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Using standard programs. List of standard programs on the latch, Microsoft Office

Standard Windows Applications

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Theme of article: Standard Windows Applications
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The Windows includes a number standard applicationswhich are installed during the installation of the system or can be added as it is extremely important (control panel\u003e Installation and removal of programs). The composition of these applications included: the simplest text editor NotePad, WordPad text editor, Paint graphic editor, image viewing program Imaging, calculator, service programs, etc.
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Access to these programs is carried out by the Start\u003e Program Team\u003e Standard.

Consider some of them in more detail. And for the rest we only give short review The possibilities of standard programs (as work with them is intuitive and, in addition, the opportunity is available for viewing assistance for each program).

WordPad text editor.

The WordPad application is a full-fledged text processor that allows you to format pages and paragraphs - set the size of the page and its orientation, the text borders of the paragraph indent, align the text, change the fonts, but also insert graphic objects, sound fragments and video clips to the document, as it supports Technology implementation and binding objects (OLE).

WordPad provides saving and reading documents in various formats (Word, RTF - Rich Text Format, supported by most text processors). It does not make sense to describe work with WordPad in detail, since it is similar to working with the MS Word text processor (work with it will be discussed below), having more opportunities.

Graphics editor Paint.

Paint graphics editor came to change Paintbrush from Windows 3.x, but new features have been added to it, expanding the possibilities of working with graphic objects: Scaling pattern, stretching and rotating the image, save the image in the form of desktop wallpapers, etc.

The work area of \u200b\u200bthe Paint window is usually called canvas.Drawing on it is carried out with the mouse. Locked left button Mice and moving it on the canvas, you can draw straight and curves lines, and using graphic primitives built into the editor (direct, curve, rectangle, oval, polygon, rectangle with rounded corners), build complex figures. In addition, it is possible to use the opportunity. various methods Image design (fill, adjustable spray width, various forms of brush). The graphic editor allows you to create text fragments, while using various fonts and styles (italics, fat, underscore).

Management editor is carried out using the menu (file, edit, view, drawing, parameters), as well as tool panels (tools for drawing and working with text). Tools are as follows:

- Separation of the region(arbitrary or rectangular |::::| );

- Replacement coloron the background of the background (eraser ^_) and Fillbasic color **;

- Copy colorZ1 I. Change scaleimages ^ I. ;

- Pencilwith a variable line of line I and Brushth with a variable form;

- Spraybasic color ^ and Inputtext information A 1 (valid only with an image scale 1: 1)

- Paintingstraight line under any slope and drawing line curve \\ | g.I;

- Paintingrectangle and drawing a polygon arbitrary shape Ell ^.;

- Paintingellipses and drawing a rectangle with rounded angles 0 1 ° I. Takes of work in the Paint graphics editor.

1 To draw the correct figure, it is extremely important to choose its view on the toolbar and holding the SHIFT key, perform the image formation, stretching it in the desired direction before getting the figure of the desired size.

2 To fill the image, set the desired color on the palette, then select the fill on the toolbar on the toolbar and click the mouse inside the closed figure of the figure (if the outline will not be closed, then the paint is as if splashing and fasten the entire canvas).

3 When using the Tool tool, you can draw any number of line segments, to get the painted object it is extremely important to close it, connecting the initial and endpoint.

4 To copy or move part of the image, it is extremely important to first allocate the desired area using the tool to allocate , and then:

Or execute the commands to write or edit\u003e cut (the selected image is copied or moved to the clipboard), edit\u003e insert;

Either click the mouse within the selected object and when the mouse button is pressed, drag it to a new place. If you keep pressed ctrl keyCopy will be copied.

5 To change the size of the canvas, the units of measurement and type of palette used (color or black and white) uses the attribute pattern command.

6 To form a new figure, you can use the following ways:

In the Figure menu, select the Clear command;

On the File menu, select the Create command.

7 In case it is extremely important to change the individual points (pixels) of the image, you can increase the scale of the image of the pattern by performing the scale command by one of the following methods:

View\u003e Scale\u003e Large;

Select the scale tool on the panel.

8 For the convenience of working in the mode of the large image, you can set the mesh mapping. To do this, execute the command View\u003e Scale\u003e Show Grid.

9 It is important to note that in order to create the user with its own colors by mixing them, one of the ways are used:

Double click on the palette;

Call the command Parameters\u003e Change the palette.

11 The formed drawing can be rotated (drawing-reflect\u003e Rotate), stretch (Figure\u003e Stretching\u003e Tilt) or turn it out with the image of the Figure\u003e Turn Colors.

12 Saving the created image is carried out by commands file\u003e Save or File\u003e Save as. The user is given the ability to save the image in BMP graphic format (monochrome, in case the figure does not contain the color of the 16-color - by default, 256-color - for the drawings with large quantity Flowers, 24-bit - for multicolor scanned images).

Kodak Imaging program.This program allows you to view, annotate and perform the main processing tasks.

graphic documents, including faxes and scanned images.

Calculator program.

The calculator has two modes of operation: the usual intended for the simplest computing, and the engineering, which provides access to many mathematical (including statistical) functions.

The program is a portfolio.

The portfolio is convenient when working with multiple copies of the same documents on different computers. It allows, for example, to alter the copies of documents on portable and desktop computers.

Communication program(HyperTerminal.) Allows you to install a connection with a remote computer with a modem, even if the Windows operating system is not loaded on it. This program is also designed to send and receive files, connect to electronic ads and other interactive services.

When the program is running, the communication protocol is maintained, which can be saved and then printed.

Disc Checking Programrefers to service programs and allows you to check hDD For logical and physical errors. After that, damaged areas are used right.

Defragmentation programrefers to service programs and allows you to speed up the execution of programs by redistributing files and unused volume on the hard disk.

System File Check Programrefers to service programs. It is used to check the integrity of the operating system files, their recovery in case of damage, as well as for unpacking compressed files (such as drivers) from installation disks. The system file verification program also allows you to back up existing files before restoring the source files. At the same time, the user has the ability to set up the search for search conditions for us and file name extensions.

Program System Informationrefers to service programs and collects information on the system configuration. The program contains a menu that allows you to open the associated sections of the system description. Technical support staff for troubleshooting in the system configuration requires defined computer information. The System Information Window allows you to quickly collect data required to troubleshoot.

System monitor refers to service programs. The program is used to monitor the speed of the computer or network. Each selected indicator is displayed on the diagram that is updated after 5 seconds.

Answers to emerging issues when working with operating system Windows is easy to get using the help system (Start\u003e Help).

Standard Windows applications are concepts and types. Classification and features of the category "Standard Windows Applications" 2017, 2018.

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  • When installing the operating system, the default is a whole package of standard windows programs, about which the simple user is simply not known. Part of the standard programs can be found in the menu. Start - All programs. Further open sections: Service, Standardand further Service, Special abilities. Part of the programs are intended for specialists and access to these programs can only be implemented through the command line or through the command " Perform».

    With the help of the " PerformYou can quickly run programs, open files and folders, as well as go to websites if the computer is connected to the Internet.

    To start the command " Perform"You can apply one of the ways:

    It remains to enter the name of the program to start it.

    Now let's start directly to the description of those programs that are of interest from the point of view of their use, not only by experts, but also a simple user.

    appwiz.cpl - Programs and components. The program can be deleted if it is no longer needed or it is necessary to release a hard disk space. To remove programs or change their configuration by adding and deleting certain components, you can use the " Programs and components».

    control - Control Panel. Used to change windows settings. These parameters are almost fully determined appearance and Windows work and allow you to configure Windows most suitable for a user

    cipher.exe. - EFS service utility (encrypted file system (EFS) is a Windows component that allows you to save the hard disk information in an encrypted format. Encryption is the strongest protection provided by Windows to protect data). Also, using this utility, you can delete the file, folder or data from the disk without the possibility of recovery.

    cleanmgr. - Cleaning the disc. To reduce the number of unused files on the hard disk to exemplate disk space and enhance computer speed. It deletes temporary files, cleans the basket and deletes many system files and other unused items. additional information

    control Folders. - Folders settings. Using the folder parameters component, you can change the methods of working with files and folders, as well as displaying items on your computer.

    control Desktop. - Personalization. You can change individual parts of the topic (images, colors and sounds), and then save the modified topic for your own use or sharing with other users

    comexp.msc. - Component services. With the help of snap " Component services»In the MMC console, you can customize the COM components, the COM + applications and the DTC distributed transaction coordinator, as well as administer them. Snap " Component services"Designed for both system administrators and application developers. For example, administrators can manage components, and developers can configure the required behavior of the component and application, such as participating in transactions and organization of the object pool

    cOMPMGMT.MSC. - Computer management. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Groups administration tools that are used to administer networks, computers, services and other system components.

    credwiz - Saving user names and passwords. If user names and passwords are damaged or destroyed, you can use an archive copy to restore them.

    charmap - Symbol table. Used to insert special characters into a document. Special symbols - These are the characters that are not on the keyboard. These characters include complex signs of mathematical operations, exponential representation of numbers, currency symbols and letters of other languages

    certmgr.msc. - Certificates. First of all, certificates are used to identify users or devices, authentication of services or file encryption. Usually certificates are used unnoticed by the user. However, sometimes notifications appear that the certificate is invalid or its expiration date. In these cases, the instructions presented in the message should be performed.

    taskschd.msc. - Task Scheduler. If a specific program is used regularly, then using the task scheduler wizard, you can create a task, thanks to which this program will start automatically in accordance with the scheduled schedule. To perform these actions, you must log in as an administrator. Otherwise, you can only change the parameters of the current user account.

    devmgmt.msc. - Device Manager. Using the device manager, you can install and update hardware drivers, change the parameters of these devices and troubleshooting in their operation. The device driver is a software by which Windows can interact with a separate device. Device driver is installed to provide windows work With new equipment.

    diskpart. - Console utility for managing separations in volumes hard disk. The / add parameter is used to create a new partition, and / delete - to remove the existing one. Device variable is the name of the device for a new section (for example, \\ Device \\ HardDisk0). DRIVE variable is a letter assigned to a remote section (for example, D). Partition variable is a corresponding partition name naming rules (for example, \\ Device \\ HardDisk0 \\ Partition1); It can be used instead of a DRIVE variable. Size variable is used to indicate the size of the new section (in megabyte) the full list of commands utilities can be obtained by leading HELP

    dxdiag - Multimedia package technologies DirectX Used by many Windows games. If the computer does not set the required version of DirectXindicated on the product packaging, the game can work incorrectly. If there are any problems when playing a game or a movie, the DirectX diagnostic tool will help find their reasons. DirectX is a set of technologies used in many multimedia programs Windows OS

    diskmgmt.msc. - Disc management. The disk management tool in this version of Windows is intended to perform such disk management tasks as creating and formatting sections and volumes and assigning disc letters. The hard disk control differs from the management of programs and stored on the disk of information. Some control operations lead to a change in hard disk, such as formatting or redistribution of sections. Under the control of information on the hard disk, it is implied to streamline files and folders to improve the convenience of accessing information (or setting up their properties). In order to perform disk management tasks along with other programs command line You can apply the DiskPart command.

    eventvwr.msc. - View events. Program " View events"It is a Microsoft (MMC) control console snap-in and is designed to view and manage event logs. This is an indispensable tool for monitoring the performance of the system and eliminate the troubleshooting (for example, inappropriate launch of programs or updates loaded automatically).

    eudcedit. - Editor of personal signs. Personal symbols editor allows you to create your own characters and insert them into documents using the character table.

    fTP. - FTP protocol. FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files via the Internet. Usually the FTP is used to make files available to download by other users, but can also be used when sending web pages to form a website or to accommodate digital photos on the site with common access To images.

    firewall.cpl - Windows Firewall. The firewall is a software or hardware complex that checks the data included via the Internet or network, and, depending on the firewall settings, blocks them or allows them to go to the computer. Firewall will help prevent hackers or malicious software (such as worms) into your computer via the network or the Internet. Firewall also helps prevent malicious programs to other computers.

    iExplore. - Internet Explorer.. Microsoft Browser

    intl.cpl - Language and regional standards. You can change the format used in Windows to display information (such as dates, time, currency and units of measure) so that it meets the standards of the selected language. For example, when working with documents written in two languages \u200b\u200b(French and English), you can change the format into French and use the euro as a currency, and the dates are displayed in the day / month / year format.

    mMC. - Management Console (MMC). Place for storing and displaying administration tools created by Microsoft and other software providers. These tools are called snaps and serve to manage equipment, software and network components of Windows. Some funds located in the Administration folder of the control panel, such as "Computer Management", are equipped with the MMC console.

    msconfig - System configuration. System Setup Program is additional meansintended to determine the problems that can interfere with the launch of Windows OS in as usual mode. For launch Windows You can disable regular services and automatically downloadable programs, and then turn them on one. If the problem does not occur when the service is disabled, but appears after its inclusion, then this service can be a source of problem. The system setup program is designed to search for troubleshooting, but not to manage the download.

    mSInfo32. - Information about the system. Component " System Information"(Also called msinfo32.exe) displays detailed information on the configuration of equipment, components and software Computer, including drivers

    msra. - Remote assistant. Sometimes to troubleshoot the problem most conveniently to show anyone to show how it is done. Remote assistant Windows - this is convenient way For someone who deserves confidence, for example, a friend or technical support specialist, connect to a user's computer and help him find a solution to the problem, even if this specialist is not near

    msdt. - Microsoft technical support tool. Used to collect information about the problems arising during the operation of the computer and the subsequent sending of these information via the Internet in Microsoft Technical Support.

    mmsys.cpl - Sound. You can set to play sound sounds when specific events occur (event can be as an action performed by a user, such as logging to a computer and a computer that is executed, for example, an alert on receiving a new email message)


    Optionalfeatures. - Windows components. Some programs and components as part of Windows, such as IIS, must be enabled before use. Some other functions are enabled by default, but they can be turned off if they are not used.

    oSK. - Screen keyboard. Instead conventional keyboard You can use the on-screen keyboard to print and enter data. The on-screen keyboard is displayed on the screen with all standard keys. You can select the keys with a mouse or other indicating device, or use a single key or group of keys to switch between the keys on the screen.

    oDBCAD32. - ODBC data source administrator. ODBC is a technology that is used by programs to gain access to different databases (or data sources). For example, ODBC technology can be used to import data from the database. mySQL data in spreadsheet Microsoft Excel.. To do this, it is necessary that the required ODBC driver is installed on the computer and the data source is specified.

    perfmon. - Systemic windows monitor. You can use to analyze the impact of the performance of the computer performance of the computer both in real time and by collecting the log data for subsequent processing. Windows system monitor uses performance counters, event trace data and configuration information that can be combined into data collectors groups

    pSR. - Conditions for recording actions to reproduce troubleshooting. ACCOUNTING ACTION ACTIONS ACTION ACTIONS You can use for recording actions performed on a computer, including a text description of the lockers of the click and screen images of the screen for each click (called screen pictures). Recorded actions can be saved to a file that can use a support service specialist or another person helps to eliminate the problem on the computer

    powerCfg.cpl - Power supply. Power Management Scheme is a set of hardware and system parameters that control consumption and power saving computer. Power management schemes allow you to save energy, maximize the speed of the system or ensure the optimal ratio between them

    rstrui. - System Restore. Allows you to cancel the changes made to the computer system without affecting personal files, such as email, documents or photos. System Restore is the best choice when installing a program or driver that caused an unexpected change in the configuration of a computer or Windows OS, and the removal of a program or driver did not solve the problem

    regedit. - Registry editor. Tool intended for experienced users. This tool is designed to view and change the parameters in system Registrywhich contains information about the operation of the computer

    recDisc. - Creating a system recovery disk. The system recovery parameters will help you to restore Windows in case of a serious error. To use the system recovery settings requires an installation windows disk Or access to the recovery parameters provided by the manufacturer of the computer. If none, nor other, it is possible to access the system recovery parameters to access the system recovery

    gpedit.msc. - Local editor group Policy. Local Group Policy Editor is tooling the control console (MMC), which provides a single control interface by all parameters of local group policy objects.

    sDCLT. - Archiving and recovery. The Windows archiving program allows you to create a system image that is the exact disk image. The image image also contains Windows and system parameters, Programs and files. Restoring the system allows you to restore the status of computer system files to the previous time

    secpol.msc. - Local security policy. Used to view and modify Group Policy Security Parameters

    sFC. - Check the integrity of all protected system files and replacement wrong versions correct. Starts on the command line with administrator rights. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator

    sigverif - Check file signatures. The digital signature is the electronic security markup added to files. It allows you to check the file publisher and helps determine if the file has been changed after adding digital signature to it

    taskmgr. - Windows Task Manager. Task Manager displays applications, processes and services that are currently running on the computer. With it, you can control computer performance or shut down applications that do not respond.

    Tabletpc.cpl - Feather and touch devices. When working with tablet pc or touch screen You can perform a tablet pen or a finger of movement, called gestures for fast navigation and performing action

    verifier - Driver Check Manager. The driver is a program that ensures computer interaction with equipment and devices. Without drivers, a normal operation of the equipment connected to the PC, such as a video adapter or printer is impossible

    lusrmgr.msc. - Local users and groups. Snap "Local Users and Groups" is used to create users and groups stored locally on the computer, and control them

    wscui.cpl - Support Center. The support center lists important messages about the security and maintenance of the computer, which require the attention of the user. Red colors are marked with important messages indicating significant issues that need to be eliminated as quickly as possible.

    fXscover - Editor of the title pages of faxes. Component "Faxes and windows scanning"Included in this windows version, Contains four ready-made title pages. In this program, you can also create your own title pages.

    If some standard program does not work or works with failures, you can try to reinstall it. Open Windows Components Entering Team Optionalfeatures. In Start - Run. Select a component that you want to reinstall, remove the checkbox from it (a warning appears when some components are disconnected) Click YES And after rebooting the computer, I will again celebrate the component that turned off. For changes to enter into force, you will have to reboot once again.

    For more information on the Windows website. Visit Windows Website, which contains additional information, download and ideas for the maximum efficient use Computer running Windows 7

    In the section of professional skills or for more information Many indicate computer knowledge. But not everyone can make a list computer programs For a resume. Of course, it is better to specify only the software with which you really know how to work. After all, the recruiter may ask you right on the interview to show my skills.

    Writing rules

    To write about the skills of working with a computer. Personnelians are advised even to those people who claim the post not related to work for PC. Describing the level of ownership of this technique, you can specify a list of programs that you can use. You also need to write, at what level you know the computer. You can specify this as follows:

    • confident PC user;
    • average level;
    • initial proficiency level of computer.

    But it is not worth paining in detail about knowledge of certain programs. Each applicant can use this sample of writing this graph:

    Advanced user. Skill work S. basic programs MS Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), Graphics Editors (Picture Manager, CorelDRAW), programs for sending-receiving e-mail (Outlook Express). I know how to quickly look for the necessary information on the Internet, I can work with various browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Not bad knowledge of the features of the Windows operating system.

    The universal version of this section may look somewhat different:

    PC hold at the average level. The ability to work with MS Office programs (Excel, Word) programs, search and download the necessary information via the Internet (worked with Opera, Firefox browsers), I can change emails.

    Specificity professions

    There are a number of specialties for which you need to list the knowledge of programs that help work. Of course, to start a description is better with general information On the level of owning a computer and the ability to work with basic programs. For example, in a summary of the accountant, this graph may look as follows:

    Confident computer user. Knowledge of basic programs Microsoft Office.such as MS Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, skill working with email (including in Outlook Express, Mirramail, EmailopenViewPro). An excellent job skills in various browsers (worked in Opera, Google Chrome., Mozilla Firefox. And others). Knowledge of specialized computer programs: 1C: Accounting 7.7 and 8, sail, client-bank systems.

    Too big list with the listing of all kinds of software can give the opposite effect: the employer will solve that your knowledge is very superficial.

    It will be not bad if the applicant for the post of sales manager in addition to the list of basic PC programs also indicates knowledge of specialized. In his resume, the specified section of the Counts "Professional Skills" may look like this:

    Level of competent user. Speed \u200b\u200bskills in specialized information on the Internet, experience with various browsers (including Explorer, Opera, Chrome and others). Knowledge of the basics of working with Linux and Windows operating systems, main office programs, text and graphics editors (Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Work skills with specialized systems "BEST", 1C: Enterprise (Specification "Trade and Warehouse"), experience with the CRM system, regulating customer relationships.

    If the position requires deeper knowledge defined programsYou must specify them. So, to the position of PHP programmer, besides the ability to work with a PC, you may need the following: Knowledge PHP, API Social Sweet, WordPress API, CSS, HTML, JS, CSS.

    In the latter case, it is necessary to focus on their knowledge and on the requirements of the employer.

    If the development of new programs does not cause you difficulties, it is worth noting in the end of the section.

    Practical work number 3

    Takes to work in Windows. Standard programs and service programs of Windows.

    Objective:study desktop items, taskbar, main menu; examine the possibilities of standard Windows programs and additional features operating system.

    Theoretical Fundamentals of Work:

    Desktop elements.

    Desktop - This is a graphic environment on which Windows objects and elements are displayed. windows management. Task bar - Also a very important element of control.

    On the desktop are located labels (icons, pictograms), which are divided into two groups: systemic and custom.

    Systemic Part of the operating system and are necessarily on the desktop. These are the following icons: My computer, My documents, basket, Network Surroundings, Internet Explorer. They are usually impossible to rename and change them the icon.

    Custom Labels are created by PC users to quickly access files, folders and quick opening programs. Most often, the custom label is distinguished by the black arrow in the corner.

    1. My computer. With this icon, you can view any discs (including CD, DVD, floss, flash cards and other equipment), find them required folders and files and work with them.

    2. Basketspecial Windows object performing the function of the container. It serves to temporarily storing remote objects. Any object can be restored from the basket, and it will recover in that folder from which it was removed. If you click on the basket icon right mouse button and B. context menu Select a command Properties You can configure various parameters. For example, the checkbox "destroy the files immediately after deleting, without placing them in the basket" means that the files and folders will be deleted immediately without falling into the basket, and will not be able to be restored.

    3. My documents - This is a personal user folder. It contains two specialized personal folders: "My drawings" and "My Music". You can open access to personal folders for all users having account on this computer, or make these folders private; In this case, the files in them will be available only for this user. Windows creates personal folders for each computer user. The "General Documents" folder is also available in Windows to place files available to other users.

    4. Network. If several computers are combined into local networkThis icon will help to look for information on neighboring computers and work with it. If the computer is autonomous, then this icon is not needed.

    5. Internet Explorer. it program - browserdesigned to work on the Internet and watching web studs. It is convenient because Windows is already included. There are more convenient programs - browsers, but they need to be installed additionally.

    On the taskbar Be sure to be button Startwith which opens Main menu,sound indicators, keyboard, time, date and other icons that can configure the user. The taskbar displays the buttons open documents and programs therefore Windows is called multitasking OS.

    Main menu Contains two parts: mandatory and optional. The optional part is located above the gray feature, the command needs to be added to it. The following commands are in the mandatory part:

    - Programs . You can open any program installed on the computer.

    - Documentation . The list of recently opened documents from where you can quickly open the document or view the latest open documents.

    - To find . (Search) Most often this command is used to search. the necessary files and folders.

    - Help and support. Calling the built-in Windows reference system.

    - Perform. With this command, you can run any program if you know how it is called the startup file.

    - Setting. Allows you to configure the screen, mouse, keyboard, printers, scanners, enter passwords for user users, etc.

    Work with windows.

    Any window in the Windows operating system has three control buttons in the upper right corner: DIV_ADBLOCK215 "\u003e


    1. Windows, folded in the buttons on the taskbar, are not displayed on the screen.

    2. To restore the previous dimensions and position of the windows, right-click on the taskbar and select the Casque command or cancel the windows next to.

    3. To roll all windows in the button on the control panel, right-click on the taskbar and select Collapse all.

    To change the size of the open window, hover the pointer to its left or right border or angle. When the pointer takes the form of a horizontal bilateral arrow, drag the boundary to the left or right.

    Comment: The dimensions of the deployed window (in full screen mode) Change it is impossible.

    Creating a screenshot . To create a copy of the active window, press the keys. ALT + PRINT SCREEN . To copy the entire screen as it is displayed on the monitor, press the key. PRINT SCREEN. . To insert the resulting image into a document, open the menu Edit In the document window and select the command Insert.

    File attributes.

    Except I. extensions The file operating system stores for each file the date of its creation (change) and several quantities called attributes file. Attributes are extra optionsdefining file properties. The operating system allows them to monitor and change, the status of the attributes is taken into account when performing operations with files. Windows has the following types of attributes :

    1. the attribute of the read-only file ( read- oNLY) Protects the file from changes: To change or delete a file with this attribute, it is necessary to pre-remove this attribute. Files on CDs also have the read-only attribute to show that you cannot change these files;

    2. attributes "Hidden" ( hidden) and / or "system" ( system) Used some system files (For example, the main files of the operating system MS DOS - IO. SYS and MSDOS. SYS - have both of these attributes). The files with the "System" attribute are not moved to the program optimization optimization programs on the disk (type Speed \u200b\u200bDisk), are also usually not copied to a compressed disk when creating a compressed disk from conventional DriveSpace programs;

    3. the attribute of the file "Archive" ( archive) Installed when creating a file and is reset to backup programs to indicate that a copy of the file is placed in the archive. Therefore, the presence of the "Archive" attribute usually means that the file has not been made backup.

    Thus, most files have only the "archive" attribute installed. The remaining attributes ("read-only", "hidden" or "system"), as a rule, are not installed.

    Standard programs.

    In operating room windows system A limited set of application programs is included with which the simplest tasks can be solved if more powerful funds are not installed on the PC. it Standard programs. List some of them:

    - Notebook . The simplest text editor that can be used as a convenient tool for viewing text files;

    - Graphic editor Paint. . it simplest program To create and edit images. It does not match modern requirements. graphic programsbut is very simple and affordable, allowing you to master the main techniques of work with graphics;

    - WordPad text processor . As the text editor, notepad, serves to create, edit and view text documents, but performs one more important function - formatting Document. Under formatting understand the use of several font sets, text alignment methods, embedding in the document of drawings and other objects, their flow around text, etc.;

    - Calculator . Convenient program For mathematical calculations.

    Comment: We reviewed the most popular standard programs, others to consider independently using the help system!

    Service programs.

    Service applications are designed for service personal computer and the operating system itself. They allow you to find and eliminate file system defects, optimize software settings and hardware, as well as automate some routine operations related to computer service.

    These applications are opened by a team. Start / Programs / Standard / Service. They are supplied as part of the operating system and are installed with it.

    Comment: Purpose of service programs to explore independently, using lecture material and additional literature!

    Procedure for performing work

    1. Examine labels on the desktop .

    2. Examine the items of the taskbar.

    3. Display and hide Fast start panel.

    4. Open several windows simultaneously. For example: My documents, a basket and my computer.

    5. Try to move them across the screen, fold, deploy, change their dimensions using the mouse and achieve approximately the same sizes.

    6. Place open windows with a cascade, from top to bottom, from left to right. Close all windows.

    7. Rate shortcuts on the desktop, then arrange them automatically.

    8. Open the standard program Notebook And print in it any quit. Save in your folder under the name Poem

    9. Copy the text of the poem into the WordPad window and see what opportunities are available in this program. Save in your folder under the name copy and pay attention to which icon the document is preserved.

    10. Open the standard program Paint. And draw a Christmas tree in it. Save in your folder under the name Christmas tree. Please note what icon the document is preserved.

    11. Right-click on the files of the poem and Christmas tree. Select the Properties command in the context menu and read the contents of the opened dialog box. What attributes are set for these files?

    12. Examine what other standard programs are on your PC.

    13. Open the address book in standard programs and create two folders in it: Friends and colleagues.

    14. In each folder, create two contacts.

    15. Try around search for toolbar In the address book, find a friend added by you.

    16. Examine the remaining standard programs.

    17. In the Windows reference system, see the appointment of programs unknown to you.

    Report requirements:

    1. Wrong, what badges and indicators are on the taskbar?

    2. Write down which shortcuts on the desktop are custom, and which system?

    3. Describe what you need to do if folders and files are deleted to the basket, but it is empty?

    4. Record file properties poem and tree. (paragraph 10)

    5. Record what text formatting features there is a notebook in the program.

    6. Record than notepad and WordPad feature.

    7. Find in the help system and write down the answer to the question, what does the disk defragment?

    8. Calculate the following expression in the Calculator program and write down the report to the full answer: (23456 + () * 2-2345) / 3.

    9. Record which programs are presented in the standard program item Special features.

    Control questions.

    1. What elements are located on the desktop ?

    2. What shortcuts are called system and user?

    3. Why do you need a taskbel?

    4. What elements are located on the taskbar?

    5. Is it possible to configure the taskbar?

    6. What operations can be performed with windows?

    7. How to change the location of several open windows on the screen?

    8. Why do I need my computer icon?

    9. Why do I need a basket?

    10. Why do I need a network environment icon?

    11. Why do I need a program InternetExplorer?

    12. What are file attributes?

    13. What standard programs do you know?

    14. Why do Standard programs need?

    15. What is the Windows OS service programs?

    The program described above refers to the number of so-called standard programs. These programs are installed with the operating system, and their list is quite wide: a calculator, notepad, WordPad, Paint and many others. Dadim short description Some standard programs.

    Calculator, as well as its desktop analog, is used to produce arithmetic and functional calculations. There are two options for the calculator: Normal (Standard) and Scientific (Scientific) (Fig. 5.13), switching is made by selecting the appropriate command in the View menu. Help on the assignment of one or another Calculator button can be obtained using contextual prompt.

    As a device for selecting a "key" Calculator, the mouse cursor is used. For arithmetic calculations, you can have a set of numbers and signs of operations on the digital keyboard field.

    Fig. 5.13.

    With the help of the engineering type of the calculator, you can additionally compute in various number systems (binary, eight and hexadecimal); Functional, statistical and logical calculations.

    The use of number systems is convenient in the production of some auxiliary operations. For example, when writing a web page in HTML color Mainly set in the form of a hexadecimal number, which can be obtained if you can dial the decimal color value in the calculator and change the HEX key counting system.

    Functional keys of the engineering calculator are used to find the values \u200b\u200bof direct and inverse functions. The reverse function is called by setting the checkbox 1pa, for example:

    Arguments of trigonometric functions can be given in degrees, radians and hails.

    The need to allocate special buttons for the production of statistical calculations is caused by their widespread. The statistical window is called by button 81a. Data for calculations are entered into it with a button. OA. The remaining buttons are used to calculate the sum, the average arithmetic, rms deviation, etc.

    MS buttons, MI, MB, M + are used to work with the memory register.

    The notepad program (Fig. 5.14) is the simplest text editor. It allows you to process only one text Document small size; Does not support formatting paragraphs and fonts, in general it allows you to only gain some text. Against the background of existing programs for today text processing Notepad looks extremely primitive, but that is why it is indispensable, for example, when writing a run-page in NTMB code (other editors add a large number of service information, which significantly affects the file size).

    Special place among standard programs are service, in particular, disk service programs.

    During the work on the computer, the structure of information on the disk can be broken. The most common file structure errors occur. So, the disk remains sections of files that

    Fig. 5.14.

    the rye system considers engaged in information, but at the same time does not relate to any file (the so-called lost clusters). Another error - when the same part of the disk is recorded as belonging to two files at the same time (crossed files). Finally, the third type of errors when the file size does not match the value recorded in the file placement table.

    Of course, the disc itself fails at the physical level. This is usually characteristic of flexible disks, especially if they are operated without complying with the necessary precautions. In this situation, it is necessary to mark the properly spoiled areas of the disk, so that they are not used in the future to record information.

    To correct these and many other errors, the BSAPSlzk disk check program is used (Fig. 5.15). It is designed to restore the structure of the computer disks. The program is recommended to run after any abnormal situations, for example, when a computer is disabled. From preventive considerations it is recommended to check the disk regularly,

    Automatically correct system errors Check and restore damaged sectors

    Disc Check Local disk (B :)

    Disc check parameters

    ? ..............................????......

    Fig. 5.15. View of the BSAPPSK program window

    about once a month (this period depends on the intensity of disk working).

    Starting the program is made by the Start Program command - "Standard -\u003e Service -" Disc Checking. In the Disc Verification window, you need to specify the name of the discs being checked and define the parameters. When the standard is the standard, only the disk file structure is checked, as a complete disk surface is monitored for failed sectors. The program can work in the background.

    It is also recommended to run the program to check the quality of the flexible disc surface after each formatting it. As a result, you can mark all the bad sectors on the disk and reduce the likelihood of information loss.

    The file recorded on the disk is saved as a set of several minimum "pieces", the size of which is determined by the physical and logical parameters of the disk. Usually, the file entry is made in sequentially located sectors, but with intensive disk working when one files are deleted, others are recorded (including in place remote files) The situation occurs when the file is recorded in the sectors located in different parts of the disk.

    When working with such a file, it is natural, an additional time is expended (for example, to transfer heads that read information from the disk to another position, which is always slower than reading the sectors). A situation may be created when the proportion of such fragmented files will become significant (up to 10% or more) and the computer will slow down. Exist special programswhich can rewrite files on the disk so that they are saved in the form of sequentially read plots. This process is called disk defragmentation.

    The Defrag program allows you to defragment both ordinary discs and compressed.

    Fig. 5.16. Window Defrag program

    The start of the program is made by the Start team - »Programs -" Standard - "Service -\u003e Disk Defragment. A window opens on the screen (Fig. 5.16), where you want to specify the name of the disk for checking and its type.

    This program can work in the background. Practically defragmentation occurs in the pauses of the application program. True, if application program It will write to the disk, the defragmentation process will be restarted.


    The reference system Yindows contains a huge amount of information about the operation of the operating system and the computer and is designed to receive fast information According to the emerging issue. The reference system starts with the operating system. One of the components of the help system is constantly in the computer's memory and outputs the "pop-up" prompts screen, which appear when you hover over one of the desktop objects or to any button in the application. They contain information about the object associated or actions button.

    Calling the help window (Fig. 5.17) You need to select the corresponding command in the main menu or in the program windows press the "P1" key or the "?" Button In the title window.

    The Vindows HP Reference System is integrated with Megpes Even the structure of the help itself is a NTM file, organized as a page with frames (a window consists of two parts). Creating a reference system based on UEN technology strongly simplified the use of a reference system and receiving reference. Topics in the certificate are distributed on topics, sections and subsections. Each of the certificate sections is located in the left frame window of the reference system, which facilitates the search for the right topic. The names of the sections and subsections are hyperlinks for which the transition to the desired section is performed.

    The left frame has two more tabs: pointer and search. On the Pointer tab, the general full list The reference system built in alphabetical order. At the top there is an input field in which you can specify keywords for

    © Reference and Support Center

    O -3\u003e U. Pointer favorites magazine? E support

    Certificate section

    Request for support

    New opportunities y / ts1osh $ xp

    Music, video, games and photos

    Basics of work B.

    Computer Protection: Security Basics

    Work online and Internet

    Work in remote mode






    Printing and fax

    Productivity and service




    PTS\u003e -MSh-\u003e DT-and Aya "T.G."

    And invitation to connect for remote assistant

    Request for supporting or searching for information in news groups U / w (1OSH5 XP

    Choosing a task

    Update system using Windows Update Web

    in the search for compatible equipment and programs for

    And cancel changes by system recovery

    in the use of service programs to view information about the computer and troubleshooting

    Did you know?

    If you connect to the Internet, links to information center information and support are displayed in this area. If you want to connect to the Internet right now, run the new connected wizard and create a connection through the Internet service provider.

    Fig. 5.17. Window help

    search. As the text set the cursor in the list of topics moves, this circumstance is convenient to use for fast transition to the desired element. On the Search tab, the Extended Search option is implemented, the topic can be found by keywords In the text of the help itself.

    The right frame displays the help itself on the topic or partition. It can contain text and graphic hyperlinks, drawings, text, animation, also under the text of the help can be built on the background pattern.

    Above two reference frames is a toolbar that makes it easier to work with the reference system. Buttons back and forth facilitate the transition from one partition to another. L / E-help is used to launch the Interactive Support Service. Button Settings Used to configure Interface CA and transition from one section or topic to another. The Hide button removes the left frame from the screen and is simultaneously converted to the Show button. Similarly, the command hide the tabs from the menu called the parameters button.

    The help system can be called not only by the user, but also by the operating system or the application in the case when it is necessary to explain next steps Or, together with the mistake of the filed command.

    Some applications only partially use the reference system to display the help or do not use it at all. One example of partial use of the help system is the MS Office application. It has additional reference features, such as a call for an interactive assistant, which in the event of an erroneous situation displays the desired help.