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How to restore data on HDD. Data recovery with DVD and CD discs

The loss of information stored on the hard disk (HDD) is a sad event, but most often not fatal. Randomly deleted documents, folders and even entire sections can be restored if nothing happened that it could prevent this.

How to restore data from hard diskIn which cases it can be done independently and when it is better not to risk, but refer to specialists, tell me further.

How to restore data from a hard disk

When missing files can be restored

The main condition for successful information recovery is the physical serviceability of the hard disk.

Most likely, you will be able to return the data that:

  • were removed, bypassing the basket;

  • destroyed by the virus;

  • due to the file system failure (with such problems, whole directories and partitions are usually lost);

  • they were in the section, which was formatted (when formatting, a piece of information about the location of the files on the hard drive is erased, but they themselves remain in place).

But, in what cases, it will not be possible to restore the information:

  • if the region of the Winchester, where the data was stored was overwritten (so, when reinstalling the operating system with volume formatting, all objects of the old OS are completely destroyed);

  • if objects have been deleted using a shredder program (shredders also overwrite the areas of storage of remote objects, and repeatedly);

  • when damaged the magnetic surface of the "pancakes" of the hard drive.

When it is not necessary to engage in the restoration yourself

If there is no confidence in the serviceability of the drive, and the information is very valuable, it is better to refrain from experiments and seek restoring a specialized service. The service is not cheap, and the specialists do not work there, therefore, the less you will distort the "sick" disk, the lower the price and above the chances of success.

The following features indicate the malfunction of the hard drive:

  • Unnatural noise when working (cladding, clicks, clatter, whistle, etc.).

  • HDD stops from time to time to determine the computer - it disappears, it appears.

  • The operating system works very slowly, hDD All the time loaded by 100% without high load on RAM.

  • When recording and reading files, various errors occur.

  • The drive malfunction informs the operating system or programs that follow the state of the HDD in real time (if installed).

  • The computer stops loaded from the hard drive (provided that from other carriers it loads normally).

  • Often arise " blue screens Death "with errors characteristic of disk troubleshooting (inaccessible_boot_device, NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, Kernel_Mode_Exception_not_handled).

Four most important information recovery rules

As with the help of what data is restored on hard disks, I will tell a little later, and now - a couple of words that you need to do before that and how to perform the recovery procedure.

  1. Recovered data can be reset to another section of the same hard drive or another physical medium, but not at the same place where they were believed. Therefore, if your HDD is not broken into partitions, prepare a flash drive or another hard drive of a suitable container.

  2. Once you have noticed the loss of important data, stop all operations with HDD and immediately proceed to restore. This will avoid accidental overwriting.

  3. Try to restore everything you need in one session without stopping the program. Especially - without rebooting the computer.

  4. If one program did not help, use others until all the information is recreated.

Very often there are situations in which the user loses important data. Without relevant software It is impossible to produce their restoration. There are many software (utilities) to recover data, but each of them is intended for a specific situation.

The most popular operating system is Windows. The hard disk is divided into logical disks or sections. Logic disks are denoted by the letters C, D, and so on. In addition, they can be assigned tags, for example, for a logical disk with an operating system (OS). These sections can be formatted in various file systems (NTFS and FAT32).

Full sections, as well as the location of the files is stored at the beginning of the hard drive and is called the partition table and information information on the physical disk (metadata). Logical disk Consists of service information on disk, file information and folders (file posting table).

Computer (PC) before performing data operations, first refers to the file posting table (FAT), finds file information and goes directly to the sign indicator. FAT is only 2: original and copy from which programs for restoring lost data. Files are written to the disk of parts (the recording occurs in clusters), and optionally parts of the file are stored in adjacent clusters. They can be frozen throughout the Winchestera and it is called fragmentation of the file system (FS).

During the deletion, there is no complete destruction, since the prefix dollars ($) is assigned to the file name at the very beginning, for example, File1. TXT turns into $ file1.txt. This suggests that it can be overwritten. Therefore, it has not yet passed its overwriting, the probability of recovery is high enough. It is thanks to this feature that the remote data from the hard disk appears.

Basic data recovery methods

There are 2nd methods of restoring information from a hard disk (HDD), but one particular feature should be considered - rewriting the file indicates its full loss. Methods for recovering remote information from a hard disk:

  1. Analysis of information about files and directories (folders).
  2. Exact search type.

The first method is applied with the surface scanning of the FS program, and this is the initial stage of resuscitation. The prog is not only looking for data, but reanimates their structure and placement paths. With strong damage, the FS program simply assigns them names and offers to restore to the folder specified by the user.

The second method is effective in the negative result of the first. It does not create original names Files and folders. This method is based on the search for the content file, and then finds its beginning and end, after which it highlights from disk space. Despite effective data reanimation, when using 2 methods there are limitations:

  1. Some types of files have a file signature only at the beginning, and the program is hard to calculate the end. Some at all there are no distinguishable signature.
  2. High fragmentation.
  3. Crossing files.
  4. Get false results. For example, an MP3 file signature starts with ID3, but in each file there may be this set of characters. And it does not mean that a piece software code (Constant or variable has the name ID3) is MP3-File.

There is another method for recovering remote files from a hard disk, which is used by software (software) for professional resuscitation of data - combined. Information is partially restored by 1 and 2 methods.

Causes of loss of information

Very often, damaged FS can lead to different consequences. The ability to restore files on the hard drive, flash drive or other disk drive depends on the specific case.

If the drive itself is defective (physical damage), then you need to contact service center. It is inappropriate to solve the problem independently, as it can lead to a complete loss of important information.

In case of erroneous removal of the disk or failure of the power grid, the service information damage occurs (if the information has not been saved) . In this case, you can guarantee a positive result..

If the drive was mistakenly broken into partitions, then the software will restore the data on the backup of the FAT. However, partial loss of information is possible, since when creating a new partition, the service information will be converted. Singapular search is most likely not needed at all.

If the partition or drive is erroneous, most of the data is lost than when splitting. It all depends on the type of formatting. Formatting is full and rapid. With a quick - probability is very large, and it is necessary to use 2 methods at the same time. With full rewriting, it occurs with the values \u200b\u200b00 and FF and the likelihood of a positive solution to the minimum problem.

When recovering files with a damaged file system, you can restore information on the backup (if it is not damaged). The combined method is used.

When PC hangs during defragmentation or breaking the hard drive to partitions when using the data breaking disk, it is almost impossible to restore the data.

Resuscitation programs

Recovery is desirable not to carry out in the OS itself, but use the boot disk for recovery hard Disc or files and folders. The main reason is to block the search operation and restore files by signature method. This mode react antivirus programs, because almost everyone uses a heuristic analyzer, which signals the non-standard access to the FS. The process of creating a boot disk is described in detail on the Internet. After creating a boot disk, you must set the download to SETUP (BIOS).

Varieties and description of the functions

The best program to restore remote files is R-Studio, which is characterized by the support of a large number of FS, it is possible to work with local and network disks, flash drives and CDs, has a large selection of recovery settings, allowing you to reduce the scanning time. To use this software, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install.
  2. Run and select recovery mode.
  3. Run the scanning process.
  4. View results and save them to hard disk.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to save the data not to the current drive on which the recovery procedure was performed, and on the other, since it is possible to re-restore (provided that the file turned out to be broken).

In addition, this program is able to treat the BAD sector. In the treatment, the procedure for overwriting (magnetization) and, if it does not help, this sector is marked, and data is not recorded on it. The possibility of trouble-free restoration of the hard drive in full formatting is available.

With POWER Data Recovery, it is possible to restore information with damaged hard drives, uncertain on the computer. Ons-the advantage of the program is intuitive recovery thanks to the recovery wizard.

Program HDD Regenerator. Allows not only to sneak files, but also drives that are not recognized when connected. It is significantly inferior to R-Studio, but thanks to the possibility of low-level access and formatting makes it possible to restore the performance of the hard drive. In addition, it allows you to identify BAD blocks and restore them by moving, allows you to diagnose the surface of the disk. Can create boot discs and flash drives to restore lost information.

Recuva is also very effective in recovery. The main highlight is the ability to restore files by their types.

Among the paid software should be allocated by Easeus Data Recovery Wizard. Very simple to use (there is a Russian-language version). Allows you to find most of the files and folders, and it is also possible to specify the search path, for example, in a folder with user documents.

Programs for restoring lost data are varied and allow you to almost completely eliminate the problems, but not in all cases. When rewriting files will not help any program, and, even if it restores, then, in most cases (exceptions are possible), the file will be broken or restored. The basic recommendations will help avoid problems and spending time for recovery:

The main cause of data loss is the inattention of the user, and therefore before carrying out any operation with PC it is necessary to think about the consequences.

Thus, to properly restore data from the drives, it is necessary to clearly understand the basic principle of deleting a file or folder from the file system and the prompt use of the appropriate software. In addition, it is necessary to constantly follow the recommendations for the preservation of important information, because when data loss has been spent on their recovery.


Not so long ago I had to restore some photos from a flash drive, which was randomly formatted. It's not a simple matter, and while the majority of files managed to recover practically with all popular programs to restore information.

In this article, I would like to give a list of these programs (by the way, everything can be attributed to the category of universal, because they can restore files from both hard drives and from other media, for example, from a memory card - SD, or flash drives USB).

It turned out not a small list of 22 programs ( further in the article, all programs are sorted by alphabet).


OS.: Windows: XP, 2003, 7, Vista, 8


First, this utility immediately pleases with the presence of the Russian language. Secondly, it is quite multifunctional, after launch, it offers you 5 recovery options:

Restore files from damaged and formatted hard disk partitions;

Restore randomly deleted files;

Restore files remote from flash drives and memory cards;

Restoring disk partitions (when MBR is damaged, disk formatted, etc.);

Restore files from Android phones and tablets.


Website: http://www.file-

OS.: Windows: Vista, 7, 8


A program to restore randomly deleted data or data from damaged disks. Supports work with multiple file systems: FAT (12, 16, 32), NTFS (5, + EFS).

In addition, it can work directly with a hard disk when its logical structure is broken. In addition, the program supports:

All types of hard drives: IDE, ATA, SCSI;

Memory Cards: Sundisk, MemoryStick, CompactFlash;

USB devicesa (flash drives, external hard disks).


3. Active Partition Recovery.

OS.: Windows 7, 8


One of an important feature This program is that it can be running and under DOS and under Windows. This is possible due to the fact that it can be written to the CD boot disk (well, the flash drive).

This utility is usually used to restore entire partitions of the hard disk, and not individual files. By the way, the program allows you to make a archive (copy) of MBR tables and hard sectors disk ( boot data).


4. Active undelete.


OS.: Windows 7/2000/2003 / 2008 / XP


I will tell you that this is one of the most universal programs To restore data. The main thing is that it supports:

1. All the most popular file Systems: NTFS, FAT32, FAT16, NTFS5, NTFS + EFS;

2. Works in all Windows;

3. Supports a large number of media: SD, CF, SmartMedia, Memory Stick, Zip, USB flash drives, external hard uSB disks, and etc.

Interesting features of the full version:

Support for hard drives, more than 500 GB;

Support for hardware and software RAID arrays;

Creating emergency loading discs (Emergency disks);

The ability to search for deleted files by multiple attributes (especially relevant when there are a lot of files, the hard disk capacious, and you definitely do not remember the name of the file or the extension).



OS.: Windows 2000/2003/2008/2012, XP, 7, 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)


At first glance, a very not large utility, besides without Russian (but it is only at first glance). This program is able to restore data in a wide variety of situations: error in software, random formatting, removal, viral attacks, etc.

By the way, as the developers themselves declare, the percentage of file recovery by this utility is above many of its competitors. Therefore, if other programs cannot restore you lost data, it makes sense to risk checking the disc of this utility.

Some interesting features:

1. Restores word files, Excel, Power Pont, etc.

2. Can restore files when reinstalling Windows;

3. Enough "strong" option to restore various photos and pictures (and on different types of carriers).



OS.: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 (x86, x64)


What makes this program happy - so this simplicity. After starting, immediately (and on great and mighty) invites you to scan discs ...

The utility is capable of looking for the most different types of files: archives, audio and video, documents. You can scan various types of media (though, with different success): CD discs, flash drives, hard drives etc. Is sufficiently easy to learn.


7. Disk Digger.


OS.: Windows 7, Vista, XP


A fairly simple and convenient program (does not require installation, by the way), which will help you easily and quickly restore remote files: music, movies, pictures, photos, documents. Media can be different: from hard disk, to flash drives and memory cards.

Supported File Systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, EXFAT and NTFS.

Summarizing: utility with rather average opportunities will help, mainly in the most "simple" cases.



OS.: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / Windows Server 2012/2008/2003 (x86, x64)


Great program to restore files! It will help in a wide variety of redirects: accidental deletion of files, with unsuccessful formatting, damage to the partition, with power failure, etc.

It is possible to restore even encrypted and compressed data! The utility supports all the most popular file systems: VFAT, FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS / NTFS5 EXT2, EXT3.

Sees and allows you to scan a wide variety of media: IDE / ATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, external hard drives, Fire Wire (IEEE1394), flash drives, digital cameras, floppy disks, audio players and many other devices.


Website: examscovery/recovery-software/

OS.: Windows 95/98 ME / NT / 2000 / XP / VISTA / 7


One of the best programs for restoring information that will help and in case of a simple error when removing, and in cases where it is no longer possible to comprise on other utilities.

Separately, it is worth saying that the program allows you to successfully find 255 different types Files (audio, video, documents, archives, etc.), supports FAT and NTFS Systems, hard drives (IDE / ATA / EIDE, SCSI), floppy disks (ZIP and JAZ).

Among other things, the EasyRecovery has a function that will help you check and evaluate the condition of the disk (by the way, in one of the articles we have already disassembled the question).

EasyRecovery utility helps to restore the data at the following cases:

Accidental deletion (for example, when using the SHIFT button);
- Viral infection;
- damage due to turning off the electricity;
- problems when creating sections when windows installation;
- damage to the structure of the file system;
- Formatting the media or application of the FDISK program.


10. GetData Recovery My Files PROFFESIONAL


OS.: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7


Recover My Files - pretty not bad program To restore various types of data: graphics, documents, musical and video archives.

In addition, all the most popular file systems are supported: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and NTFS5.

Some features:

Support more than 300 data types;

Can restore files with HDD, flash cards, USB devices, floppy disks;

Special function to restore Zip - Archives, pDF files, AutoCAD drawings (if your file is suitable for this type - I will definitely recommend trying this program).



OS.: Windows 9X / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7


Enough simple program, with a Russian interface, designed to restore remote files. Can be applied in the most different cases: viral attack, software failures, when accidental deleting files from a basket, when formatting hard diski.

After scanning and analyzing, Handy Recovery will provide you with watching the disk (or other media, for example, a memory card) as well as in a regular conductor, just along with "normal files" you will see the files that have been deleted.



OS.: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 Pro, Server 2008, 2003, 2000


Highly powerful program To restore remote and formatted files from various types of media: USB flash cards, SD memory cards, hard drives. The utility can help restore the BF File with a non-readable disk section (RAW), if damaged boot record MBR.

Unfortunately, there is no support for the Russian language. After launch, you will be able to choose from 4 masters:

1. Partition Recovery - a wizard that will help restore remote hard disk partitions;

2. Deleted File Recovery - This wizard is used to restore the remote file (s);

3. Deep Scan Recovery - disk scan to existing files and files that can be restored;

4. Format Recovery is a wizard that will help restore files after formatting.




OS.: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8


A rather bad program to restore files. Supports several types of media: SD, SmartMedia, Compact Flash, Memory Stick, HDD. It is used in a wide variety of cases of loss of information: whether a viral attack, or erroneous formatting.

I am pleased with the fact that in the Russian interface program and you can easily understand everything. After starting the utility, you are offered a choice of several masters:

1. Restore files after accidental removal;

2. Restore the damaged partitions of hard drives, for example, not readable section RAW;

3. Restoring lost sections (when you do not at all see that there are sections on the hard disk);

4. Restoring CD / DVD discs. By the way, a very useful thing, because Not in each program there is this option.


14. O & O Disk Recovery


OS.: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP


O & O DiskRecovery is a very powerful utility to restore information from many types of media. Most remote files (if you are not recorded to the disk of other information) can be restored with the utility. Data can be reconstructed, even if the hard disk has been formatted!

Use the program is very simple (also there is a Russian language). After starting, the utility will prompt you to choose a media for scanning. The interface is made in such a style that even an unprepared user will feel quite confident, the wizard will hold his step by step and help restore lost information.



OS.: Windows 2000/2003 / XP / Vista / Windows 7


First, it is free program (Given that free programs for the restoration of information two times and did it, it is a weighty argument).

Secondly, full support Russian language.

Thirdly, it shows very not bad results. The program supports FAT and NTFS file systems. Can restore documents after formatting or accidental deletion. The interface is made in the style of "minimalism". Scanning starts with just one button (algorithms and settings the program will select yourself).



OS.: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7/8


Very simple program (besides free), calculated on an unprepared user. With it, step by step, you can restore many types of files from various media.

Recuva Quite quickly scans the disk (or USB flash drive), and after the list of files that can be restored. By the way, the files are marked with markers (well readable, it means it is easy to restore; medium-paid - the chances are small, but there is; bad-inquired - there is little chances, but you can try).



OS.: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8


Very simple program to restore information. Basically designed to restore photos, pictures, some types of documents. At least, shows itself in this better than many other programs of this kind.

Also in this utility there is one interesting opportunity - creating a disk image. It can be quite useful, no one has canceled backup!




OS.: Windows: 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008/7/8


This program takes its beginning in 2000. At that time, the Restorer 2000 utility was popular, by the way, not very bad. RESTORER ULTIMATE program came to replace it. In my humble opinion, the program is one of the best for restoring lost information (plus the support of the Russian language).

The professional version of the program supports the restoration and reconstruction of RAID data (regardless of the level of complexity); It is possible to restore partitions that the system marks as Raw (not readable).

By the way, using this program you can connect to the desktop of another computer and try to restore the files on it!



OS.: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7/8


R-Studio is probably the most famous program to restore remote information from disk / flash drives / memory cards and other media. The program works just surprisingly, it is possible to restore even those files about which and not "dreamed" before starting the program.


1. Support for all Windows OS (in addition: Macintosh, Linux and UNIX);

2. It is possible to restore data on the Internet;

3. Support just a huge number of file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, EXFAT, NTFS, NTFS5 (created or modified in Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Win7), HFS / HFS (Macintosh), Little and Big Endian Variants of UFS1 / UFS2 (FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NETBSD / SOLARIS) and EXT2 / EXT3 / EXT4 FS (Linux);

4. Ability to restore disk arrays RAID;

5. Creating a disk images. Such an image, by the way, can squeeze and record on the USB flash drive or other hard drive.



OS.: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 (full support for Windows 32 and 64-bit).


Professional program designed to restore information. Includes a huge set of masters that will help in most cases:

Undelete - search and restore remote files;

Raw Recovery - search for lost partitions of a hard disk;

Restoration of RAID - arrays;

Functions for recovering files with viral attack, formatting, recycling hard disk, etc.



OS.: Windows 8, 7


Wondershare Data Recovery is a very powerful program that will help recover deleted, formatted files from a computer, outdoor hard disk mobile phone, Camera and other devices.

Pleases the presence of Russian language and comfortable masters who will hold you step by step. After starting the program, you are given 4 wizards to choose from:

1. Restore files;

2. RAW recovery;

3. Restore partitions of the hard disk;

4. Renewal.

See Screenshot below.


22. Zero Assumption Recovery


OS.: Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7


This program is different from many other things that it supports long Russian file names. It is very convenient when recovering (in other programs you will see "Kryakosabra" instead of Russian characters, as in this).

The program supports file systems: FAT16 / 32 and NTFS (including NTFS5). Also deserves attention to support for long file names, multiple languages \u200b\u200bsupport, the ability to restore RAID arrays.

Very interesting search mode for digital photos. If you restore graphic files - Be sure to try this program, its algorithms are simply affected!

The program can operate with viral attacks, incorrect formatting, when you erroneously delete files, etc. It is recommended to have at hand to those who rarely (or does not) backups files.


That's all. In one of the following articles, I will complement the article by the results of practical tests, which programs managed to restore the information. Good output and do not forget about backups so that nothing has had to restore ...

If you lose valuable files, do not rush to fall into depression: recovery information from a hard disk is possible, and you can do it yourself.

A file remote from the hard disk actually remains on the same disc sectors. In the file table, it has a "zero" mark. While this information is not overwritten, files are suitable for recovery.

The most important thing is to choose the right tool. We selected best programs To restore data on the hard disk. In the review we will list the necessary functions of the programs, briefly tell me how they work.

2. Recuva is the most functional to free recovery software.

3. TestDisk - Restoring HDD Remote Sections (Windows / Mac OS / Linux)

Strict Console Interface Program Testdisk

TestDisk is a program for recovering data and hard disk partitions. Supports FAT, NTFS, EXT2 File Systems, etc. Works only from command lineDetailed documentation will help to deal with teams.

Use the program makes sense in cases where the data has been lost

  • as a result of errors in the file table,
  • if there are BAD blocks
  • when accidentally deleting the HDD section.

In such cases, other utilities, like Recuva or PHOTOREC, may not cope.

With TestDisk you can restore boot sectors, fixes tables in Fat, Master File Table - in general, correct hard disk errors, which are often the reason for deleting files.

If the operating system is not loaded and / or you work in Linux, you can make a brief copy of the HDD () sections and restore files safely by avoiding overwriting.

If Testdisk did not help or seemed difficult, test PHOTOREC (see below), the benefit that the programs are distributed in the overall archive.

4. PhotoRec - Restore photo and video on hard disk (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)

Main PhotoRec Window: Setting up and save

PhotoRec is a cross-platform program to recover data from the disk. Searches for file signatures, it best copes with search for remote images and videos.

Total photorec covers about 300 file Types and 480 file extensions. Data recovery is made both on hard disk and removable media flash drives, memory cards.

You can download the program for free for desktop. The main file systems are supported, including NTFS, FAT, EXFAT, EXT2 / 3/4, partly reiserfs, etc.

Complete with the program - Console Testdisk utility. Recall, it is designed to restore remote partitions, fix the boot record on the disk and other HDD errors.

Note. Despite the fact that data recovery on the disk is in reading mode. When saving files, you need to specify a directory on another disk - otherwise the deleted data will be overwritten.

5. Diskdigger for PC

Diskdigger exists in desktop and mobile editors. We will consider the version for Windows. It supports HDD, SSD, SD cards and USB flash drives and virtual disks (VHD / VDI, etc.) connected to the computer.

The program proposes to choose one of two scan options - Dig Deep or Dig Deeper.

Accordingly, the DIG Deep method is suitable for restoring the files on the hard disk after quick formatting, delete files to the basket, delete any data in the FAT, EXFAT and NTFS file system.

The Dig Deeper Recovery Method will be extremely useful for more complex cases associated with the removal of information. This method involves finding files by signatures bypassing the file system. Scanning Dig Deeper mode will take much longer than Dig Deep.

It should be noted that desktop version Diskdigger has convenient interface And allows you to flexibly configure file search for HDD. It is convenient to use the preview when restoring and saving results as a list or sketches. In general, Diskdigger is sharpened to restore photos, audio and video, similar to PHOTOREC.

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery supports more than 300 file extensions, suitable for restoring remote partitions on HDD / SSD, ignores read errors. The description states that the basic file systems to search for files are FAT, NTFS and EXFAT. However, Phoenix Windows Data Recovery can go to around and detect files regardless of the file system type. To do this, use the search by signatures that is activated by the Deep Scan option.

Main Window Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery: Disc Selection

Technician version version will be indispensable if the files were in the RAID archive and one of the disks of the array failed. In other versions of the program there are also useful additions for reserve copy. However, home or professional versions will be optimal for home use (cost from $ 60 to $ 100).

7. MiniTool Power Data Recovery - program to restore files from a hard disk

Minitool Power Data Recovery is a program for recovering data on damaged, faulty hard drives, emergency HDDs - those that are not defined on the computer.

Main window Minitool Power Data Recovery: Selecting a disc partition

Some features of the utility:

  • Power Data Recovery restores the wheels entirely, works with dynamic discs of large sizes (\u003e 1 TB), RAID arrays,
  • when scanning, it uses errors, cyclically reads the data, BAD blocks, translates the head into the "gentle" mode when reading information from the disk,
  • works with FAT 16/32 file systems,
  • The "Deep Scanning" option allows you to find deleted files that are not detected during normal scanning,
  • Free recovery of 1024 MB of any data.

How to restore information from a hard disk

The program has a step-by-step data recovery wizard. After selecting Logical Drive and pressing the SCAN button, the SCAN Results list will appear. Files are sorted by File Name, Size, Creation Date.

Video, how to work with the Power Data Recovery program:

8. Undelete Plus (Windows)

Main Window Interface Undelete Plus

Undelete Plus - Shareware program to restore remote files. Supports recovery:

  • office documents and posts,
  • photo, video, mp3 audio,
  • files after cleaning Windows baskets,
  • system Disc After formatting / reinstalling Windows.

Undelete Plus works on all versions of Windows and maintains storage devices with FAT or NTFS file system.

Similar to Recuva, the program determines the probability of recovery for found files. You can sort the results by type, set the time and size filters.

9. GLARY UNDELETE: Restore information from a hard disk

GLARY Undelete is a free program to restore remote files with HDD, easy to use, with a convenient user interface.

HDD recovery with glary programs Undelete.

GLARY Undelete restores files from hard drives, SSD, any Removable Devices media - memory cards, USB flash drives etc.

There are no settings, to start work, you need to press Start. There is a filter by name / date / size. In the sidebar, a grouping of file expansion results are available. The probability of recovery for each file can be found from the "Status" column.

10. R-STUDIO - a popular program for data recovery from a hard disk

11. PURAN FILE RECOVERY - a simple program for recovery from FAT / NTFS disks

It cannot be said that the PURAN FILE RECOVERY program stands out against the background of other data recovery programs in the review. Nevertheless, we list the main functional features of this free product.

Puran File Recovery works with Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP. The application is available in portable and for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, Therefore, it does not require installation. The program has a simple and fast interface.

FAT12 / 16/32 and NTFS file systems are supported. If the disk is removed or has a RAW format, the Full Scan option will detect the section and then restore data from the hard disk in normal mode.

There are two data recovery regimes with HDD - scanning remote information quick and deep (overhead). With deep scanning, it is not just a search by posts in the file table, Puran File Recovery scans the famous patterns, trying to detect one or another format. By the way, the utility can recognize about 50 file types.

Found files are restored with the preservation of full paths and names (with such an opportunity). Before saving to disk, the user can sort the recovery results, read in the preview mode with files.

Tools as part of Puran File Recovery

2. There were files on the desktop. They disappeared. I found only names in MS Word. Help, please return them to the desktop so that I can work with them, as before.

Answer. The answer will be brief. See the program to restore data from the hard disk above the list. Specify in the list of the System disk on which Windows has been installed. In case you need to return some files from the desktop, specify when scanning "[System Disc Letter]\u003e Users\u003e [User Name]\u003e Desktop.

After reinstallation of the system, photos and videos on the hard disk were not copied and, apparently, retired. Is free data recovery with HDD now?

Answer. The question is inaccurate in its wording, but to answer it is easy. Use any restoration program mentioned in the article. Actually, in front of the data resuscitation process, it is extremely undesirable to use a hard disk for recording and reading information, so if possible, install the software to another media and do not work in the OS prior to the start of data recovery on the disk.

Yesterday removed the entire folder on the hard drive. There was 1 GB of content, many folders and other valuable data was! I looked somewhat - there was nothing. Then he took and deleted the entire folder, and it turns out, there were my hidden photos of the video ... How to restore data from a hard disk?

Answer. For these purposes, almost any program for data recovery will be suitable. For example, R-Studio, Minitool Power Data Recovery, Power Data Recovery or Recuva. In general, there is no shortage of such programs, choose any, read the instructions on the SoftDroid and proceed to recovery.

Loaded files into the cloud, after a few days the files are disappeared. Before that came from another device - the files were in place! Is it possible to restore the files for free?

Answer. Yes, the restoration of files from the hard disk is quite possible if you synchronized the files loaded into the cloud, with your PC. To do this, use R-Studio, Minitool Power Data Recovery or other tools. By setting the program to restore files, specify the disk on which the synchronized cloud files were. Next stepsI guess you are known.

Son flew a favorite game on a computer. I wanted to download him anew, but he does not want to start her from the very beginning. Writes "Application Error". Will it help to recover data? Thanks in advance.

Answer. Theoretically, you can recover files (deleted game saving) using programs to recover data from a hard disk. To do this, find out where one or another saving is stored, start searching for files, etc., everything is as usual when recovered. However, it is not entirely clear how you "flew saves", in what circumstances it happened. It is possible that you do not need the help of data recovery programs, since many games store save in the Windows user folder separately from the play application itself. Install the game again and see if you can open the save inside the game.

Information erased. After restoring lost files I have damaged files who do not know how to restore. The information is very necessary. How to recover a damaged file? Tell me out.

Answer. To correctly respond to your question, this information is not enough. If you independently restored the files and as a result we received some of the information in a damaged form, it means that deleted files have already been overwritten by new information, and this process is irreversible.

It is less likely that you used a poor-quality software for recovery or chose an inappropriate scan mode. Nevertheless, we suggest you try to restore damaged files again using

The loss of information stored on the hard disk (HDD) is a sad event, but most often not fatal. Randomly deleted documents, folders and even entire sections can be restored if nothing happened that it could prevent this.

How to restore data from a hard disk, in what cases it can be done on your own and when it is better not to risk, but to contact the specialists, I will tell you further.

How to restore data from a hard disk

When missing files can be restored

The main condition for successful information recovery is the physical serviceability of the hard disk.

Most likely, you will be able to return the data that:

  • were removed, bypassing the basket;
  • destroyed by the virus;
  • due to the file system failure (with such problems, whole directories and partitions are usually lost);
  • they were in the section, which was formatted (when formatting, a piece of information about the location of the files on the hard drive is erased, but they themselves remain in place).

But, in what cases, it will not be possible to restore the information:

  • if the region of the Winchester, where the data was stored was overwritten (so, when reinstalling the operating system with volume formatting, all objects of the old OS are completely destroyed);
  • if objects have been deleted using a shredder program (shredders also overwrite the areas of storage of remote objects, and repeatedly);
  • when damaged the magnetic surface of the "pancakes" of the hard drive.

When it is not necessary to engage in the restoration yourself

If there is no confidence in the serviceability of the drive, and the information is very valuable, it is better to refrain from experiments and seek restoring a specialized service. The service is not cheap, and the specialists do not work there, therefore, the less you will distort the "sick" disk, the lower the price and above the chances of success.

The following features indicate the malfunction of the hard drive:

  • Unnatural noise when working (cladding, clicks, clatter, whistle, etc.).
  • HDD stops from time to time to determine the computer - it disappears, it appears.
  • The operating system works very slowly, the hard disk is loaded at 100% without high load on RAM.
  • When recording and reading files, various errors occur.
  • The drive malfunction informs the operating system or programs that follow the state of the HDD in real time (if installed).
  • The computer stops loaded from the hard drive (provided that from other carriers it loads normally).
  • Often there are "blue death screens" indicating errors characteristic of disk problems (Inaccessible_Boot_Device, NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED).

Four most important information recovery rules

As with the help of what data is restored on hard drives, I will tell a little later, and now there is a couple of words that you need to do before that and how to perform the recovery procedure.

  1. Recovered data can be reset to another section of the same hard drive or another physical medium, but not at the same place where they were believed. Therefore, if your HDD is not broken into partitions, prepare a flash drive or another hard drive of a suitable container.
  2. Once you have noticed the loss of important data, stop all operations with HDD and immediately proceed to restore. This will avoid accidental overwriting.
  3. Try to restore everything you need in one session without stopping the program. Especially - without rebooting the computer.
  4. If one program did not help, use others until all the information is recreated.

Three popular data recovery programs with HDD


R-Studio from the Canadian company R-Tools Technology is the most powerful software package Recovery of information from media different types. Oriented on professional service engineers, but can be used and non-specialists, as easy to manage and intuitively understood. Translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including Russian.

The main features of R-Studio

  • Supports all basic file systems: Fat12-Fat32, NTFS, EXFAT, REFS, NTFS5 (encrypted), HFS, HFS +, EXT2-EXT4, UFS1 and UFS.
  • It is able to determine the types of object signatures. It helps to pull information from damaged drives, on which the file system is defined as RAW (unknown).
  • Supports RAID arrays and dynamic discs. It has a RAID reconstruction function.
  • Can create images of physical drives, their partitions and individual directories, which then read the data. After creating such an image, the media from which recovery is carried out, you can turn off.
  • Allows you to view the contents of the objects here, even if there is no program associated with it.
  • Recreates service entries MBR, GPT and BCD.
  • Contains a hex editor to manually correct damaged files.
  • Displays S.M.A.R.T Parameters. - Results of self-test current status HDD, as well as SSD ( solid-state drives), diagnoses the state of the reading heads, corrects the defects of the surface.

How to use

  • Run R-Studio with administrator rights.
  • Choose a drive, information from which you want to read.

  • Specify the scan settings. In particular, check the types of files that are subject to recovery.

  • After reading, select the "Restore all files" in the Disc menu.

  • Specify the save parameters - place, structure, attributes, etc..

  • Wait until the end of the operation.

R-Studio, as a rule, can restore what other programs do not cope with. This complex is good everyone, except prices: the license cost starts from $ 79.99. Produced in versions for Windows, OS X and Linux.

Ontrack EasyRecovery.

From the Polish developer Kroll Ontrack - another package of programs for restoring lost files, which can be used both by professionals and newcomers. Produced in several versions with various set functions, translated into Russian.

EasyRecovery features

  • Recognizes more than 250 types of files.
  • Works with media of different types, including damaged.
  • Creates images of drives.
  • Equipped with the analyzing tools of the current HDD state.
  • It has a built-in hex editor, as well as shredder for irrevocable destruction of file system objects.
  • Allows you to create an accident boot carriers With EasyRecovery in case the operating system stops loading.
  • Can connect to other computers over the network.
  • Able to read information from VMware virtual environments.

How to use

  • Run the program from the administrator. Click the "Continue" button.

  • Select the type of media on which you lost data and click "Continue" again. This button must be hooked after each step, so I will not be repeated.

  • Specify the section you want to scan.

  • Select the recovery script (us, in particular, you are interested in deleted or formatted data).

  • Wait for the end of the reading process.

  • Found documents will be displayed in the EasyRecovery window. You can view them as a list or miniature.

  • To save the file, click on it right-click. Select "Save as" either, as elsewhere, press Ctrl + S.

In order to become a legal user onTrack EasyRecovery, you will also have to upset. The license price begins from 89 EUR. Versions are available for Windows and OS X.


- Product of the British developer Piriform Limited is one of the most popular free data recoveors. The utility is very easy to use and very effective. Differs in high scanning speed.

Features Recuva.

  • It can work without installation (has an official portable version).
  • Supports FAT16-FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT file systems.
  • Works with damaged carriers.
  • It has a file shredder.
  • Able to restore directory structures, postal reports, documents Microsoft Word., texts, music, images, saved web pages, video files and system objects, including hidden and zero size.

Compared to the two previously reviewed programs, Recuva is much more modest. This also applies to restorative functions, and additional tools. So, the best Recuva restores recently remote objects, and the old though detects, often can't read, despite the fact that they were definitely not overwritten. And yet we will not be very climbing towards her, because "I do not look at the darome (free) horse in your teeth."

By the way, besides free version Utilities There is a paid - Recuva Pro (worth $ 24.95). Her differences are extended reducing functions, automatic installation Updates, support for virtual media and the ability to contact Support.

How to use

  • Run the utility. If it opened in the English-language version, go to the "Options" menu and on the General tab, select Russian.

  • From the drop-down list on the left side of the window, select the scan area.

  • After completing the scan in the Utility window, a list of found objects will appear, some of which are marked with green circles, part - red and some are yellow. The green label indicates a good chance to restore the object, yellow - on weak and red - on the complete absence of any chance.
  • To restore something from the found, mark it in the list and click the button on the right at the bottom of the window.

Each of the three applications considered is good. Recuva is convenient to keep at hand for everyday use - despite the limited functionality, it solves its tasks well, but most importantly - quickly. And if something does not cope with something, we let the course of EasyRecovery and R-Studio - "heavy guns" for the most intractable situations. For 90% of users of this kit, there is enough almost for all occasions.