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How many sections can be on the hard disk. How to split the hard disk to sections


The hard disk in the computer and the disk icon in the My Computer window are different concepts. For example, one can be installed in the computer. hDDAt that time in "My Computer" there may be several of them. The reason for such a strange inconsistency is that the hard disk can be divided into the so-called sections. This is called the logical marking of the disc.

I will tell you why you need such a markup, how to do it correctly (and whether it is necessary to do at all), as well as I will tell you about free programs for such a small procedure.

Why do you need to divide the hard disk to the sections

Reasons to divide the hard disk to sections several:

  1. The hard disk sections are primarily needed for competent storage of information. For example, some users prefer the following division: operating system and software on one disk (usually it is C.), Documents - on the second ( D.), archive photos on the third ( E.) etc. In this case, the hard disk may well be one.
  2. If you have one hard drive, but you want to have two or more operating systems, you have to divide the hard disk to the partitions, since Windows and other operating systems can only be installed on different sections or hard drives.
  3. Manufacturers of laptops (and some computers of eminent manufacturers, such as Acer) have their reason to divide the hard disk sections: on a section that is visible as a disk C, installed Windows, the second ( D.) is absolutely empty, and the third one (which is not visible in the "My Computer" window) keeps a compressed copy of the section C.. This hidden section Hard disk called section of recovery. If something happened to operating system ("Windows flew" - how to say some users), then when you turn on the laptop, it is enough to press the keyboard key (what - see the instructions for the laptop) and the special program will cleanse the disk C., Then unpacks the contents of the hidden partition there. As a result, the user will receive a laptop with programs that were on it initially at the time of purchase in the store. Disk D. In this case, it will not be changed. It suggests the conclusion: if on a laptop with such a recovery system all documents to store not on disk c, but only on D.can be restored at any time damaged Windows New, while not losing important data for yourself. By the way, such a recovery system can make any advanced user, but I will tell you about it somehow else.
  4. Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems when installing on a clean, "unrequited" hard disk create a hidden section of 100-350 megabytes. This small section stores a bootloader designed, oddly enough to download Windows. There will be no this partition or its contents will be damaged - and the computer will not start the operating system by issuing an inscription on the black screen "BOOT FAIL", "CANNOT FIND BOOT DEVICE", "BOOT ERROR", or similar, the meaning of which one - not found boot disk with operating system. Actually, the bootloader can be stored on the disk C:, and / or in the hidden hard disk sectors (outside of sections), but the developers decided to use a separate hidden section in Windows 7/8 to save them to secure the loader from damage by other programs, viruses or user.
  5. There are other reasons separation hard disk to sections. For example, for the correct operation of the GNU / Linux operating systems, several sections should be created, but this is the subject of a separate article, we will not consider them here.

So, the main reasons for separating the hard disk to sections:for convenience of storing information, to install multiple operating systems, for the restoration system, for storage windows bootloader 7/8.

A bit of theory: file systems, sections

Section information (i.e. logical disks) is stored in the "Table of Sections". Each logical disk can have its own file system. You can read more about all this in Wikipedia Articles: disc partition, logic disk, file system. The novice user is enough to know the minimum:

  1. If you share a hard disk on logic disks (sections), disk capacity will not increase - Free place to take just nowhere! You can make partitions of any size, but in sum they cannot be larger than the volume of the real hard disk. Here is less - please. Then you get an unblocked free space that is not visible in "My Computer", from which you can get one or more new sections. This question I often get from newbies, so place in the first place.
  2. Exist primary (basic) and extended (Additional) Sections. On a single hard disk there can be no more than four main sections (why so - according to the links above), so invented an extended section - this is a primary partition that may include any sections. As a result, thanks to the extended partition, on the hard disk can be any sections - dozens, hundreds.
  3. Each section can have its own file system. IN this moment for installation Windows Vista., 7 and 8 can only be used by NTFS, and the outdated Windows XP can be installed on disks with FAT32 file system. However, I do not recommend that you do, because at the same time too many restrictions. Make all sections in NTFS - everything will work as it should.
  4. Any hard drive must be posted one way or another. In one or more logical disks - you decide. When buying a hard disk is usually already marked in one section - I solved the manufacturer. If you are satisfied with this way of organizing information - do not touch.
  5. In the laptops to make disc marking very undesirable - most of them have hidden recovery sections that may be damaged (see paragraph 3 of the previous chapter).
  6. If you bought a hard disk with a volume of 2 terabytes, and in "My Computer" - "just" 1,86 terabytes (1860 gigabytes), then do not rush to run back to the store. The thing is, according to the volume of manufacturers and Windows. More about this is written in the article Hard Disk Wikipedia. The larger the size of the hard disk - the more clearly it can be seen that real gigabytes are less.
  7. Sections can be delete, create, shift (change their physical position on the disk), change their size, format, convert File systems on sections from one to another. Moreover, many programs can do it with the preservation of all data. There are other operations, but novice users most often needed above.
  8. In case of error in the process of changing sections (see paragraph 7) information is almost always lost. Yes, it will be possible to restore (or part it) with special programs with the participation of specialists, but best to save all in advance important information Other discs (not logical, and real discs) or flash drives not to pay money for data recovery.

Enabled "Disk Management" in Windows

Windows has standard remedy Changes in sections - " Disc management". Depending on the version of Windows, the possibilities of this program are changing a little, but in general over the past years (if we talk about Windows Vista, 7, 8) serious changes. Windows XP in this plan looks more modest - except for formatting and changing the letter of the disk, there can be little there.

As an example, I will take Disc management»Windows 7. You can open this program in several ways:

  1. The simplest - press the right button on the line A computer on the menu Start - Select item Control - In a new window, choose Disc management.
  2. Open Control Panel - Administration - Computer Management - Disc management.
  3. Press Start - Perform (or Keyboard keyword + R) - We enter in the window that opens diskmgmt.msc. - Press OK.

Disc managementlooks like that:

Here are visible both physical disks (including DVD drives, flash drives and other devices for storing information) and logical, i.e. Virtual - Hidden section of Windows 7 bootloader, discs C. and D.. On your computer, the number of disks may be different.

The main actions are available by pressing the right mouse button on the desired section:

The list of actions is quite meager:

  • Points Open, Conductor allow you to see the contents of the disks
  • Make a section active - Specify on which disk (section) is the bootloader. In Windows 7 and 8, this is a reserved system section. Making an active other section cannot be done - the operating system will stop loading.
  • Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk - You can change the letter disk displayed in the "Computer" window or display it as a folder. Yes, sections can be displayed not only as discs, but also as folders on any disk.
  • Format - You can read about this in the article formatting Wikipedia. The item opens a window with which you can run high-level formatting.
  • Extend - If there is a place on the hard disk, not labeled as a partition, then you can expand the size of the section due to this free space.
  • Say - This item allows you to reduce the size of the section. The result will be the formation of an unbalanced space that you can put into the case - to expand the volume of another partition (see the previous item).
  • Remove Tom - Delete partition. Do not click on the item without thoroughly thinking about the consequences. If you delete the section, the information on it will be able to save only with special programsYes, and it is not always.
  • Properties - The properties window will open with the information about the selected disk (section).

Of course, this is not a complete list of possibilities. Disk management. You can create dynamic disks, for example. However, novice users are for nothing, this article is designed for them.

So to create, delete, change the size of the partitions through Disc managementYou need only three menu item: Expand the volume, squeeze the volume, remove volume.

All operations occur in real time, i.e. After pressing the right point and the affirmative answer to the question - whether we want to do this - there are actual action.

Do not forget that there is a risk of failure, because of which we can lose both one section, and that's it. This applies primarily to computers with large quantities. unnecessary programs - Each of them can be a culprit of deleting all data. And the script when you need to change the section from which Windows is running (usually this disk C.), It is the worst - most often the problems of users arise exactly when trying to change the system partition.

To minimize the risk of failure, There are three methods:

  1. Insert a hard drive to another computer and change the sections from it, running Disc management or any other program to change partitions. Due to the fact that Windows will be launched from another disk, no programs will climb on a foreign disk, interfering with a responsible operation.
  2. Boot with a Live CD disk - the operating system and programs will be launched not from the hard disk, but from CD or DVD, flash drives - again nothing will interfere with changing sections.
  3. Use a program that can work in Native mode to change partitions. For example, check disc C. It always works in this mode - a black window with white text before booting the desktop. In this mode, the minimum of programs is launched, the risk of failure is minimal.

The third option is the easiest, because the user is essentially not necessary to do anything - just restart the computer and wait a few minutes. It is able to two the following programs Review.

Free for home use program to change the partitions of the hard disk.

By clicking on the section (no matter - on the list at the top, on the bottom of the bottom), you can see the menu (both pop-up and on the left side) with all sought-after actions:

Resize / Move Partition - change the size of the partition and / or move its physical position on the disk. By the way, on the official website it is written that the Easeus Partition Master version of the HOME (free) does not support the change in sections. It is not so - everything works fine.

Copy Partition - Copy the section on another disc with all information available on it.

Merge Partitions. - Merge two or more sections. Conveniently, if you need to save information on the hard disk, but reduce the number of sections. Convert to Logical / Primary - Conversion to logical (advanced) / main (primary) section.

Change Label - Change the label of the disk.

CHANGE DRIVE LETTER - change the letter of the disk.

Defragment. - Starting standard windows programs For disk defragmentation.

Check Partition - Checking disk on errors with again standard program Windows.

Hide Partition. - Make it so that the partition is not visible in the "Computer" window.

Delete Partition. - Deleting a partition.

Format Partition - Formatting section.

WIPE PARTITION. - Clearing the contents of the section. All folders and files will be deleted, the partition will remain. Information removed in this way will not be able to restore.

Explore Partition - View the contents of the section.

View Properties.- See how much space on the section is occupied, what is his file system and find out other technical information.

The list of action varies depending on where to press. In the screenshot, I clicked on a non-system section. By clicking on the system partition (where Windows is running), there will be no removal, hide, cleaning items. If you click on the physical disk icon, the list of action will be completely different:

I will list items:

Copy Disk. - Copies the contents of the entire disk: sections, information in them. This requires a second disk of the same or more.

Upgrade Disk. - the function first is needed for windows transfer On the new hard drive of a larger volume. Copying and increasing the size of the section is proportional to the size new hard disk.

Delete All Partitions - Delete all sections.

WIPE DISK. - The same as the previous item, only with special removal algorithms, thanks to which it will be impossible to restore information.

Surface Test - checking the surface of the disk (physical). Allows you to detect bad sectors (the so-called "Bads", "Bad blocks").

View Properties. - Disconnect information.

Yes, knowledge of English is clearly required, especially if you consider that almost every item calls the window with the settings of the action performed. After you produce the necessary manipulations, you need to apply changes to the button by pressing the button. Apply(Apply):

Only then will begin changing sections. This process may take some time - from the pair of minutes to several hours.

Depending on whether the system section is addressed or not, the operations are carried out either immediately in the window, or you will need to restart the computer and start changing the section in Native mode:

The program has a lot of functions, everything is not listed. I recommend to get acquainted with the help of Easeus Partition Master. She is in English, unfortunately, it is possible to use the Google Translator. Translation turns out quite understandable.

Pluses Easeus Partition Master Home Edition:

  • Very functions.
  • All Actions "Virtual" before pressing the Apply button. So, you can cancel the operations before this "point of non-return" and try to do something else with sections. Or not to do at all, if changed.
  • It works stably and predictably. For example, in the testing process during sections, I launched copying files to a section that should be changed. The result - a window appeared that it is not possible to block the section, all operations were interrupted, the data did not disappear anywhere.
  • The program is free for home use.

Cons Easeus Partition Master Home Edition:

  • Interface only in English.
  • Opportunities, perhaps, even too much - it can confuse newcomers.
  • Serious failure in the process of operation will lead to serious consequences.
  • For example, if you turn off the computer at the time of changing the partition, the data from the section will disappear. However, it is minus absolutely all programs to change sections.

Output:the program is good. You can use and need, there are no alternatives among free programs.

Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free

Free program for changing sections from a company based in Russia. Unfortunately, the English-language program. What made developers go for such a step - it is incomprehensible. Moreover paid version Russian-speaking programs.

The main window of the program is no different from the window of the hero of the previous review, except that the buttons changed their order:

Separate mention deserves Express Mode.(Simplified mode). By clicking on this button, we will get a window with the list of the most frequent actions:

It would be possible to say that this is the ideal mode for beginners, if it were not for one "but": everything is in English. Moreover, I had a suspicion that English here is some kind of wrong, as if I did not translate a person, but a car.

Pros Paragon Partition Manager 11 FREE:

  • Many windows have a sufficiently visual appearance to understand the functions.
  • Some operations are carried out immediately in the program window, part (if required) in Native mode. That is, the program does everything to reduce the chance of data loss.
  • The program is free to use the house.

Cons Paragon Partition Manager 11 FREE:

  • English-speaking, and because of the strange construction of phrases is quite difficult perceived.
  • Simplified Express Mode mode works with accuracy to the opposite: first, the descriptions of operations and the operations themselves have more technical subtleties than required; Secondly, this mode is very capricious and really does not work, issuing meaningless errors.
  • The program works too slowly. For example, I have a removal of a 38 GB hard disk partition took about 5 minutes - long enough for such a simple operation.

Output:the program works, but somehow unpredictable. I do not recommend using this program, the good has an alternative in the form of Easeus Partition Master Home.

Changing sections during installation of Windows 7, 8, 10

This tool also deserves mention.

Take any installation disk With Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10, run the installation of the disk, we reach the selection of the partition and click Disc Setup:

It seems to be simple: you need to click on the section in the list, then the action button. Unfortunately, there are few actions here: delete, formatting, creating a partition and expansion.

You can, for example, delete the partition and by the released location to increase the size of another partition or partitions (choosing the desired partitions, you need to click the Delete and Extension buttons).

Alas, a very sought-after operation - a decrease in the size of the sections - there is no. You can delete the partition, then re-create a new one with a smaller partition, but, unfortunately, we will lose the data.

All operations occur in real time, i.e. After pressing the button, the action takes place.

Outcome:editing sections during Windows installation is an extremely primitive tool. Works, but performs only a limited list of actions, including the only one that saves data is an increase (expansion) of the size of the section. If you need to install Windows and it does not need to save data on sections, then the tool will be useful.

If suddenly you are inappropriately deleted the section while installing Windows or through any program, do not despair - the partition restore function is in Easeus Partition Master Home Edition.

In order to restore the remote partition of the hard disk, do not touch the sections, immediately boot into Windows (or insert the hard drive to another computer if you deleted the system partition and download windows Impossible), then run the aforementioned program, click on the list on the line with the word Unallocated ("Unallocated"), then click Partition Recovery..

The rest, as they say, the case of the Technology - the Master of Action will tell you where to press where to put ticks, then restore your remote disk.

Tip # 2: Installing two or more Windows operating systems for one hard drive

All that is needed for this - several sections. If the hard disk already has a second section, which is visible in the window " A computer"- Ensure that there is a free space of at least 20 GB (more - better), then during Windows installation simply specify this second (third, fourth, etc.) disk. After installation, you can choose Windows using the menu that will appear while turning on the computer.

If you have one disk ( C.), I propose the easiest option: through Disc management First give the section FROM Team SqueezeBy reducing at least 20 gigabytes (and better - more, because except Windows you will install and programs):

Press the right button on the disk with ...

After pressing the button Squeeze Disc size C.reduced, not distributed (free) space appears in the sections map:

Indicate an unoccupied space. The section will create the installer itself.

After installation, you will have two operating systems. You can make more unoccupied spaces or empty disks, specify them for installation.

Thanks to the reader Vladimir, that raised this topic.

You could notice that on the screenshots of the disk management window, all sections are marked with a blue stripe. You can have sections with green stripes. What is the difference between blue and green partitions?

Green strip in disk management is a sign of an extended (additional) section. As I wrote above, there may be "nested" partitions inside, which from the user's point of view are no different from the main (primary). There are one feature in nested sections - if you decrease their size, then due to the free space that has appeared simply to expand the main partition. You must first compress more and the advanced section itself (which stores free space and the decreased partition) to form a free space outside of any partitions, only then you can expand the discs.

Standard disk management does not know how to work normally with extended discs, so if you see green labels instead of blue, it is better to use free programs Above - they will reduce extended sections, move free space where it is necessary and expanded the main disk.

As well as when installing a new copies of Windows, On the splitting of the hard drive to the sections need to be thought out in advance. There are several things you need to know about the sections required when installing Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu installation requires at least two sections: one for the operating system itself - denotes "/" and called "root" (root section), and the second for virtual memory (for swap files) is called "SWAP". There is another third section - Home, it is created as desired, it will be stored basic application settings and user files.

Hard disk sections

Section - Part of the long-term memory of a hard disk or flash drive, isolated for convenience of work, and consisting of adjacent blocks. On one storage device there may be several sections.

Creating sections on various types of modern drives is almost always provided (although, for example, on, now not used, floppy disks it was impossible to create several partitions). However, in Windows, only the first one of them will be available from the flash drive with multiple sections (it is customary to read the flash drives an analogue of a floppy disk, and not a hard disk).

Advantages of using multiple sections

Selection on one hard disk of several sections gives the following advantages:

    On a single physical hard disk, you can store information in different file systems, or in the same file systems, but with different cluster size (for example, it is advantageous to store large files - for example, video is separate from small, and set a larger cluster size for large file storage );

    You can separate the user information from the operating system files;

    On one hard disk you can set several operating systems;

    Manipulations with one file system do not affect other file systems.

Hard disk partition table

There are several types of sections tables. hard disks. The most common moment in the data is an IBM-PC compatible partition table, which is part of the main boot record (MBR). MBR is located in the first (zero) physical tough sector disk. However, the GPT Table (GUID PARTITION TABLE) starts more and more often. If your disk has a GPT partition table, then you don't need to take care of the number of partitions (in GPT by default, the location is reserved under 128 sections) and understand the types of sections (in GPT - all primary sections). If you have a MBR breakdown, then this article provides a detailed description of such a breakdown of the disc.

Disk structure broken into sections (MBR)

    Information on the placement of partitions on the rigid disk is stored in the partition table, which is part of the main boot record (MBR).

    Section can be either primaryeither extended.

    In the first sector of each primary section is boot sectorresponsible for loading the operating system from this section. Information about which section will be used to load the operating system are also recorded in the main boot record.

    In the MBR under the partition table allocated 64 bytes. Each recording occupies 16 bytes. Thus, no more than 4 sections can be created on the hard disk. When the structure of the MBR was developed, it was considered sufficient. However, later was introduced advanced sectionin which you can register a few logic sections.

    According to the rules advanced section there can be only one. Thus, in the maximum configuration on the hard disk can be formed three primary and one advanced Section containing several logic.

Types of sections

Primary (main) section

The primary section must be on the physical disk. This section always contains either one file system or other logical partitions. On the physical disk can be up to four primary sections. Some old operating systems - for example, MS -DOS and Windows - could only be installed on the primary section.

Advanced and logical sections

The partition table may contain no more than 4 primary sections, therefore advanced sections were invention. In the extended section, you can create several logical partitions. Logical sections are built into the chain where information about the first logical section is stored in the MBR, and the subsequent information is stored in the first sector of the logical partition. Such a chain allows (in theory) to create an unlimited number of partitions, but (in practice) the number of logical partitions is limited to utilities and, usually, more than 10 logical partitions are not created.

It is important to note that some versions of Windows cannot boot from a logical partition (needed primary partition), whereas for Linux no difference in the form of sections - no, Linux is loaded and works with partitions completely independently of their type (primary or logical).

File System Selection

Like Windows, Linux had several different file systems for their lives. Ubuntu "understands" Windows file systems, but will not be installed on them. Ubuntu can immediately record and read from FAT16, FAT32 and VFAT and NTFS sections. However, Windows cannot work with file linux systemsAnd you will have to transmit files in and from Windows from under the Ubuntu operating system.

In addition to familiar Windows file systems, you can choose a few such that you may not know. Among such file systems - EXT4. Ext4 is currently one of the most suitable file systems for the desktop system. EXT3 and EXT2 file systems are now rarely used: Ext3 - a slightly older version of EXT4, and has no advantages over EXT4, and EXT2 has no journaling without it, system System It will be difficult to restore the data. File systems BTRFS, XFS, REISERFS, REISER4, JFS, etc. You can also use, but they should be chosen based on the understanding of the features of these FS (it is worth reading a little about different FS, which would make the right choice). The SWAP section is intended for virtual memory only and, unlike other file systems, it does not require a mount point.

Mounting points

Linux does not assign letters to each disk and partition as in Windows and DOS. Instead, you must set the mount point for each disk and partition. Linux works on the principle of a hierarchical catalog tree, where the root directory ( /) It is the main point of the mount, in which the default is all the rest. Unlike Windows in Linux, all the sections of the disks used are mounted in the root subdirectories, and not as separate devices (C :, D: ...).

For example, in / Home. All your personal files are stored. If you want to place these data in a separate from the root section, create a new section and install the mount point on / Home.. This can be done for any subdirector. During the Ubuntu installation, it provides the ability to set the following mount points: / boot. (initial loader and kernel headings), / dev. (Drivers and devices), / Home. (Custom files), / Opt. (Additional software), / SRV. (System Services) / TMP. (temporary files), / usr. (applications), USR / LOCAL (data available to all users) and / VAR. (Server spool and logs). Also, when installing, you can create and your mounting points with arbitrary names.

For a typical desktop system, there is no point in allocating its own sections for / dev., / Opt., / SRV., / TMP., USR / LOCAL and / VAR.. If you plan to run more than two operating systems or use the encryption of the root section, it is possible to use a separate section for / boot.. Sometimes it is also worth creating a section for / usr.But only if you already have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow much space will occur. It is advisable to create a separate section for / Home.. This will provide you with additional amenities when updating and reinstalling the system.

The minimum can be limited only to two sections: "Root" and "SWAP", then / boot., / Home., / usr. And everyone else will simply be stored in the root section ( /).

File System Structure

Volume section for the root of the file system

The freshly installed Ubuntu system takes 4-6 GB of disk space, however, with active use (setting a large number of programs, increasing software cache, etc.) or the occurrence of failures in operation, which leads to an increase in the volume of folders with the logs of the system ( / Var / Log) Maybe you will need large quantity disk space, so for the root of the file system it is necessary to highlight the section 10-15GB.

Volume section for / home

Section with a folder / Home. Usually give all the remaining space if Ubuntu is the only PC system and all multimedia data will be stored in it, or, in case of installation next to Windows, allocate a separate section in the format NTFS For multimedia data, and the section for / Home. Make minimal for storing configuration files.

Transfer folder / Home to a new section after installation

Often there is a desire to put in order wrong broken hard disk when install Ubuntu.. In this case, it becomes necessary to transfer the / Home folder to a separate hard disk section. Below is a brief actions guide to perform this task.

Creating a separate section


according to the experience in everyday work, the system does not require more than 1GB random access memory, So if you have 4 or more GB of RAM, I don't need for the goals of swap

Before proceeding to the story of the parameters of the response file that control the creation and formatting of the partitions of the hard disk, I would like to set out some basic sections. In addition, I will touch the terminology issues, which should also help you deal with the parameters of the responses file, which are called in English. If you consider yourself enough an experienced user (Well, of course, you think :), you can skip the first section of the article.

On this page

Introductory information about the partitions of the hard disk

As you know, a new one, which has just taken out of the box of a hard disk that is customary to call physical diskFrom the point of view of operating systems and programs is an unbalanced space. In order to install OS or use the file storage disk, you need to create at least one on it. section. In English, the section is called partition.So some people call partitions partitions.

On one physical disk you can create several sections. As a rule, sections are created in order to be able to install multiple operating systems or transfer custom files The section otherwise on which OS is installed. There are two types of sections - main (Primary) and additional (extended). There may be no more than four main partitions on the disk, and if there is an additional partition of the main sections, there may be no more than three. The optional section acts as a container in which you can create one or more logical disks. The difference between the main and additional sections is that the main partition can be used for launch The operating system, and with the logical disks of the additional partition, it is impossible to start the OS. The section on which the files need to start the operating system are marked and called active. On the physical disk there can be only one active section. A section containing system files OS. Windows, called bottlingAnd such partitions may be somewhat (for example, in configurations with several installed OS).

In the screenshot, you see the main and optional sections (one logical disk is created on the additional section).

When creating a section, it is assigned letter. The first section of the first physical disk is assigned a letter C, the second - D, and so on, following the English alphabet. First, the main partition is created, and the additional (if necessary) already follows it, after which, in principle, other main sections can be created. To use an additional partition, you need to create at least one logical disk. He and the following logical disks will also be appointed letters in alphabetical order.

To install the OS or placement of files on a section or logical disk it must be formatted. IN windows Environment File are used nTFS systems and FAT32. Installing Windows Vista is possible only to the section formatted in NTFS. Formatted main section or logical disk is called tom. This can be prescribed labelwhich will be displayed, for example, in the window My computer.

Before you start configuring a hard disk, you need to determine how many sections or volumes you want to have on it as a result. If not more than three, it makes sense to create only the main sections. Subsequently, it will be easier to work, if you need, for example, combine two sections in one. In the access control windows discs Vista It will be easy to do, but the union of the main partition with the additional is a nontrivial task.

I hope that now you are fully prepared to configure the parameters of the hard disk partitions in the answer file for Windows Vista.

Adding components responsible for configuring hard disk partitions

Unlike Windows XP, the Windows Vista installation program allows you to configure the creation and deletion of partitions on the physical disk. To perform these operations to the responses file, add multiple components.

Add the following components to the response file.

Component Pass
Microsoft Windows-SETUP | Diskconfiguration | Disk | CreatePartitions.--> 1 Windowspe
Microsoft Windows-SETUP | Diskconfiguration | Disk | Modifypartitions.--> 1 Windowspe
Microsoft Windows-SETUP | ImageInstall | Osimage | InstallTo.--> 1 Windowspe

Editing response file parameters

To create sections, it is necessary to have an unbalanced space. In this article, I will consider an example of creating two sections - the main and optional. An additional section will create one logical disk. If you need to create more major sections or more logical disks, you can do it by analogy.

Attention! Example is considered full removal all sections of the physical disk Before performing the creation and formatting operations of new sections. Please do not use for experiments with data with data that you feel sorry to lose.

From the point of view of logic, the order of working with the parameters of the responses file is approximately the same as if you work with the partitions of the hard disk interactively. To perform the task assigned in the example, you must perform the following operations.

  1. Delete all partitions on the disk.
  2. Create a main partition.
  3. Create an additional partition.
  4. Create a logical disk on an additional section.
  5. Set the file system format for a partition or logical disk, as well as the drive letter and volume label.

Delete all partitions on the disk

windowspe | Microsoft Windows-SETUP | Diskconfiguration | Disk ("0")

Component Disk ("0") Responsible for the overall configuration of the first physical disk.

  • Diskid - disk identifier. Value 0 denotes the first physical disk
  • Willwipedisk. - Delete all partitions of the hard disk. Attention! If set is set true.All sections will be deleted. This value must be set to perform the operations described below in the article.

Creating partitions on disk

windowspe | Microsoft Windows-SETUP | Diskconfiguration | Disk ("0") | CreatePartitions.

With this and component (and its subsidiaries) sections are made. Right-click on the component CreatePartitions. Insert a new createpartition.

Perform this action for another twice so that you have three components CreatePartition. Why are three? Because for the configuration in our example, you must perform three operations - create a main partition, an additional partition and logical disk on an additional section. If two main sections were created, there would be enough two operations.

Creation of the main section

Click the first component CreatePartition

  • Extend. true.The section will be expanded. If set is set false, You must specify the size using the parameter Size.
    Attention! For each section, the value of the parameter is set. Extend.or the value of the parameter SIZ.e, but not both. Since the example is planned to create more than one partition, the extension is not used ..
  • Order - Sequence number of operation to create a partition on the disk. Numbering begins with a unit. In the example, the value is indicated 1 , i.e. the section will be created first.
  • Size - section size in megabytes. The example creates a section of 50,000 MB, which is just less than 50 GB. Specify the size of the partition at your discretion. Since Windows Vista is installed on the first partition, do not make it small. Minimum requirement To install this OS is a 40 GB hard disk, so it is not recommended to create a smaller partition.
  • Type - section type. You can create a basic ( Primary) or extra ( Extended) section. In this example, the first section will, of course, the main one.

Creating an additional section

Click the second component CreatePartition In the list and set the parameters for it.

The second section in this example is an additional, and it is the last (more sections are not planned to create). So that he took all the remaining free unimpressed space for the parameter Extend. Set value true. (and parameter Size Not set). The section will be created second, reflected in the parameter value. Order. Finally, an additional partition is created, so for the parameter Type Indicates value Extended.

Creating a logical disk on an additional section

Click the third component CreatePartition In the list and set the parameters for it.

Since only one logical disk is created on the additional section, it should take all the available free unimpressed space. Therefore, for the parameter Extend. Set value true. (and parameter Size Not set). Since the logical disk is created for the parameter Type Indicates value Logical..

Set the file system format, drive letter, volume labels, etc.

For each created partition and logical disk, you need to specify a number of parameters, such as the file system format, a disk letter, etc. These operations are performed using a component. Modifypartitions. and its subsidiaries. This component can be used not only to configure the parameters of newly created partitions, but also to change the parameters of sections that exist on the physical disk.

Right-click on the component Modifypartitions. and select the command from the context menu Insert a new modifypartition.

Perform this action for another time you have two components Modifypartition. Why two? Because for the configuration in our example, you must perform two operations - set the parameters for the main partition and logical disk on the additional section.

Click the first component Modifypartition In the list and set the parameters for it.

  • Active. - Assigns the section active. For assignment, True is used. Since on the main section (namely, we are now configurable - this is set by the parameter Order) Windows Vista will be installed, this section should be appointed active.
  • Extend. - Expansion of the partition to the size of the entire free unimpressed disk space. If set is set true.The section will be expanded. You have already seen this parameter when creating a partition. Since component Modifypartition You can also use to change the parameters of sections already existing on the physical disk, parameter Extend. Available here. However, one should not expand the section that the expansion has already been specified when creating. Moreover, in our example we set a fixed size for the main partition. Use the value false For this parameter.
  • Format. - File system format. Installing Windows Vista is possible only on the NTFS file system.
  • Label - Tom label. Set at your discretion.
  • Letter. - Disc letter. Logically set for the first partition letter C..
  • Order - The sequence number of the section change operation. Numbering begins with a unit. In the example, the value is indicated 1 , i.e. the section will be changed first. Obviously, the sequence number of the operation change The partition in this case must comply with the sequence number of the operation creation section.
  • Partitionid. - The identifier of the section, in fact its serial number. Numbering begins with a unit.

Click the second component Modifypartition In the list and set the parameters for it.

Since the logic disk parameters are specified on the additional section, the value for the parameter Active. Must be false (In addition, the active section on the physical disk can only be one, and we have already prescribed it). The remaining parameters were discussed above.

On this operation to create and modify partitions of a hard disk can be considered complete. But this is not the end of our history - to configure a few more parameters.

Microsoft Windows-SETUP | ImageInstall | Osimage | InstallTo.

Configuring component Osimage. and his subsidiaries InstallFrom. and Metadata. Considered in the previous article. Therefore, it remains to deal with the subsidiary component. InstallTo.. From his name it follows that it indicates where to install Windows Vista. Indeed, with it, you can specify the number of the physical disk and the section number for installation.

In this example, the operating system will be installed on the first section of the first physical disk. Note that the numbering of physical disks starts from scratch, and the numbering of partitions on the disk - from the unit.

Note. Component InstallTo. It is necessary to configure if the component Osimage. parameter InstallToavailablePartition has the meaning false.

Important note on configuring hard disk partitions

You probably noticed that the installation program you need to accurately specify the number of the physical disk and the section number for installation. This is an easy task if a single physical disk is installed in the system. However, in configurations with multiple hard drives, and even connected by multiple interfaces (IDE and SATA), to define the section number in advance may be difficult. Considering the fact that the installation program is configured to remove all sections from the physical disk, calculating, you can lose everything with unbearable difficulty. In this regard, for configurations with multiple hard disks, it is recommended not to automate the process of creating and formatting sections, but to perform it manually.

XML code fragments for various hard disk partition configurations

In the article, examples are given by several XML code fragments for the section Replies file. Each fragment is a complete partition configuration script. I recommend that you first create a response file using WSIM, and then compare its contents with these fragments to make sure that you correctly understood the principles of working with sections during Windows Vista.

So, we have all the parameters of the response file, including the configuration of the hard disk partitions. Now, you can go to the article in which the verification is considered and saving the answer file, as well as the issues of its placement.

That's the question of how to break the hard disk to the sections. Reasons can be different, for example, you purchased new HDD. To increase the permanent memory existing computer Or bought a new laptop, but without a pre-installed system, and you yourself will have to install the Windows shell, or you just did not have enough of the volume of the disk system partition for newly installed programs.

Basic ways of dividing hard disk space

Regardless of the reasons that you prompted you want to break the hard drive to the sections themselves, but do not imagine how it is done in practice. Here and try to help you, told not only the basic ways, how to split the hard disk correctly, but also pointing to certain nuances and the difficulties that you can face during this difficult work.

Consider how to divide the hard disk of any kind (HDD or SSD) in three ways, namely, with the help of:

  • standard utilities running installed Windows on your computer;
  • special programs for working with various information storage devices;
  • windows PE boot shell.

So, proceed and try to accurately perform a sequence of actions, otherwise, this may lead either to repetition of operations for a new drive, or loss of important data when working with already existing information carriers.

We divide the wind disk with the standard Windows utility

This way of working with drives is not very complicated and, most importantly, does not require third-party programs. It is suitable for separation of both the main disk "C" and to break the external HDD to the sections. This utility for working with media has all versions from Windows XP to Windows 10.

So, to directly work with hard disks, you must open the standard Windows shell utility, and it can be called to the desktop in two ways:

In the window that opens " Disc management»Must be reflected all currently connected to your computer information drives, including flash memory.

We bring the mouse cursor to the desired section and call the right button. context menu For this disk. And here, depending on what we want to do, and we are determined with the next team.

We divide the disk for two

If this is one main disk "C", then this is a simple way how to split the hard disk for two and one hundred percent confidence does not lose system information. To do this, perform the following actions:

All, the main disk is divided into two sections.

Location disk to sections

But how to divide the hard disk to the sections, in the case of the new, just the acquired drive, working with this standard utility, is also not much difficult, but the actions algorithm will be somewhat changed. The sequence of actions will be like this:

It is worth remembering that disk system MBR Allows you to create no more than 4 partitions per hard disk.

Working with disks with the help of special utility programs

The following universal users found the greatest popularity among users. software utilities To work with various information drives, namely:

  • Acronis Disk Suite;
  • Paragon Partition Manager Professional;
  • Aomei Partition Assistant Technician Edition.

These utilities are specifically adapted to make almost all major operations with HDD, SSD and other media. They have pretty understandable interfacedesigned to work both with specialists and with ordinary users.

Split disk to sections using such universal Utilities We will analyze on the example of the program Aomei Partition Assistant.which can be installed on a computer as a standard application, or use it from a portable mode.

And also for comparison, we will show the work of the utility in two modes when dividing the main disk to two and breaking the new hard disk into several sections.

We open the program and see a window with extensive information on all connected information carriers and their sections.

Delim on two

The algorithm for the separation of the main hard disk "C" consists of a set of consecutive commands:

After rebooting, performing all operations, the system will boot, but already with a divided into two parts the main disk.

We divide a new disc

As a rule, the new HDD will represent an unoccupied space and will be visible only in the program window.

Initially, you must clearly designate the disc with which we will work with the guidance of the mouse cursor and receiving the corresponding color gradation of the position. But in case of an error, you can lose all important information on the randomly selected existing media of information.

The algorithm for working with other universal programs to change the size of various media is very similar to the above example. The only significant difference will be the program interface and the location of the menu.

Basic disk breakdown using Windows PE boot shell

If you decide to install a new operating system or fully update the old, and the existing sizes of partitions of the main HDD do not suit you or do not meet the necessary requirements, it is better to make reformatting, going into a computer from a special simplified shell.

If desired various versions You can download from the Internet, and they are located there in free access and are equipped with a set of all necessary portable programs for work not only with media, but also have a whole set of different useful utilities. For example, you can take the distribution from the site, which does not require additional registration from the user.

After uploading to a USB or CD / DVD carrier, load the system through the key to call the menu, in which there is a selection of the download device. As a rule, this is the F11 function key, after pressing which, and choose our media.

After loading the portable, the desktop will appear, almost completely repeating the usual Windows shell, but already with pre-installed software modules.

Open universal program To work with various information storage devices and work according to the above example in the background and without unnecessary reboots.

The main advantage of the shell is that software modules are not associated with hard drives, which allows you to perform all possible operations to reformatize them possible method without any restrictions.


This article learned how to split a PC or laptop disk different ways. Examples were considered: how to split the hard drive into 2 parts, and how to create partitions on the hard disk. Similar methods can be broken outdoor hard disk. Just connect it to the computer and do the same actions.

Video on the topic

Why do you need to share a hard drive in Windows? First of all, for the safety of your personal data. When the hard disk has only one partition, then all the files that are on this disk are: programs, documents, photos, files of the Windows itself - are stored in one place.

Now imagine that the system fails. All your personal files (photos, documents) with a lot of probability will be lost. Much more correctly, when the system files and user files are stored separately from each other.

Physically, they will still remain on a single hard disk, but will be on different sections. Sections can be several. One, as a rule, is discharged under the operating system and the program (system partition), another (or other) - under the user files.

One of the most simple and accessible ways is to divide the hard disk when installing Windows. How to do it, we are very detailed and on specific example Disassembled. What if the system is already installed and there are user files in it, how to divide the disk in such cases?

How to divide the disc with the installed windows system Without data loss

Today we will analyze how to divide the hard drive into two or more sections with the already installed OS. And absolutely no matter what version of Windows you use. This method will be relevant for any version, be it Windows 7 or Windows 10. In addition, if you already have two partitions, but you need to create the third methods that are described below are also suitable.

In fact, our task is reduced to "restart" from a large section (and in our case this is the only section - the system disk C) some part, allow 200 GB, and make a separate section from it.

You can do this in several ways, including using the Windows operating system itself, which has a special Disk Management tool. This method requires a minimum of effort and in most cases solves the task without third-party software. Let's start with him.

Before proceeding with the partition of the hard disk with the installed Windows system, you need to take some precautions. If there are important files in the system - copy them in advance to the sighted medium (USB flash drive, external hard disk).

How to split a hard disk on two or more of the section? Method 1 - Windows systems

We use the Disk Management Tool. In Windows 10, it is enough to click the right key on the icon My computer, Select item Control - Disc management.

In other versions Windows is given The tool can be found using the usual search or use the combination of hot keys Win + R., And enter the DiskMGMT.msc command.

We have a disk management window where the user's disk is displayed, which in this case has a size of 465.76 GB (disc 0). Almost all the HDD space is allocated to one section - C. C. Disk is also present (500 MB), which is reserved by the operating system at the stage of its installation.

In our case, 465 GB (the entire hard disk) for one system disk is not the allowable luxury, so the "outstand" from it is the maximum possible (how much system will allow the number of GB and make a new section from this free space.

As a rule, for the system disk, about 100-150 GB are removed. It all depends on the specific user. 100 GB is enough if Windows and the most necessary software will be installed on the system disk. If in addition to the system and software it is planned to install modern games, then the size of 100 GB will be clearly not enough.

Before you perform any operation with a specific partition of a hard disk, do not forget to allocate it. It is enough to click on it with the left mouse button and the section will choose. Only then proceed to the operation.

Let's go to practice. Select the partition from which you want to "reset" the space. On the selected section, right-click and select the command. Say.

All sizes are indicated in megabytes, be careful. In a specific example, the maximum amount of MB that system "permits" to compress - 237.656 MB (232.09 GB). This means that after compression we will receive a disk with a size of 232 GB and a disc d - 238782 MB (233 GB). Not very optimal option. If he does not suit you, and it is required to "reset" more than the system offers, you will have to use third-party software, but this is later.

When all counts are completed, and the sizes of future partitions are set, click OK (or clicking ENTER). We have a new unrecognized section (200 GB). Do not rush to leave Disk Management. The disk separation procedure into two sections has not yet ended. We highlight a new section (200 GB), and click the right mouse button, select item Create a simple volume.

Run Master of creating a simple volume. In principle, everything is simple, just to follow the instructions of the master itself. Check out the screenshots. You need to set the future section of the letter (in my case it is D) and the file system - NFTS.

We look at what happened. We have one hard disk and divided it into two sections: a system disk with (265 GB) and a new Tom D (200 GB) for storing personal data. By the way, the new volume is now displayed in Windows Explorer.

Now you know how to split the hard drive for two or more windows tools. If this method suits you, and he coped with your task, then you can stop. However, if you are looking for a more optimal option, and, for example, you need to "pinch" a larger size than the system itself offers - we use third-party software. True, at first we need to return the original hard condition disk.

Delete the created section and return its system disk. Allocate New volume and click right-handed mouse clause Remove Tom.

We read warning and click OK. We get 200 GB that are not distributed.

Carefully check all the numbers and click Further.

We returned to K. initial stateWhen in the system one hard disk and it is almost completely reserved for one section (system).

How to split a hard disk on two or more of the section? Method 2 - Partition Master Free

It's time to go to side Softa. Here the choice is great. There are paid and free options. I recommend staying on. Why? Time is checked, an intuitive interface, free. Unlike the Disk Management tool, which offers Windows, Partition Master allows you to compress the disk partition until it is possible.

The official website of the program Go to the site, and select In the top menu, the Products - Partition Master Free - Download.

Since the program is free, an additional unwanted program will be asked if it is installed. Many free products work perfectly, and perfectly fulfill their tasks, but since they are free, developers are trying to somehow earn somehow. Be careful and on time, remove the checkboxes in Cheboks with the proposal of promotional products.

1. Run the installation of the downloaded program. Choose language English and click OK.

2. In the next window we agree that we will use this software only for your family, put a tick and click OK.

3. In the next window (at its discretion), we leave only one tick - Create A Desktop Icon (Create an icon on the desktop) and click Next.

Installing Partition Master Free in screenshots. Click

5. In the next window, enter your Name and E-mail. You can enter fictional data.

6. After installation, click FINISH.

The program must start. The interface is completely in English, but it is quite simple and using this instruction to divide the disc in Partition Master FREE will not be much difficulty.

The main program window displays the C disc, which is required to be divided. It also contains its basic information: file system (NFTS), the size is actual (465.27GB) and used (17.10 GB). Pay attention to the disk graphics scale, which is located at the bottom of the window. Work and execute commands, you can use both options. With a graphic scale to make it a little simpler and clearer.

Highlight the section (click left key) that you want to divide (from which you want to reset the place), and select the drop-down list of the commands (resize).

In the window that appears, capture and move the special slider. It is responsible for the size of the future partition. We specify how much GB we need to rechride. In this case, 322.242 MB (or 314.69 GB) is selected for a new section.

Pay attention to the bottom of the window. While moving the slider, you, in real time, see how to change your disk from after compression, and how much will be assigned to a new section.

I set the size of the new partition 314 GB, and the size of the disk with will be 150 GB. After that click OK.

A unrecognized section appeared (314 GB). Now you need to make a section from this unrecognized space.

Click on it with the mouse and select the command in the drop-down menu (create a section).

In a new window, I propose to enter a label section, set the name Label. Suppose I will call it Multimedia. Next, you must specify the letter of the section (Drive Letter). Do not forget about item OptimizeFor SSD.But only if you have a SSD drive. If you use a regular hard disk, then this item is not noted. File Systems - NFTS. Click OK.

We look at what happened. System Disk With which we have taken about 150 GB and a file storage section (Multimedia). This is not a final result, but as if such a sketch. To print all operations, you need to click on the button. Apply In the top menu.

A pop-up window will appear in which information will be specified about the operations that will be completed now. Press Yes And the program will start their execution. The computer will be rebooted and running in boot mode. Wait for the end of the operation.

After the process is completed, a window will appear with information that two operations have been successfully completed. If you open the conductor, you can see the new section created.

TTEPER system files and user files will be stored separately. The task is completed. As you can see, both described methods are working and allow you to divide the disk without losing data. Which one to choose - everyone will decide himself. I hope this article was useful and helped you finally understand this issue.

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