions to LibreOffice Writer, Math, Calc 1. Spell Checker in LibreOffice. Writer is executed by a sequence of commands: a. Service / Spelling & Grammar b. Format / Spelling and grammar in. Editing / Spelling and grammar d. Window / Spelling and grammar e. View / Spelling and grammar 2. How to open Text Document to process it in LibreOffice. Writer? a. Open LibreOffice. Writer and click Open b. Select the file and double-click the right mouse button in. Select a file and double-click the left mouse button d. File / View in Browser 3. From which item in the main menu the toolbars are installed in LibreOffice. Writer? a. File b. Edit in. View d. Format e. Tools 4. How to create a subscript in LibreOffice. Writer? a. Insert / Footer b. Edit / Changes / Subscript in. View / Margins / Subscript d. Format / Symbols / Position / Subscript e. Service / Numbering Structure / Subscript 5. How to create a bulleted list with a bullet that is not in the standard set of LibreOffice list bullets. Writer? a. Run the commands Markers / Markers and Numbering / Settings / Symbol / Select / OK b. Such a list cannot be created in. Edit / Changes / New marker d. Insert / Images / From file / select marker / ok e. Create a list with default marker, then edit / marker / positions / symbols / select marker / ok 6. Which plug-in is included in the LibreOffice package .? a. Notepad b. Calculator in. Word d. Calc e. MathCad 7. Yak set the spacing between characters in words in LibreOffice. Writer?

2 a. Service / Font / Spacing b. Format / Paragraph / Intercharacter spacing / spacing in. Format / Font / Spacing d. Edit / Font / Spacing / d. Format / Characters / Position / Character spacing 8. How can I switch between LibreOffice document windows if some of them are not visible on the screen? a. File / Open / Select desired file b. Press Alt + Tab / simultaneously select the desired file in. Service / Gallery / select the required file d. Window / New Window / select the required file e. Navigator / Ole-objects // select the required file 9. How to save a LibreOffice document. with a new name. a. Insert / object / insert new name b. Edit / Paste As / Paste New Name Into. File / Save As / Insert New Name d. File / Export / Insert New Name e. File / Rename / Insert New Name 11. What is the extension of the document created by LibreOffice. Writer? a..txt c..doc d..odt e. rtf 12. From which menu item the LibreOffice toolbars are installed. Writer? a. File / Browser View b. Format / Page in. View / Toolbars d. Tools / Options e. View / Page Setup 13. How to set the size and orientation of a LibreOffice page. Writer? a. File / Page Preview b. Edit / Changes to. View / Toolbars / Form design d. Tools / Options e. Format / Page 14. How to set LibreOffice page margins. Writer? a. File / Page Preview b. Edit / Changes to. View / Toolbars / Form design d. Tools / Options e. Format / Page 15. Which command cannot create a bulleted list in a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. Format / Bullets and Numbering b. Press the numbered list button c. Press the bulleted list button d. Service / Numbering structure e. Right-click / bullets and numbering

3 16. Checking Spelling in LibreOffice. Writer is executed by the command? a. Service / Spelling & Grammar b. Format / Spelling and grammar in. Edits / Changes 17. What modules are not included in LibreOffice.? a. Writer b. Calc in. Math d. MathCad e. Base 18. How to display all non-printable characters on the screen in LibreOffice. Writer? a. Insert / Special Characters b. View / Print layout in. Service / Customization d. View / Non-printing characters e. Edit / Changes / Non-printing characters 19. How to show / hide the horizontal ruler in LibreOffice. Writer? a. Edit / Paste Ruler b. View / Ruler in. Insert / Ruler d. Format / Horizontal Ruler e. Click the Ruler button on the Toolbar 20. How do I undo an action in LibreOffice.? a. Press Esc key b. Press the Backspase key in. Press the Undo key / From the drop-down menu select the required action d. Edit / Changes e. Edit / Cut 21. What needs to be done to LibreOffice. Did Writer automatically hyphenate words? a. Service / Options / Language settings / linguistics / automatic hyphenation b. Service / Spelling and grammar / hyphenation in. Edit / Changes / Hyphenation d. Format / Paragraph / Auto-hyphenation e. Insert / Special Characters / Hyphenation 22. How many alignment options are used in LibreOffice. Writer? a. Not a single b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e What command is not used to undo changes? a. Press Ctrl + Z b. Click on the Undo icon on the toolbar c. Edit / Redo d. Edit / Undo e. Edit / Changes / Accept or Reject 24. How can a conditional hyphenation be set within a word in a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. Ctrl + minus sign

4 b. Insert / Break in. Format / Symbols d. Tools / Spelling and Grammar e. Edit / Autotext 25. How can I set the display scale of a LibreOffice document? a. Insert / Scale b. Service / Scale in. View / Zoom d. View / Toolbars e. Using the toolbar only 26. As in LibreOffice. display the desired toolbar on the screen, for example, Formatting? a. Insert / Toolbars b. Service / Toolbars in. View / Toolbars d. Add a toolbar to the list of toolbars using the context menu (right mouse button) e. If the required toolbar is missing, you need to reinstall LibreOffice 27. What is the difference between the actions of the Save and Save As commands? a. Nothing b. The Save command does not allow you to save a document with embedded objects (diagrams, pictures, etc.) in. The Save As command allows you to change the name and location of the document d. The Save As command does not allow you to change the document type e. The Save As command allows you to create a copy of a file with a new name 28. How to select a text fragment in a LibreOffice document. Writer using keyboard? a. It is not possible to select with the keyboard, the selection is made only with the mouse b. Hold down the Shitf key and use the arrow keys in. Hold down the Ctrl key and use the arrow keys d. Use the Tab key e. Switch on keyboard selection mode in the Tools / Options menu and select text using the arrow keys 29. How to set the font size in a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. In the menu View / Zoom b. Only by using the list of sizes on the Formatting in toolbar. In the menu Insert / Formatting symbols d. In the menu Edit / Font e. In the menu Format / Symbols / Font / Size 30. How to add a table to a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. In the menu Insert / Table b. This cannot be done. You need to create a table using a spreadsheet processor (for example, Ooo Calc) and then copy it into an OOo Writer document in. In the menu Insert / Object / Table d. In the menu Tools / Special abilities/ Tables e. In the menu Table / Insert / Table 31. How to enable the Formula Elements (Selection) toolbar in the LibreOffice math formula editor. Math?

5 a. In the View / Selection (Formula Elements) menu b. In the menu View / Toolbars / Selection (Formula Elements) in. In the menu Tools / Toolbars / Selection (Formula elements) d. In the menu Insert / Toolbars / Selection (Formula elements) e. This cannot be done. If there is no toolbar, you will only have to use the keyboard 32 to type special mathematical symbols. Is it possible to insert Greek letters when creating mathematical formulas in the LibreOffice editor. Math? a. Yes, for this you need to open the Service / Catalog dialog box b. There is no such possibility in. Yes, you need to open the Insert / Special Characters dialog box d. Yes, if you have a Greek font installed on your computer e. Yes, you need to use the Format / Symbols / Font menu to do this 33. Is it possible to insert a Greek letter in a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. Yes, for this you need to use the menu Insert / Object b. There is no such possibility in. Yes, you need to open the Insert / Special Characters dialog box d. Yes, if the Greek font is installed on your computer e. Yes, you need to use the Format / Symbols / Font menu to do this 34. How to move the cursor using the keyboard to the beginning of a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. This cannot be done with the keyboard, only with the mouse b. This cannot be done using the keyboard, only using the special buttons on the scroll bar in. Use combination Ctrl keys+ d. Use the Ctrl + Home shortcut e. Use the Shift + Home shortcut 35. How to move the cursor using the keyboard to the end of a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. This cannot be done with the keyboard, only with the mouse b. This cannot be done using the keyboard, only using the special buttons on the scroll bar in. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + d. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + End e. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + End 36. How to move the cursor using the keyboard to the beginning of a line in a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. Press key b. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Home in. Press the Home key d. Press the PageUp key e. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + 37. How to move the cursor with the keyboard to the end of the line in a LibreOffice document. Writer? a. Press key b. Use the shortcut keys Ctrl + End in. Press the End key d. Use the shortcut Ctrl + e. Use the shortcut Shift + 38. Which data type below is not a LibreOffice spreadsheet format. Calc ?.

6 a. Numeric b. Text in. Dates Monetary d. Telephone 39. Specify the scientific data format in LibreOffice. Calc ?. a. 2.5E-03 b. 2/3 in. 12/30/2010 5% d. 524 $ 40. How to type text in a cell LibreOffice. Calc in multiple lines? a. Impossible. The text in the cell is typed in only one line b. Format / Alignment / Middle in. Service / Cell Contents d. Format / Cell / Alignment / Wrap by Words e. View / Toolbars / Formatting 41. Select an element that cannot be contained in LibreOffice formulas. Calc. a. Mathematical operator b. Conversion operator in. Comparison Operator d. Text Operator e. Reference Operator 42. Which character to start with when entering a formula in LibreOffice. Calc? a. f (x) b. Δ c. = city Σ d. 43. What does the entry "Taxes!" in the cell reference. a. This is the name of the sheet that cell b is on. This is the name of the function that calculates the value in the cell in. This is the error message d. This is the new name that was assigned to cell e. This means that the number in the cell will be displayed in currency format 44. What is the extension of the document created by LibreOffice. Calc? b..math c..ods d..odt e. odb 45. The spreadsheet is for: a. Processing predominantly numerical data structured using tables b. Orderly storage and processing of significant amounts of data; visualization of structural relationships between data presented in tables in. Editing graphic representations large amounts of information 46. Spreadsheet lines:

7 a. Named by users in an arbitrary way b. They are designated by letters of the Russian alphabet c. Designated by letters of the Latin alphabet d. Numbered. 47. In general, the columns of a spreadsheet are: a. They are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet b. Numbered in. They are designated by the letters of the Russian alphabet d. Named by users in an arbitrary way 48. For the user, a cell in a spreadsheet is identified by: a. By sequentially specifying the column name and row number, at the intersection of which cell b is located. Machine word address random access memory allocated for cell c. Special code word d. By a name randomly assigned by the user 49. Calculation formulas in the cells of the spreadsheet are written: a. Using math formula editors b. In the usual mathematical notation in. Specifically using built-in functions and following rules for writing expressions in programming languages ​​d. Rules for spreadsheets only e. Rules for databases only 50. Select the correct formula record for a spreadsheet: a. C3 + 4 * D4 b. C3 = C1 + 2 * C2 c. A5B5 + 23 yrs = A2 * A3-A4 51. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, absolute references are: a. Do not change b. They are transformed regardless of the new position of the formula in. Converted depending on the new position of the formula d. Converted depending on the length of the formula e. Converted depending on the rules specified in formula 52. When moving or copying in the spreadsheet, relative references: a. Are transformed regardless of the new provision of formula b. Are converted depending on the length of the formula in. Do not change d. Converted depending on the new position of the formula e. Converted depending on built-in functions 53. Range is: a. A set of cells forming a rectangular area in the table b. All cells are one row in. All cells in one column d. The set of valid values ​​e. Function arguments 54. The active cell is a cell: a. To record commands

8 b. Containing a formula that includes the name of the cell in which data is entered into. The first cell of the sheet d. The formula containing references to the contents of the dependent cell e. The cell in which the input is made 55. What will the value of cell C1 be if you enter the formula = A1 + B1 a. 20 b. 15th century 10 g. 30 d. An error message will appear 56. What formula will be obtained when you copy the formula from cell C2 to cell C3: a. = A1 * A2 + B2 b. = $ A $ 1 * $ A $ 2 + $ B $ 2 c. = $ A $ 1 * A3 + B3 d. = $ A $ 2 * A3 + B3 d. = $ B $ 2 * A3 + B4

Spreadsheet test 1. A spreadsheet is: 1) a device personal computer managing its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form; 2) application program for processing

IOPD, Utemov V.V., 2009 Complex test on spreadsheets Calc 1. A spreadsheet is: Select all the correct answers to the test questions 1) personal computer device,

1. Word processor Writer. Entering and Formatting Text Overview The Writer word processor is by far the most well-known application. As text

Section 1 MS Word Word Processor Table of Contents Section 1 MS Word Word Processor ... 1 1 MS Word Window ... 3 1.1 Office Button ... 4 1.2 Panel quick access and Panel Configuration ... 5 1.3 Window Configuration

Document Structure A Microsoft Excel document is called a workbook (sometimes the term "workbook" is used). A Microsoft Excel workbook consists of individual sheets (sometimes the term "worksheet" is used). Again

KNOWLEDGE CONTROL Test on Microsoft Word Task 1 The font size is ... 1. typeface 2. leading 3. type size 4. footer. Task 2 Type of font (graphic image of font characters) is ... 1.headset 2.

Lab 3 Working with Word Purpose of work: getting practical skills in working with a word processor. Theoretical Brief The Word processing environment includes tools

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Vertical ruler Vertical scroll bar Topic 1.2. Processing technologies text information Content of educational material 1. MS WORD word processor, its purpose, capabilities. Formatting

IKTO OZO 1.Choose the correct formula entry for the spreadsheet: 1) C3 + 4 * D4 2) A5B5 + 23 3) C3 = C1 + 2 * C2 4) = A2 * A3-A4 2.Active cell is a cell: 1 ) to record commands; 2) the formula which contains

6.1. TEXT PROCESSOR MICROSOFT WORD 2000. TEXT INPUT AND FORMATTING 6.1.1. General information The MICROSOFT WORD word processor is by far the most popular word processor in the world.

Text editor Word 2007 PROGRAM INTERFACE The text editor (processor) is a universal application program designed to create and process words using a computer, allowing

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Lab 9 Calc Integrated Environment. Data input. Actions on cells. Formatting the table. Print the table. Calc workspace The OOCalc module is a system

1 WORD makes it easy to format characters and paragraphs. Built-in spelling and grammar checkers check your document not only after completion, but also during creation. Existing funds

Independent work Lists. Preparing a text document for printing Header and Footer. Build an associative bush for the numbered list. Numbered list. Write down the sequence of creation

Tambov Regional State Budgetary educational institution secondary vocational education "Instrument-making College" Lecture materials on the topic "Text editor Microsoft

The order of the work Practice 1 1. Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Exercise 1 1. Create new document... Save the document as Text1.doc. 2. Set page parameters

Final test, Applied Informatics, bak. OZO (2727) 1. (45c.) To close the document press the keys 1) ALT + F4 2) SHIFT + F4 3) CTRL + F4 4) F4 2. (45c.) Formula = avg (a1: a5) is used in the program 1) WORD

Basic methods of formatting characters, paragraphs and pages Operation Formatting a character 1. Change the type and size of the font 2. Change the color of the character 3. Underline text Align text to

L. L. Bolotko, E. V. Kremen, Yu. A. Kremen Working with text editors (on the example of Microsoft Word 2002) Module 3 Minsk Academy of Postgraduate Education 2003 UDC 37 (075.8) LBC 32.973.26-018.2

90 Chapter 5 Text Box This tab is available for objects within which text has been typed. With its help, you can adjust the internal margins and specify whether the object will be resized if the text does not fit.

LibreOffice Application Basics Introduction. LibreOffice is a package (collection) of applications for working with various types of documents, word processing tool, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.

TEST TASKS for credit in the discipline "Informatics" for students of the specialty "Nursing" (evening department) 2nd year, 4th semester 1. To create and edit a text file in Windows

Name County OU GENERAL ICT COMPETENCE TESTING 1) Which of the following menu commands can you use to add slide numbers to your presentation? 1.insert; 2. design;

Creation of tables, figures and embedding of objects in a text document Operation Creation and modification of a Microsoft Word formula Execution 1. In sequence, execute the menu commands Insert MS Equation Object

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Practical work 3.2. Working with MS Word. Presentation of text in the format of lists. Working with tables Purpose of work. After completing this work, you will learn how to: form labeled and numbered

Topic 6 Working with s Objects are elements of a document that are not text: pictures, formulas, diagrams, curly text. x a 3 2 5 b b a f (x) dx Insert a into a document Diagram There are two

TABLE PROCESSOR 1 Purpose and functionality EXCEL Tabular a processor is a program that enables the creation and automatic processing of a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is automated

Practical work 3.3. Working with MS Word. Creation and editing graphic objects... Insert formulas into the document. Structuring the document Purpose of the work. After completing this work, you will learn:

PRACTICE 5.2.1. TABLE PROCESSOR INTERFACE Tabular Processor Environment Interface ... 1 Office Button ... 1 Ribbon and Tabs ... 1 Groups ... 2 Quick Access Toolbar ... 3 Workbook Interface ... 3

Laboratory work 6 "Fundamentals of creating spreadsheets" Purpose of work: to study the basic rules of creating and editing spreadsheets in the spreadsheet environment Calc 1. Brief

Technology of work in the text editor Microsoft Word 1. Start Microsoft Word Start Programs Microsoft Office Microsoft Word. 2. Rules for typing in Microsoft Word: When typing in Word adhere to

ELECTRONIC TABLES Computer programs for storing and processing data presented in tabular form are called spreadsheets. Advantages of spreadsheets: 1. Data,

Topic: Purpose: Time: Task: Literature: Practical work 8. Basics of editing. Formatting text, paragraph. Working with multiple documents. Get practical skills in working with fragments

Microsoft Excel 2010 Ayupov R.X. Acquaintance with MS Excel A spreadsheet is a table in electronic form, in the cells of which are written data of various types: texts, dates, formulas, numbers. For driving

The basics of working in a text editor Basic programs for working with text WordPad (available in all Windows computers) MS Word Open Office Open the program by double clicking on the program icon on the desktop

Lab Activity 2 Creating and Editing Documents in the Environment text editor Microsoft Word General requirements for the design of laboratory work and the procedure for its protection Laboratory

TEXT PREPARATION SYSTEMS TEXT PROCESSOR MICROSOFT WORD 2010 Plan - Functions and classification of text preparation systems - Microsoft Word text editor: general information, window structure. - Work

The Calc spreadsheet editor (hereinafter simply Calc) is designed to work with spreadsheets, with its help you can make calculations, analyze and manage data. For data processing

Ministry of Education Russian Federation Penza State University E.G. Sheremetyeva Basics of working with spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 2003/2007/2010 A set of questions for testing

TIME TO COMPLETE THE WORK: 2 hours. 1. Extracurricular training Prepare the title page. See APPENDIX 1 2. Work in the laboratory Basic information Immediately after starting Word automatically creates a new document

CONTENTS Introduction ................................................ .. 13 Part 1. Rule of the Right mouse button, with the help of which acquaintance with Windows begins ...................... 16 Chapter 1. Basics of the system

Excel Formatting data in a cell Introduction A spreadsheet is a program for processing data presented in the form of a rectangular table. It allows you to perform various calculations and clearly illustrate

Practical work 9 Topic: CREATING DOCUMENTS IN THE EDITOR MS WORD. FORMATTING FONTS. Purpose of the lesson: study information technology creating, formatting and saving documents in MS WORD.

Laboratory work 2 Editing and formatting a document Purpose of the work: to form a skill for performing basic techniques of editing and formatting text (selection, copying, moving

Getting Started with the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Processor Microsoft Excel is the world's most popular spreadsheet processor. With its help, you can automate all kinds of calculations, build a business

TEXT EDITOR Word Text editor Word program create, edit, format, save and print text documents, check spelling in the document. Start Word Start Word

Laboratory work 7 Topic: Style formatting of documents. Creating a table of contents. Using Styles When creating a document, you often have to deal with headings. Typically headlines

General information about the MS WORD editor Main features of the test processor Creating a document by: Entering and formatting text; Creation of tables and tabular forms; Layout of text in several

Working with a spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Brief theoretical information Windows application Excel allows you to generate and print documents presented in tabular form, perform calculations


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southern Federal University" IV Ostrovskaya TESTS ON THE TOPIC: WORKING WITH EXCEL ELECTRONIC TABLES

Practical work 6 Preparation of documents using word processors such as Microsoft Word Purpose of work: Acquaintance with the features of electronic documents and tools for editing them in the environment

Basics of working in MS Word 2007 Description of the program window After starting MS Word, its window opens on the screen. The name is written in the title of the window open file or Document1, Document2, if

MICROSOFT WORD TEXT PROCESSOR Creating text documents in the Microsoft Word editor Launching and exiting the editor Launching the editor After loading the Windows shell in the Microsoft Office window, double-click

Practical work 14. Topic: Inserting objects into a document. Preparing for printing. The purpose of the lesson. Study of information technology for inserting objects into text in MS word. Task 14.1. Inserting WordArt objects.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY EXAMPLE of test tasks 1. Pictured fragment of an element user interface Excel is ... 1.status bar 2.formula bar

Creating and editing a text document in Microsoft Word 2003 A text editor is a program that allows you to create a document with text data. A word processor is a program for typing,

Tasks in computer science Grade 8 Bank of questions for testing 1. A certain number in binary system numbers are written as 11011010. Write this number in decimal system. 2. Translate the number 126

Basic Tasks in Word 2010 Word Overview Microsoft Word 2010 is a word processor for creating professional-looking documents. Combining in itself the best means

Data processing by means of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet To represent data in convenient form use tables, which makes it possible not only to display, but also to process data. Class

Spreadsheets Variety of spreadsheets in MS Excel applications (numerical tables) SulSim (data output to Excel) HYSYS (proprietary spreadsheets) Maple (symbol tables) Introduction Scope

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Penza State University E.G. Sheremetyeva Basics of working with a word processor MS Word 2003/2007/2010 A set of questions for testing Penza

PRACTICAL LESSON 4 TOPIC: Formula design by MS Equation editor. PURPOSE OF THE WORK: To learn how to operate a library of mathematical symbols when inserting mathematical formulas into a document using an object

1 Practical lesson 11 The concept of a spreadsheet. Appointment of the electronic processor. Table structure: cells, columns, rows. Types of data in a spreadsheet Purpose of work: To become familiar with the concept





Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Department of Information Security



for laboratory work

for full-time students in the direction (specialty) of preparation

090303 (10.05.03) “Information Security automated systems

Introduction. Work order

Previously, before the start of the laboratory lesson, students get acquainted with the goals and objectives of laboratory work, with a job assignment, and also study the explanations set out in paragraph " Theoretical information"guidelines for performing the next work.

During the lesson, students carry out the task (see the paragraphs "job assignment") in the sequence set out in the paragraph "Procedure for performing the work". For most of the work, tasks are provided for individual options. The option is assigned by the teacher conducting the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, a report on the implementation of laboratory work is drawn up. Report requirements are specified in the guidelines for each work. The report is drawn up first in electronic form (during the lesson), then printed out for the next lesson.

Each lab is designed to be protected. For protection, the student must present: the result of the assignment (general and according to his version), a report in electronic form and in paper. During the defense of the work, the student is asked questions in the course of the assignments or on the theoretical material considered in the work. If the student gives satisfactory answers to all questions, the work is considered protected and the teacher puts the appropriate number of points (from 0 to 3) and his signature on the title page of the report.

Laboratory work 1. Text editor MS WORD. General principles work.

Purpose and objectives of the work

This work examines the basic principles and techniques of working in a text editor MS Word.


Launching MS Word. To launch MS Word via the button Start you need to do the following: move the mouse to the button Start and press the left key; select the item from the list that appears Programs; click on the menu item - Microsoft Word.

In this mode of operation, the MS Word editor is launched with the creation of a new document. Figure 1 shows the general view of the MS Word window (depending on the version of MS Word, the view of the window may be different).

Menu item - File. When you click on the File button, a drop-down menu appears, with the following items:

- "Create"- Creates a new MS Word file, (Ctrl-N);

- "Open"- Opens a dialog box in which it is proposed to select a file for work (Ctrl-O);

- "Close"- Closes the working file;

- "Page settings"- Opens a dialog box with page parameters;

- "Preview"- Opens the document window, which shows the type of document when printed on a printer;

- "Seal"- Opens a dialog box for printing a document.

- "Properties"- Opens a window containing information about the working document.

- "Output"- closes the MS Word application. If, when you click on the exit, the document is not saved, then a menu appears with a proposal to save the document.

This menu also shows a list of several latest documents with which the work was done. When you click on them, they open in the editor.

Configuring document page settings. To configure document parameters, click - Menu → File → Page Setup, after which the window shown in Figure 2 will open.

In the bookmark "Fields" customizable: margin values ​​(top, left, bottom, right and binding); document orientation (portrait and landscape); type of document on the page - “Pages”; the scope of the page settings in relation to the document.

In the bookmark "Paper size": the paper size is selected from the list; the exact paper size is set; defines the scope of the page settings in relation to the document.

In the bookmark "Paper source" customizable: rules for starting a new section; rules for distinguishing headers and footers; the scope of the page settings in relation to the document.

Menu item - Edit. By pressing the button Edit, the menu shown in Figure 3 opens.


- "Cancel"- actions are canceled, according to the stack principle,

- "Repeat"- repeats the last action, (Ctrl-Y);

- "Cut"- deletes the selected fragment and places it in the buffer,

- "Copy"- copies the selected fragment to the clipboard, (Ctrl-C);

- "Insert"- inserts information from the clipboard into the document, (Ctrl-V);

- "Select all"- selects the entire content of the document, (Ctrl-A);

Menu item - View. When you click on a menu item View the menu shown in Figure 4 opens.

In this window, you can configure the presentation of the document on the screen.

Menu item - Window. When you click on a menu item Window the menu shown in Figure 5 opens.


- "New"- opens the current document in a new window;

- “Sort everything "- distributes all windows opened by MS Word on the computer screen;

- "Divide"- allows you to divide the screen into several work areas containing open documents in MS Word.

Menu item - Help. When you open this menu, a list of items appears that contains reference information and various helpers in working with MS Word.

Setting up MS Word.

Customization of MS Word panels is carried out through the menu item Tools → Settings. After clicking on this item, a window with settings opens, Figure 6. The window contains tabs: toolbars, commands and parameters.

The “Toolbars” tab indicates which panels should be on the screen. The “Commands” tab indicates which commands should be on the screen. The “Parameters” tab contains Extra options panel properties.

Inserting objects.

Inserting objects into MS Word is carried out through the menu Insert → Object. A window with two tabs appears on the screen: Create and Create from file. When you select from the "Create" section, a new object is added to the document, and when you click from the item "Create from file" already from an existing object / file. See figure 7.


Recall the main features of a word processor (Microsoft Word) for creating the simplest documents. Create an electronic report.


The work report is drawn up in electronic and paper form.

The report should contain: title page, purpose and tasks of the work, job assignment, results of the assignment (according to its version). A sample cover page is provided in the appendix to these guidelines.


1. Start MS Word with the creation of a new file. Start drawing up a report on laboratory work. The title page (sample) is presented in the appendix to these guidelines. Type the text of the title page of the work report (individual for each student) and save the file on disk. Open a file from disk and configure MS Word page settings on the following parameters(paper size - A4; page orientation - portrait; Margins (left - 2.5 cm; right -1.5 cm; top - 2 cm; bottom - 2 cm))

2. Get acquainted in practice with the material described in the "Theoretical information" paragraph, remember the hotkeys of the main commands.

3. Configure the panels. Display Panels - Standard and Formatting. Become familiar with a functional set of commands, such as the commands "fonts", "kerning" and "text alignment".

4. Insert objects "Microsoft Equation 3.0". Type formulas according to your option. Bring the list of designations to the formula, for example, like this:

5. Insert the "Picture Microsoft Word" object. Create a picture explaining the formulas (the picture must be created independently, and not inserted ready-made, for example, from the Internet). Sign the figure as - Figure 1 - Description of the figure. Create multiple pictures if necessary

Job options

Var. No. Formula description
Relationships connecting the lengths of the sides of a right triangle with the degree measure of angles (through sine and cosine)
Relationships for determining the area of ​​a trapezoid, the area of ​​a parallelogram, and the area of ​​a rhombus.
Cosine theorem and sine theorem
Pythagorean theorem, calculation of heights in a right-angled triangle.
Calculating the area of ​​a triangle (at least two formulas)
Calculating the area of ​​a quadrangle (at least two formulas)
Finding the radius of an inscribed and circumscribed circle (for a triangle)
The height of the pyramid, the volume of the pyramid.
The volume of the cone, the surface area of ​​the cone.
Cylinder volume, cylinder surface area.
Relationships between trigonometric functions of one argument (at least three formulas)
Equation of a straight line on a plane (at least two options)
The distance from a point to a straight line on a plane, from a point to a plane in space, the distance between two straight lines in space.

Lab 2. Word processor OpenOffice (LibreOffice) Writer. Interface OpenOffice Writer

Purpose and objectives of the work

This work examines the basic principles and techniques of working in text OpenOffice editor(LibreOffice) Writer.


The main working space The text editor Writer is shown in Figure 1.

Writer includes several context-sensitive toolbars that float by default in response to the current position of the cursor or selection. For example, when the cursor is in a table, the floating table toolbar appears, and when the cursor is in a numbered or bulleted list, the Markers and Numbering toolbar appears.

To show or hide the rulers, you must select View> Ruler .

The status bar displays the following information:

· current page number and total number of pages in the document... Double-clicking the left mouse button on this window opens a navigator with which you can navigate through the document. Right-clicking displays all bookmarks in the document;

· current page style. Double click the left mouse button opens the page parameters formatting window. Right-clicking the mouse allows you to select a style from the pop-up list;

· display scale... Right-clicking the mouse allows you to select a different scale from the list;

· display the current typing mode- insertion or replacement;

· displays the current selection mode- standard, extended or add mode;

· hyperlink mode allows you to transfer them from an active state to a change mode;

· sign of saving changes... If the changes made in the document were not saved, an asterisk (*) will be displayed in this window;

· digital signature window... It can be used to add or remove a digital signature to a document (right-click);

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher

vocational education



Laboratory workshop for the course "Computer Science and Programming"

developer Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Automated Control Systems

A.Ya. Sukhanov

A.Ya. Sukhanov

Computer Science and Programming: Educational Toolkit for laboratory work - 226 p.

The training manual contains a program and tasks for laboratory studies, as well as all the necessary forms of documents for completing tasks.

(c) Sukhanov A.Ya., 2010

1 Laboratory work No. 1. LibreOffice ................................................. ...............................................

1.1 Starting LibreOffice Writer ... .................................................. ...............

1.2 Entering text .............................................. .................................................. ....................................

1.3 Formatting text .............................................. .................................................. ................

1.4 Saving a Document .............................................. .................................................. ..................

1.5 Using Toolbars ............................................. ........................................

1.6 Adding New Features to the Toolbar .......................................... .........

1.7 Editing text .............................................. .................................................. ................

1.8 Page Options .............................................. .................................................. ..................

1.9 Design of Paragraphs ........................................... .................................................. ...

1.10 Sections and Breaks ... .................................................. .......

1.12 Inserting a figure into the text ............................................ .................................................. ..............

1.13 Formulas ............................................... .................................................. ...................................

1.14 Styles and Formatting ... .................................................. ...........

1.15 ... AutoCorrect and AutoCorrect Options ........................................... .........................................

1.16. Assignment ............................................... .................................................. ......................................

2 Learning LibreOffice Writer Macros ... ................................................

2.1 Objects and Classes .................................................. .................................................. ..................

2.2 Variables and Objects in Basic ... .................................................. .....

2.3 Basic Operators .............................................. .................................................. ..........................

2.4 Procedures and Functions .................................................. .................................................. ..........

2.5 Creating a Macro in LibreOffice ... .................................................. ...

2.6 Tasks LibreOffice Writer Macros ... .............................................

3 Lab # 2 Learning LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheets ......................................... .....

3.1 General Information about the LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet ...

3.2 Structure of the spreadsheet ............................................. ..................................................

3.3 Construction of diagrams .............................................. .................................................. .................

3.4. Task 1. ............................................. .................................................. .....................................

3.5 Task 2. ............................................. .................................................. .....................................

4 Laboratory work No. 3 Using Calc as a database, studying macros ................

4.1 Filtering data .............................................. .................................................. ...................

4.2 Summary tables. .................................................. .................................................. ..................

4.3 Summary Fields and Grouping ... .................................................. .....

4.4 Learning Calc Basic Macros ... .................................................. .....

4.4.1 Calculation of the interest bonus ........................................... ..............................

4.4.2 Accrual of bonuses. Using the function. .................................................. ..

4.4.3 Calculation of formulas, implementation of computational functions. ......................................

5 Laboratory work No. 4 Study of the MS-DOS operating system and work in the command

line ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...

5.2 What is an operating system? .......................................... ..............................................

5.3 DOS operating system ............................................. .................................................. ........

5.4 What is meant by a file. .................................................. ..................................................

5.5.JOB ............................................... .................................................. ...................................

6 Laboratory work No. 5 Studying the Windows operating system and the Far shell ..............

6.1.Far appearance ............................................. .................................................. ..........................

6.2 Main commands of Far manager ............................................ .................................................. ..

6.3 Working with panels ............................................. .................................................. ........................

6.5 Viewing the contents of a disc ............................................. .................................................. .....

6.6 Sorting the file list ... .................................................. ..........

6.7 Starting programs .............................................. .................................................. ..........................

6.8 Creating folders .............................................. .................................................. ............................

6.9 Browsing the folder tree ... .................................................. ................

6.10 Copying Files ... .................................................. .................

6.11 Deleting Files ... .................................................. .......................

6.12. Working with multiple files ............................................ .................................................. ...

6.13 Searching for files .............................................. .................................................. .............................

6.14 Quick File Search ............................................. .................................................. ................

6.15. Creating text files ............................................. .................................................. ......

6.16. Viewing text files ............................................. .................................................. .....

6.17 Editing text files ... .............................................

6.18 Quick View Mode ............................................. .................................................. .......

6.19 Folder Search .............................................. .................................................. ...............................

6.20 Using the filter ... .................................................. ............

6.21 Changing file attributes ... .................................................. ...

6.22 User Command Menu ... .................................................. ......

6.23. Determination of Far actions depending on the file name extension .............................

6.24 Working with FTP client ............................................ .................................................. ...............

7 Exploring the Windows operating system. .................................................. ................................

8 Explore Forms and Visual Controls in OpenOffice or LibreOffice. ...............

8.1 Exploring msgbox .............................................. .................................................. .........................

8.2.Creating a Dialog Box with an Input Line. .................................................. .....................

8.3 Creating a Dialogue .............................................. .................................................. ........................

8.4 Implementation of the dialogue with the button ............................................ .................................................. ...

8.5 Object model .............................................. .................................................. .........................

8.6 Learning Forms and Controls ... ....................................

8.7 Exploring Checkboxes .................................................. .................................................. ...............

8.8 Exploring Switches .................................................. .................................................. ...

8.9 Text Fields .............................................. .................................................. ..........................

8.10 List ............................................... .................................................. .....................................

8.11 List box ............................................. .................................................. ......................

8.12 Macro that implements the use of a text field and lists ...

8.13.Element Counter .............................................. .................................................. .....................

8.14. An independent task .............................................. .................................................. ......

9 Learning Java ............................................... .................................................. ..................................

9.1 Three Principles of OOP ... .................................................. ....................

9.2 Implementing a Java Program .................................................. ..

9.3 Using NetBeans ... .................................................. ..........

9.4 What are interfaces ... .................................................. ................

9.5 Swing System ... .................................................. ...........................

9.5.1 Japplet class ............................................. .................................................. .......................

9.5.2 Badges and labels ............................................ .................................................. ....................

9.5.3 Text fields ............................................. .................................................. ..................

9.5.4 Buttons .............................................. .................................................. ...............................

9.5.5 JButton class ............................................. .................................................. ......................

9.5.6 Flags .............................................. .................................................. ...............................

9.5.7 Switches .............................................. .................................................. ..................

9.5.8 Combo boxes ............................................ .................................................. ..................

9.5.9 Tabbed Panels ... .................................................. ..........

9.5.10 Scrollbars ............................................. .................................................. ............

10 Appendices - Help with the first and second labs, learning Writer and Calc. .................................................. .................................................. .................................. 171

10.1 LibreOffice ............................................... .................................................. ...............................

10.1.1 Launching LibreOffice Writer ... .................................................. ...

10.1.2 Entering text ............................................. .................................................. .......................

10.1.3 Text editing ............................................. .................................................. ...................

10.1.4 Formatting text ............................................. .................................................. ...

10.1.5 Saving the document ............................................. .................................................. ....

10.1.6 Using Toolbars ... .............................

10.1.7 Adding New Features to the Toolbar ...

10.1.8 Editing text ............................................. .................................................. ....

10.1.9 Page parameters ............................................. .................................................. .......

10.1.10 Paragraphs .......................................... .....................................

10.1.11 Sections and Breaks ......................................... .............................................

10.1.13. Inserting a picture into the text .............................................. ...............................................

10.1.14. Formulas ................................................. .................................................. ...................

10.1.15 Styles and Formatting ... .................................................

10.1.16 Task .............................................. .................................................. ...........................

10.2 Explore LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheets ... .......................

10.2.1 General Information on the LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet ...

10.2.2 Spreadsheet structure ............................................ ............................................

10.2.3 Construction of diagrams ............................................. .................................................. ...........

10.2.4 Task 1. ............................................ .................................................. ...............................

10.2.5 Task 2. ............................................ .................................................. ...............................

1 Laboratory work No. 1. LibreOffice

LibreOffice Writer is a word processor for creating, viewing and editing text documents, with the ability to apply the simplest forms of algorithms in the form of macros. LibreOffice is a free, independent, open source office suite. source code, developed by The Document Foundation as an offshoot of the development of, which includes the Writer word processor. Quite detailed information about the LibreOffice package can be found at

Any word processor is an application computer program designed for the production, including the operations of typing, editing, formatting, printing, any kind of printed information. Sometimes a word processor is called a word processor of the second kind.

Word processors in the 1970s and 1980s were used for personal and office use machines designed for typing and typing texts, consisting of a keyboard, an integrated computer for basic text editing, and an electric printing device. Later, the name "word processor" came to be used for computer programs intended for similar use. Word processors, unlike text editors, have more options for formatting text, embedding graphics, formulas, tables and other objects in it. Therefore, they can be used not only for typing texts, but also for creating various kinds of documents, including official ones. Word processing programs can also be categorized into simple word processors, powerful word processors, and publishing systems.

1.1. Launching LibreOffice Writer

First of all, you need to start the LibreOffice Writer program.

V Depending on the operating system used, for example, Linux or Windows, you need to act according to the following algorithm, in many respects it is the same for the specified operating systems:

V From the Windows Start menu, select Programs + LibreOffice and start WordProcessor LibreOffice Writer or Office LibreOffice, in KDE or GNOME Linux you can select the Application Louncher menu and the Office and LibreOffice Applications submenu. When you select LibreOffice, the LibreOffice document creation window will open (Figure 1), among which Writer documents, in the specified window, Writer documents are marked as Text Documents. When you select WordProcessor LibreOffice Writer, a window will immediately open with a blank document form (Figure 2).

Figure 1 - LibreOffice

Figure 2 - Window with a LibreOffice Writer document

1.2. Entering text

The main component of LibreOffice Writer documents - letters, notes, posters, business papers - is usually text. Enter some text in the new Writer document that opens when you start the program.

1 . Enter any sentence.

2. Press the Enter key.

To switch from Russian keyboard layout to English, you need to press Ctrl + Shift or Alt + Shift - depending on Windows settings or Linux. The keyboard indicator appears in the taskbar next to the clock. You can switch the layout

also with the mouse. To do this, left-click on the indicator and select the desired layout from the menu that appears. To delete the character to the left of the cursor (flickering vertical bar), press the Backspace key. To delete the character to the right of the cursor, press the Delete key.

Editing text After you enter text for the first time, you will most likely need to edit it. Let's

Let's try adding and then removing text in the document. The cursor indicates where in the document the keyboard input will appear. Left-click once in the document to reposition the cursor. The cursor can also be moved using the arrow keys.

By default, Writer works in insert mode. This means that as you type, all text to the right of the cursor is shifted to make room for new text.

4. Double click on some word.

5. Press the Delete key.

The existing text will slide back and fill the empty space.

1.3. Text formatting

1. Left-click on the page field.

2. Click on Symbols in the menu bar.

3. Select the Font tab (Character).

4. From the Family list, select a font named Liberation Serif.

5. In the Style list, select Bold.

6. Scroll the Size list using the scroll bar and select a value

7. In the Font Effects area, check the Shadow box.

8. Click the OK button.

9. Click anywhere in the document to deselect the text.

In addition, you can condense the font, this is done, for example, so that the text takes up a certain number of pages or a certain volume, if suddenly the volume obtained is larger than the required one (Position and Spacing tab, select sparse or condensed (Scale Width)).

The same symbol settings page can be selected from the Format menu.

In addition, you can format the paragraph and page settings separately, or you can select them from the Format menu. Page and paragraph parameters are discussed below.

1.4. Saving the document

Documents must be kept. The frequency of saving the document corresponds to the time that you do not mind spending on recovering data lost in the event of a computer failure.

2. Select the Save command. The Save As dialog box appears, shown in Figure 3. Writer automatically suggests a name for the document (usually Untitled 1). Enter any other name

Figure 3 - Window for saving LibreOffice (KDE) file

3. In the File name text box, enter a name for the file.

4. The text you enter will replace the text selected in the File name (name) field.

5. Alternatively, you can also use the Backspace keys to delete text here.

and Delete.

6. Expand the Save in list box at the top of the dialog box.

7. Select any of your drive or folder.

Let's say you decide to add a few more words to your document. How do I open it again?

1. Select File from the menu bar.

2. Select the Open command.

3. Select a drive. Expand the list of Folders and files.

4. Click on your folder icon.

5. Highlight your document icon

6. Click the Open button.

Toolbars provide access to some of the most commonly used menu commands. If you are better at using a mouse than a keyboard, you will be more comfortable working with toolbars.

Figure 4 - View of toolbars

Displaying a toolbar on the screen Word contains many toolbars, which usually combine buttons related to some large topic, such as Tables and Borders, Drawing, Database and Web ...

They can be displayed and removed from the screen as needed.

1. Right-click on any toolbar or menu bar and choose Customize Toolbar. A drop-down list of all panels will appear on the screen.

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

State educational institution

Secondary vocational education

College of Entrepreneurship No. 15

Methodical instructions

To practical work

“Table processor libreo ffice c alc.

Working in a table processorlibreo ffice c alc "

by discipline:"Informatics and ICT"

"Computer science"

"Informatics and ICT in professional activity"

for specialties: 080114"Economics and Accounting"

101401 "Tourism"

101101"Hotel service"

120714"Land and property relations"

230401 « Information Systems»

080110 "Economics and Accounting"

080501 "Management"

080114 "

Moscow, 2011

Methodical instructions contain instructions for practical work by disciplines: "Informatics and ICT", "Informatics", "Informatics and ICT in professional activities" for specialties: 080114 "Economics and Accounting", 101401 "Tourism", 101101 "Hotel service", 120714"Land and property relations", 230401"Information Systems", 080110 "Economics and Accounting", 080501 "Management", 080114"Land and property relations» ... This methodological guide contains instructions for practical work under the section "Technologies for creating and transforming information objects"(Informatics and ICT),"Applied software "(Informatics), « Information processes and Information society... Information processing technology "(Informatics and ICT in professional activity)studied inII, II, andIsemesters respectively.

© GOU SPO "College of Entrepreneurship No. 15"

Table of contents

EXPLANATORY NOTE a free alternative to the office suite Microsoft applications Office. LibreOffice is the new name for

One of the most positive qualities- the ability of all these applications to work with the corresponding documents in MS Office formats.

Composition Includes six program components:

a text and web page editor Writer;

Calc spreadsheet editor;

tool for creating and demonstrating Impress presentations;

Draw vector editor;

database management system Base;

editor for creating and editing Math formulas.

All components are integrated into a common core and thus have good compatibility with each other. The functionality of all components provides all the necessary tools and allows you to solve the basic tasks of the user. To store the results of the work, the ODF file format (ISO / IEC 26300: 2006) is used, based on XML and received the status of an international standard.

The main peculiarities has a number of interesting features partially or completely absent in others office suites:

    Cross-platform. can currently be used on all popular platforms: Linux (32- and 64-bit), Windows (2000 and later), MacOS, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

    Tools to facilitate the creation, editing and management of documents:

Gallery for inserting images;

Navigator for navigating through the document and searching;

Stylist for creating, editing and managing document formatting styles;

Data sources for importing data from databases or spreadsheets.

    Support for MS Office formats.

You can easily open and save documents in MS Office 97-2003 formats. The import of files in the Office OpenXML format (MS Office 2007) is also supported.

    Export to PDF.

Export to this format supported from all components (except Base). With a dedicated extension, PDF import is also possible in Draw.

    Extension support. provides the ability to develop independent third party extensions providing the end user with additional functionality. Extensions are easy to install and remove.

For the package to work, the Java Environment (JRE) must be installed on your computer.

Year of issue: 2011.

File size: 189 MB.

Activation | reg code: Does not require.

Interface Language: Russian + English.

Platform / OS: Win XP, Vista, 7.


The Calc module is a spreadsheet system. Spreadsheets are located in a workbook, which in Calc is a file used to process and store data. Each book can consist of several sheets, so you can put a variety of information in one file and establish the necessary links between them.

The basis of the book is worksheet- storage space divided into cells. In the usual sense, this is a table, the rows and columns of which make up the structure of the worksheet. Columns are named in Latin letters from A, B, C, etc., then combinations of letters from AA to AMJ, and rows are numbered from 1 to 65536, i.e. 108,864 cells.

Most of the time Calc users have to deal with workbook files of type .ods and templates .ots.

Spreadsheet worksheet view

Operations with sheets of the workbook.

You can work with the sheets of the current workbook just like with other Calc objects, using

teams menu Edit, Paste, Format or context menu their labels.

You can give your sheets of book titles, using the context menu, or through the commands Format-Sheet-Rename.

Sheets of the book can delete by context command Delete when you click on the tab of the sheet.

Add sheets in the book can be through the command Insert-List, either through context menu.

Highlight all sheets in the book allows the command Select all context menu, selection of sheet tabs with the pressed key allows you to select several in a row, with the pressed - a few randomly.


Sometimes you have to hide some columns and / or rows, sheets. For example, when printing, sometimes it is not necessary to display all the information contained in the table. Columns and rows that do not need to be printed can be temporarily removed from the screen. They will not be visible and will not be printed (the printed document looks the same as it is displayed on the screen).

Hiding rows and columns does not affect values ​​calculated in formulas.

To hide columns / rows:

1. Select the row (s) or column (s).

2. Right-click the column heading or row number you want to hide.

3. In the context menu that appears, select the command Hide.

A column or row is hidden if the column heading or row number is not visible on the screen.

To hide sheet, select the sheet you want, select the command Format-Sheet-Hide.

Hidden rows and columns you can easily again display on the screen if you want to change the data they contain.

1. Select the columns surrounding the hidden column or the rows surrounding the hidden row.

2. Right-click on one of the highlighted columns or rows. In the context menu that appears, select the command Show.

Similarly, you can display sheets books using the command: Format-Sheet-Show.


If in the process of work the user has to create documents of the same type, then to speed up the work, a template should be used. When you create a new workbook based on the template, it will be immediately modified according to the information in the template. To create a template:

1. Create a workbook that contains sheets, standard text (for example, page titles, row and column labels), formulas, macros, styles, and other formatting that you would like to use in template-based workbooks.

2. Select the command File-Templates-Save.

3. Specify the name and folder where you want to save the template. To use the template to create new books, it must be saved in the My Templates folder.

Another way to save a table as a template is to run the command File-Save as well as the choice in the Save dialog box File type of the Template item (* .ots).

To use template to create a document:

1) Select from the main menu item File-New-Templates and Documents. The Templates and Documents dialog box opens.

2) In the left block of the window, click on the Templates icon if it is not already selected. A list of folders appears in the center block.

3) Double click on the folder containing the template you want.

A list of all templates in this folder will appear in the central block.

4) Click on the template you want to use. You can view your chosen template or view its properties. To view the template, click on the Preview icon, to view its properties, click on the Document Properties icon. Template properties and template preview are displayed in the right block.

5) Click on the button Open. A new document will be created based on the selected template, which you can then edit and save this new document as usual.


Calc limits the rights of other users to use the books you create by setting up password protection to open the file. To do this, select the command File-Save as in the dialog box that opens for saving the document, click on the Save with password checkbox.

Password protected file, opens just like any other file. However, before the book is displayed, Calc will ask you to enter the password that was assigned to the file. If you forget your password, you will not be able to open the book.

Calc provides several options to restrict access to data in your documents.

Can protect columns, rows, formulas on a worksheet from viewing and changing... It is recommended that you set the protection mode to only allow access to some cells and ranges, and then protect the entire worksheet. It is important to keep in mind that cell protection will only be activated after sheet and document protection is enabled.

1. Select the cells and ranges you want to share. The data in these cells and ranges will be editable.

2. Select the command Format-Cells ... either in context menu Cell Format and in the dialog box that opens, click on the Cell Protection tab.

3. After clearing / selecting the Protected and / or Hide Formulas check boxes, click the OK button.

Can restrict other users access to the individual worksheets of the Calc. However, they will still be able to open the workbook file and make changes to unprotected sheets.

1. Go to the worksheet you want to protect. Select a team Service-Protect sheet document.

2. Enter the password in the Protect Sheet dialog box (remember that uppercase and lowercase letters are different).

3. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field and click the OK button.

4. To turn off sheet protection, select the command Service-Protection document, click the Sheet ... command.

Comment. Don't forget passwords. If you have enabled sheet protection, write down the password and keep it in a safe place. Without a password, you yourself will not be able to open and edit the worksheet.


Table cells can contain text, numbers, dates and formulas.

In the cell itself on the sheet, only some of the characters will be displayed, and the rest of the characters will be visible in the input field on the formula bar.

Entering text

In Calc text is any sequence of numbers, spaces, and non-numeric characters, for example, the following entries are interpreted as text: 10AA109, 127AXY, 12-976, 208 4675.

By default, text is aligned to the left of the cell.

To display all text across multiple lines in a cell, select the Wrap by words(or Carry over syllables) on the Alignment tab of the Format Cells context menu.

Comment. To enter a number in a cell in an unformatted form (for example, starting with 0), you need to set the Text parameter through the Format Cells command on the Numbers tab in the Category group.

Entering numbers

Numbers are entered using the top row of the keyboard or the numeric keypad. To enter negative number a hyphen is used. A comma is used as the decimal separator. If you enter 0 or + before a number, Calc will remove it. By default, numbers are right-aligned in the cell.

In Calc, a number can only consist of the following characters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - (), / $%. All other keyboard shortcuts consisting of numbers and non-numeric characters are treated as text.

Entering dates and times of day

Date and time are entered using numbers (11/18/08) and text (Nov 18, 08).

Period, colon, slash (/), or hyphen (-) are used as separators.

The external representation of a time or date on a worksheet depends on the number format assigned to the cell (Format Cells-Numbers).

Entering a formula

Formula in a spreadsheet processor Calc is a collection of values, references to other cells, functions and operators that allows you to get new values ​​from existing ones.

The formula always starts with an = sign.

To enter a formula, select the cell where you want to enter the formula, enter = (equal sign), and write down the formula.

If you press the button Function or Function wizard, an equal sign is automatically inserted into the cell.


Autocomplete marker view

Using drag and drop autocomplete marker cells, you can copy it to other cells in the same row or the same column.

If a cell contains a number, date or time period, which can be part of a series, then when copying, its value is incremented (an arithmetic or geometric progression, a list of dates is obtained).

For creating arithmetic progression you can enter the desired numbers in two adjacent cells, select the cells and use the fill marker to extend the progression to the required number of cells.

Also for assignment arithmetic progression enter the initial value of the created series of progression into the first cell of the range, select the range of cells in which the arithmetic progression will be located, use the command Edit-Fill-Rows, activate the item Arithmetic growth and in the graph Increment

For creating geometric progression enter the initial value of the created series of progression into the first cell of the range, select the range of cells in which the geometric progression will be located, use the command Edit-Fill-Rows, activate the item Geometric growth and in the graph Increment set the number by which the value in the previous cell will increase with each step.

The sequence of days of the month, working days is set in the same way.


Command Service-AutoCorrect Options-Replace is intended for automatic replacement of some specified combinations of characters with others during the input process.

Autocomplete input information

When you enter frequently used words, Calc suggests the completion of the word you are typing. If you are satisfied with the continuation of the word, press the key and it will be automatically completed.

Auto input

Designed for 2000 cells or 200 lines. To configure automatic data entry use the command Service-Cell content-Auto input. When entering the desired text in a cell, press; to view other options, use the key.


Selection of cells, rows, columns is used for entering, copying, moving and deleting data, placing references to cells in formulas and dialog boxes.

To highlight cells, move the cursor to the desired position and select adjacent cells with the left mouse button.

To select a range of cells, position the cursor in the upper left corner of the range, while holding down the key, move the cursor to the lower right corner of the range. The block of cells between these positions will be highlighted.

To select non-adjacent cells, start highlighting the desired cells while holding down the key.

To highlight row / column, position the cursor on the row number / column name.

To select multiple contiguous rows / columns, position the cursor on the line number / column name of the beginning of the range, while holding down the key, move the cursor to the line number / column name of the end of the range.

To select non-adjacent rows / columns, start highlighting the required rows / columns while holding down the key.

To select all cells of the sheet, apply the command Edit-Select All or key combination<Ctrl + A>.

To copy data Copy, then Insert Edit-Copy and Edit-Paste, or keyboard shortcuts<Ctrl + Insert> or<Ctrl + C>(for copying) and<Shift + Insert> or<Ctrl + V>

To move data from a cell / row / column, you need to select the required element and select the item from the context menu by right-clicking Cut, then Insert by moving the cursor and highlighting the place you want to insert. You can also use the menu commands Edit-Cut and Edit-Paste, or keyboard shortcuts<Shift + Delete> or(for cutting) and<Shift + Insert> or<Ctrl + V>(for insertion), or the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.

Comment. The data that has been copied can be pasted to a new location on the sheet with certain parameters. To do this, when pasting the copied data, use the command Paste as. In the dialog box that opens, you can select the desired paste options. In the same window, you can set transposition cells, i.e. changing the location of data in them from horizontal to vertical and vice versa. If you want to insert a cell range, row, or column with a shift in the cells, you can set the parameter Move cells according to the required location.

To combine cells, rows, columns, you need to select the required number of objects, then select the tab Format-Combine Cells-Combine Cells

To break cells, rows, columns, you need to select the previously merged object, then select the tab Format-Merge Cells-Split Cells or through the corresponding button on the Formatting toolbar.


Changing the format of cells

The cell is the fundamental building block of the entire Calc spreadsheet. Dialog window Cell format is the key to all changes appearance cells. To open this dialog box, first select the desired cell (or range of cells) and then do one of the following:

    Select team Format-Cells ().

    Right-click on the selected cells and select from the menu that appears Cell format.

Cell format setting window

On the tabs provided, you can set various options for displaying cells and the data in them.

Numbers tab. Allows you to set the format for displaying numbers - the number of decimal places, displaying the number as a percentage, date, time, etc.

Number format- for the main display of numbers. In its settings, you can set the number of displayed decimal places, the use of a separator of groups of digits, as well as the way negative numbers are displayed.

Percentage format- to display a number with a percent sign.

Monetary format- to indicate monetary values. The currency symbol is displayed next to the value. The default currency format is determined by the regional settings of the operating system.

Date format- to display the date as a number (according to type and language - location).

Time format- to display the time as a number (according to type and language - location).

Scientific format- to display a number in exponential notation.

Fractional format- to display the number as a fraction in accordance with the specified type of fraction.

Logical format- to use logical functions.

Text format- to display the data entered into a cell in the form of text, while both text and numbers are displayed in the same way as they were entered.

Font tab. Allows you to change the font, size and style of both the entire text of the cell, and several characters.

Font Effects tab. Allows you to set some effects for font decoration.

Alignment tab. Allows you to set the type of vertical and horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell and the ability to use hyphenation, as well as to set the angle of inclination of the text in the cell.

Borders tab. Allows you to apply border-setting to either side of a cell or range. You can also create and / or delete borders around cells using the Border button on the toolbar Formatting... Here you can also set the distance from the cell borders to the text inscribed in it - item Indenting from content.

Background tab. Allows you to change the color and fill of the cell background.

Protection tab. Allows you to block the ability to edit the cell and hide the formula.

Changing the format of rows, columns

Since rows and columns in Calc are a collection of cells, their basic appearance is set using the command Cell format... Separately, you can change the height and width of the columns / rows.

In Calc, you can resize rows and columns by dragging the right border of a column header or the bottom border of a row header, or by using the command Format-Column (String) -Width (Height).


    How many lines can fit on a Calc sheet?

    How can you hide a sheet, a column on a sheet?

    How to create your own book template?

    How can you protect the data on a worksheet from changes?

    What is a cell style, how to create your own style?

    What can conditional formatting be used for?

    How can the width of a column be changed?

LIST OF USED LITERATURE Calc Guide / Per. from English - 2007. Theory and Practice / I. Khakhaev, V. Mashkov, G. Gubkina et al. - M .: ALT Linux; BINOMIAL. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - (ALT Linux Library). for the professional: [trans. from English / team of authors; lit. text processing: A. E. Kharlamenkov]. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: DMK Press, 2008 .-- 425 p.

    Kultin , N. B. 3.0 Calc / N. B. Kultin. - SPb. : BHV-Petersburg, 2009. - (The most necessary). - 178 p. 48 Educational edition

So, the LibreOffice installation package was obtained from the official website and installed successfully. Using the familiar "Start" button, launch the program LibreOffice Writer... What can be done here?

First impression - everything is very similar to MS Word sample 2003. The top dropdown menu, which does not have a hard-coded ribbon. Dynamic sections of this menu can be grabbed with the mouse and moved from one place of the screen to another. Ruler, scaling, status bar - everything is so simple and familiar that it even evokes tenderness. And the first opinion that may appear: LibreOffice Writer, perhaps, is more powerful than Notepad, but clearly weaker than the recognized Word.

Rice. 1 First Impression of LibreOffice Writer

We continue our acquaintance

LibreOffice Writer, when launched, creates a blank document on the screen by default. On this blank sheet we will try to type some text, and then compare the capabilities of the free and paid packages.

We see that the default settings are: Liberation Serif 12 pt. Without changing anything, we type the text:

Rice. 2. First text

Everything is simple and straightforward. However, in most text editors, typing is not difficult at all. Let's see what can be done with the typed text. LibreOffice Writer.

Let's pay attention to two menus: "Standard" and "Formatting"... They are active by default and are located at the top of the screen when you first start the program.

Rice. 3. Menu "Standard" and "Formatting"

If these menus are not in place (unlikely, but possible), you should run the command View -> Toolbar... And put a checkmark on the lines Standard and Formatting.

Rice. 4. Turn on the necessary menus

Work with text

Having examined the menu with a cursory glance, we find the familiar buttons in the "Standard" menu:

  • open
  • save
  • print out
  • copy
  • insert
  • undo the action.

And no less familiar tools for working with text in the "Formatting" menu:

  • bold
  • italics
  • underline
  • pin size
  • all types of alignment
  • text and background color.

Having used these buttons, we recognize that their action leads to the same results. There is only one difference: the "Background Color" button changes the color of the WHOLE paragraph in which this moment there was a cursor.

Rice. 5. Formatted text

If you work a little more with the Formatting menu, you can find all the fonts you need to work. True, most of them work only if they are present in operating system(as well as for Word). But the styles work great, and with a little bit of work, you can convert your document to the following example:

Rice. 6. Working with styles. Setting the headers

The buttons "Save" and "Open" work in the same way, they write the finished text for long-term storage and open the file saved earlier. The only thing worth dwelling on in a little more detail is that when saving a file, you can use several different formats. And the choice here is quite wide: from the "native" ODF(default), to the usual Doc and RTF(for Word). There are even formats TXT(Notepad) and Html(browser).

Rice. 7. Save the text using different formats

Insert an image into text

Just like in Word, LibreOffice Writer allows you to insert images into a text document. And in the same way, you can use several methods for this.

  • Execute menu command: Insert -> Image -> from file(see picture)
  • Load a picture directly from a scanner (there is no such thing in Word)
  • Use the clipboard by copying the file directly from the directory and clicking on the "Paste" button.

All methods are familiar, and we will not dwell on them in detail.

Rice. 8. Inserting images into text

It is only worth mentioning that in LibreOffice Writer there is a full set of tools for working with the image, which allows you to change the position of the image (to the front and to the background), change the text flow (see Figure 9), set a variety of frames. And even snap to images hyperlinks.

Rice. 9 Menu for image formatting

Continuing to master LibreOffice Writer

On this, it would seem, you can end. What else does a wide range of users need from a text editor, in addition to typing text, formatting it (bold, italic, italic), the ability to work with images, as well as save, open and print a file? But the possibilities LibreOffice Writer much wider standard set operations that are necessary for a student or a secretary to create the simplest text files.

Having traveled through the menu items (so far without going into special details), you can find out that in LibreOffice Writer it is possible to create letters and faxes using the "Creation Wizard". You can connect internal and external sources data that store information both in the program itself and in external files. You can create tables of any complexity and use the simplest formulas for counting in them. You can create hyperlinks that refer to sections within a document or to external files that can be stored on local computer, and on Internet servers.

In a word, the user who chooses for their work LibreOffice Writer, will in no way feel prejudiced in the choice of tools to achieve his goal.